Hi guys, In Angular 2 can I call emitter.emit("BS") only inside the evend handling function if emiitter is EventEmmitter or I can do it anywhere. If anywhere then the name EvenEmitter is a lie to some extent cause I can emit wherever I want.
I want to know because collegue states that when he changed my code to new string[0] some runtime error went away. And it is not one step build to see who is right.
I want to limit possible files uploaded to the server. I can check extension but also in HTTP frame there is a field called content-type and its' value is a MIME type. and I don't know what decides and how what content-type is set there, is it based on extension or sth else?
Guys, could you tell me how the content-type attribute is set in the HTTP header? If I have file without extension and it is an image is the MIME type always be invalid in the HTTP header?