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Hey guys are these outer ^ and $ are ncessary do they change anything here?
and this
are they match different strings?
Yes and grouping
but what these outer ^ $ changes in this example?
@Yoda no, just redundant
@KendallFrey "^" and "$" no need to find "start" and "end of string?
Can you tell parameters of regex?
No need to find the start of the string twice
I try to match string containing extensions delimited by coma then any number of whitespaces
strings cannot contain exceptions
But that regex(second one, didn't try the first one) doesn't match sth like that
2sf,fs,fs, fsgds
Ugly regex for that
Uh ok it should be
but how to simplify it? \w and [a-zA-Z0-9] are not the same thing
My version would be ^([A-Z\d]+(,\s*|$))+
@KendallFrey Ugly too
It's regex, what do you expect?
And not working
Please stop trolling
Your mother trolling
Im trying to help
Watch and learn
Doing well? Yes
Nice? Yes
Working? Yes
@Yoda Try this
@J.Doe That's not at all what he asked for
Not really working, because it will be fine with chars like _ ? ś ą ę etc. but thanks
Ok I have working regext, thanks for help
śąę - Are you pol?
@KendallFrey U see? I helped, you not
@J.Doe You wish you were special, don't you?
I want make world better
so log off
Well now would be a good time to start
I hate that way
MS what u done
i am beyond confused with aspnet
@peterpep what version?
I cant trust my gf any more
She dont want to use no-script
And enabling JS in browser
Also she using closed source stuff like snap and insta
thats the problem. i tried following an MSDN walkthrough on making a website but apparently it was for vs2008 or anysomething. so the asp.net configuration tool doesnt exist in vs2015 and when i managed to get it to run through some back way it wasnt working. i need to find a tutorial that is for vs2015
you can get a free 30-day trial on Pluralsight @peterpep
that would do the trick for ya
is pluralsight the best for one of learning? ive really been tempted to sign up for it, but the monthly fee is pretty high
aspnet mvc 5 is the same as asp core right?
visualstudio.com/dev-essentials gives a free period for Pluralsight, even if you used the trial before
i found this tutorial for aspnet mvc 5
3 months actually
awesom @JohanB
im def gonna take advantage of that!
@JohanB thanks!
No problem
its just frustrating sometimes
i think using pluralsight is gonna be really helpful for me
i was referring to trying to google tutorials as frustrating
it is topnotch
@J.Doe Does your gf use border-radius
@Failsafe LOL
@Failsafe Yes cuz disabling no-script with config without border-radius
Who need closed source trash like snap and insta?
BTW I like stallman.org
This is showing how pure HTML can be powerfull
It's showing something alright
yes pure html
what is impure html?
With CSS3/CSS4
Alos do u know how stallman watching webpages?
He sending request by GNUnet to send only HTML to his email box
This is something what can defend us from NSA, CSS and others sying tools
Stallman's site with border-radius
Checkmate, atheists
This isnt img?
Stallman know about border-radius
I talked with him about that
seems he didn't care
some people have funny hobbies.
what's the deal with border-radius?
@satibel Stallman working in MIT
I meant how can you spy with border-radius?
@satibel strap in, this is gonna be interesting
@rlemon U have right, i need to talk with him about that
Today i will send a mail
@mikeTheLiar I'd like to know, if this is something that works, that could be interesting.
spoilers it's insane paranoid rambling that's not based in any sort of objective reality
>insane paranoid rambling that's not based in any sort of objective reality
Dont describe your private life
Its true
Its insane for ppl without IT skills
I've had enough, you've been over this already, it makes no sense. My finger is ready to kick.
it's insane for the rest of us who don't don ourselves in tinfoil.
@rlemon wait you guys don't?
what the fuck have i been doing with my life then
no, I use aluminium foil. tinfoil doesn't stop the MLB satellites
major league baseball satellites?
damn they got $$$
You can't use duck tape, duck tape contains JS which is evil spyware by the MAN
@KendallFrey conscience is kicking cuz you trying to cheat youself about world? True is sad and painfull - NSA exist, PRISM exist, JS, SVG, border-radius spying, cloudflare selling data to FBI
Sad but true
Low Energy!
dammit roel
yeah but as an individual you can not fight that
I won in speed.
why do you kick him ~~
23 hours ago, by Roel van Uden
I don't give a shit so long as you don't go around offending people with your paranoia.
He offended me.
My conscience does not allow me to believe crazy talk, because I feel guilty when I do.
i kind of like him, he breaks the usual chain
What if you are just really crazy
but he's a one trick pony
> JS, SVG, border-radius spying, cloudflare selling data to FBI
is all I hear about
it's kinda fun watching him try to justify it .. but it does get old.
@rlemon also PRISM
@rlemon I think we had a bit of "jews control the world bank" rants as well.
To be fair
yea that was before the border-radius
the chairman of the fed is jewish
i don't get that border radius
LPT wash your hands
@Proxy I tried looking it up in mozilla's docs but couldn't find any known vulnerabilities like the one he mentioned.
and eventually your childrens children will be the heads of corporations
@Failsafe I base my beliefs on two unsubstantiated beliefs: 1) My senses are some generally accurate projection of reality. 2) Reality is self-consistent.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i wanted to check it to but i'm lazy :/
@KendallFrey except that one time you went to the bathroom, know you went. had a clean wipe and saw nothing in the toilet.
from what I understood:
you disable js in firefox
the site uses js and border-radius
the js on the website is executed.
that day reality broke
@rlemon pshh nah
It's easier to believe that my derived beliefs are false than that my fundamental beliefs are false
or rather were
I may have had a belief that all poo floats, but that belief was not based on evidence
Surprisingly, searching for "jews" on this room shows mainly coherent conversations.
Half of which are from @misha130 and me, for obvious reasons.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I think the more incoherent ones are pretty quickly relocated.
"Jewish" is just another way to describe people, like "intelligent"
so, you know
Concentrated, if you will. In the Trash Can.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Israel?
@rlemon Yup.
@mikeTheLiar Quite likely, yeah, now that you mention it.
As in Israeli army?
@KendallFrey The law's the law, yes.
I see a disproportionately high number of Israeli programmers on this site.
Mandatory draft.
I've met more people from Israel than Canada on here
@rlemon We're bored.
@KendallFrey not all poo float? Really?
@KendallFrey Yeah, he was here a couple of months ago, wasn't he?
Was never a big fan, though.
I haven't followed Jeff
@rlemon that's because canadians don't use javascript
I'm clearly in more rooms than JS
I don't believe you
@Failsafe ahem
if there's javascript, where is C#Script?
c# is a scripting language now?
@satibel Javascript is related to Java like Grapefruit is related to Grapes.
and JavaScript is now compiled in CLR
Calcium Lime Rust remover?
"JavaScript (or Java for short)"
the answer is simple, it was banned by the illuminati to prevent it from revealing that they are in fact reptiles from outer space.
I'd write the fuck outta that
does it use coffee modules
no it uses tim bits
is a tim bit a real thing
or did you make that up
a timbit can be true or false, and int is composed of 4 donuts
import {chocolate, honeydip} from 'twenty-pack';
@Failsafe timbits are real as they come
Q: Kicking, insulting and abuse of privileges on C# chat

J. DoeIm using C# chatroom in StackOverflow. From a few weeks i'm insulting, kicking by "moderator". I was called by him as "asshole", "idiot" etc. what i described to moderator @ThiefMaster at Jan 9. He and his crew trying to discredit me in other eyes as troll. Im not a troll at all He insulting and...

we are not fortunate enough to have a tim hortons this far east
could anyone help me a bit with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/41718904/…
i have to go to like...buffalo
which is 7h away
tims in the US isn't the same as tims north of the border
Hey, I got singled out in that thread. That's.. something, I guess.
you're famous
@rlemon we don't have the authentic canadian experience
@rlemon North of the border-radius you mean
I wanna be involved
no we love you
sup krab man
You know I was going to talk about the thing I'm doing in C# but I really don't want to interrupt this chit chat
Hell no you talk that C# shit boy
Go right ahead though, some serious C# questions might lighten the mood.
but you had such a nice flow going on
Why the hell am I in here
I figured some comments backing this room from someone not very involved (relatively impartial) in this room would be welcome...
@RoelvanUden How can I apply border-radius using C#?
@Cerbrus The meta thread?
Damn that got locked down quick
@Failsafe aye
I'll just be happy if this doesn't escalate into a whole freeze again.
I am so over that.
They might just ban JDoe
Console.WriteLine("hello @Sippy")
Just don't delete the meta question...
@satibel I don't know if that chat search link is really going to help
@sippy System.out.println("i hope you like webforms btch");
It's going to be Paninigate all over again
Console.WriteLine("oh yeah that good c# syntax.")
A good transcript doesn't single out on a single word. Just start a link at each point where paranoia ensues and JDoe brings it onto himself. Just using a search for asshole just doesn't do the whole thing justice, IMHO.
console.log(`the hell is that supposed to be?`);
> spying on us via border-radius
@Failsafe literally eat a dick
this is one of many mini-rants about this subject
he's kick-on-sight in the js room already for trolling
@Sippy wow flagged
how uncouth
Well my loop goes "index out of bounds" when it reads the only thing that's actual letters from my text file. I say this because when indexCol = 2 it goes to the catch and the third column in my text file is the one that contains a word. Everything else is a number (but I read everything as a string anyways because I don't need those numbers to be ints yet)
@rlemon I just posted that to the meta question
wow... that's paranoid if I ever saw it...
@rlemon I know ;-)
@rlemon Yeah I thought this room was being mild.
yay I got a mention!
" His "crew" like @rlemon and others downvoted this topic. Im writing now with this to administrator – J. Doe 2 mins ago "
Also "Im writing now with this to administrator"
Ya'll be my bitches
it's a pointless rant on meta. what did you want? upvotes?
1 reopen vote
@KendallFrey Problably by one J.Doe
ya think
Roel van Nudel 's crew
Does he have enough rep for a reopen vote?
make this a room.
@mikeTheLiar idk
i don't know if its good or bad that i don't understand anything your talking about right now
@Failsafe hey. Move it to Jicama guys
I want him to get a chat suspension
@mikeTheLiar Actually, yea.
250 rep to reopen-vote your own questions
Ah, your own questions
covering themselfs
@ntohl you cant just reference jicamajs
rlemon, mikeTheLiar, Kendall Frey are crew Roel van Uden and hidding him and covering themselfs — J. Doe 1 min ago
The greatest, most revolutionary framework on the planet
completely open source
oh @satibel
Jicamajs is portable
100% border-radius free.
but if we are going to be called a crew, can we at least be the CoolCrew?
can we be the JewCrew?
The C#rew
I was reading this too now
oh the fun
cuz he hates jews so much
This is why you guys were too soft on him.
wait am I being hated
Kick & ignore.
god damn it
> I know a lot about security
@Cerbrus because we're the Micrewsoft
@Frédéric Hamidi And dozens of insult me. Im talking with ppl in IT what they want to talk. I know a lot about security so im sharing my knowlege — J. Doe 1 min ago
Why am I here? :|
@BlueBarren hang around, it'll die down in a bit
@BlueBarren Idk
is this a quote from donald j trump @mikeTheLiar
We actually talk about c# a lot
@BlueBarren Why are any of us here? Why are we on this planet? What is the point?
but occasionally we have to take out the trash
@misha130 I bet trump uses border-radius.
@RoelvanUden No I meant why are we here at this base?
> post deleted
It's deleted...
I think that's how the quote goes
@Cerbrus He wants to build a border-radius
damn, I was writing :'(
@Failsafe Nice xD
1 undelete vote...
@Failsafe trying not to laugh.
Imo, if he wants public shaming, he can get it.
I don't think he wants his own public shaming
or maybe he does and thats the plan all along
We didn't even get to the part where got a week long ban and created a sock puppet to get around it
he did?
the 6 day ban like a week ago?
He will
unverified, but yea he did
had the same gravatar
whats the user name?
Same name, profile
occupied the same rooms
@Failsafe No puppet, no puppet. You're the sock puppet!
@Cerbrus not the same name
he stayed user19873945873495
@RoelvanUden well I got the quote wrong
Oh? Ah well, close enough
just the same pic and attitude
oh man i miss that show
RvB was amazing
@Failsafe up until a certain season it was
>certain season
Dec 22 '16 at 16:00, by rlemon
well, main account is suspended now and the sock is deleted.
got kinda bad right before they started using halo 4
can we talk about the page not found conspiracy on S.E. ?
we know that high privilege users can see this page. http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/341808/kicking-insulting-and-abuse-of-privileges-on-c-chat

listen to me before the stack overlords decide to mute me!
OG rooster teeth
note: this is a joke. (better safe than kicked.)
can we undelete the thread for moderator visibility
@satibel For a sec I thought you were a sockpuppet...
or at least let more than ThiefMaster know of this person
@Failsafe It only requires 1 more undelete vote
do you need a certain rep to undelete vote?
@Failsafe feel free to mod flag his chat message
@Failsafe Moderators can see deleted posts, so what's the point?
oh yea you're right
@vaultah Do they look through deleted posts?
Pretty sure they've been notified
by fellow moderators
Why would they be?

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