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How to set NodeJS environment variables from command line?
@derp On mac, I can just set it with "NODE_ENV=production". But on Windows, that doesn't take any effect. I googled this and got to know that I have to use "set NODE_ENV=production". However, I can't retrieve that from webpack.config.js.
Just as this thread illustrates, stackoverflow.com/questions/9249830/…
do you need to use the command line?
it's easy to just go to system settings and do it there
or use setx from cmd
powershell you need to use .net SetEnvironmentalVariable I think
nb with setx it isn't set in the current session
vm, boot into linux
@ZhengquanBai yep, just tried playing around with it
it comes up if you set it in the environment variables in system settings as @hsimah suggests
set only sets the variable in the current session scope
to make it a persistent variable use setx
except that doesnt make it available in your current session scope
thanks microsoft
yep, i've learnt to close and reopen cmd whenver i touch anything related to Path or other system variables
yep, I give up.
giving up isn't fun :(
do you just need to set and forget the variable?
Just stick to mac
I was just experimenting. I decided to just let it go.
setx NODE_ENV "production"
that's all you need to do
Thanks. Will try.
no =
hey guys, i'm a little baby noob. i have this code $("#unambiguous-div").css("opacity", 1 - $(window).scrollTop() / 700); however instead of affecting opacity, i want it to do transform: scale(xxxxxx). i guess i'm a little confused because the syntax of CSS transform is more advanced than usual, does anybody know how to properly implement this?
$(selector).css('transform', 'scale(' + value + ')');
but really, if they don't bring it back they're only hurting themselves
9 more* seasons doe
that got me excited
97 years tho
but then I remember 'six seasons and a movie' and see a classic harmon
he's all about dat hype
10/10 did not expect i.imgur.com/ryyiJAf.mp4
@BenjaminGruenbaum I updated the repo
@SterlingArcher oldie but goodie
i hate lists like this
you kinda assume that the other countries are legit and that's what they actually eat
but then you get to america and it ruins the credibility of the whole list
fucking ew
like literally 4 people in america have ever eaten deep fried oreos
the url including buzzfeed ruins the credibility of the whole thing
cuz youre only like 1 or 2 levels of irony deep
the weird american delicacy is peanut butter and jelly
that's perfectly normal
People in europe think it's weird
They just don't have peanut butter over there
that's what makes it normal
Good point
jelly is jam though
jelly is jell-o or whatever brandnomer you want to use
lol our weird delicacy is vegemite
No jelly is juice + sugar + pectin
Jam is fruit + sugar + pectin
it's not a delicacy, and it's not really australian, it's a copy of marmite from the uk
there's also a NZ copy
they also make marmite
but it's a difference one
I'd like to try marmite
I think I'd like it
we get their marmite here and uk marmite has to be marketed as 'our mate'
vegemite is better
but there's not much difference really
i uhh....don't like either
thats okay, it's pretty salty
i eat it out of the jar
they didnt include that rancid fish the icelandic people eat
Oh that was on the travel channel
idr which show
Vegemite and Marmite are both disgusting.
5 hours later…
Morning, Is there easy way to get commit history by all team members in vsts ?
lol, one of the communities I'm in has a slack team with a #stack-overflow channel for asking questions
@GNi33 I don't want to compare files, I would like to know what code changes are committed by my colleagues :)
across whole project
which is developed using several visual studio solutions
and you are using?
eh, nevermind, I misread that. So it's only for git, right?
yes on vsts
I'd be completely surprised if there isn't just a "commits" page on your interface
@GNi33 I think that's what I am struggling to find lol
it should really be one of the main navigation points
I don't know vsts myself
are you talking about getting the history over the web interface of vsts or in Visual Studio?
I want to know recent commits not for a repo but collection of repos in a vsts project
maybe this will help you out
@GNi33 that is it !!, thank you :)
i have a query toward it is correct or not "var accessStatus = (levelAccess.indexOf(level) != -1) ? true : false; "
it's also useless
how u can say ?
I'm that good!
@Dileephell the statement before ? returns with a bool anyways....
it's like "Do this and if it returns a value which is true, return with true. otherwise false". You can make it simply by "Do this and return the value". See the length of the sentence?
also, please be aware of the differences of != towards !==.
hi everyone! Is it possible to do something like this in react?
@Thaenor yes
I have never hosted a site
how do we host a static web page
on git hub
the doc is pretty confusing
@AtharvaPandey pages.github.com
Seems pretty straight forward
@BenFortune ref.addEventListener
@Thaenor No, just use the onClick attribute
nonono I want to avoid using onClick
It's the standard way to do things in React
sight.... it's a long story...
once upon a time there was a table... and evil designers wanted the table to do things when you clicked on it, but onClick in tr's is forbidend by the a11y wizard...
That doesn't sound right
it doesn't... but what else can I do?
Make a table out of <ul> and <li>?
that sounds even worse!
acessibility guidelines
aria-stuff and all that crap.
(including color contrast, letter sizing and spacing and, more importantly, click events only on clickable stuff)
@BenFortune I dont know I want to deploy my angular 2 app it doesn't seem to be working
@Thaenor if you only assign click event on the element by onClick then ... that element is clickable only ?
onClick is basically a lazy way to add a click event hook to an element.
you're right, this fixes nothing.
Could someone have a look at this kopy.io/vsQUG question is explained in code
hi guys
do we need to exit from the nodejs process when rabbitmq or redis doen't connect when the nodejs service startup ?
Don't you have reconnect functionality?
I'm using retry_strategy in the redis.createClient
var client      = redis.createClient({
  retry_strategy: function (options) {
      if (options.error && options.error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {
          // End reconnecting on a specific error and flush all commands with a individual error
          return new Error('The server refused the connection');
      if (options.total_retry_time > 1000 * 60 * 60) {
          // End reconnecting after a specific timeout and flush all commands with a individual error
Anyone know how to resolve files in your node module from the root directory of the module.

Therefore no need to `../../../../../../` and update all these paths overtime you move a file?
a good idea is to pass the paths as parameters from the controller module
What's the difference between these two approaches ? ( Angular2 component interaction via Service )
export class SharedService {
    caseNumber$ = new Subject<string>();   //components subscribe to caseNumber$

    publishData(data: string) {


export class SharedService {

  private caseNumber = new Subject<string>();
  caseNumber$ = this.caseNumber.asObservable();//components subscribe to caseNumber$

  publishData(data: string) {
any ideas why running this in node , always returns index.html instead of the one in build/index.html?

   var filePath = '.' + request.url;
  if (filePath == './')
    filePath = './build/index.html';

  var extname = String(path.extname(filePath)).toLowerCase();
  var contentType = 'text/html';
  var mimeTypes = {
    '.html': 'text/html',
    '.js': 'text/javascript',
    '.css': 'text/css',
    '.json': 'application/json',
    '.png': 'image/png',
    '.jpg': 'image/jpg',
    '.gif': 'image/gif',
@JoshuaBarnett use an npm package file then relative paths
Can I access parameters of parent functions in nested(nested(nested(nested))) functions? idk: jsfiddle.net/x6wrup1w/1
yes, but use arrow functions
@RaisingAgent Nice pz III btw
@SuperUberDuper :)
ive got a pz III/IV
Is there a way to pass waypoints as a parameter in google maps?
@SuperUberDuper a real one? In your garage?
i iwsh
@WorkingPig yes
use the UI its easier
I need to pass certain data with long and lat and create a road
Its boat road so I can't use address
what is your end result?
I have lat and long of a road I need to pass it to google with url parameter and show it on google map
hmm dont knwo , not worked with water ways
surpirsed that they dont have addresses
but you shoudl be able to pass lat longs into the route api
I hope it's possible, I can pass marker with lat and long thru url But can't find anything solution for road with long and lat...
Goodmorning! :)
Anyone ever worked with Ionic 2? I have a little question. I'd like to include a JavaScript library in my project, but I'm not sure how to..
This is the library: github.com/ariutta/svg-pan-zoom
A: Uncaught TypeError: fs.readFileSync is not a function in console

p0k8_NOTE: fs is a nodejs module, you cannot use it in Browser. Import the fs module, readFileSync will provide you the Buffer to use the split() function you have to convert the Buffer into String var fs = require('fs') var text = fs.readFileSync("./men.text"); var string = text.toString('utf-8'...

Q: Redirecting get to post? res.redirect to POST

p0k8_Here in the GET /facebook route i receive the authorization code from front-end after receiving that, i have to make a POST request to /facebook/signin How can I redirect GET /facebook to POST /facebook/signin router.get('/facebook', (req, res) => { // res.send(req.query.code); res.redi...

any solutions to these two questions
You won't get upvotes if you search - or even ask ... - for upvotes. The only way to get upvotes is by earning them.
the first one is an answer ...
haha, i didn't came here for upvote,
That first one is trash, shouldn't even be answered.
Redirecting get to post, please answer them, if one has a great solution
You can't.
It seems backwards too.
Actually the Uncaught TypeError: fs.readFileSync is not a function in console
Seems dumb question
but to the new comers, it may help
The OP hasn't done any research into what Node actually is, and is trying to run it in the browser. More of a close and RTFM
Yes, Even his comments were funny
he should have at least try to research and explore something
Hey Ben.
what ideas for the get to post
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
what can be done to this?
this is happed when the redis server went suddenly offline
handle it :P
Error: Redis connection to redis:6379 failed - connect ETIMEDOUT
try catch ?
Q: How to refer one schema inside another with mongoose?

face turnI have Schema defined for the location as follows, locationSchema.js module.exports = function () { var locationSchema = { city: { type: String }, latitude: { type: String }, country: { type: String }, ...

Hi, can anyone help OP to understand this answer may be my answer is not accurate.
@p0k8_ Your logic seems backwards.
@BenFortune do you know the answer?
@BenFortune but it says Unhandled 'error' event
@BenFortune backwards, didn't get it
fromt the get route i'll take the query object and use that in the post route, I can do it by calling redirecting to the post and passing the query object in req object body, But I think there may be better solution then this
@underscore Because you aren't handling the error event....
client.on("error", function(err) {
    if (err) {
        return console.error(err);
is this?
@p0k8_ Yeah but why are you redirecting anyway? Why can't you handle everything in the same route?
Using a GET request to login doesn't sound right, moreso isn't very secure.
that's also FUD
it doesn't sound right, but it's just as secure as a GET.
@BenFortune Yeah I can do that too. Does this question have meaning or Sense????
@BenFortune, Any explanation for saying backwards to this question?
Well, going from GET to POST is a start.
@BenFortune any explanation what does that mean? GET to POST is a start
Hello guys,
How do I implement a Weirdo?
The Person goes fine but the Weirdo not so much, how do I implement these functions.
Q: Google Maps Pass Long & Lat and create route and disable google maps categories

Working PigFirst question: Currently, I'm busy with creating a map with google maps API on one of my client sites. So everything you see on the screenshot under is created by my own code and Google API. I need to build in a new future. With this new future, after clicking on button "Open in maps" I nee...

I'm going to start checking out apartments in a week or so. Chances are I won't be thinking of the right stuff to ask. Any suggestions? Stuff like "have there been any problems with mold" and other maintenance stuff
@towc what do you mean bro
exactly what I said
Exactly. but i didn't get it
can i be roommate :P
but why
i am too searching for rooms
you don't smell nice
@towc Average heating/electric bills
and I'm going where probably no one wants to
seems dangerous step @towc
Do the neighbours cook meth?
@towc hey bro life is beautiful :P
@BenFortune is that a pro or a con? :P
@BenFortune do you live alone?
own the place or rent?
@BenFortune lives with me @towc
go away
@towc Yeah, I own a house
@BenFortune what are common issues you face?
or that you wish you knew about before buying/looking into buying
Shit breaks a lot. Repair men are expensive
@towc Nothing really, just general maintenance
Keep a rainy day fund for when stuff royally fucks up
Boilers are expensive
Furnace stops? New motor needed? That's $500
$500 :P
would that affect me as a tenant? There is always the issue of how quickly the owner would fix things
thats way expensive
But if you're renting most of it isn't your problem. Make sure your landlord is upto the job of replacing stuff
Dishwasher pump breaks.. that's a repair or a new dishwasher.. random shit you have zero control over hits end of life unexpectedly
one time my toilet broke so I peed in the back yard for a month
@Mosho What about number 2?!
@p0k8_ unexpected $500 bill is never a happy thing
@Mosho naughty boy
@BenFortune well...
@Mosho I just used the upstairs toilet
that broke too
@rlemon haha,
Replaced a toilet in this place in my first year. Did it all myself. Was proud
that is a skill I am just not interested in having
well, ofc how the apartment "behaves" is important, but I also need to test the owner of how responsive with issues he might be. Anything in specific I could ask about?
@rlemon you got more jobs bro
@Mosho me too
@Mosho plumbing isn't that bad. When I installed the dishwasher I only had one bad valve and only minorly flooded the kitchen
at least it wasn't shit-water
any good books for oop javascript
You don't know JavaScript
that's not nice
@BenFortune i know javascript :P
no you don't
@towc i no:P
i know javascript haha
@BenFortune got it :P
prove it to me
eh playing dark souls 3 with banana's : reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/636a7e/…
Hello guys,
How do I implement a Weirdo?
The Person goes fine but the Weirdo not so much, how do I implement these functions.
Am I doing it right: ng-class=":isActive ? 'fa fa-times-circle-o': 'fa fa-check-circle-o'" because it doesn't work with me!
@Yoda doctor google "typescript implement interface" ?
Q: How to go about not destroying the image quality and rendering it on any browser?

jomin_george94Below I have provided a screenshot of what I have : https://gyazo.com/8ead78e3b0ccf98be99d1d90b63a6b88 As you can see from the image the quality of the images are really bad not to its best even though the pictures them self are high pixels with detail to pin poing everything. I find it hard to...


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