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anyone familiar with MD5 checksums (in general)? I'm just curious about how people use them to verify the "integrity" of a downloaded file.

I understand the overall concept, but to me, If a file was maliciously edited / compromised, whats to say that the MD5 sum in the HTML of the host server hasn't also been compromised?
5 hours later…
@Michael I think integrity here has nothing to do with compromised servers
the MD5 checksum enables you to verify that the file came down completely
not that it is safe to use
say you're downloading a plain text file over an unreliable connection and your connection breaks after you downloaded 75% of the file
you could still read the first 75% and then be surprised to find out that the rest of the file is missing
but if you had verified the MD5 checksum after the download stopped then you would have known that immediately
Good Mornin' fellas!
just me
also the MD5 checksum prevents an automated man in the middle from compromising what you download.
and it allows you to check if you have the right version already.
if there is a MITM that replaces a particular file with a malicious file then there is a fat chance that the same MITM can modify the page that gives you the checksum
if you want the full ascii :
`foreach (char s in input)
output += Convert.ToChar((s - key[i % key.Length])%128);
else, you'll have to convert to upper or lower case, then substract 'A' or 'a', modulo 26, and add 'A' or 'a'
@satibel hit ctrl+k to format
@StevenLiekens a naïve one would be "free wifi" and if you download a file it packages it with an opencandy, you could not replace easily the md5 before downloading the file.
@Nerdintraining thanks, forgot the shortcut (I usually use backticks)
Morning, y'all.
@satibel not easy but possible
@satibel np :)
morning :)
@SebastianL haha i've got a guy at my school called Sebastian, his surname starts with an L aswell :D
@Nerdintraining sadly it cant be me, im not in school anymore ^^
And my friend doesn't programm in C# (Java/Android)
@SebastianL No, no, you misunderstood. I spoke in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, thus I must be right, thus it has to be you. Simple.
Seems legit!
@Nerdintraining Especially if you're used to the nuances of camelCase/PascalCase. I imagine people who aren't have a harder time with it.
Morn all
@StevenLiekens the best bet would probably be to strip all references to an md5 hash though.
good morning @Ggalla1779
Hi there guys. Got a linq question: Does anyone know if there's a (significant) performance difference between !Context.Table.Any(x => x.Id == command.Id) and Context.Table.Find(command.Id) == null? Both should short-circuit at the first result...
It's probably up to the LINQ provider, but I'm guessing both will generate the same SQL. Try adding a logging statement to see the generated query.
Good point... Entity Framework, gotta dig into where to find the resulting query, then :P
@Cerbrus Depending on the LINQ provider, but the first one can short-circuit without materializing an entity, while the second must materialize the entire entity only to do a null check. The first should be faster.
:34921497 Context.Database.Log = s => Debug.Writeline(s);
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Nifty
Let's have a look...
1000000 iterations may be a little optimistic for a test...
algorithm vs workflow, what's the difference ?
@Mathematics Basically algorithms are for computers, workflows for human.
(though algorithms can be used by humans too, but I don't do nuance.)
workflow have lifetime
@satibel "I don't do nuance" would be a great slogan to print on a baseball bat.
1: `.Any(d => d.Id == 1)` > 21918 ms

        1 AS [C1]
        FROM [dbo].[Departments] AS [Extent1]
        WHERE 1 = [Extent1].[Id]
    )) THEN cast(1 as bit) ELSE cast(0 as bit) END AS [C1]
    FROM  ( SELECT 1 AS X ) AS [SingleRowTable1]

2: `.Find(id) == null` > 35027 ms

    [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
    [Extent1].[Name] AS [Name],
    [Extent1].[Classification] AS [Classification],
    [Extent1].[LocationId] AS [LocationId],
    [Extent1].[ParentId] AS [ParentId],
Don't use .Find for that :D
I see that TOP (2) in our SQL logs as well. It's weird. Why 2?
@satibel are you serious ? as I am about to laugh
.Find throws an error if there's multiple results
@Cerbrus I suspect that, as @RoelvanUden surmised, that Find call attempts to materialize an entity (and return null) whereas the Any call attempts to create a boolean query.
So it can't break at the first result.
The null check isn't on the DB
At least, not with entity framework, it seems
Any way, thanks for the assistance. I suspect I'll use that logging some more in the future :D
so no one knows the difference between workflow and Algorithm then ?
yes, I know the difference practically but how would u explain it in theory ?!
Depends what you mean by workflow
@Mathematics: The question is a little unclear.
A flowchart is a diagram using different shapes (for different purposes) and arrows in order to demonstrate workflow, a process, or an algorithm. A flowchart may be quite simple or extremely complex. When I was a teacher, I had my students use flowcharts to plan a writing assignment (depending on the type of writing). I still use them at times when making a decision
@TomW give me any possible answer
Who mentioned flowcharts?
@Cerbrus I know that already, which is why I asked :)
I think Worklfow is how the work flows through your organisation
in here.. thats tasks...tasks can be assigned to dept / section
'Workflow' can mean anything, so the question is unanswerable
it can also mean workflows in Filenet...they use that in here
@TomW so does Algorithm...
To me they are name of same thing
Morning all.
Algorithm terminology is more towards programming and mathematics whereas workflow terminology is towards business processes
Workflow: noun. Movement of work from one department or employee to another
@Squiggle oh comn... you are dragging it away now :P
When to use stcut and when to use class?
@Nerdintraining If you gotta ask, use class. :)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan touché :D
@Mathematics I was serious about workflow have states, while algorithm have not. You talk about the algorithm as a whole. Check the algorithm, how fast it is, how to implement. In workflow You are also considering where are You standing right now
It's the nerd's way to write struct msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229017.aspx had the answer anyways :)
@ntohl Algorithm can have states too.. you are talking in context not in general
@Mathematics I think you're overcomplicating matters. An algorithm is a term used in computer science, mostly, to describe a process to perform a complex action. A workflow is a term used in business, mostly, to describe a process to perform a complex action. The context is the main issue here.
@Mathematics that was what I meant.
It's often the case that a workflow is performed by people whereas an algorithm is perfomed by computers, but that's immaterial to the definition itself.
Our system has a module called "Workflows", where a user can define steps to perform when a certain trigger occurs, which can be automatic or manual.
I'm trying not to laugh, I'm using windev (some french proprietary IDE)
it managed to fail at search and replace, and replaced the wrong text.
NOT EVEN NOTEPAD failed this hard.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan are you not repeating what exactly I said above :S ?
@satibel have You seen codeblocks?
@satibel maybe but sorry you didn't used the correct words which made your answer far from reality
@Mathematics Yeah, I noticed that later. Mainly wanted to say that questions of having state/not having state are irrelevant.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan this was my reply too @Squiggle too :P
states are irrelevant
anyway I think I got what I needed, thanks for the help guys !
well, that was a quick answer, probably too quick, but I never heard of workflows outside of using them with peoples, and I never heard of an algorithm to package and ship products.
@satibel in codeblocks if You write a too long line. Sometimes. It happens to go into berzerk mode, and You can write only in replace mode, instead of insert. If You save the file, the saved file will not be the same, that You see in the IDE
Good morning all
@ntohl It's a feature.
@ntohl I remember trying to use Eclipse a couple of years ago where the text rendering would flip out and text selection would be offset from where the text was actually shown on screen by a couple of pixels.
Eclipse. <shudder>
Last time I used it was much better, actually.
I started to understand the mindset behind Eclipse, and its advantages and (mainly) disadvantages.
Eclipse is the Anti-IDE.
If the I in IDE stands for "Integrated", meaning that you have a whole set of features - code editing, project management, debugging, etc - all integrated into one streamlined product, then Eclipse is like that, only without the whole "streamlined" thing.
The Eclipse TFS plugin was remarkably well done for a community project. It even crashed randomly, just like the one for VS2013!
It's just a shell, a skeleton on which you can hang anything. Which means you can build a smooth, streamlined IDE on it. But it isn't one, out of the box. Not even for Java, its main use case.
Out of the box, it's a distinctly unintegrated set of features and plug-ins that were developed separately, without much care about the bigger picture. Conflicting keyboard shortcuts, multiple ways to do the same thing (project explorer vs. package explorer!) and others.
I still don't know what the difference is between the 3-4 different Find in Files dialogs in it.
oh. The pain. Trying to install a usable Vim plugin into eclipse... I had to reinstall it a lot
I use notepad++, and it works well enough in most cases, I wish it would have better autocomplete though.
use gVim and You look more professional, and ask for a raise.
and there is a dumbcomplete in it
which looks through the text file, and completes a word in it, if it's find one with the same beginning
Are you allowed to post code in this chat?
Yes, but we would prefer a pastebin/gist for more than a couple of lines, and please format it with ctrl+k
any idea why it says the value is too low or too high for a char on decrypt
Thanks for not doing either of the things that I just asked you to
Sorry, when i pasted the text ignored the starting tab
at line 22 i get an error saying the value is either too low or too high for a char. I know the sum is negative but how should i fix when the value gets below 0 it start on 128
Yo again guyz
that won't be great, but as a temporary fix, maybe
    var mychar=(s - key[i % key.Length]) % 128
    while(mychar<0) mychar+=128;
    output += Convert.ToChar(mychar);
Ugly but work
though you might have a problem with getting control chars in your encrypted text.
var mychar=(s - key[i % key.Length]) % 128
output += Convert.ToChar(mychar<0 ? mychar+128 : mychar);
should work, modulo of a negative number is always less than the number you do the modulo with, so the while behaves as an if.
does anyone here agree that it's a design flaw that the FileSystemInfo doesn't have a Parent property, that the only way to get the parent is to cast to FileInfo to access the Directory property or cast to DirectoryInfo to access the Parent property?
That's not a flaw, it's a design choice.
@RoelvanUden youtube.com/watch?v=FKTxC9pl-WM (not friday)
Might interest you :)
I'm.. not gonna continue watching it now.
3 minutes in and I'm dozing off, I should be working
It get's good down the line imho
How was NewYearsEve Sensai?
vaporwave keeps me awake all day long~
hacking time itself in this api
T'was fine thanks :-)
Guys, could you tell me how the content-type attribute is set in the HTTP header? If I have file without extension and it is an image is the MIME type always be invalid in the HTTP header?
Only if you train me for a year to use the force.
Are you using linux or java? xD
I recently got back to it after listening to simpsonswave
@Yoda You'll have to give us some context. MIME types aren't related to files and file extensions.
I want to limit possible files uploaded to the server. I can check extension but also in HTTP frame there is a field called content-type and its' value is a MIME type. and I don't know what decides and how what content-type is set there, is it based on extension or sth else?
I write code on the server side of course
If it is based on extension it has no use for me
because it doesn't add any information
Any client can set any content type.
It's no different than a file extension.
You can set your server to only accept image/png, for instance, but an attacker can always take a virus EXE and send it pretending to be an image/png.
NEvert trusy user and anything what was send. Always check "magic numbers" of file (hex signature), MIME type request and extension
There is no better way to do that
@Yoda NEVER rely on something the client send as a descriptive property
Never trust anybody in internet, especially this chat
Never trust anyone on this chat to tell you whether to trust anyone on the internet.
Never trust anyone who likes javascript, linux or java*
or c++
Never trust anyone that tells you not to trust anyone who tells you not to trust anyone.
@Yoda possible exploit scenario: User uploads a "evil" png and executes it as a bashscript in a searchbox (cuz it was not escaping special characters)
@Yoda File extension and MiME are clues. To be sure about the type of file, check the file header.
@J.Doe I like JavaScript
@RoelvanUden nice to hear :)
Didn't you see the video?
Training is useless :D
@KendallFrey So i dont trust you. Ppl, dont trust him! :D
@Nerdintraining I paused at 3 minutes, I'll watch it later.
@RoelvanUden To be 100% sure, you need to open the file.
Sensai, not you, the other guy (Failsafe)
@KendallFrey That's what I said, check the file header.
(see where the arrow leads to) :D
I meant the whole file
@RoelvanUden Magic numers, MIME and extension. The best cover for taking files from user
@KendallFrey as root
As in open in an image viewer
Oh that's a bit much for an automated process.
@J.Doe Magic numbers == file header.
if it's an automatic process it obviously doesn't have to open it in an image viewer
>opening anything from internet
What you say
The only way to prevent all malware being uploaded is to block all uploads
-Roel Van by scan the header you mean scan the first 256 or 1024 bytes of file? right
In computer programming, the term magic number has multiple meanings. It could refer to one or more of the following: A constant numerical or text value used to identify a file format or protocol; for files, see List of file signatures Distinctive unique values that are unlikely to be mistaken for other meanings (e.g., Globally Unique Identifiers) Unique values with unexplained meaning or multiple occurrences which could (preferably) be replaced with named constants == Format indicator == === Magic number origin === The format indicator type of magic number was first found in early Seve...
Whoat, what linking
@Yoda only what you need to have the required confidence in the file type
@Yoda Determine what you want to accept and see if any of the file headers match.
how can I
Assert.AreEqual<double>(12.3, mydouble);
without having assertion error Expected : <12,3>, Real : <12,3000001907349>. ?
@RoelvanUden what do you mean by header? Signature of the file? listed b J.Doe?
Can someone explain why there is no "ending" signatures? Some file extension need to have proper ending of file like *.PNG
@Yoda yah
I mean Header signature - Content - Ending signature
@satibel Maybe you should give us an example that shows the problem
@KendallFrey well, it is in the question
Assert.AreEqual<double>(12.3, mydouble);
basically double rounds badly
@satibel Which Assert is this from? MSTest? NUnit?
@satibel I meant an example that does show the problem
@J.Doe There's a difference between signature, which identifies the file type (and which would be stupid to put in the end) and data needed to render the file properly.
If the file starts with "GIF89a", it's a GIF, even if its Local Color Table is broken - you know it's a GIF and not an EXE.
@satibel you probably have localization problem the decimal separator probably should be . that why parsing goes wrong
An unviewable GIF, but a GIF nonetheless.
If a GIF falls in a forest and no one is around to see it, does it still animate?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan But som extensions have ending signature of file (for example if you add some bytes to end of *.png will be proper parse cuz its after close file). Its for me strange to check only 1 thing when we can chceck someone more complex
All for security
@J.Doe Then you'd be validating the file, not identifying it.
@J.Doe So you can read like the first 4 Bytes of a file and determin it's format from that?!
or how does that work?
There are good uses for both.
my bad, I forgot to switch from float.Parse to double.Parse
I feel dumb
@Nerdintraining Yeah. There are libraries out there that do file type recognition for you, with databases of many common formats.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Your true, validating isnt identifying
Validating will almost always be a much more resource-intensive operation, so it's appropriate in different contexts.
I want to try to do it myself.
Just to give me a heads up, would i have to use a BinaryReader?
@Nerdintraining the first bytes of a png file are 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a in hex
@Nerdintraining That would be the easiest way to read X bytes from the top of the file, yes.
Challenge accepted!
@Nerdintraining Check out this as well:
byte[] bytePNG = File.ReadAllBytes(@"icon.png");
string text = Console.ReadLine();
byte[] toBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text, 0, 100);

byte[] spacer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("!@#$%^&*()+");
byte[] rv = bytePNG.Concat(spacer).Concat(toBytes).ToArray();

File.WriteAllBytes(@"Ok-icon2.png", rv);

byte[] bytePNG2 = File.ReadAllBytes(@"icon2.png");

string result = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytePNG2);
Regex regex = new Regex(@"\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\+(.*.)");
Match match = regex.Match(result);

Adding text to end of png
What will be validated by everything
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan thanks, looks lika a way beter overfiew
I wrotten this a few month ago
@J.Doe Is this a way to send messages to your secret lover? :P
Hidding text worked on facebook
Even after resized
Trivia bit: EXE files' magic numbers are the bytes 4D 5A, ASCII for "MZ". This was chosen by Mark Zbikowski, one of the developers of MSDOS.
That reads almost like Lebowski
@Nerdintraining That's a form of steganography, the name for various techniques for embedding data inside other data.
I love that
Hidding data in normal files <3
I still don't get the Regex match though :D
And so it's perfect for hiding porn?
Child porn speccially
Regex find "from where i need to start read hidden text"
Steganography with pictures is fascinating.
please dont hide your child porn so the fbi can find you
Yeah, hidding in bits of file data is awesome too
This was my midday-hack at steganography github.com/Deathspike/conceal
NSA lockin confirmed.
Truthyfully tho, full blown encryption is way better
but it was a fun exercise
Now i am wowed Sensai!
guys, as a response from HttpWebRequest I get a xml and (I hope) pdf file, how can I reaad it in c#? gist.github.com/Dessambe/19f62a2dc221e48b1d2048533a29c826
There is better way when you using PNG, read about chunks
Eh? Hiding an image in an image means there is always degradation. That's what the LSB stands for.
My way not degraded image cuz it was after and but still worked even on FB ^^
But i know LSB
You just appended data to the end of the file?
Another trivia bit: Steganography and Stegosaurus share an etymology - both are derived from ancient Greek stegos "covered".
@RoelvanUden Yes, and data survived even after resize
That makes no sense
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Wat
just use some ram with a battery, and have a program write to it at a set offset in real mode.
what? nobody uses real mode anymore? what year is this? 2007?
@J.Doe I've been muted in tis chat for 30 minutes saying the "n word" so take care^^
FB resizer read from start file to end signature of extension. Anything after this is copied
@J.Doe There is no reason to copy appended data into a new file.
Dont tell me this
@J.Doe "of extension"??
I know
@RoelvanUden Unless you want to preserve steganographic payloads.
Im only using it
<insert conspiracy>
Insert? I'm pretty sure I'm already here.
@J.Doe Everything you said makes no sense at all. Please elaborate.
is it a good idea to have a test test more than one method?
@satibel If it's a unit test, probably not.
If it's an integration test, also probably not.
Your test should test one thing. If your one thing requires several method calls, perhaps your API is a bit wonky.
@Nerdintraining It was meme i.ytimg.com/vi/uZYktoPTB9Q/hqdefault.jpg
Don't abuse Fuuko or Nagisa :-(
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I have basically a
`bar fooToBar(foo)`
and a
`foo barToFoo(bar)`

my test looks like
foo f=new foo("test");
bar b=fooToBar(f);
Assert.AreEquals(f.str , barToFoo(f));
@satibel And if your test fails, where's the error, in fooToBar or in barToFoo?
I test them both separately before.
Maybe it's overkill because they should work together if they work independently, but I prefer to check.
sorry guys for repeating myself, but do you know how to retrieve the content of this response in c# (separate xml and pdf): gist.github.com/Dessambe/19f62a2dc221e48b1d2048533a29c826
@satibel In the context of the unit test, they don't work together - each test comes to test one thing - and that one thing is one of the methods. This way, if you break one of them later, you know which one, because you know which test fails.
Also, if you break them both - your fooToBar generates a faulty Bar, and your barToFoo ignores the fault and generates a valid Foo - you'll think your code is correct, when in fact it's storing a faulty Bar somewhere, which could bite you in the ass later.
ok, thanks ^^
@Dess How are you retrieving this request?
Response, sorry.
What's making the request? HttpClient?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan fiddler
What you have there is a SOAP response.
More specifically, a MIME/Multipart response containing two parts, one containing a SOAP envelope and payload, the other containing a PDF.
You can probably use something similar to this - create a StreamContent (or StringContent, maybe?), read the data into it, and use its ReadAsMultipartAsync extension method to read it.

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