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It's a stock trade thing
One of the places were they ruin shit for the rest of us
oh, cool
@OliverSalzburg I'd trust that more than a godaddy seal
just saying
henceforth, you can start your own validation company
you can start working with small companies, such as microsoft or google
@OliverSalzburg hahaha, why am I not surprised
Is anyone like experienced with user interfaces (frontend) ?
I need a tip
!!welcome altayakkus
@altayakkus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i forgot that.
so, I have to get my client to enter his restaurant menu
and I cant really think of an way to do that effectively
ask him kindly
a form, maybe?
like as an UI
@Neoares haha
make it a form that already looks like a menu display
with + buttons for adding stuff
@KamilSolecki ye but there are so many thinks to think of
thats a good idea actually..
what im thinking exactly is todo-list style thingy
thats a great idea man
he can add headers (Like soups, main courses etc.)
then under those categories he can add items
do you know any user interface thing I should that with, I am currently using semantic ui and bootstrap and plain js (jquery sometimes)
btw this is my current site
doesnt look that good and a bit complicated
btw "Categorys" is spelled "Categories" ;)
thank you I am an german native speaker, I frequently talk english but things like that are pretty hard if you didnt grew up using them :D
changed it in my language file
@AltayAkkus if you give me an hour I could find / spin up a sketch of what I have in mind
that would be totally great, this is my 3rd form now, and Im beginning to see flaws again :D
@KamilSolecki What do you sketch with?
react lol
its gonna be faster to code a visual than draw it I guess
@Neoares I like that approach!
Microsoft is probably a shitty client. They'll force you to run everything in Azure
Just because
haha :D
I worked with IBM in the past, and I had to run my shit on IBM servers and use DB2
That's when I was building shit in Flash/PHP/MySQL, just to give you an idea of how much that fucked me up
lol, I have an internship at an company, that company was hired by another company to fix smth, so they pushed an small 100kb include file to the IBM Project Mangement System, they pay over 10k for the license, and they needed solid 6 hours
But, god forbid, someone realizes that part of a piece of software they're running runs on competitors stuff
@AltayAkkus And people say the computers are killing jobs!
that flash php mysql combination reminds me off myself developing my first website, an simple recipe website, and I was like nearly finished, and a dude came to me and asked me to explain that website to him. I showed him the PHP Scripts and so on and he said "Well, you made it into the last century, congratulations"
I was using plain PHP lmfao
ok that was like 4 months ago but still xd
I am 15 im allowed to that
What I was thinking of happened in 2008
@KarelG I've looked at that branch that I can't checkout, I can't check anything out over the commit which says, fatal: bad object

What are my options?
I love stackexchange
stackoverflow questions: "Artifactory: Local Pypi repos 'slow' after upgrade to new artifactory 5.10.3 with new Pypi support"
other communities: "Shapes for an infinite animal?"
its great
@OliverSalzburg to the computers are killing jobs thing I can say its partially true
Every automatisation kills Jobs, but in the end the CEOs which do this sharpen their own knife
in an automated world you cant just have 50% of the population being poor
@AltayAkkus Of course, but with some systems we deploy, we first cut back on human power and then later hire back twice the human power to maintain the system
@OliverSalzburg then work with amazon
someone wanna see a php meme
they won't force you to use AWS, but still... use it
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=databasename', 'username', 'password');

$statement = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=". $id);
living meme
@KamilSolecki Well, the big bang was first discovered by a priest and was considered proof that the universe was not eternal, but had been created.
@Neoares I'd love to, but they don't do fairs
Amazon is disgusting
they treat their workers like shit
For my new approval business... we'll see
it's not easy to be with the vcool people
@AltayAkkus we're talking about aws
workers pee in bottles because going to the toilet can cause them to lose their job
@AltayAkkus In this room, we only care about AWS
not amazon per se
Not about warehouse workers
Now if Ken Ham accepted the big bang, that would be news.
ken jamón
@AltayAkkus That's funny because where I work, peeing in bottles might get you fired
Inventor of the ham radio
@KendallFrey i think like every job would do that
And christmas ham
but Amazon patented technologys to track their workers so hard that some got mail for being to long on a break for solid 15 seconds
and thats just unfair, when you see Jeff Bezos being the richest man on the world
No, that's perfectly fine
Because Bezos is not a lazy bum and the people who work in the Amazon warehouses are usually unskilled peasants
so unskilled peasants should be exploited?
Who would take any chance to fuck over their employer for a few extra bucks
That's called success. Workers aren't slaves, they can resign. They still choose to work there.
I, I hope so
@MadaraUchiha yeah, we talked about it yesterday... chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/42256294#42256294
They are not exploited. They are strictly controlled to work within the boundaries of their contract
@OliverSalzburg when you're barely paid...
dunno how the situation is at amazon
but that answers your question
@OliverSalzburg poor people
not everyone can live out of putting seals on other's software
You have to start with the leaves and convert the files gradually @MadaraUchiha
@AltayAkkus the actual reality is that its really hard to find physical workers, who work hard
wrong chat
@Neoares Most people are lazy and hate their job. As an employer, you can't just give your money away and not give a shit how people do their work in return. Also, most people are employees, not employers, so they have a major bias towards other employees
I say, fuck em. Pee into bottles if you can't manage your pee breaks more efficiently
And then whine on Facebook about it how working conditions are so fucked up
uh, hard declarations
I'm at SO while at office
I'm a bad employee?
The worst!
@OliverSalzburg I hope this is a fucking joke?
@KamilSolecki what library/framework are you using to style your react frontend?
@Neoares honestly, thats a wrong point of view. There surely are people who didn't get a good start in life, but honestly for a big majority there are possibilities to grow. Wether they take advantage of that or not, is another matter.
visiting chat room and learning from it. thanks.
@sliawatimena Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JayIsTooCommon rather a generalization. People are generally lazy bums.
@JayIsTooCommon No
" Please don't ask if you can ask" what is that mean?
> unskilled peasants !== lazy bums.
don't ask "can I ask?"
@sliawatimena it means if you have a question, you just ask it :)
ridiculous statement
also the society needs "unskilled peasants"
not everyone can be a ceo
so start respecting em
@AltayAkkus true
@AltayAkkus For what? For being average?
@AltayAkkus true, we need jQuery questions to farm reps
no for carrying your ass. @OliverSalzburg
Hah! Good one
Yo, try to not get hostile yall
without workers you wouldnt be anything, no matter how smart you are
Either way, the generalisation that Amazon warehouse staff are unskilled peasants is pathetic and offensive.
we dont need mods attention
im not being hostile, I think atleast :D
Everyone on our team is a fucking kickass killer
is there any chat room for helping installing oracle soa suite 12c using java sdk 10.0.1?
To be honest, you do when your regulars are coming out with shit like that.
@Neoares haha
@AltayAkkus Im just putting a forewarning since the discussion is getting heated :D
lol we once had a discussion in latin class
about some nationalistic bullshit and so on
and I remember me walking out of the rooming pointing at a class mate and screaming that he should count his days until he gets lined up against the wall
good old times
see that is probably where you lost the discussion :P
That sounds like a good time
@OliverSalzburg And you advertise the company that you work for on your profile while coming out with shit like that. Interesting.
@JayIsTooCommon Sure I do. You're welcome to apply
@OliverSalzburg and all your clients and the clients of your clients are 100% skilled people
Unless you'd rather stuff boxes at Amazon
in the end all your money is funneled from the working class
or how you call them "unskilled peasants"
@AltayAkkus I don't manage staff of our clients
you have an consulting company or smth like that, right?
so you consult companys, where do they get their money from?
But if you're saying that us getting paid relies on the unskilled workers those companies employ, then, yeah, you're right
in the end they all get their money from normal, working people.
They have a lot more employees than us though usually and it probably averages out
@AltayAkkus that's not technically true
@Neoares why
@OliverSalzburg You're a CTO, actively representing your company. Advertising vacancies under you, while coming out with shit like that online. Pathetic.
they get money from everyone, but 99% of everyone is what you call "normal people"
give me 1 example of an company not getting money from normal people
@JayIsTooCommon you're now 20% less likely to be elected if you apply to oliver's company
but without the normal people his supremacy wont be worth shit.
@Neoares gutted.
@JayIsTooCommon Sorry bro, but you're obviously not representing the group of people that we like to employ :/
as I said, we need peasants
I'm a peasant
@OliverSalzburg do you hire people to disguise as homeless and the people who spit on them get a job offer or what
shots fired
While I might not agree with 100% of what Oliver Said, I still think that bashing Bezos for what he achieved through hard work is absolutely ridiculous, and is generally a 'working class bandwagon' - namely, how lower to lower middle class workers jump towards things being unfair due to regulations. Funnily enough, amazon may be strict, but they pay pretty well compared to what you'd get at some Joe's little company for the same type of work.
We are hired because we're experts. I don't know what anyone would expect. I would feel much worse advertising online that we employ people with little or no skill. When you hire us, you get the best
aha, and you advertise your partners on your website. Brilliant.
@OliverSalzburg Prepare yourself for a strongly worded email
I'm here if you need emotional support
Oliver and the people that hire you get their money from the unskilled peasants you insult.
@KamilSolecki what css framework do you use?
@AltayAkkus So?
do you call it css framework? i dunno xd
@OliverSalzburg Thats like shitting in your own garden.
you rely on them but insult them.
but you dont really realize you rely on them.
@AltayAkkus either material-ui or nothing.
That's a bit far fetched
pls stahp
far fetched, where do you get your money then from? the companys that hire you only have rich customers?
o.o I may be a volunteer for firefighting but I am not qualified to extinguish this
@AltayAkkus I found a perfect example of what I meant
a menu like that
but make it an editing form
so its like a point and click wyswig
@Cereal No, I'm not a dick. I wasn't personally offended by the stuck up views. It's just a ridiculous approach to take online when you're representing your company.
@AltayAkkus I mean, how does that matter? You think all those people I "insulted" are going to stop buying our clients products because they want to make sure a shitty person like myself does not make money?
no, but you insult the hand feeding you.
they dont make you fall - yet :D
Because I'm saying people in Amazon warehouses are unskilled peasants?
exploitation will always end bad.
nobody is exploiting anyone tho
What would you call them? Marvels of modern society with an unmatched skill-work profile?
yep exactly because of your attitude that lets you think you own the world and all people that dont own a company are human trash
I know a shitton of skillful workers. None of them work for Amazon stuffing boxes
@KamilSolecki Problem is I need the opportunity to add 2 custom dropdowns
well, just add them somewhere :D
make more buttons to the right of each item or something
make it clickable and then open more options
i hope you understand what I mean, not just the dishes in a list, the dishes can have 2 custom dropdowns, like sizes, where you can add sizes, and a total custom dropdown like salad dressing
you choose :D
@OliverSalzburg So do I. None of them work for Apple - So now all Apple employees must be unskilled peasants?
and how should I compute and save that @KamilSolecki
compute and save what exactly?
the data inputted?
post to the server
server saves it
for each dish or at the end?
then on your actual menu display you read it from the server
@JayIsTooCommon I never overgeneralized or was it my intention to do so. You just have extensive sympathies for everyone apparently and I am known to pretty much hate everyone and everything. Sorry :P
@AltayAkkus your choice, honestly. You could start off with a save button
then when you get that working add dynamic autosaves
yea its a good idea
i need to make it sortable somehow.
thats the easy part
not really :D
how so? when you read the data from your server, you can already have the server return you sorted data
imagine you have dishes already added, and you sort one to the top, how am I going to tell the server how it changed now
unless you want to sort clientside
maybe I could make an attribute for position
@AltayAkkus well that sounds like a clientside thing
yep clientside
assume you read all from the server
when you open the options of the dish there is a small integer field with the position of the dish, you can change it and then it rerenders it.
no that doesnt work too.. hm
ah, then that you want to store on the server
ye I need to store it on the server, the order is pretty important
so this case, you could have a save button under every menu item
@OliverSalzburg It's a stupidly offensive generalisation, derogatory to people working in such a place. It's not about having extensive sympathies for everyone, it's about being sensitive when in a public forum. For all you know, a newbie has just joined whose parent works in a warehouse. First thing he/she sees is a regular referring to his/her parent as an unskilled peasant. It's just not pleasant. Apology accepted though I'm not offended by it, just making the point.
on save, page gets partially rerendered
hi everyone, does someone know a good tutorial to do kmeans with mapreduce on mongoDB ?
hm that still doesnt fix my problem with the sorting, like I can drag a menu item and place it as the first one, how should I save that informatio
i added all the dishes via post and then I drag one to the top, how should I save that..
@AltayAkkus well, then just have your drop event send an update tothe server
for all items
yep good idea

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