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7:00 PM
Yeah just sometimes you might not want it
@Jhawins I don't agree. As it says in MDN: > Note: Where possible, it is recommended to use native HTML buttons (<button>, <input type="button" />, <input type="submit" />, <input type="reset" /> and <input type="image" />) rather than the button role, as native HTML buttons are more widely supported by older user agents and assistive technology. Native HTML buttons also support keyboard and focus requirements by default, without need for additional customization.
sure, constraints exist.
I assume we're all talking in the general here tho
@AngelLuis You don't agree but you post the quote that agrees
> it is recommended to use native HTML buttons ... rather than the button role
But you can also do this.
7:02 PM
and it says that it's less supported by assistive technology
I am talking specifically about screen readers too, I already said that
Idgaf about your IE8 assistive reader, get a new one
it's just suggesting that you can't trust role on all browsers. We all get the fact that older browsers suck, so let's ignore them
Or are we supporting IE8 now
Last time I used a screen reader was 2008. So assume I know lots about them
7:03 PM
> HTML buttons are more widely supported by older user agents and assistive technology
It specifically says it's a concern for older ones tho :P
Ah I took your statement to mean the opposite. Makes sense
But if we are talking about when yo use role, button, etc, do we need to muddy the water with what we need to use for older browsers or jstu talk about modern js?
ah, ok
I think it's safe to get my summer tires on now.
7:04 PM
Like, if I was talking about css grid, I wouldn't give two shit about how to do the same things in IE8 :)
const x = new Map();
x.set('someGUID', {
    description : "test",
    name: "admin"
I'm learning english so sorry for the misunderstandings in my explanations xD
WHat's the best way to get the Map key (the GUID) when I only have 'admin'?
you'd need to loop over all entries..
You're hooped
7:05 PM
a two-way map
i.e. two maps
i.e. an index
@SterlingArcher loop all entries, or convert to an array and .find
but then you have an array
Well you only have to loop until you find it
But that might be all entries.
7:06 PM
x.entries().find(([key, value]) => value.name === 'admin')
Or some such
better solution, don't have multiple PKs
make your own Map that takes an index function for additional key lookups
@MadaraUchiha .find works on Iterables?
but it will get out of date if you mutate the object..
7:07 PM
@KendallFrey that
@rlemon Ah right, it doesn't return an array
that's still looping over all entries, making a Map look like the wrong choice.
@SterlingArcher why are they keyed by GUID when you want to find them by name
but if it's small, meh
So either wrap with [... ] or for..of
yea, that was my suggestion
once it is an array it's easy
but then you have an array
7:07 PM
It's slow
But yea easy
as easy as if you had an array
I would assume he has something where he can get that GUID by name, also why would the names be unique?
I don't think they are unique
How do you know you found the right guid for that name then :/
7:09 PM
no clue. but the value of the property is "admin"
so sounds like he's just trying to get the user who has the role he needs
or users
@rlemon what if he wants the user with the button role
7:10 PM
Heh weak af
@SterlingArcher new gym sandals?
@Loktar so I tried with normal first, but I stealth liberated 2 camps no problem
hard it has to be then
7:28 PM
sounds like farcry 5
the game gets a lot more fun once you unlock planes and chutes and the wing suit
@KamilSolecki Oh you meant FC5 when you asked about difficulties?
I was playing on normal and medkits are literally unnecessary
SO yea had to change it
@KendallFrey i.redd.it/zrqywgnhuzt01.png what kinda monster plays KSP vertically?
ohh nvm I'm stupid
7:35 PM
@rlemon ...splitscreen??
that's two screenies stitched
the background really fucks with me. makes it seem like one tall screen
I thought it was somehow vertical splitscreen
I was like I am super behind on KSP
I found a issue where allquixotic calls me a "core maintainer" of SO-Chatbot
7:38 PM
Dude was sped af
@rlemon I saw someone wear those in the sauna once
Well, I saw the sandals in front of the sauna. Couldn't figure out whose they were while in there. Then they had disappeared later on and, even though I investigated thoroughly, I could not find the bass feet later on :(
I hope that's the last of it
@Pheo there is no point in arguing about prior offenses - let's just agree to agree on your statement "I would never be there again". We obviously don't interact well with each other so why force it? Have a great life, build great stuff, make us read about something you built in the newspaper :) — Benjamin Gruenbaum 2 mins ago
holy overkill packaging batman
calipers for scale
and inside
two micro sd cards
@BenjaminGruenbaum I dont read newspapers D:
7:44 PM
@SterlingArcher me neither :D
I wanna know how much this package cost to ship from Japan. for two sd cards.
I can't even
holy shitfucks
how can I tell the raw size of a sd card without a partition on it?
does the guy have bones? From the pic, it looks like he's not perpendicular to the trampoline, but it looks like it in the vid
I had "8gb" sd cards I cloned (actual 7.7gb) and the new cards all only have 7.2gb available.
create a partition on it?
@KendallFrey this is terrible
basically what I wanna know is
@rlemon lsblk
7:50 PM
is this accurate? or is there hidden space on the card
@SterlingArcher your face is terrible
You owe me 1 good meme because of that
sdc              8:32   1   7.2G  0 disk
└─sdc1           8:33   1   7.2G  0 part  /media/usb0
okay so the card is only 7.2
can you hide space from a partition table?
thats kinda fucked
7:51 PM
@Luggage idk. that's why I'm asking.
the sandisk ones used to be 7.7
now they're 7.4
my 8gb usb stick also shows as 7.2gb
@SterlingArcher asdfmovie is a great meme
1000 vs 1024
and the Apacer ones are 7.2
sdc               8:32   1   7.2G  0 disk
├─sdc1            8:33   1   4.3G  0 part
└─sdc2            8:34   1   8.8M  0 part
7:52 PM
@rlemon holy size
@Luggage I have different brands of cards. all show different sizes.
@rlemon 7.45 is what you'd get with the loss from base 2 vs 10 and marketing
the part that fucked me was that the sandisk ones changed
7.2 is ridiculous
7:53 PM
8000000 / 1024 / 1024 = ~7.6
Well idk
the 7.7gb image was cloned with dd if=/dev/sdc
@Luggage they still advertise as 8GB tho
so I have to imagine it is the actual size of that card, and copied back onto a few hundred cards fine
8000000000bytes is like 7.45 thats why I said that
7:54 PM
tf. why is visual code showing me a popup informing me that it has a marketplace
have the image be as small as possible and auto-expand on boot?
@KevinB well because it does! :P
7:55 PM
it's a baby jesus
poor carrie byron
Yay! Tiny Jesus
> According to local Russian news reports, the woman was paid up to $40,000 by the bar in damages following the incident.
yay its jesus
> Up to
7:57 PM
She got $5
and a coupon for a free drink
I earn up to $1million a month
There should be a rule that if you partake in fire drinking you lose assume all liability
7:58 PM
Sorry, earnings are capped at $1m / month.
@SterlingArcher Well or you could just not pour the damn bottle onto a lit fire.
@Jhawins They said a dude was blowing into the straw.
@Allenph The girl was
@Jhawins she might have a case to sue the bartender directly. No clue how law works in Russia tho
7:59 PM
See comments and stills, the bottle caught on fire inside

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