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6:01 PM
If I'm trying to get instant notifications for a web application, what's the best way to do this? I only need one way communication. Would it be websockets? What's the fallback? SSE? Ajax long polling?
MadaraUchiha okay, I'll deal with the double logins for the future. the image has been changed for the time being. sorry bout dat
what a game
looks bad
@KendallFrey -1, kraken hasn't taken his body yet
i used to think you were cool, then i figured out that you injected carbs
6:02 PM
@Vap0r yes yes and yes
@SterlingArcher Haha his comment got flagged
@rlemon clearly a her :P
I think Humble Bundle has KSP on sale
@KendallFrey did.. we just assume its gender?
humblebundle.com/… oh it wants a subscription though
6:03 PM
@SterlingArcher it hates us precious
I'm tempted to get the Arkham Knight bundle on fanatical though
Arkham Knight is okay tbh, I'd say it's worth the paltry sum they're charging for it
But I cleared the main story once and haven't picked it up since.
I mean it's got all teh DLC included so why not lol
heh, i didn't realize that i had previously ran into towm before he ended up here
Only thing really memorable about it is that the publishers/developers royally fucked the PC port and it was a PR nightmare for a while.
6:05 PM
maybe it's all my fault he joined here
I wanted to get the Prince of Persia's but they're not available in the US :(
Mar 19 at 21:04, by Vap0r
@TheOneWhoMade I'll sue you
I have humble monthly
I never redeem any of the keys, so I'm sitting on a goldmine
maybe a small tin mine
6:09 PM
@ndugger do the keys expire?
I'll subscribe when it automatically puts the keys in steam and downloads the good games so they are ready when I want to play.
@rlemon lul why you got kicked
I asked to be
logged in on two pcs. wanted one out of the room
@hilli_micha it all starts with a little iron, a little copper, a little tin, a little lead, and then you wake up with nuclear weapons and a space program
6:12 PM
> hehe, I'll use a nuke to clear these trees.

I've made a terrible mistake.
what are the crafting materials needed for nuclear weapon? 2x tin, 2x iron and 2x plutonium? asking for a friend.
the mistake is most of the trees will still be there.
See? A mod deleted my comment containing "fuck" so what is wrong with me flagging a chat post that contains that word? — Pheo 2 mins ago
lol he doesn't know how flags work
boy don't let north korea see that
6:15 PM
@SterlingArcher someone needs to call his mom
they first need to figure out how to stop breaking mountains
@KendallFrey I just pulled up that news report, came back to this tab and saw you made this joke.
btw I'm just about ready to start work on my city block base
I wonder if I can get 10k SPM
@KendallFrey city block base? like layed out as a city?
@SterlingArcher deleted
6:17 PM
yeah, like an upgrade of main bus
there was a good post this morning in /r/factorio
main bus uses belts to move everything between blocks, city block uses train to move everything between blocks
and trains can navigate automatically, so it's a grid instead of a linear system
@rlemon god the lag
@rlemon holy shit
6:19 PM
I have trouble keeping up with iron on a small base
I can't even imagine how many patches he has to be mining to get this
There's a reason most megabases don't use belts
this is a super patch of iron right?
Seems to me Factorio would've made a great DOS game
vanilla equipment seems so underpowered after bob's
6:21 PM
an iron patch that size has to be added in the editor right?
the stock game won't generate patches that size
I doubt it
some start tweaks are pretty epic
You can adjust patch sizes
I haven't played in a while, but last I remember I generated with the largest size patches and the richest resource
@SterlingArcher nope
6:22 PM
and none of mine were even close to that size
yeah, it's been some time for me too, you are probably right
maybe it's RSO
RuneScape Online
I remember one of the last mods I installed allowd for infinite patches
That's what I'm using now
6:23 PM
when considering I might very well never get out of that game session, I decided to exit the game
in my only successful games I've done the map editor and made basically infinite resources patches
they deplete like oil, but with 6 speed modules 8s you still get a ton of output
like 500K resources per square
My next game might be vanilla with deep core mining
I wanted it but it doesn't support bob's
is there an ascii mod so I can play factorio like dwarf fortress?
6:24 PM
you have been peeking my interest again
I might start a vanilla game
6:25 PM
idk. idc either.
Hi, I've a question. console.log() and console.info() are the same thing? They've the same behavior.
depends on what's calling them
but yes
@ndugger well setting the ascii thing aside, there is a mod where you do everything by making orders rather than building yourself
6:27 PM
I don't know of a implementation that does decorate the info, but in theory they can
I don't actually care about factorio, I just wanted to be a part of the conversation
@ndugger it's a .. funteresting game
also very addicting
@ndugger @rlemon peking*
6:28 PM
@Shmiddty *pee king
hehe you said pee
@rlemon I always use console.log() for debugging and general purpose, but I've discovered console.error() and it have some advantages for debugging. But console.info() it's the same!
in the console you use, yes.
but JS runs in more than browsers.
like a prince
so console.<whatever> can change
6:30 PM
@rlemon yes! I can imagine the use of console.info() as info messages in another enviroments
can we change the vernacular from "teenager" to "preman" or "prewoman"?
that's not the preword that comes to mind
@AngelLuis which is why I said depends on what is calling them, but generally. yes they are the same.
wait until you discover console.time and console.timeEnd and crazy stuff for debugging :)
@ndugger Are you just assuming their prenouns?
@rlemon thanks!
yes I am
@FélixGagnon-Grenier lol
fight me
6:31 PM
@jAndy groups are imo one of the lesser used, but insanely useful ones.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier but there aint no life in that though
@rlemon agreed group and groupCollapsed are golden
@jAndy yes I'm discovering all the methods: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/console
6:31 PM
@hilli_micha life begins at ejaculation, the bible says so
@jAndy it's a shame you don't see them used more
@AngelLuis if you use chrome, check out their console docs.
much more information
@KendallFrey favorite plot twist of the bible
the anime totally missed that
even more golden is the option to style the console output... by using %c and css markup
you can do glorious things
@rlemon yes I use debug for testing and the call stack tool it's very powerful
I for instance, use groupCollapsed and color-coded output for my framework
6:33 PM
@SterlingArcher haha, yea, watched that on Reddit today :p
so each module has its own individual color code
@jAndy gods, pls no
@Ikari lost it when Brigette got shot and you could hear Torb for the second time "My baby!" in the background
which is blizz if you have a ton of console logs in debug state
6:33 PM
@AngelLuis yes, but I'm saying developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools is much better for explaining than mdn in this case.
if you use Chrome
@FélixGagnon-Grenier ?
oh, you mean you were seriously advocating for all them colors for different modules? :)
I was playing naysayer, as always
@jAndy I made a webcam -> console demo based on that
janky af
but worked.
but yeah, I guess it's good to have visual aid in separating logs passed a certain point
I generally trim those that make the bulk of the mess
colors are way more effective than just prefixing a line with "moduleName:"
6:36 PM
How do I toggle disabled like here with JS - <button id="btn1" disabled> ?
@Rudolph Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon Yes Chrome have very interesting features but Firefox Dev Ed. also it's providing good tools
@Rudolph element.disabled = false;
@Rudolph 1. get a reference to the element (like with document.getElementById()) then use the disabled property like Lemon just said
@AngelLuis sure, I was just mentioning the chrome thing in case you were using it. the docs on their website are better for their console.
6:38 PM
@rlemon I like use both browsers :P
doesnt seem to work
it does.
you are doing it wrong. show us your code
@jAndy yeah, thinking about it, pretty sure I've seen libraries doing that, with very much cool effect
I use it for RoboGist
1 message moved to Trash can
@Rudolph Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
6:40 PM
( () => {
        rpnNext.on( 'click', ( e ) => {
            rpnNext.disabled = true;
            $.ajax( {
                type: 'POST',
                url: phpVars.ajaxUrl,
                data: {
                    action: 'related_posts',
                    postId: rp.data( 'id' ),
                    paged: rpNavPage + 1
                beforeSend: () => {
ahh, you're in jQuery
if i keep smashing the button it just logs 123
that is a detail that makes a difference
rpnNext isn't an "element" it is a jQuery object
rpnNext.prop('disabled', true);
i had already tried that
didnt work
attr didnt work either
Why did she call the function after me :O stackoverflow.com/posts/50017684/revisions?
6:42 PM
it does work. if yours doesn't you'll need to make a reproducible example.
disabled attribute it's boolean so should work
@BenjaminGruenbaum flattery?
it doesnt work on links, does it?
thats why
don't use links as buttons or buttons as links
6:44 PM
@rlemon I don't think so, look at the comments she was pissed at me I think
you want to disable an <a> tag?
Hi everyone. I'm writing some OOP-code in JS, and I'm looking for a way to copy an object. I found the JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) solution on SO, but that doesn't maintain the object's class. Here's a mcve:
var Foo = class Foo {
        return 'foo';

        return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this));

var obj = new Foo();
obj.foo(); // works
obj.clone().foo(); // throws error
you can remove href attr
links take you places, buttons do things. because that button does things, it isn't really a link
make it a button and style it accordingly.
@rlemon I agree
6:46 PM
@Aran-Fey Object.create(this)
but I suppose that he's using a bad framework that simulates a button through a link
@rlemon Thanks!
Object.create() copies and links the original object
meh, sometimes you want a link that looks like a button or a button that looks like a link
@Luggage looks, not acts.
I guess it's splitting hairs. just bugs me
<a href="#">add 1</a>
kinda crap
6:47 PM
@Luggage for what reason?
Well.. I've seen download "buttons" that are just links (to a separate download page). And sometimes you style les-used items as small links instead of buttons.
@Luggage you can but for me it doesn't meets the web standards
I'd make that a button since it just calls JS on this page, not navigates, but the styling like a link is fine, IMO.
you also can use a image like a text header, but it isn't the appropiate way
I fully understand the value of making everything clickable look like a traditional outset button, but meh.. I think it's fine
6:51 PM
I think shouldComponentUpdate causes a really long reconciliation... hrmph.
Who says that everything clickable must have a border and look like it's sticking out, etc?
@Luggage yea at no point was I arguing against styling them
@KarelG oh yeah, it'll adapt to you. The arch flexes nicely
I was arguing for semantic html
Yea, you and I agree, i think
6:53 PM
use <a> or <button> based on behavior
@Luggage to maintain the web standards and improve the disabled people readability, I prefer use the things like the standard, not use visual tricks that can be more beautiful (imo)
@AngelLuis semantic HTML is readable and accessible
by definition
he's talking UX not code
6:53 PM
@SomeGuy Unfortunately no. I've always fantasised about running a blog, but never had the dedication to actually run with it. Hugo looks nice, as does Jekyll, as does Ghost and svbtle (or whatever it was called)
There was also triangle or whatever
Too many...
as in, if it takes you to a new page it should be roderless with an underline (link) and if it jsut manipulated the existing page it should LOOK like a button. Is this a fair summary, @AngelLuis ?
@Luggage lol I don't
@Luggage It's useful because it relates to a physical phenomenon. Things that stick out can be fondled
@Luggage but UX for accessibility (when disabled persons are concerned) would mean screen readers.
@ssube niiiice
6:54 PM
which benefit from semantic HTML
I'd think
Have you seen some of the IME CVEs, btw? Some of them are hilarious
could be making some biased claims
For screen readers they don't need to actually look like buttons
ohh yea, screenreaders shold depend on the markup
@Luggage no I mean about code+UX, not only code or UX. So if you have a button, use the <button> tag and give it a button aspect
6:55 PM
@Jhawins I meant that I can understand why some people think buttons should look like buttons, not that I am personally strict about it
Well and the aria tags
If you really care about screen readers
@AngelLuis but it doesn't need to look visually like a button. that's fine.
@rlemon ::(((
I was talking about looks only.
6:55 PM
@Zirak I'm not even sure how it would work syntax wise.
That is - even if you did change - after all the trouble you've caused we don't want you back and we don't care. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 18 secs ago
Idk we don't care about screen readers tho
undo ~2x5?
@BenjaminGruenbaum straight for the throat
!!undo 3?
@rlemon I was trying to avoid being subtle
6:56 PM
!!undo x3 does the last 3, undo ~4 does the 4th
should looks like something clickable if it's a visual object, and if it's a text link, use <a> tag and give it aspect of link, not aspect of button imo
I wanna combine them so I can skip a few and then delete a range
I care about screen readers, there are a lot of blind people outside
*all the work for the screen readers it's in the code
<button style="outline: none; border: none; text-decoration: underline;">add 1</button> is fine imo
hell, make it an image even
idc. just as long as it's a <button>
@rlemon role="button" same thing
6:59 PM
Even according to web standards
sure, but why bother when the HTML can be more semantic by using the button element?

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