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Why do all time picker libraries suck ass
because time pickers suck as a ui component
they work well for a subset of date input needs but overall they feel like shit to use
I want 2 scrolling lists. One of hours, and one for minutes. All of those implementations look like ass
going to have to roll one myself
Windows phone did timepickers really well
Material Design time pickers are nice though
@david The extension atm is client specific, it shouldn't wipe the user data though, simplest fix edit the Rule to send the JCiz5a regardlessly
@ShrekOverflow the rule is autogenerated by the authz extension so if anyone presses the button our customisations would be wiped :(
as it turns out this problem might not be super important, there is something else going wrong ><
@ShrekOverflow Actually, this hasn't been regenerated in like a year and it might have been updated ><
so maybe it's an old bug
You should open a support ticket for this 😃
i'll first make sure it's actually a problem in the latest version of the rule
it's also probably not a fixable problem
if you only have 1 app_metadata per user, and not per app
then every time they log onto a different app it will nuke the app_metadata
which is probably fine as long as each app fully rebuilds everything they expect to be there
@david what are you trying to do with app_metadata ? and why 😃 ?
the authorization extension puts stuff there, we don't actually use it... we use the stuff that's on the access_token and id_token
Short handed caps goal 5-2 :D
but someone noticed it was getting wiped on users that were having zendesk issues
so i took that as a starting point for investigating... that was probably a mistake
because it seems to be something else that's breaking
And who's your team
um... red bull?
well that's nice
My team is disney on ice
blindness is quite inconvenient
How do the canadians in this room not go bonkers for NHL playoffs
That's like germany not following it's dreams in poland
@SterlingArcher cause I'm not in them
Last time Germany followed its dreams in Poland everyone gave them a lot of shit about it
So maybe the Canadians are scared of being called Ice Nazis
I just lost interest in watching multiple 3-hour games every week
Maybe if the final was one game like the super bowl I'd watch it every year
@david Zendesk should connect over SAML so idToken, accessToken aren't even a thing
beyond that, each clients /userinfo should be different, and I can confirm it for you
@ShrekOverflow Yeah, it does. Although we create a special link with a JWT that somehow avoids them having to log in
the saml flow is separate i think... it happens if you try to log in directly via zendesk?
@david not sure how zendesk does it, but it does support sso from saml, I'd use that over the custom jwt 😃
it's a link that looks like ourcompany.zendesk.com/access/jwt?jwt={the token we generate and sign}
i think in the background that may trigger the saml stuff because I can't impersonate users by making dodgy tokens
you can
it's not doing saml lol
unless you set it up explicitely
we have set up the saml stuff too
i just tried to make a dodgy token and it didn't work :(
it takes me to the login page
@david it might be other claims 😛 share the payload ?
the token we generate is fairly simple, i'll grab one for you
@Loktar am I master racing right?
before he answers, no.
We don't make jokes, we make presumptions of superiority.
Go to Reddit and remind poor kids who can only afford one console that you're better than them.
@ShrekOverflow eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1MjQ1MzUxNjUsImp0aSI6ImIzZDVjMDA‌​3LTMxNzAtNDg0ZS05NmQzLTY5MTk2YzgzMDU5NyIsImVtYWlsIjoiZC5zZWFtYW4rbG1zLmxvY2FsLmFk‌​bWluQGNyaW1zb25lZHVjYXRpb24ub3JnIiwibmFtZSI6ImRzeC1zdXBlci1hZG1pbiBtY2FkbWluIiwiZ‌​Xh0ZXJuYWxfaWQiOiJhdXRoMHw1OWFmMzVkMmU0NGMwMzMwODNmOTdlYWEiLCJ0YWdzIjoiaW50ZXJuYW‌​wsIHN0dWRlbnQsIHR1dG9yIn0
The three.js docs give an example of how to load an FBX file here. If you've tried this and are still having trouble, you will need to provide details (code? model? demo?) showing what you've tried and explain what isn't working. — Don McCurdy 12 hours ago
that's my local test admin user
please help me
@KendallFrey oh no
the tags is meant so set stuff in zendesk but it isn't... I will investigate more
@SterlingArcher oh ja
ten :D
oh lord i need to stop browsing memes
It seems like you need to chill on a very specific set of memes.
columbus is officially on my shit list. You don't boo a man who just took a slapshot to the wrist and had to sit down
@SterlingArcher see hangouts for more edgy memes
Caps are moving on to pittsburg! 6-3 final score, after a 4 win comeback from 2-0 in the series :D
It was 9:11 1 minute ago
man it seems like it's been years
@ndugger take your endorsement yet?
it's fun
hot, but fun. I sweated my ass off because you can't squid during the class
I need to figure out how the fuck to motorcycle
you cant that is illegal
It's easy man, only 1 person didn't pass our test
I tried starting it, and it stalled or something. It sounds like it has gas if I move the bike around, but the gas light is on and it’s not starting
So eff
And that's because she literally ran over my man Slim
I’ll get gas tomorrow
@SterlingArcher you can't... what?
Nobody tells me when I can’t squid
OH: Jesus did this and Jesus did that, Moses hit Abraham with a wiffle ball bat
@david What the heck is the jti there for :/
@KendallFrey you need jesus in yo life
give a new uuid for jti and increase the iat
go to church ya heathern
convince me
free booze and crackers
when they try to cut you off "you're not suppose to have more than one' don't be a pussy, drink more
still think this pussy/balls thing is wrong
balls are super sensitive, pussies are tough af
No u
@ShrekOverflow nfi
it's all old stuff... i've fixed it though
someone had unticked the JWT option in zendesk
which weirdly enough didn't break the link
@david jti is probably being collected by zendesk
but it did mean it was ignoring the extra tags field in the JWT
and its keeping it to prevent replay attacks?
yeah maybe
yep, "JSON Web Token ID. A unique id for the token, used by Zendesk to prevent token replay attacks."
@david that is the worst way of doing it but ok
Would it be appropriate to ask for direction and/or confirmation that a solution I implemented is the best/simplest way to solve a particular problem? I'm not asking for code, just a confirmation of the strategy I am using. I have a working solution (except for mobile, regrettably) but I self-taught my way through it and I can't help but think there is a simpler way.
@Eddie Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ShrekOverflow ahah, i don't think they're doing it right at all... they only support HS256 too
@SterlingArcher LOL
I was just following through this: support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/…
@david I know that exists along with many others supported by Shopify etc
I prefer a standard over it
Ok... here goes. This is the problem I have and the solution I implemented. I am brand new to Javascript, self taught myway through this solution, so I'm sure there are functions that I don't know about that would trivialize this. Any input/feedback would be appreciated!

I have [a form](http://www.practicalnetworking.net/subnet.html) that has a bunch of input boxes. The user is expected to put IP addresses in each input box, but each octet is in there own input box. So a single IP address requires 4 input boxes. To facilitate typing IP addresses, I implemented a feature which automatically
JWT and OAuth both need to die a very painful death
@ndugger why?
Anyone here a React-redux guru? Is it possible to store a bunch of elements in an array and then query their props that are created by mapStateToProps?
@ShrekOverflow is the authorization extension bugging out? I'm getting Authorization Extension: Compilation failed: Cannot find module '[email protected] errors now
@david Monitoring it
@ndugger JWT, OpenID, OAuth are fine, most devs treat them stupidly, and the rest are just too stupid.
@ShrekOverflow So it's you guys not us?
Its literally 2 redirects and maybe 1 request, if you can't figure that out you might aswell not do anything related to auth.
@david Not saying anything about that 😃 , I am just talking about the OAuth Haters
i mean the "Compilation failed: Cannot find module '[email protected]'", thing
@david its hould be back up shortly
someone pushed an update to the plugin it seems, but we will share more
ah okay sweet
luckily prod was on an old version so it's still fine :D
the error is changing :D
all the devs have come over to my desk and are asking me what i broke :D
Woo suck it redux
I love crushing a late night feature
anyone know if its good practice to compare two functions
@DaemonOfTheWest that's a pretty broad question. Compare how, contents, return, params, name?
like as in you have variable a, f(b), and f(c) and you set a to either f(b) or f(c) and you want to test if a is currently f(b) or f(c)
Basically all the above except comparing returns is a bad idea
What reason do you have to do this?
not comparing their returns
just comparing if a is pointing to same function as b
I mean, you can do that but I've never had to do that in my code
Q: how do I compare 2 functions in javascript

onemachHow do I compare 2 functions in javascript? I am not talking about internal reference. Say var a = function(){return 1;}; var b = function(){return 1;}; Is it possible to compare a and b ?

well it already works, I'm just using triple === right now but I want to know if doing it is expenvise
just wow
@ShrekOverflow those seem like they'd be popular in Dubai
Just 300x more expensive
@SterlingArcher lol
those look like swim goggles and ray bans had a child
How do i check if string contains 0 or 1 then true ? if other false
only 0 or 1 not occurences
s === '0' || s === '1'?
you don't need a regex for that :s
I assume you meant contains specifically
So you're just asking for a part of a larger regex you're working on
ex: 0 true 1 true 100 false
If those are literally your entire strings, you should really be using something simpler. You don't need regex
Hey people
Anyone tried to pass info from Angular to NodeJS ?
stackoverflow.com/questions/49994502/… . Please answer me if you are getting same issue and you solved it.
@sunnygaikwad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Try setting its text, not the value
@Neil Thanks. I will try it.
@KamilSolecki hey yo, lets go
@Neil When i am selecting value from list dropdown like (1E,2E). and i am calling get cell value it only returns 1,2. and dropdown sets the value of cell after option selection.
@Zirak good. Much better than my previous one. I am already loving it atm.
However, its pressure is a bit tight. After using it for a while will loosen it a bit. So 9/10
@Zirak Have you experimented with blog engines, or did you only use Medium?
I'm considering gohugo.io
@sunnygaikwad Well you don't want the value, you want the text
@SomeGuy o/ me and a friend made a webtask that runs using webtask 😛 (kinda full python environment w/ pip)
also while you worked with us, did you know this exist auth0.com/docs/architecture-scenarios ?
written by you?
having a real shitty day
why cant JS just use 'select' and 'where' instead of filter/map?
you expect it to be a SQL language?
@Traitor Array.prototype.select = [].map; Array.prototype.where = [].filter don't actually do this though
@KarelG No, he's expecting linq
yeah from C#
@Traitor Because the semantics are different from C#'s
i want to call a linq for some situations instead of filter/map
and it's not just a c# thing, more of an SQL
whole day of sysadminish work ahead
JS's .map() returns a new array immediately
@ShrekOverflow Yeah! I was linking to server + API (or whichever the complete example was at the time) constantly!
Unlike .Select() that does nothing on its own until the realization method is called to make it into IEnumerable or whatever
@ShrekOverflow I don't even know what that means :P
When you're holding a hammer, everything tends to look like a nail.
what is the equivalent of 'select from objectArray (oA)' where 'oA.Name' == "sam"? in JS?
@SomeGuy We built our own webtask using webtask so that you could use python and pip :D
@Traitor objectArray.filter(o => o.name === 'sam')
Oh, daaaang. So a Webtask runtime for Python?
Holy shit, that's insane
@MadaraUchiha thanks <3
@ShrekOverflow Have someone on the Slack ++ you on my behalf, please :P
How'd you pull it off, roughly?
who's ready for INFINITY WAR?
i pre-ordered tickets for thursday ;>
@SomeGuy Wt-compiler -> sends a provision request to an EC2 container with same environment -> run pip there -> take the entire pip madness -> put it on s3
I'm more of a star wars nerd
next time the webtask can simply fetch it from S3, the same approach works for C++ too :P
@Neil ><
yo shrek
u watching infinity war?
Wow, nice
the C++ being kinda oxymoronic use-case
that awkward time when you use C++ from JavaScript for a webapp
will do a blog and a demo soon
atm its a pain to setup :P
Look forward to it!
@ShrekOverflow Make a nice github template for us, will ya? ;)
@Neil you are using webtask.io ?
@ShrekOverflow Nope, I'm currently running a raspberry pi with windows ME and netscape browser
@Neil da fuck
I expect it to work 100%
do you have a hard time when visiting websites with that?
only github
css support from 2000s? yes please
Also kidding. I'm not masochistic
would be fun to see how that would run for the lols
I wonder if there is an amount of memory in which windows won't even try anymore, like it just outputs a message saying to update your system because it stinks
@IamtheMostStupidPerson now you are worthy of your name ... — KarelG 10 secs ago
@ShrekOverflow check what he said in that comment
Huh, this was easier than I had thought it would be
@EaseMyTrip so your people called me after I didn’t book a ticket because http://flights.easemytrip.com gives a certificate error. Your people call me, but instead of taking the feedback they got offended 😕. Please fix the cert guys
@KarelG ^
When I told her - flights.easemytrip.in's cert is wrong she told me I won't be charged extra or something :|
And then when I explained her what the problem was she just told me to have a nice day xD
> This server could not prove that it is flight.easemytrip.in; its security certificate is from www.easemytrip.com. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.
is that yours twitter account ?
I mean at that point it just sounds like a literal scam attempt
@KarelG yes.
okay.. why do i have to do .reduce((a, b)=> a + b) instead of a simple .sum()?
or am i using basic JS?
odd, it says that it has a certificate
@Traitor Because JavaScript has no real standard library.
Take a look at lodash.
@KarelG there are two :P
and easemytrip.com
@MadaraUchiha What about jQuery!?
@ShrekOverflow notice me senpai!!
ok @MadaraUchiha
your kouhai noticed you tho
I mean, if you want to call it a library.. more like its own language really..
@ShrekOverflow 404
meh that is not the only site with no valid certificate
I recall I refused to sign in at imdb site because their login was still at HTTP before.
It suddenly went from HTTPS to HTTP after a site update. I found that odd. Took a month when I finally made them clear that has to be solved.
I'm finally producing red circuits in factorio with 109 elements produced by hand (going for lazy bastard achievement)
I keep forgetting and making something by hand.. ugh!
@KarelG quantum radars, wow
Are we in the future now or what?
@MadaraUchiha Cheers! :D
@KarelG thank god for military pursuits, it's making science have money
true. But sometimes they go a bit far. Look to using Tungsten metal
it was firstly used to take out tanks. Then it is used to protect tanks. Then as bullets to bypass kevlar armors
What worries me are the AI-based turrets
then now there are armors with tungsten plates
do you know how rare that metal is?
they're already making AI-based turrets for tanks to automatically fire at incoming fire
I think it has a very impressive response time
lol a computer always has
imagine shooting at a tank only to get a bullet in the head half a second later
the slowest part is moving the turrets
really is impossible to fight against that
world war 3 will likely be fought with drones / AI
you only have to cause a distraction
and fire a rocket from other side
one turret cannot respond to two sources in a small timespan :P
i'll bet it could
my guess is it would take less than a couple seconds to swerve 180 degrees
might be enough time to shoot an rpg, but only if it is well-timed
Wish there was a WOLOLO feature in real life
I'd use it on bananas
love me some blue or red bananas
I'm not sure what happened
But after the last kernel update I was logged out of everything on the machine
you just have to log back in then!
which machine?
@Neil why would you shoot a role-playing game?
The RPG-7 (Russian: РПГ-7) is a portable, reusable, unguided, shoulder-launched, anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Originally the RPG-7 (Ручной Противотанковый Гранатомёт – Ruchnoy Protivotankoviy Granatomyot – Hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher) and its predecessor, the RPG-2, were designed by the Soviet Union; it is now manufactured by the Russian company Bazalt. The weapon has the GRAU index (Russian armed forces index) 6G3. The ruggedness, simplicity, low cost, and effectiveness of the RPG-7 has made it the most widely used anti-armor weapon in the world. Currently around 4...
In case you were being serious :)
their naming is odd.
RPG-6 is also a rpg, but it is handheld, meant to be thrown yourself
then that, a shoulder weapon which launches your rpg
"Lets play an rpg-7." "Ok, how do you pl.." *BOOM!*
there are other RPG-# names tho. all rocket launchers.
until RPG-40 I think
then it is a handheld again
clicking on it leads you to the RPG-#'s
rpg-7 is final fantasy 7
lol that wiki is not right
no mention of RPG-40
The RPG-40 was an anti-tank hand grenade developed by the Soviet Union in 1940. == Description == Its anti-tank capability came from blast effect produced by the detonation upon contact of 760 grams of explosive contained in it. This effect enabled about 20 mm of armour to be penetrated, and secondary damage, such as spalling, by contact with thicker armour. This made the grenade very effective against earlier German tanks, but ineffective against later models, such as the Panzer IV and the Panzer V, leading to the RPG-43 replacing it in 1943. == See also == List of Russian weaponry No....
Hmm if CIA reads this: no, I am not an arms dealer.
@KarelG You deal with weapons, not arms
(yes, I know that arms = weapons)
I just have a healthy interests in weapons like a woman could have with a man's tool
well this conversation suddenly got interesting
can someone help me? Javascript noob here :D
@AltayAkkus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AltayAkkus shoot
I need to count the li's of an <ul>
they are getting dynamically added and so on I think thats the problem
like all the answers didnt work, I tried $('#newCategory li').length or .size() or $('ul#newCategory li').length or $('#newCategory ul li')
I can use JQuery I have it included already.
document.querySelectorAll('#newCategory li').length
says 0
btw the id is applied directly onto the ul
can you give an example (concise please) of your html structure?
ye sure 1 second
´´ <ul class="list-group" id="categoryList">
<li id="placeholderlist" href="#" class="ui-state-default list-group-item list-group-item-action">{{ __('menu.headings.no_category_yet') }}</li>
@Neil we have a command for that
@Neoares for asking html structure?
``<ul class="list-group" id="categoryList">
<li id="placeholderlist" href="#" class="ui-state-default list-group-item list-group-item-action">{{ __('menu.headings.no_category_yet') }}</li>
@Neil mcve works for all
the highlighting doesnt work.
@AltayAkkus ctrl + k before you submit
    ``<ul class="list-group" id="categoryList">
<li id="placeholderlist" href="#" class="ui-state-default list-group-item list-group-item-action">{{ __('menu.headings.no_category_yet') }}</li>
ok double marked up but atleast marked up
document.querySelectorAll('#categoryList li').length should work then
yes thank you very much
$('ul#categoryList li').length
that works too lol
@AltayAkkus Also, if all your "li" tags have an id "placeholderlist", that's not a good thing
ids are supposed to be unique
they dont

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