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@PetterFriberg typo or encourage OP to write an answer?
Is this answer worth a mod flag for plagiarism? Seems like a dupe of my answer here.
@JAL hardly ...
no? I'm not seeing the similarities
How? Both answers point to the same github issue and provide the same solution. Change your podfile to point to master.
there's no way you can prove that's plagiarism
@JAL true, but the wording is so much different
That OP might as well have googled that on their own
You want to make more flags?
you're right, if anything the other questions about the similar topic should be closed as a dupe
afk, needs food
i need to photosynthesize, i have been too flag-happy lately
Hmm, maybe that "go outside" comment isn't for nothing after all...
not if you have chlorophyll.
it could be worse, you could have midichlorians
I want those. having access to the force would be awesome. that and the cool helmet they give you when you go evil
you could punch people over the internet, the true dream
i just want a republic pilot helmet, those are badass
Just this past weekend I watched spaceballs again. I love how they spoofed Star Wars
@NathanOliver I've been meaning to watch that for more than a year, first time in English
great movie, I should watch it again
@Tunaki let us know when back
@AndrasDeak it is awesome. You need to watch the non tv version.
+ airplane + airplane 2
(which have totally different plots)
what about Spaceballs 2: The Search For More Money?
@NathanOliver is that, like, uncut? Less cut? Director's cut?
I have heard they are actually working on making a sequall to spaceballs
oh, it happened only in NYC, must be JAL's doing
oh wow i didn't know about that
that's awesome
probably trolling?
@AndrasDeak Just the regular movie version. In the US at least some of the words they used in the movie when it was released in theaters were changed or edit out as they are not politically correct/offensive.
@NathanOliver wow, thanks for the tip
@JAL The kids love it
my description: ''The kids love this one!''
@JAL linden says "spaceballs can be deadly in burning liquid form"
afk for lunch
> upvoting, since the downvoter did not comment. – box
never saw that before
well yeah but never saw it in a comment
maybe the downvoter was going brain dead reading off-topic resource requests and needed a reprieve
we'll never know
@NathanOliver hammer it?
and delete (skip up 1 line) ... the String Buffer one
oh you already voted
Yeah :(
hammer is in the shop :)
super excited self is super excited. The box with so t-shirt in the mail office. it gets home tomorrow. there's no fighting it, I'll be able to publicly show my colors now.
Hello o/
"plop" all
Hey Jon
This Question stackoverflow.com/questions/35648988/… should be deleted because the OP has re-evaluated and opened a new Question on his issue? He's so stated in his "Answer", which I've left so that people don't waste their time trying to answer this question...
@Drew Hey Drew, yeah. First time I've used this (or any) chat room... The floor is slippery :-)!
and Cindy get your popcorn ready for github.com/jactor74 cuz "the answer is to come"
@CindyMeister that ^ is how you can do it if you want to make it easy for us
> daily close vote limit reached;
@FélixGagnon-Grenier we are sorry about that ...
@CindyMeister that whole thing is a mess and hopefully he doesn't get a question ban. Hopefully a stern mod warning
Tried to salvage this. Anything else you think I can add?
@rene Thanks for the suggestion, rene. I thought about that and actually started the process, but that only works (for me, anyway) if there's already an accepted Answer?
@CindyMeister it obviously works for dupes between the same user?
@rene @Drew Aha! Learn something new every day... And WOW, that was quick!
@CindyMeister wanna read something funny? And I am sure it is not about you.
@You're scaring me <g>, but OK, I'm game...
cuz I was trying to remember if it was MsYv and yours truly that poached you here and I was reading the transcript
But here it is
Huh. No idea to what thread that refers or if I am meant. Now you've got me wondering... :-)
I think it was completely random.
Kevin is the nicest guy.
@Drew That's good to know :-)!
Yeah, if anyone is mean here, it must be me
All out of close votes =80
@shadow If you go to the room info, then the FAQ, then you can find a user script with a nice format for the [cv-pls], this allows us to see the title of the post for faster killing
@Ferrybig Yeah, although most of us have licences to kill, our goal is to help the OP.
Whether it be through closing, editing, etc.
@Ferrybig I prefer to keep my browser installations free of such things, as I have already explained this several times. I would not even be able to install it on the computer I'm working right now
Yes. cloasing is just one option. If you can help an OP then generally that is better.
Then keep this handy for cut / paste / edit, in a text file, say:
[tag:cv-pls] REASON [TITLE](LINK)
@Mogsdad too much work
@TylerH ...yep. Me like scripties.
just write [tag:cv-pls] and then paste the link and boom
much quicker
@TylerH But without the transparency we're supposed to have.
that's what I'm doing and was told-off for that
@TylerH Plus a reason
@TylerH Always include a reason
one box?
Fast and Furious, or just Furious?
one-box, one-box
the crowd screams for more!
@PraveenKumar Over that?
@rene What crap? Why can't I un-onebox a comment?
@Mogsdad @Sam @NathanOliver yes, that much is obvious. It was implied
Okay... Someone said StackOverflow as forum.
@Shadow Sorry about that. YOu can post a cv=pls however you want as long as it has the tag, a reason and a link. Some user like the "standard" format but you do not have to use it. Cinnamon has never used it
@PraveenKumar A new user.
@NathanOliver Who is Cinnamon?
They don't know any better.
@Sam Still! :'(
@PraveenKumar Yeah ik, but how are they supposed to know any better? :/
Probably meant Cimmanon by that
@Sam Hmm right...
I misread that nick as well for the first time
^^ ^ yeah that
@Shadow Where is my sarcasm key? It must be broken.
@Mogsdad Press the any key
I would so love to comment "This is Sparta" under Praveen's comment :)
@Shadow As he kicks the guy into a hole...
exactly. You got my point better, than I did yours :)
Yours was pointier.
Hi all o/
Hi there
You know, I just said hi to you somewhere else...
Developers hate this trick, Learn how to Earn multiple Altruist badges
What, um how?
How can you award multiple bounties at the same time? You mean in the same minute?
sd f edited
@JAL Nope, at the same second. (Even I dunno how)
that's insane
BTW, I still haven't earned it. Might as well test it.
think it works the same way with investor?
@JAL Maybe, but that's tough to do
@JAL Have a great answer that I can bounty?
lol not any of mine, don't want to get in trouble for rep fraud
why don't you bounty a highly upvoted unanswered java question?
or python
@JonasCz I guess I will bounty your 30k answer.
@JAL What if I receive no answer? Then I can't test that. :/
hmm, fair
@BhargavRao what about one of these answers? stackoverflow.com/q/100003/2415822
Wait, are there any other decent answers which don't have huge votes
@BhargavRao which ?
Oh that one, yeah
@JAL That is one of e-satis's 3 golden gems for SO (or for the entire developer community of the world). Does it need more attention?
i'll keep looking
Bounty would be awesome :-)
Oh @JonasCz I'm sorry. I can't offer to that. It is closed :-(
There was an incredible ios answer to one of my questions here but I already gave it an 100 point bounty
You've got any other awesome answer like that? @JonasCz (Or know any other awesome answer worth a bounty?)
are you just looking for python questions?
Nope, anything.
was that not spam?
@BhargavRao Nope, but I'll write another one sometime.. I do remember seeing a really great answer a while back which helped me a lot, can't find it anymore. I wish search sucked less...
@JonasCz Hmm, I have 4 days before left. :/
@zondo Even so please use the actual close reason.
What is the abbreviation for that?
Is it OSR for off site resource?
Tool Req
normally we just use tool req as it is covered in the same reason
Okay. Is it worth re-posting? It is too old to edit.
@zondo Its alright.
Never mind. It is closed anyway.
@Drew Do you need guys for R? I am thinking of adding a +50 for this guy, he will cross 3k in 2-3 days. stackoverflow.com/a/34613208/4099593
Just trying to make sure everyone is following the rules.
@DavidArenburg 2 up ^
@BhargavRao That's funny you mention this, as we were discussing this like 5 mins ago in the other room...
Not sure if this very ethical though...
@DavidArenburg You were thinking of adding a bounty to that answer?
@BhargavRao not really
just were discussing he should pass 3K soon so he can participate in moderaiton
Also @David, get someone to unlock the R help chat. Need help in R :/
@gunr2171 For me typo, how to put a library in classpath is hardly interesting (basically the font extensions was not in classpath), maybe a dub to classpath question but seems to complex....
@BhargavRao we have lots of guys activly moderating btw
@BhargavRao I opened an alternative room chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/75819/gmts
@DavidArenburg Ah so, I can look at some other tag to give rep.
and you have write access long ago
@BhargavRao You know you could give me some rep. I wouldn't mind.
@DavidArenburg Yikes! How come? o_O
though its not really for total noobs room :)
@PetterFriberg ok. Me personally I don't know which is why I asked you the leading question.
@zondo You coming from Python, Your ans must be damn good to impress me ;)
Please? I'll be good.
@BhargavRao cause we give write access to most guys active on the R tag with sufficient rep
@zondo Just ping me when you are 9k-ish. I will certainly bump you to 10k. (5k aint give that many good mod privs)
We goof around a lot there, but it is mainly meant for moderation as we are using SO platform after all...
@BhargavRao Keep in mind that the way you stated that message it can be seen as an invite for targetted (up) voting of a user, something we should be careful with.
@DavidArenburg But isn't the R-Public "the official" r help, given that it is mentioned in the r tag info.
@BhargavRao it is I guess
@BhargavRao 5k ain't give poop
but it is frozen
@rene Oops, did not think like that. I will remember that.
(tag wiki reviews, yes, but who are we kidding)
@AndrasDeak Lol, true
@BhargavRao either way, it is not an official room.
How can a user move his own question to a different site? I've just been asked for the second time, and I don't want to disappoint a second person.
@zondo you can't. It needs to be migrated by 5 3k'ers or a mod
@zondo Flag for mod attention, "migrate asap plz"
or...self-delete and ask elsewhere?
it's unlikely that the original format is exactly suitable for the new site
just remember that you don't need to migrate if the post is on-topic on the current site
It's working code that he wants improvements on.
I don't think there is an official migration to code review
@gunr2171 There should be. There are so many questions here that belong there.
@Drew I'd love to answer "use python"
not really asking for anything
@gunr2171 he's being passive agressive
FYI 4 of us are from the matlab&octave room
@zondo not as much as you'd think, most of those questions are too crap to migrate
the official policy is almost literally "don't migrate crap"
I rarely see a well-posed "how can I make this better?" kind of question
@Drew ...then why did you bring up a post that has 4 close votes to a person who is versed in matlab. Doesn't sound like you're asking for nothing
"count on one hand"-rarely
@gunr2171 for the record, I understood that message as a
@Drew I presume this all matters due to accountability
but we want to be able to move posts with the archiver so you're helping us a bit in using the right format
makes sense too
@AndrasDeak I am very busy with 50 tabs open please look at this I have no opinion on it and saw a tag you know stuff about stackoverflow.com/q/35775353/1816093
spoken like a true anarchist
I've seen that post, alas
@Tunaki when you get back I have 10 dupe potentials that I have no opinion about
@FormatGod please have mercy on my soul
Where is Lord Tunaki when you need him?
drew, please don't sidestep the rules of this room
Oh, by the way, has anyone ever discussed this with Tunaki?
name 1 I side stepped ?
7 mins ago, by Andras Deak
@gunr2171 for the record, I understood that message as a
Those were his words
try harder
hey I didn't do nothing:P
@Drew are those really the words you want to use?
4 mins ago, by Drew
@AndrasDeak I am very busy with 50 tabs open please look at this I have no opinion on it and saw a tag you know stuff about http://stackoverflow.com/q/35775353/1816093
which you only did after we brought up what we would all consider a cv-pls
like the 20 I sent to Tunaki at cv2 as a message just to him for dupe comment considerations as he sees fit
it is NOT a room cv-pls
School yard fight can end
Dem, out of precious flags
What you guys think of this answer stackoverflow.com/questions/21338103/…
My flag is pending for several days already with no verdict
looks like cr*p to me
it's accepted, I don't think NAA flag would work
@DavidArenburg It hasn't entered the queue.
who cares if its accepted?
it is an answer: "it won't work"
because the VLQ queue can't do anything about it
NAA flags on accepted answers go straight to mods, who are less-likely to delete it
neither the OP or the answerer have no idea what they are talking about
they will tell you to edit the content from the link into the answer
@DavidArenburg it sits in the mod-queue due to it being accepted.
@JAL only on accepted answers. regular NAA go to the queue and then after sometime also enter the mod queue
yep, edited my message to reflect that
either way its just a link only answer
my b
with an old link
which in any time can be out of date
@DavidArenburg You have to wait till some mod filters/sorts the queue such that your flag is on top
well, flag as NAA and wait
k, thanks
@gunr2171 already did
hehehe commitstrip.com/en/2016/03/03/its-not-working (mildly nsfw language in a comic)
several days ago
@DavidArenburg I think flags will be declined - it's a short but complete answer, where the link is just a reference.
I had a declined flag in almost the same case.
@Mogsdad "Not possible" is never the answer
If we can send a ship to the freakin Mars we can make some plots too
@DavidArenburg Maybe not the correct answer. And we aren't policing for that. It's an answer.
If you feel it's not helpful, downvote.
@DavidArenburg Then.. Something needs to be done with all of these :-)
14,178 results. That's a lot of deletions.
nvm, closed as a dupe
there is always a dupe
@Mogsdad Exactly, as there was another meta answer somewhere, collect two other 20kers and delv the answer if it is technically incorrect
Right - I should have said "not helpful, or technically wrong".
@JonasCz All of these are c*** if you ask me
Sometimes the answer really is you can't.
@David I've worked in C++ and C# - is c*** a new one? :p
Yes, but is has better undefined behavior
It's like A* but better
I was taught an A is better than a C
@JonClements :)
That is what the teacher taught me
@NathanOliver A+ is better. Can you imagine what A++ would be like?
You would get two stickers on your homework
I was also told that 6 is afraid of 7.
afk for a bit
One of my teachers told me: "remember - the only thing you have to do in life is die" - I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't in Philosophy and had actually joined the Food & Cooking class :p
@NathanOliver Because 7 voted for Drumpf?
@MadaraUchiha nope. because 7 8 9
@MadaraUchiha I see someone watches "Last Week Tonight"
@NathanOliver n1
@MadaraUchiha Hi! o/
@gunr2171 Drumpf is like a Gold Sharpie, "It's something that gives the passing appearance of wealth, but is actually just a cheap tool."
@gunr2171 I had to call the police
That was quite the brutal murder he committed there
@MadaraUchiha ok, and now you lost me
I'm talking about the HBO show "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver", in which his last episode he bashed Donald Trump and found his real name to be Drumpf. Don't know about any murders.
@MadaraUchiha Woah... What happened?
Police? Why?
@JonClements Hi! o/
Can someone help me with finding 3 good example questions on MSO that are help me improve my closed question and one bad example?
@gunr2171 I think they're saying the show "brutally murdered" Trump, figuratively.
ooooooohhhhhh. That would make sense.
Seems I got out-clevered
@JonClements What did you learn in cooking class? o_O
oops nevermind
@BhargavRao question is gone
Good guy OP. Deletes a partial question.
@Drew Give me my work
@gunr2171 Yes, in which he brutally murdered Donald Drumpf :D
ah, ok. Meanwhile on politics.SE
Woot my flag on a bounty question was helpful
@NathanOliver Oh, I was just about to grab that ...
needs a mass cleanup. THe first 8 questions are wrongly tagged.
that will go slow
@rene Yeah that was a good got it reopened but nit a good improved the question

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