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Autocorrect on keyboard is annoying as fuck
It really does look like you need a function dispatch(command) or something, which would invoke(commands.locate(command)) or similar
Use free functions vs member functions to taste
Gawd, I hate the sensation of being tired.
> It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.
^ lol
what's "lol" about it
The amount of "spot-on" crammed into it.
@milleniumbug the truth that waiting for consensus is not always the right approach, certainly not business wise
inb4 std::optional
I realize that whenever I need to special-case something in my library, I try to cram it into a more general design improvement.
Which is fun but very time-consuming.
pick your battles
It's not always immediately worth it. Also, you don't always have the best solution in mind instantly
@sehe Yeah, that's why I question the "funny" part about it, it's just the truth
@sehe True. And sometimes the solution comes as an elegant thing you had always been looking for.
It's always funny to state the truth in an indirect, surprising manner
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook (c-set-style "my-c"))
I wonder if this will work
@Morwenn Yeah, if you know it works, you can. But sometimes it's more like the "gotta scratch that itch" and the resulting conundrum is only marginally better (in that you can "argue" to yourself that the special case is gone, but the design didn't really improve)
That's old
About 4,561,728 votes old
> Published on Aug 24, 2015
@sehe yes, let it happen and then blame those responsible once you have clear hindsight
@Jefery Working as a model. Working. Model.
@LucDanton Hmm? I'm not sure I can imagine the scenario for that immediately.
@ElimGarak You don't think it's "real" work?
@sehe Haha, I remember some really bad decisions I took from time to time that felt like genious decisions at the time :D
@sehe it’s much easier to figure out what was the right thing to do after the fact
@Morwenn To me it's usually like spending a week incrementally inching towards "somewhat" cleaner code. And then, ~~epiphany~~, let's decouple these and abstract that, BAM. Done (and by implication wasted most of the week doing the low hanging fruit)
That is quite fine with me. I did not know what the criterion is. I applied because you have a 'total beginners' section in the book list, and the article said that I should apply here, it does not mention any criteria.
As for the double-standard: The standard you are mentioning is, in fact, that there is no particular standard. It is only the opinion of people here, but that cannot really be called a standard. In my opinion, gained by the discussions conducted here, people here are, on individual basis, applying a double-standard.
@LucDanton Ah
@sehe Oh.
when they come asking for forgiveness, say they suck
@LucDanton inb4 @Nooble
@LucDanton They'll zone out, they hear it all the time
@KevinC That book question is designed to help people interested in C++ to gain access to excellent, sufficiently peer reviewed books. It is not a marketing tool for authors.
Anyone below 69 rep should not be allowed to chat here
(cough KevinC cough)
I'd vote on 1k rep minimum given the opportunity, even if I had to answer some poorly structured questions on C++ and realtime graphics to get back here afterwards.
@ElimGarak nah way m8
@ElimGarak Of course. When did I said any different? You have every right to reject me, I just wanted to know the reasons and have a bit of discussion. I got everything I wanted.
I'd barely just get in
C is awfully featureless
I swear I put that heater on a while ago, it's still fucking cold as shit say 1m from it :(
@Jefery I consider it deplorable, honestly. "Go do something with your life" is my instinct when I meet women like that, some of which went to school with me. Pretty as hell, dumb as a bag of bricks. IMHO, something that shouldn't be rewarded in any way.
The fact that the stable selection sort does not seem better than a bubble sort makes me a bit sad.
@ElimGarak Meh
@ElimGarak Nice superiority complex
@CatPlusPlus How does being of the opinion that people can do much more than looking for the easy way out is a superiority complex?
If I had said, "good, that's probably the only thing you can do", that would factor as a superiority complex.
Lol, modelling is nothing like the easy way out.
It requires excellent mental strength.
Why does it bother you
@ElimGarak That's a fast judgment.
@Morwenn ... what type of modelling?
Also like 3 generalised judgements right there in your first sentence
Do you always judge people based on their looks? Doesn't that make you a bit superficial?
@EtiennedeMartel It's after a decade of knowing these people (in my case)
I don't think looking like a model is easy
@ElimGarak You mean you know all of them? Damn.
If only it were then I'd be a model :V
That's impressive.
@thecoshman The one where you wear clothes to show people how pretty they are on you for example.
actually that's a lie, but I'd still want to look like one
@Morwenn on you baby, they all look fabulous
@thecoshman Lol, it's more like the opposite.
@EtiennedeMartel Thanks, I try.
@EtiennedeMartel A well warn book is more likely to be a good read, judge by the cover
@Morwenn well true, you look damn hot nakd
worn but yh
@thecoshman wat man
ITT humans are books.
wot u doin
@thecoshman Ugh, it's even worse.
Trap sprung
@Jefery I do like to toot it
Shots fired
@TonyTheLion ^ song just for you bud
Etienne propaganda activated. Exception extrapolation from general rule in progress.
@EtiennedeMartel more like bananas
The truth is, I am sour because I wanted to be a model, but they told me I am ugly.
Why do I jump so easily on any new programming concept that slightly makes me horny?
Fuck this shit. If I'm cold with the heater on, I may as well turn that money burner off
Does anyone in this room know anything about Java RMI?
@ElimGarak well fuck that shit
@Lalaland it's wank
@Lalaland rip
@Jefery Dependency erection
@thecoshman Well, other than that.
@Lalaland A little
The spec seems ambiguous about whether void methods block.
I wrote one thing with it
Does anyone know for sure if void methods always block?
Yeah, me too
All calls are synchronous afair
Can one be a model without being above average vain?
@Lalaland everything blocks
@ElimGarak yes
Some people claim differently (gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17034)
@JerryCoffin I tried to replace the my fallback bubble sort for the deepest mergesort recursion levels by a stable selection sort as per your suggestion the other day, but it ranges from "almost not better" to "worse" :/
I checked the JDK source, and it always blocks.
it's not about being vain, quite the opposite, it's about being willing to sell your body. It's basically un-sexual prostitution
@Lalaland They are wrong
RMI blocks everything always everytime
That's what I thought.
any semblance to async is magik on top
Yeah, I remember they all block too
@Morwenn oh yeah, a nice deep mergesort, mmm
@thecoshman You sound horny today.
@TannerSansbury The OP has really lost the plot there too
@Morwenn lol yes
@Morwenn I shouldn't be, this room is probably not even double digit temps :\
I'm close to irrational stripping :\
that's a thing people!
@thecoshman Some like it cold.
What do you mean by blocking?
@thecoshman Well. gcj is not very good, so that isn't too suprising.
@Morwenn well it's good for getting the nips out, but I'd crack someones teeth if they tried to nibble mine
@Jefery you must wait for it to return
Anyone even uses GCJ
How else would it work?
Anyone ever used GCJ
Why does this project still exist
@thecoshman But... what about the kinky? :o
@Jefery If I call stub.blah() and then stub.foo(), do I have the promise that blah finished first?
Well yeah
@Jefery it's not a thread thing
Heh okay maybe it doesn't, last news 2009
- So, what do you do?
- I am a model.
- Nice tessellation, I can't see the edges.
ofc the RMI could return a future like thing
The whole idea of RMI is to simulate method calls between different nodes on the net just like if they were on the same program.
@CatPlusPlus The mailing is still active with a whole 5 messages per three months.
Oh give it a rest, you don't like that someone earns money with less effort than you, we get it
@Morwenn vOv sure, just leave my nips out of it
At least AFAIR
@Morwenn It's probably spam
@Jefery yes, it's nothing to do with parallelism.
Don't use RMI and don't use GCJ
@CatPlusPlus I'm not sure "less effort" is true
@CatPlusPlus The last ones were about updating some dependency so it might as well be spam.
@CatPlusPlus I have to use RMI. And the fear is that the JDK will change later on.
No it won't
Nobody touches RMI
Because that would cause me to get screwed.
@thecoshman You're not really open-minded :(
@Lalaland Doesn't that just say that calling a method with void waits for the method call to be completed?
If it's not formally obsolete/deprecated then it's probably because nobody remembers it exists
Which is... by design.
@Lalaland nah, one thing for Java, it's a fucking stable as shit API wise. They deprecate loads of shit, but AFAIK not remove it.
@Jefery It's claiming that it's a bug.
And it turns out you guys are correct.
@Morwenn oh excuse me for putting on traffic cone up in a world of other pleasures!
A: Java RMI: Blocking for void method return?

JB NizetThe spec says: When a stub's method is invoked, it does the following: initiates a connection with the remote JVM containing the remote object, marshals (writes and transmits) the parameters to the remote JVM, waits for the result of the method invocation, unmarshals (reads) the...

GCJ bug tracker is not an authority on Java
Hell, GCJ is not an authority on anything, because nobody uses it
Or ever did
@Lalaland Yeah
It's on authority on obsolescence.
RMI is transparent RPC, blocking is the only reasonable thing to do here
@CatPlusPlus With void return types, you could "optimize" by not blocking.
Except that's observably different
@Lalaland not really
void return does not mean you can just let the caller continue shit on it's own
Why do you "have" to use RMI anyway
@CatPlusPlus inb4 school
inb4 java
Java really isn't that bad
it's fucking shit, but it's not that bad
It's p much obsolete, the API is awkward and weird, the documentation is mostly non-existent (esp on how to run the fucking discovery service)
doesn't JEE wrap it in some way for it's clustering shit?
fuck it, time for drink
@thecoshman Correct. I have an idiot professor.
JEE is kinda starting to be obsolete too
He has a lot of very stupid ideas.
This is one of many.
He also believes that void does not block in RMI.
no need for ice
If it's for school then why the fuck do you bother with spec checking or worrying that it'll change
People only use Java for the JVM, now.
@CatPlusPlus it really is pure wank
@CatPlusPlus Unlike some people, I care about correctness.
@EtiennedeMartel meh
@Lalaland It's literally throwaway code
If it works right now, that's all that matters
Everything is throwaway code in the big scheme of things.
I don't want to worry about race conditions for the next month.
I love the Lounge's ability to miss the point completely. Cat is right, don't worry about it. :P
Why would you worry about race conditions
@Lalaland not really. IRL code life is proportional to it's shitness.
@thecoshman Maybe that's a sign that code quality doesn't really matter?
@ElimGarak the lounge? it's lala who's off with the sheep
Like, C code is so great that we still have to deal with it.
It's literally 'I tested it and it works like I want it to' deal and it doesn't have to be future-proof in any way shape or form
@Lalaland no, that people are bad
I thought Lala was out of school, though.
@ElimGarak 1 more year.
Ohey I finally got "implement linked list" as an assignment :3
cut corners on a bridge, it'll fall and people will be pissed. Try do same for a software project, it'll fail and people will be pissed, but for some reason surprised why it didn't magically work first time./
Worrying that a thing last touched in Java 1.5 (and only to stop requiring separate stub compilation phase) will suddenly change core behaviour is silly, and doubly so for a school assignment
@ElimGarak everyone here is 5
It's not caring about correctness, it's wasting your fucking time
@Ell lol, I think that was one lesson we had covering many data structures... not sure if was even a lab, more just a quick slide or two on the theory.
Literally, you could've better spent that time fucking. :P
@ElimGarak yeah, fucked my way through most of uni
@ElimGarak Rather hard to fuck other people when you are sitting in a class room "listening" to a professor lecture.
Nothing's impossible
@Lalaland I never thought you were the kind of man to shy away from a challenge
@Lalaland sit at back, gentle movements, slow build up, epic release
What do you think desks are for in lecture halls
@Ell Go to Code Review, pick one. Done.
@CatPlusPlus your snacks, clearly
@Morwenn fail to notice the // by professor what's his name
@Morwenn but then I won't learn anything
@Ell it's a linked list
I have never implemented a linked list
@Ell Well, I guess you already know how a linked list works though.
@TonyTheLion Yes of course.
Yeah I know how they work
@Ell it's struct node{ void* data; node* next };
boom, done, next
oh yes that is very useful
let me just append a node to it
> implicit declaration of function append(node*, void*)
Singly-linked lists can be tricky
@Nooble :P
@CatPlusPlus not really, just more awkward to work with what with no back pointer
@Ell you can do it as a member if you want. Point is, there really isn't anything smart going on there
@thecoshman I'm saying you have to write the accompanying functions
also it's in C
h @Ell o
@Ell Major or minor?
H @TonyTheLion i :P
@ElimGarak diminished 7th
@Ell Good choice!
@ElimGarak Sus.
@Ell yeah, it's tedious shit, but not that hard.
s/that hard/hard at all/
inb4 just wank it a bit
I wasn't complaining about difficulty :)
Flat 5th Incorporated
@thecoshman Programming in a nutshell
IME forward iterators are rather difficult to work with.

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