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maybe I could eat something
so far I'm feasting on your butthurt
Damn it doesn't take a lot to set you two off
in what way am I butthurt here?
Bartek is on a trip and coding?
@AlexM. yeah but don't be a DICK about it, BUTTHURT man
maybe bartek is somewhere where there is nothing to do
he's in Swindon
I told him about the beach
when that happens I play games
guess he wasn't interested
@Pris He is with his family, on a family trip. So he should be talking with his family and enjoying their company, while they are still alive. Doesn't matter where he is.
anyway jk
if I had some time and no games, I'd also work on my game
@AlexM. 2late
@AlexM. actually there's shitload of stuff to play here
Besides, there is always something to do.
I'll spend a weekend at my parents this easter, but I can't play CS GO on my laptop :(
Xbox 1, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, N64, SNES, Wii and mhmmm
is that a SEGA
Genesis I think
no but seriously how can you write haskell on a holiday
And there I thought the stackoverflow chat will not be full of "yo mama" dialogs... oh the disappointment...
@AlexM. I wanted some time alone and calm
like two hours
try something more exotic like Java
they should be back here in an hour and we'll go get something to eat I suppose
I was just extremely exhausted with all the busy time at work and with the apartment
getting up at 6 am every other day and working till 7
here's a place I'd like to visit
where is it?
in jefffrey's homeland
it's the amalfi coast
The Garda Lake in northern italy can offer similar sights
great spot to visit too
You may like Cinque Terre too
yes but the garda lake is not the birthplace of this guy
Gennaro Contaldo, (born (1949-01-21)January 21, 1949) is an Italian chef and restaurateur, known for his association with his protégé, Jamie Oliver, and his partnership with fellow Italian chef Antonio Carluccio and their BBC Two television series Two Greedy Italians. == Early life == Contaldo grew up in the small village of Minori on the Amalfi Coast, developing his love for food from days he spent hunting with his father and grandfather, and collecting herbs for his mother. He began working in local restaurants at age of eight. == Career == Contaldo left Italy in 1969 for London where he got...
Monterosso is particularly nice
@AlexM. heh
the food's still great
man I was so stuffed everyday we were there
@BartekBanachewicz like many people do every day and have done for 20, 30 years?
lol usual pace, 1 commit/day
@AlexM. hmm too much hill
one day before the deadline: 8 commits
I love myself sometimes
1 commit a day doesn't sound like a lot
You're not committing often enough
I know :A
you prolly should make them smaller
I have commitment issues OK
@LightningRacisinObrit yes
@AlexM. You're not the project manager are you :P
@AlexM. just focus on the shit you have to do and do the smallest changes possible
@AlexM. holy saturation batman
@AndyProwl nah
oh look new version of spotify
I'm just a random coder who switches between reddit and code quite often
unless it's close to deadline
then it's more code :(
Dropping 11GB index on a 9GB table is very fun activity
the only redit I read is /r/haskell
@BartekBanachewicz DON'T DO IT IT'S WORSE AGAIN
@BartekBanachewicz Can it minimise out of the way yet
yesterday, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
another Spotify update, another inferior product
@LightningRacisinObrit what did they break this time
lol, Num is a subclass of Show
I think I'll go eat pizza this evening
Mar 11 at 11:15, by Lightness Races in Orbit
New Spotify version today. They removed the name of the currently playing song from the taskbar entry. Why? No reason at all, probably.
21 hours ago, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
When Spotify updates, it adds a shortcut icon to the Desktop. FML
won't eat it at home tho
Mar 14 at 14:08, by Lightness Races in Orbit
Why is it that software like Chrome and Spotify gets slower over time? Surely it should be improving with each fucking release?
I'll go to pizza hut and get a pan QF
they serve it in the same pan it went into the oven in
took 6 minutes for Radio and Browse to do anything yesterday
@CatPlusPlus you mean to tray?
Beh I only care about tray
don't think so
@CatPlusPlus I just tried it with the 'X' button and it immediately closed. Didn't even fade out my music.
There's nothing there to be slow, get a better computer scrub
tray is obsolete now though. since Win7 taskbar
Yeah I want it out of taskbar thanks
this is pure nonsense
I'm shocked
they all seem to have removed about 50% of the configuration options
like what exactly
it keeps icons of daemons
that's the only function I need
Where to put cache for one
@CatPlusPlus yeah :(
the Spotify cache, dumbass
oh ffs you're talking about spotify
where my 1,600-track Starred list is stored so that I don't have to wait two minutes for each song to start up
4 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
oh look new version of spotify
I use winamp
Get a better internet :smugdog:
@AlexM. where do you buy music?
@CatPlusPlus this is a problem since Win7, IYAM. Anything minimized is immediately back in view when you alt-tab. Killing me
@CatPlusPlus internet not at fault
@CatPlusPlus mobile app through my wifi is pretty responsive. the desktop client is just terribru tho, on multiple PCs
I was looking for a reasonable music store but p much no one offers SACD quality
@BartekBanachewicz I bought some from google play but usually I just torrent flacs
google play doesn't have flacs anyway
mp3 320 is ok tho
@AlexM. mp3? You mean that obsolete format from 2000s
flac is what she called it
winamp is my flac cannon
@CatPlusPlus only funny in polish
FLAC Common Interface Directive
Not really
@BartekBanachewicz where Overexposure Island crossed the Hdr river
@BartekBanachewicz er, no
Lossless codecs have no place outside of editing
but thank you I shall call you Flakowaty from now on
Being serious though, the only thing from my music I was able to find on SACD so far was Dire Straits
@CatPlusPlus mmm, I wouldn't say so
Well except for PNg
15 minutes later
first and foremost, there's hardly any support for hi-res lossy codecs
Can you even have 192/24 AAC?
Like what
Also we were talking about PCM lossless
and there's also DSD which is by far superior
I don't really care about codecs or omgneeds10000bitrate anyway
DSD is about different encoding, not bitrate per se
it allows e.g. a totally different approach to D/A conversion
does no one listen to the radio these days
talk shows are where its at
@Pris songs sped up, cut to 60% of length, and interrupted by ads?
no thanks
coliru kills long running things right...
hi hi cosh posted an infinite loop
doesn't seem to say that it did though :\
@BartekBanachewicz no, just a long loop :P
coliru isn't your personal AWS you know
I know I know
@LightningRacisinObrit no one says that
but it's such a nice service (@StackedCrooked)
@Pris lol no
@BartekBanachewicz I literally just did
except maybe UK I think
blind as a bartek
but who cares about UK
@BartekBanachewicz sped up?
@thecoshman to ~104% typically
Crime of all crimes
@BartekBanachewicz aka hardly perceptable
oh, bus :D
screw you guys!
@CatPlusPlus crime if you want to sing along or play along :D
I don't think they correct the pitch, so you'd be out of tune
Oh the horror
are you one of those people who don't hear the pitch of the sound
I don't pay attention
things out of tune isn't something you pay attention to
you just hear that or you don't
I spy a new sensation in consumer biometrics: "one-dick authentication"
Either it sounds good or not, I don't drill further
And I wouldn't notice 4% difference in background noise
@BartekBanachewicz But it requires a whole lot of paying attention in your formative years
@sehe ld
The only problem I have with JSON.minify() is that it is really really slow. So I made my own implementation that does the same thing: gist.github.com/1170297 . On some large test files your implementation takes 74 seconds and mine 0.06 seconds. — WizKid Aug 25 '11 at 9:16
@BartekBanachewicz I'm always surprised that popular pop songs can be so screamingly out of tune, it's almost as if people actually like songs for the "special sound" (read: constant mild dissonant timbre effect) produced
@AlexM. Is Winamp still around? Isn't everybody and their dogs using foobar these days?
@fredoverflow it's still around
No, it was axed sometime ago
it was re-bought by someone else tho
(Nobody noticed)
In fact, I use "out-of-tune-by-a-fraction" as expressive effect in violin playing (and sometimes even on piano's that I know really well)
I think "100.00% in tune" would be dull like 100% "in time". Rubato is a thing. good musicians forge entirely new grooves.
@fredoverflow It's still around and it really whips the llama's arse
Listen to drums on the Beatles closely and you get mildly seasick. What they have going is... undefinable
@sehe Guitar is out-of-tune by design
As most instruments are. Most instruments allow liberal finetuning using a plethora of techniques though
Embouchure, pressure, local stretch, fret pinching, "overdrive" string amplitude etc. etc.
@LightningRacisinObrit I loved that motto when I was a teenager :)
yeahhhh good memories
I think my last version was 2.81 or something.
lol good memories of 5
@LightningRacisinObrit I use that skin now
bento is meh
@sehe Oh but of course, string bending and all that. I was specifically talking about say chords; they have their particular sound because of sound discrepancies
old black and green is meh
lol WinAmp is still on v5
@BartekBanachewicz enter 12string believers
> sound discrepancies
@BartekBanachewicz Indeed, it's not @thecoshman's personal AWS, it's @sehe's.
@sehe I'd like a 7 string actually hi hi hi
anyway, an instrument having its own timbre, and things blatantly of tune is a totally different thing
lol Polish radio stations speed up their music by 4%? wtf?
They don't have golden cables or something
ITT timbre is related to pitch?!?!!?
lol wtf
and to what you thought it was related
timbre by definition has fuck all to do with pitch
it is about harmonics, envelope and other such properties
what does "fuck all" mean in this context
it means "nothing". it means you're wrong
@LightningRacisinObrit what are harmonics?
embedded frequencies mathematically related to the fundamental frequency that do not define a tone's pitch but alter its audible characteristics
go to school
so say if a sound that's supposed to be an octave higher is out of tune, you're suggesting it won't impact the lower sound's harmonics?
in the overall sound, that is.
if you play two guitar strings that are supposed to form an octave, one's main pitch becomes the 2nd harmonic of the other
so, if they aren't in tune, the harmonics will change differently depending on the interval played
so that affects the tone basing on the interval
the tone of a chord. not of a single note.
so, being out of tune affects the tone.
never claimed it didn't
@LightningRacisinObrit or two instruments together
6 mins ago, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
ITT timbre is related to pitch?!?!!?
5 mins ago, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
timbre by definition has fuck all to do with pitch
and I stand by that
but that's not the same as what you just said
the resulting sound of a chord is a property of the timbres and pitches of all the notes played
of course we haven't touched the resonant frequencies yet
that does not mean that timbre is a property of pitch, or vice versa
I suspect the problem is just that you misused the term "timbre"
2 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
so, being out of tune affects the tone.
"tone" != "timbre"
always a moving target with you
> In music, timbre (/ˈtæmbər/ tam-bər or /ˈtɪmbər/ tim-bər) also known as tone color or tone quality
"tone color" != "tone"
"tone quality" != "tone"
those are properties of tone
are you blind
also lol who calls it "tim-ber"
@LightningRacisinObrit that's often used by musicians as equal
@BartekBanachewicz I like 5 strings
@BartekBanachewicz Not educated ones, no.
@sehe isn't violin 4 by default?
I know that electric violins and chellos have 5 often
@BartekBanachewicz Oh I'm sorry I'm just classically trained and have a total of 15 qualifications from the RSM, as well as 15 years practical experience as a leading part of the musical institution of a world-renowned English cathedral. but what would I know
@BartekBanachewicz My point is, intonation is used to great effect (Chet Baker, Miles Davis, Amy Winehouse; they all play/sing out-of-tune in their own signature way.)
@LightningRacisinObrit that appeal-to-authority doesn't affect your previous no-true-scotsman fallacy at all
@BartekBanachewicz that's true
I can recognize Isaac Stern by intonation alone
@BartekBanachewicz didn't claim that it did, and I'm not appealing to my authority. I'm pointing it out. my argument stands on its own, but since you are rejecting it, I aim to make you feel as dumb about that as possible by pointing out qualifications that are not, contrary to your claim, irrelevant.
by making fallacies?
Also, string ensembles play in weird tunings. Not to mention baroque ensembles with say authentic traverso + theorbe
I did not make any fallacies.
109008226 rows woo
inb4 invalid fallacy fallacy
@BartekBanachewicz "cello"*
@LightningRacisinObrit Oh good. You can join H2CO3 in posting youtube videos of you playing your particular instrument on Youtube, please?
@BartekBanachewicz [citation needed] I wish to see your survey data. Since you suddenly wish to get all serious about this claim. You assert that musicians (which ones?) "often" incorrectly substitute the term "tone" for "tone colour". My own substantial experience in the field leads me to strongly dispute this. My throwaway joke that no educated musician would make such an error did not make you happy, so let's discuss the facts. Please show me your data.
@LightningRacisinObrit at this point I don't want to talk to you anymore.
good argument boss
@BartekBanachewicz that's not "by default" (it's not a switchable option). And yes. But acoustic 5-string violins exist (extra low C) and of course the electrics come with 6,7 (even 13 IIRC)
@sehe by default I meant that's what you get when you ask for a violin
@LightningRacisinObrit lol
@BartekBanachewicz you don't ask for a violin :) They're not "over-the-counter"
you pull it out of a stone right
uh I tried to use enum flag stuff with bitwise or for the first time
@BartekBanachewicz yes
@AlexM. ew
is this like a proper way to do an array modifier in this case? coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/bb5b7cd2d6fbe38a
@BartekBanachewicz You guessed it. No it's a prescription drug
I don't want to hardcode "array of int" for example
since in the JNI signature array only adds an "[" at the start
holy fuck what are you doing
so JArray | JString would generate "[Ljava/lang/String;"
lol (type | JArray) == type
That's not how you check for set bits unless you like to confuse people
I don't know how to do the flags thing ok
how should I do it?
I know that JArray is the only such modifier there
It's typically done with &
Also I wouldn't use a bitset anyway, since most of the choices conflict with each other
lol, cute, that is not an excessive increase per say but I don't know your market, give negotiating a shot but one thing I love about rent increases is that the poorer complaining neighbors get replaced with cute bubbly hip neighbors. Although not a tolerable answer on this site, just make more money! — CQM 1 hour ago
but in order to set bits, don't you use or?
guessing from spelling that he's a Yank, which is no surprise at all, since classism still runs rife in that antiquated backwater
Set: x | (1 << bit)
Clear: x & ~(1 << bit)
Check: x & (1 << bit)
@AlexM. setting and getting are different operations, bub
just curious: is the "StackedCrooked" user here the maintainer of coliru?
@LightningRacisinObrit yeah I got it now
@CatPlusPlus might want to put x= on the first two there
@MarcoA. Yes. @StackedCrooked is the inventor, developer and maintainer of the Coliru online compiler. He is also the Lord God your Saviour, and you shalt worship no other God than He. Except me. Cheers & hth.
- alf

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