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@Telkitty猫咪咪 This does not seem like a good time to travel in any way. Train/coach crashes with multiple fatalities, plus in UK looks like a carjack-gone-wrong has killed at least two. Amazingly, I flew back to UK and drove home without dying, but I'm not going anywhere else anytime soon.
@MartinJames oh gawd :(
i think you accidentally a word there
@MartinJames I can't evade this kind of logic myself. It creeps me out
@Borgleader On twitter, that's hardly ever an accident. Let's check though
@MartinJames That is why I ignore the news, because it makes you paranoid and think that everywhere you go is full of serial killers and death traps. Which is a blatant fallacy.
So, my friend made this.
@TonyTheLion Until you die. :x
That awkward moment you realize that what you spent many weeks looking for was in an answer you wrote years back: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5715358/convert-xsd-to-xml-using-c-sharp/5715419#5715419 :)
@TonyTheLion or IS IT...... <dun dun dunnnnnn>
@Borgleader Fixed ^
ITT @sehe selfbins masterbins
@TonyTheLion My inbox is full of news about serial killers and death traps, (OK, so I wrote most of them:)
@MartinJames hahah
I know only two traps, the Lounge and Reddit
and I've fallen into both and not recovered
@Borgleader 2 minutes had expired and I didn't want to leave dead links to deleted tweets
@sehe it was only an excuse for me to make a terrible pun. i like terrible puns
@rightfold What exactly was the point of that?
@TonyTheLion Yeah - even taking a new identity does not seem to help, (though prepending your ID with 'not-' is a rather lame ID change).
Does the chat notify people I ping who aren't currently here?
@MartinJames lol.
@Tuntuni Yes, they'll see it in the multi-collider
@Borgleader I like puns and puns of pairable tuns
@TonyTheLion Ah, cool :)
I think someone will abuse this. Plonk hammer handy
@sehe I'm going to the Three Tuns tonight.
@TonyTheLion Had to google for multi-collider though lol. I thought it had something to do with colliding particles. :p
@MartinJames :)
Colliding testicles
Which is the penalty for abuse
oh god :C
@Tuntuni hahahahaha
@TonyTheLion seriously though xD, i thought you were trolling me :D
what? no.
Haha. The poor "I have no clue about threading but need to debug a legacy code base with data races" guy has accepted my answer stackoverflow.com/a/17899692/85371
(without a word on whether it helped. I think he ran away scared)
multicollider ^
yup :)
SuperDropdown™ MultiCollider
lol yeah, that's what first came up ^
Q: How to install Clang from the binary distribution?

PotatoswatterClang has a binary distro, of sorts, but there isn't any README file or anything to tell you what's in the tarball or what to do with it. It appears that I need to separately download libc++ and copy only the clang binary and maybe a few others, but not all the llvm-* stuff. This is just judging...

I don't think anybody knows that
@thecoshman I know! I was joking! Whistling innocently whilst re-adding the tag as requested! Derp
the people who've done have not recovered
@TonyTheLion fun
@sehe You provided a fully functional example, he might've rebuild around the example :P
> asd
Q: Static member initialization using CRTP in separate library

Marco VeglioAfter digging the web, I found some reference to a powerful pattern which exploits CRTP to allow istantiation at runtime of static members: C++: Compiling unused classes Initialization class for other classes - C++ And so on. The proposed approach works well, unless such class hierarchy is pla...

Spot the singleton!
Singletons and Manager classes. I hope you feel bad. — Tony The Lion 13 secs ago
fuck sake I hate trying colour match screens ¬_¬ cheap piles of crap
@FlorisVelleman I fully expect that he's drowning in quite a bit more problems than my answer "solves". Also, my answer heavily uses C++11 and his is a leagcy code base... Statistics tells me: 0.1% chance :/
A: Can the golden ratio accurately be expressed in terms of e and $\pi$

vadim123The following is exact. :-) $$\phi=\frac{\frac{\pi}{\pi}+\sqrt{\frac{e+e+e+e+e}{e}}}{\frac{e}{e}+\frac{\pi}{\pi}}$$

Ahaha, nice
@sehe and OP probably doesn't really understand threading.
@ScottW You keep coming in and saying hi and then leaving again. What is this?
@TonyTheLion Yup. Which is why I find it amusing that he quietly accepted the answer
@TonyTheLion Social behaviour in the wild
@ScottW But you have ALL MY LOVE <3 <3
Isn't that enough?
I don't understand OVH. Why would I pick a VPS over a dedicated server?
@sehe lol
fucking crap
nom nom, ham&cheese croissant
oh you bitch... now i want one :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Crazy, isn't it?
I am not supporting MSVS2012 anymore
just not.
@ScottW rather cloudy here
great... so I edit the 'colour' of my second screen to match the other... but now it is noticeably darker. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@BartekBanachewicz gave up he?
I guess a dedicated server suffers from having actual hardware, while a VPS can "jump around". No idea if that is the reason.
@ScottW Morning beautiful <3
@ThePhD OpenSource only the reflection module then, will ya? If you are really going the way I suggested it actually can make sense.
@TonyTheLion Fuck no brace initialization for structs.
@BartekBanachewicz lol, what are you supporting then?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit AFAIK their dedicated servers are not 'amazing' hardware, so if you want more ~power~ a VPS could work out cheaper...
@BartekBanachewicz Wait, what?
@ScottW For a few moments, yesterday I was watching the huge fight in eve onlines (it peaked at around 4 000 players shooting each other in the same system)
@Xeo My quadtree is using a lot of stuff like return Struct { .. }; and they have no constructors
@Tony The Lion I can see legit use-cases of this! Generally it should be avoided, but sometimes it's the best option. And the above code does not violate good software writing practices. — Ralph Tandetzky 50 secs ago
@R.MartinhoFernandes 2013 and compilers that are actually conformant
Aggregate initialization works just fine in VS, last I tried.
I don't know what to say
Extent extent { 0.f, 0.f, sizeInUnits, sizeInUnits };

 'extent' : local function definitions are illegal
This question is terrible and you should feel terrible. Also, it makes no sense. — Tony The Lion 6 mins ago
@Xeo for weird definitions of fine ^
@Tony and you keep talking about Cat's negativity.
@BartekBanachewicz Try = {...};
@BartekBanachewicz That's not what you wrote above.
@R.MartinhoFernandes true. Call me a hypocrite, I won't blame you.
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, I didn't notice the return in there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes returns give error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{'
@Xeo that solves half of the problem indeed
FFS, fuck writing constructors
@BartekBanachewicz Well, Stuff{...} is part of uniform-init.
brace initialization is way more conveient
@Xeo and we're back to "fuck MSVS2012"
@BartekBanachewicz It's also full of corner cases and pitfalls.
@R.MartinhoFernandes why do you always have to see the negative side?
I think it's the shining example of why we should avoid adding more syntax to C++.
Everyone is a hypocrite! :D
Right now I am not writing library code; I am writing app code. Fuck metaprogramming and corner cases and whatnot
And I gotta tell you, writing libraries is by far more exhausting (but you know that already)
@BartekBanachewicz It hurts there too.
@Tuntuni eueueu.eu
You can write throw away code in an app :3
@Ell um, no?
@rightfold yeah, but i liked ~sebastiaan too :D
@BartekBanachewicz much more so than in a library
@R.MartinhoFernandes at least I don't have to pointlessly write constructors for every struct that I treat like an unwanted baby just because tuple doesn't have literal addressing
@BartekBanachewicz If your structs are aggregates, you can just write { ... }.
Aggregates are not new.
@Ell I am trying to write good code regardless of whether its app or library. The fact that code is less generic does't mean it's "throwaway"
@R.MartinhoFernandes except VS doesn't allow that :F
you've got to love it. Trivially-copyable, pod, stdlayout, aggregate. It's all so { clear }
Btw, try emplacing an aggregate.
@BartekBanachewicz It does.
@R.MartinhoFernandes not in returns
@BartekBanachewicz well I wasn't saying your code was throw away, I was saying, there is no point writing throw away code in a library because by definition (I think?) it is there to be used more than once, whereas in an app it might only be used once
@Ell I don't think that assuming "this code will only be used once" is ok except for trivial SO answer examples
Well obviously it's not preferred, but shipping is a feature :3
@rightfold Or you posting this every second now? Let's start a meme!
@Ell I still don't understand how is shipping related to that
are you implying that to finish your app you have to write bad code?
@Xeo is your password "let f(x) = ..." now?!
That would make @rightfold the best coder here.
@BartekBanachewicz No, I'm saying it's sometimes quicker to write bad code
Idk, I have had that experience when writing command line tools :3
okay, I was wrong, always write good code :P
@Ell except when you later have to maintain such code
then your "quicker" suddenly turns into "no weekend"
I am quite happy with my QuadTree anyway :). After a bit of cleanup I did I am 100% sure it will require no changes in raycast logic to make use of it in 3D
@Ell Unless ofcourse the manager asks for a cool app with colors again
I accidentally gave Daisy the impression that I was gonna take her for a walk when I have no intention of doing so
she can be quite insistent
@BartekBanachewicz You just have to declare a variable to return.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :effort:
Oh well. New Meme falls flat.
So much for humor
If that is the reason you're dropping support for the current version of VS...
@sehe hahahahahah
@R.MartinhoFernandes I should've dropped support for the whole VS alltogether.
@sehe It was funny.
@BartekBanachewicz I keep finding your insistence on racist logic unsettling
@TonyTheLion :/
I'm easily amused though
@sehe lol
> racist logic
@TonyTheLion ://
Hi there
TIL is proper good
@AhmedJolani hi there, random php coder
@sehe is that disturbing in some fashion?
@BartekBanachewicz Funny you picked up on the subtle hint that you two have so much in common
@BartekBanachewicz I'm no longer coding in PHP
@sehe I'm not that subtle.
@AhmedJolani OIC. Good decision.
Just what I was talking about yesterday to have a network usage monitoring application. Today, I've found this network usage app for windows 8. How can I download this?
@BartekBanachewicz I reckon it is because of (a) using softglow on profile pic (b) having mostly void homepage
(with (b) being a secondary trait indicated by the primal trait :) )
@cpx Use the network! (google "network usage" for hints on using the network)
What does "All opinions stated in my comments and answers are my own, and not and are not connected to my employer's." mean?
@sehe :F I will get to setting up my GHpage proper soon(tm)
@sehe: Use the network to download it?
Does it mean the opinions are at the same time yours and not yours?
@R.MartinhoFernandes (are my own) and (not ((my employer's) or (connected to my employer)))
that better?
@sehe: I would like to know for example about the usage in last hour..
@cpx I would like to know what will be good for lunch today
that makes two of us. We would like to know things.
@BartekBanachewicz what do you @ intel?
@AhmedJolani stuff. super secret special stuff.
@BartekBanachewicz great.
@sehe xD
@AhmedJolani He feeds the bugs.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
Do we like to know things because we are ignorant or just curious?
@cpx what else? You can try using a wormhole or snail mail.
@cpx I'm curious. Are you just ignorant, or do you want to know things?
@sehe I don't know. He has simply shown a thing you should be aware of.
@sehe Ugh, A03 is more like A89.
@BartekBanachewicz I commented this: pastebin.com/NaDC7X9q
> Agreeing: the problem is a constructor that doesn’t initialize all members. Note that you can add initializers at the field declaration and have it happen automatically in C++11. Also, I’d simply suggest to not refactor unless needed, and only refactor using the Rule-Of-Zero. Finally, there’s constructor-body level try/catch for some situations like this as well.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Or worse. A_ansi_c70_remnants
ANSI C is C11. Just saying :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes Shhhh. If you say gcc -ansi it'll take .. '89?
@BartekBanachewicz It uses bad code for that effect, though, and fails to properly identify the source of the problem :(
@sehe Yes.
There's actually a comment there in the post already pointing that out.
Guy also posted this dev.krzaq.cc/… :<
@sehe So it's enough for only one of the constructors to finish to consider the object constructed?
@Tuntuni As always.
I don't understand why people expected that to change. There's no other sane behaviour.
@R.MartinhoFernandes alright
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh fuck.
> Leonid Volnitsky says:
2013-06-27 at 14:52:47
I am using similar technique in my Range Operators library (http://volnitsky.com/project/ro)
@R.MartinhoFernandes People don't expect that to change. People are just ... lazy and liked the fact that a "common init" member let them do half-initialization. Of course, it can still.
Somehow I'm not surprised ^
@BartekBanachewicz Someone on twitter is posting his ramblings... This time it was Andrey
@BartekBanachewicz Guess what, I am.
@sehe :F
@rightfold no doubt.
A functional programming pony would have a picture of itself as CM. :3
@rightfold or a lambda
Also cool.
i should be watching MLP instead of LOST
My LOST Pony
Questions tagged and :cripes:
the same problem with Corona, really.
@BartekBanachewicz Stop drinking that Mexican shit.
@MartinJames :F not that one
Should I buy OpenGL programming guide?
hm, Kessenich is one of the authors
Hi, does anyone have experience with integrating QtSql with a cocos2dx Blackberry project ? I have a some general ideas but have met us with several linker and "not found" issues. I have posted an question on the matter here, ALL kinds of help is appreciated, Im new to C++ dev
> However, I was extremely disappointed and shocked to see the transformations of all the example code to C++. This is an unnecessary (and frankly lazy) obfuscation of the otherwise simple OpenGL C API.
@VykthurD. Nobody here has experience with integrating QtSql with a Cocos2d-x BlackBerry project, sorry.
@VykthurD. no.
uh, looking at this book it looks like "spec for newbz"
@BartekBanachewicz is that the red book?
@Borgleader yes
dont get it
i have it, its useless
yea I thought so
@BartekBanachewicz lol, that guy
@BartekBanachewicz Has it ever been updated?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yep 8th ed. is 4.3
doesn't matter really considering it's not that good
@MartinJames I lost half a tooth while biking ... well, it is better to take the risk and live life to the fullest than to avoid all danger and not to live at all :x
But is it fully 4.3, or the same old crap + 4.3 stuff at the end? I remember something like that (maybe a previous edition, though).
nope, it's fully 4.3
which still doesn't matter, because I prefer learning from Spec directly
@Borgleader Which edition do you have?
it's the most reliable source of information.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Whaaat? Dude, I spent sooo much time trying to get you to tell me where you even were, so we could coordinate. ;~; And then you told me to say away from you q_q
@BartekBanachewicz in the end, the spec does not matter, the implementations do, so, uhm, no.
@ThePhD Really?!
Cue bugs.
@ThePhD ha, you wish.
@Fanael eh, sure, of course, right.
's that a new boost library?
@R.MartinhoFernandes seventh
@ThePhD you're back in the US now?
@Telkitty猫咪咪 I lost a whole tooth after tripping over a hubcap while 'walking' home from the pub. I had to drink my beer through a straw for two days.
@ThePhD I don't think I ever realised you were at the point where you were seriously trying to arrange it :(
Boost incorporated predef.
@Borgleader so that's not the newest one
@MartinJames What, do you usually drink through your tooth?
(lol @ "'walking'")
@MartinJames I drank congee/soup for a week after lost my half tooth, then I ran the (half) marathon
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I was a bit bashed up. It was painful to drink normally.
@BartekBanachewicz Well obviously, i bought it 2 years ago, but unless they drastically changed the contents or the focus of it, its useless
@MartinJames And you're sure you weren't mugged?
@Borgleader I don't think it changed, so yeah.
anyway after yesterdays discussion with Puppy I am thinking about compute shaders
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yeah, and the most I got was Nottingham. And then I was already crazy busy. :c
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Pretty sure. I still had my money and an extra 15" plastic hubcap next morning.
@ThePhD Well, that's where I live!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just you wait! We'll get you eventuallyyy!!!
If it's any consolation I probably wouldn't have been able to find the time lately
Hope you enjoyed your trip
It's somewhat comforting that @ThePhD is now far across the ocean
@ThePhD FWIW, I don't remember any meeting with four loungers together.
lol at how many people starred the pinned message by ThePhD telling Tony how sexy he is
My friend told me I was a very 'enduring' person. Maybe she was amazed after all the hardcore multi-day hiking, scuba diving, mountain biking and ocean swim, I was in front of her in one whole piece (minus half a tooth)
As if a message having many stars is an indication that it's in any way (a) truthful, (b) funny, (c) interesting
How to get starred in the lounge: manlove and self-depreciation
"self-depreciation"?! shit, I must reduce my value immediately!
Hardcore scuba diving sounds kinky.
so ThePhD is homosexual.
I love myself and my code is crap.... (waiting).
Oh - it works!
a former colleague used to write "// depreciated" all over our code and changelogs. I wanted to fucking stab him in the eyes
@MartinJames we tend to forgive whoever begs for sympathy :p
@LightnessRacesinOrbit instead of deprecated?
@Borgleader yes
was he dyslexic or retarded?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I followed the link expecting to see gore. Disappointed.
@Borgleader You tell me
2 mins ago, by Borgleader
How to get starred in the lounge: manlove and self-depreciation
@R.MartinhoFernandes Zing!
arguably, the value of deprecated code is less than that of non-deprecated code, so deprecated code is indeed depreciated.
nope (padding padding padding) — sehe 21 secs ago
^ efficiency...
@BartekBanachewicz I'm going to try to get an Internship with CDProjekt Red next, Bananuuu~~~
@ThePhD no pictures ... phew ... no pictures. I am disappointed ...
@R.MartinhoFernandes So we only need four or more? Hmhm. Perhaps it's time we combined forces in the U.S. and Canada.
@R.MartinhoFernandes precisely my response
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well I actually meant to write depreciate, unless I'm mistaken in this context it meant to lower ones value. Which is what I wanted to express. Theres a possibility I'm wrong, english is not my native language
@BartekBanachewicz Why do you dislike him so much?
@ThePhD sure, why not.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's a symbolized enemy. it's a bit childish, but perfectly normal in pre-adolescents
@R.MartinhoFernandes ^
@Borgleader As if English made sense. You were looking for "self-deprecating".
I believe I wrote it already
I asked for a banana sandwich on the plane. When the cabin staffer looked at me strangely I tried asking for a croissant. That didn't work either. I had to settle for a cheese sandwich.
Once I asked for whiskey on the plane, then I walked out of it half drunk
You get easily drunk?
afaik plane shots are tiny
@Telkitty猫咪咪 The trick is to wait for it to land first.
@Borgleader Back then yes
@MartinJames why would that work?
@Telkitty猫咪咪 For me, yes :)
@MartinJames :D
@Telkitty猫咪咪 It saves a 10,000m freefall. It can be painful and it's unlikely that you will land in a pub garden.
@R.MartinhoFernandes makesSense :: NaturalLanguage -> Bool; makesSense = const False
When building GLEW can I use the solution in build/vc10 instead of the one in build/vc6? The GLEW readme file and its site mention only vc6 though.
Once I asked for water on the plane, the attentant gave me a 2 litre bottle and a cup and asked me to pour it myself. It was okay coz I was quite thirsty :p
@Tuntuni please don't use GLEW if you can :F
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, it's not good? What should I use?
@BartekBanachewicz q_q Why do you want me to open-source everything? Whyyy? D:
@Tuntuni GLLoad
@ThePhD He likes stalking you. :)
@BartekBanachewicz Alright so it's GLM, GLLoad and GLFW. Any other recommendations?
@ThePhD did I say everything? I just said that I find this particular concept interesting and I would like to see your approach. If you don't want to share this, fine, gosh :/
@MartinJames Oh god, it took me way longer than I care to admit to get that joke.
@Tuntuni that's a good setup.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 I often buy a bottle of water at the airport, after getting through security.
@BartekBanachewicz Ok. :)
@Tuntuni yeah: use Direct3D
@Fanael vomits
@Tuntuni Oh look, mini-Bartek :P
@Fanael what if he is on Mac OS?
@Borgleader I'm getting there. <3
@BartekBanachewicz Statistically highly improbable.
@DeadMG Not in this demographic.
@BartekBanachewicz his own fault for using crap
@BartekBanachewicz don't focus on your fears. Also, don't run away from yourself. Make other choices and embrace yourself.
@Fanael I agree with this. (Don't have Mac OS though)
@Fanael I don't think that OSX is a bad operating system.
Also Jesus said that OpenGL is crap and he'd rather be crucified than use it.
@Fanael This is an excellent reason to use OpenGL.
@Fanael he died so we could use OpenGL!
he purified it from original sin
he died so that we might someday be free of his shit
Sometimes I forget where I am.
Hm.. I tried searching an online Bible for 'OpenGL' - 'Results from Gospel.com 0 Results'
@MartinJames there's "OpenGL Superbible"
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd have to guess, "At work".
@R.MartinhoFernandes what was that
Maybe in some Satanic texts?

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