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Pft, you've seen my neighborhood. It's not cheap to live here.
$40 ~= £25, I'll take your $4k
lunch time, cyall
or even Hanks €3k
still works out at more than I get paid a month xD
By about a grand
in both cases, USD and Euros
maps.google.com/… <--my house. If you decide to stalk me or rob me, please leave brownies.
I don't pay attention to that. It makes me sad.
I'm pretty sure there are people at McDonalds who get paid more than I do.
looks nice @Billdr =]
@KendallFrey I know there are people at Maccy's that get paid more than I do
There will soon be people at my office, doing my job, that get paid more than I do.
@Sean but you're not 27 yet
or whatever @Billdr's age is
Although this is my first dev job.
I'm so sorry Billdr, wishing your life away
Also, it's always the case, they hire new people for more money than you're on
s'okay, I plan to be uploaded to the internet.
I'll never die. BEWHAHA
you've watched too much Ghost in the Shell
using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(oneData.GetXml()))
                        lock (completeData)
just found that in a for loop
@ActionHank I thought what I'd do is pretend to be one of those deaf mutes
@SteffenWinkler I do not get what the problem is here, but I don't use StringReaders that often
@Billdr i love you
oneData is a DataSet, completeData is a DataSet, too.
@ActionHank the problem is not the StringReader
@SteffenWinkler then what?
ok time to get started with MVC for the first time ever.... :D
they are the same type, so this is overhead, yes?
When people have to scroll to read your content, IT IS BAD
@sean i am going to inherit 30 pigs from my dad, when he dies, in 40 years time
@ActionHank dude look at the code, completeData is a DataSet and oneData is a DataSet
oops, @AndréSilva
@Sean I like this design actually
Sorry lover, you're wrong.
@Cylen Inherit pigs, become farmer, ????, bankruptcy
@Billdr I like the design of the Fiat Multipla too, so there
well i need to find something to do with pig bones
and then im $$$$$$$
@ActionHank Yeah it's cool but at the same time, shit.
Oh I see, you like ugly things.
Well, your decree of love is suddenly less flattering.
@SteffenWinkler So it reads the XML of dataset 1 into dataset 2 in a notsostraightforward way
@Billdr I am fond of 'different' designs
yes I know the Multipla is ugly
but it's kind of daring of you look at it
At least it is not a Pontiac Aztec
@Cylen Where are you from ?
if you scroll that page from @Sean
@ActionHank @Billdr I just want a colour picker that gives the user a choice of some pre-determined colours so they can assign colours to customers....
@ActionHank Yeah that's what I was getting at, you have to scroll to read it
@Sean no but what happens to the logo!
@ActionHank yes...exactly. You convert a DataSet into xml, load that into your RAM (next to your already existing DataSet) and put that into a second DataSet (which will be friggin HUGE after the loop ended). That kills your CPU AND your RAM. I doubt that a fork bomb is more efficient than this.
London, living in Amsterdam
@ActionHank It disappears. Nice use of the canvas element but ultimately useless
@SteffenWinkler Depends if you want to kill a load of fish fingers. I would well use a fork bomb.
oh and if you didn't saw it: the statement uses 'lock' meaning, it is executed in a parallel.for loop
Okay, back to work.
@Billdr I don't understand..?!
The comic strip or working?
both, but explaining the strip will be sufficient
to "drop the F-Bomb" is to say "fuck" where it is not appropriate. I was reminded of this strip because of Sean's "fork bomb."
oh, ok. Thanks :). You can now go back to that...work thingi
If I must.
Actually, if any of you are looking for a smallish project that one person in the world will appreciate, hit me up.
@Billdr I'm intrigued, but will likely never do it.
Unless it can be started and finished in ~4 hours
@SteffenWinkler it is higly innefficient, I get that :P
I want a service that consumes the MtGox API and publishes the data to Logitech G15, G16, G19, and G510 keyboard LED displays.
I have one of those keyboards
The concept of locking stuff and parallel loops remains a mystery to me though
should read up on that
I think it could, but I haven't looked closely at what it takes to write against those keyboards.
I'll bet it's C++.
Lunch time !
Later Andre
ok who's an MVC GOD(ess)?
@Billdr Most unhelpful answer ever: forums.logitech.com/t5/G-Series-Gaming-Keyboards/…
@StuartBlackler Me, I guess.
@Sean Actually, I know where to look :p
@Billdr Yeah me too if I was at home
@Billdr If it comes with full documentation then it's fine
C:\Program Files\Logitech Gaming Software\LCDSDK
yea, there's a .lib in there and an html file with a bunch of documentation
That's not quite what I was looking for, but it'd do.
Don't we all love .libs!
Are you gonna end up writing C++?
@Billdr Would be good practise for me learning C++ I guess.... But the effort.... =P
Not if I can get Sean to do it for me :p
I know C++ syntax and semantics, just not data types.
Read: I know C.
@Billdr Only thing is, doing anything vaguely useful in C++ takes forever.
I'll have to spend an afternoon figuring out how to get the kind of app I want for it, then write it in whatever's required. It seems like it'd consume xml for some reason.
I don't like dealing with pointers for every goddamn thing I want to do in C++.
You don't have to
Just make them all references instead 8D
I don't like not dealing with pointers.
@Sean 8D... 8=D... ... ... :O
I've still not got to the level of understanding where I know why pointers are used so much, as C++ doesn't actually require it
Because they're useful.
Yeah, I get that. But when? =P
Why not just use references the whole time?
I just don't understand =P
You can't do arithmetic on references can you?
No but I don't understand why you would do arithmetic on pointers anyway
I can't even remember what +1 does to a pointer
Aw yeah
It accesses the next item in the array.
Even though I know I've read it
I just got a huge discount on a DVR box
That's definitely not how it explained it
This guy is hilarious.
Q: How to Implement thread locking using FileStream

laxpublic void WriteXmlLog(string logType, string logFlag, string logModule, string logLocation, string logText, string logStackTrace) { if(!File.Exists(_logFilePath)) { File.WriteAllText(_logFilePath, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?>\r\n <AppXmlLo...

Specifically, it adds sizeof(*ptr) to the pointer.
> NO i dont want to use mutex – lax 14 mins ago
Ah that's how it was explained, @KendallFrey
So useless unless dealing with arrays?
Oh, there are tons of obfuscated uses for pointer arithmetic.
@Eve nice find
Usually they are best for arrays.
This is what people forget to explain in programming courses and books. When certain things are useful.
Otherwise you're just giving someone a massive toolbox and saying "Go fix stuff"
Did they explain that pointers and arrays are 99% the same?
@Eve | So it is one of those "I want to insert a screw without a screwdriver" questions? – Henk Holterman
Yeah great, I have this huge box of tools and no idea how to use them
Sacrifice a goat and abstain from incest for a year.
No, they didn't say anything like that
But it's kind of obvious, right? Arrays are just bunches of objects next to each other in memory
It's in the fine print.
But still, knowing when to use pointers and references is going to kill me
@Sean I'm talking about int foo[] vs int *foo
Use references if you can.
I am just used to pointers.
Only use pointers when absolutely necessary?
Or when it would make a task easier, right?
So if I find myself thinking "Damn, shoulda used a pointer." that's when to use a pointer
@KendallFrey do you use more for or foreach loops?
They don't explain this kind of shit. They just say "DIS IS WUT POINTARS DO" "DIS IS WUT REFRENCEEEES DO" "DIS IS WUT MY DOG LUKS LYK NAKED"
Followed by arbitrary examples that mean nothing
let's learn to use pointers by pointing to a local int, yay!!!
Pointers are great for allocating large buffers at runtime and passing them around.
oh, I spelt LUKS and LYK wrong
Besides practicing, I think that using pointers when performance is not critical is not good.
Pointers are blazing fast.
Hows about stability critical?
Why is a pointer faster than using a reference? They're the same goddamn thing except you don't do anything with references.....
You sacrifice readability (and I'm not saying to use a regular reference as alternative).
@Billdr As long as you clean up...
@Eve So you want to pass a value by ref. What do you do?
whack an & in front of it
Which creates a pointer.
I do what I need to do on that value. I don't get the question, make an example.
Thanks a lot guys. Now I'm reading up on C++ and its pointer stuff during work time
void swap(arg1, arg2)
What type should arg1 and arg2 be?
@ActionHank Your fault for being inquisitive.
a kind of distraction which isn't permitted but falls in my job interests
ref T where T : struct I suppose?
You're just swapping an int.
Luckily I had an idea this weekend for an iPhone app
this.Endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);
that's ok yea?
which uses objective C
where you need to use pointers
No way. :O
I still don't understand your question. I just said that there are many fast approaches with unsafe code which can be solved in much more readable ways without pointers.
@StuartBlackler Sure, as long as you can guarantee that the machine only has one NIC and if it has more than one, they're both on the same network / have the same access to whatever is going to try and connect.
Well, how would you solve that problem?
Swapping integers?
@Sean ta. having a post exam drink while coding until my flat mate gets back from uni. Finding my self double checking my self all the time :/
@KendallFrey Right so, what is the difference between a pointer and a reference then?
#define swap(a,b) (a)^=(b)^=(a)^=(b)
void swap(ref int arg1, ref int arg2)
    arg1 = arg2;
    throw new ExecutionEngineException();
^besides that
That's how.
@KendallFrey And did I get pointers and references mixed up?
@Sean A pointer is stored 'in' the variable, whereas a reference is stored 'on top of' a variable.
Jokes aside, I see what you mean, but one case where pointers and values by ref have the same readability doesn't defy my point.
Sorry, that's the best I could come up with.
I've had an example in my head because I answered a question just a few hours ago.
A: Remove additional spacing in string [Fastest Way]

EveI can suggest a few solutions. First of all, avoid the static Regex method. Create an instance of it (and store it, don't call the constructor for each replacement!) and, if possible, use RegexOptions.Compiled. It should improve your performance. Second, you can try to review your pattern. I'll...

@KendallFrey Right I see.... References are declared like &refVariable aren't they?
Guys I'm off, haven't been very productive all day
@ActionHank gl, hf
@Sean I think something like that.
By other methods I didn't mean by just using C# syntax but by also using the libraries in the .NET Framework.
just been studying Web Applications Development in .NET 4, and now I get distracted by C++ fancyness
so back to work (C#)
see yall later
References are closer to references in C#.
@KendallFrey Going to have to read the section on pointers and shit again >_<
give my regards to @Ellie when you see her
@ActionHank If I remember, I will
With a pointer, when you look at the variable, you see the memory address. With a reference, when you look at the variable, you see the value.
(compiler magic)
@Ellie @ActionHank says he rehardens when he sees you.
XD I love being deaf on the internet.
@KendallFrey Yeah but I could have sworn they share syntax which is what's confusing me....
This lax user is really... dense.
@SPFiredrake I've noticed that.
@KendallFrey Oh no it just depends where you put the &
> For that purpose I have to lock thread, but I have to create logs without locking (thread safe).
Doesn't quite know the meaning of "thread safe".
@Sean With a reference you put it at the declaration, right?
@KendallFrey &int myInt = reference, int *pMyInt = &myInt = pointer
@KendallFrey Yeah, you are
@SPFiredrake Where did he write that?
Q: write log without mutex

laxMutex objMutex = new Mutex(false, @"Global\MySharedLog"); I have created an xml file. In that xml file I'm writing log of different application. For that purpose I have to lock thread, but I have to create logs without locking (thread safe).

Have you seen that he's been opening something like four questions per hour to solve his problem?
He's gotta be suspended soon.
Searching outlook for resin, feels like a pothead.
Wish I could upvote/downvote a user directly.
has anyone used SocketType.Rdm
Goddamn Ingress is a great game.
> Supports connectionless, message-oriented, reliably delivered messages, and preserves message boundaries in data. Rdm (Reliably Delivered Messages) messages arrive unduplicated and in order. Furthermore, the sender is notified if messages are lost. If you initialize a Socket using Rdm, you do not require a remote host connection before sending and receiving data. With Rdm, you can communicate with multiple peers.
@StuartBlackler Oooooh that looks really useful. But no =]
Anyone know which UnicodeCategory that covers the range \uFFF0-\uFFFF ?
@StuartBlackler Would you still access the messages as byte streams?
@Sean sounds perfect for my dissertation to be honest
@StuartBlackler Sounds perfect for any multiplayer server
Sounds bandwidth intensive.
@Eve well tbh, I don't see what's wrong with his question. Sure there is 'mutex' but what if he has different applications (C++, C#, Java) all mixed up accessing the same file? Mutex isn't gonna help him.
no because IIRC it just sends an ACK the same as TCP would
@KendallFrey IP does support multicast packets
@StuartBlackler Well, almost... Can you use connections with it anyway?
So, it's an alternative to TCP?
@SteffenWinkler I was just quoting him because he said it in a funny way.
UDP supports multicast, not TCP
so its like UDP multicast + reliable delivery
look up PGM i think it is
@Eve ah, sorry thought you agreed with downvoters.
I'll have a go at coding it up later if your interested in having a look
Would be cool
@SteffenWinkler I agree, but for other reasons. He's opened four questions and hopped across every exception he could throw.
I just use TCP most of the time for the guaranteed packet delivery
if this works out okay, I will have a way of communicating my nodes for my dissertation :D
But with a multi-connection server that needs to send messages to all clients, that sounds perfect
The only thing I would want, is a permanent connection before I started sending packets
@Eve well it sucks, yeah. But those downvoters are pesky guys. There is not much you can do once you get below -1
Because then when the connection drops, you can handle it rather than just going "OMG WHY NO MOAR DATA?!"
But it sounds like you can open a connection, it just allows sending of packets before one is opened
i guess i will find out in a few hours once I finished this
Send packets before a connection is opened? Bullshit, I say! Bullshit!
@KendallFrey Sure you can, just throw packets at the device, it'll either accept them or not
It's only protocols that say you can't send packets without connections
@KendallFrey Was it you that likes messing with graphics?
@Sean What do you mean by messing with graphics?
I know what a stencil buffer is, and what it is used for.
Why did everyone stop ta--GLORY TO THE HYPNOCIRCLE!
@KendallFrey I don't know... I was wondering if you knew an easy way to, given one colour, generate a colour that would be visible against it.
Socket.Bind > Accept > Receive yea?
@StuartBlackler Yep
yeay! remember something. I miss the fancy little picture i saw that showed me what order to do things in with sockets
@Sean I can do that.
Add 128 to each color component.
(mod 256 of course)
That simple?
It's simple, and provides sufficient contrast.
If you want maximum contrast, more complex algorithms are required.
Sweet, I meant "It's that simple?"
Yeah, try it.
I have a customer that wants to be able to switch between clients on their database so I have to give visual cues, so I'm gonna change the background of the menu bar and the title area
It will probably end up looking horrible, but as long as they choose good colours it shouldn't matter
You just want static colors?
Oh, they pick colors.
so they assign a colour to the client so that when viewing their warehouse floor plan, they can see who's stuff is where
and the menu and title area colour will change so that they can easily see who they're working on at the time
also, dropdown will tell them, but people forget to change obvious things like that, making it look horrible is the easiest way to make them remember
That could be ugly.
I know.
But they asked for it
Which will be my defence when they say it's ugly.
You know what I just realized?
The problem is just for the title text really. The layout is that default .Net 4 template from visual studio (not MVC). The title area and navigation menu are blue but different shades. If I change the menu bar or title bar and not the other one, the blue is going to look horrible against the majority of colours they pick. And the black text may not show up
Any of the three primary colors and three secondary colors will produce gray.
Gray will also produce very bright colors.
You are making no sense
I just realized none of my models have data validation set up on them correctly. I really hope this doesn't screw up everything.
@Sean Maybe I should make a fiddle.
Taking all your pound coins to the vending machine because it's shit and frequently refuses them. #firstworldproblems
@KendallFrey That would be helpful
Vending machine behaved itself today
guys i have a function that make the form freeze until finish... is it possible to make it do his job on while i doing my stuff?
@Loclip Build a robot to whack him with a stick.
@sean hahahaha :D
[no preview for msdn]
posted on January 15, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Previously in this series I said that the fact that the original C# compiler pursues a less aggressive strategy for optimizing away temporaries and branches from nested lifted conversions and unary operators because it suffers from “premature optimization”. That’s a … Continue reading →

Int64.MaxValue is a very big number i hope
Yes, it's a big number.
@StuartBlackler 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
I've been asked to share this. Job at a start up, US residents only. goo.gl/oZgJP
@Billdr I find that offensive.
Me too.
@Sean I don't think a TCP connection will read that many bytes in its lifetime do you?
"The US National Rifle Association has launched a target range game for the iPhone and iPad, a month after the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy.

The game, which simulates a shooting practice, has been approved for children as young as four."
no offence to any in the US meant here, but COME ON, FOUR YEARS OLD?!
gun safety should be taught early on
get it in the culture
would you rather you taught them? or they learn from the dodgy guy
However, nothing an iPhone or iPad can do will simulate firing an actual weapon.
would you rather your 15 year old daughter learned about sex from a teacher, or from a 23 yr old boyfriend?
schools should teach this stuff, its a pity we had guns banned back in the 1920s
Per counter-strike, every other bullet I shoot should be a killing shot. Per the shooting range, I'll be screwed unless my target is within 20 feet of me.
@Cylen If my 15 year old daughter couldn't talk to me or her mother about it, we would be doing it wrong.
and what about kids who dont have repsonsible parents?
should they find out hte hard way?
Kids who have responsible parents don't shoot up elementary schools, generally speaking.
thats not true
Of course it is
angry kids on mind altering medication
@Billdr i hate being one glocked at range :( #CSSTrueStories
shoot up schools, where kids = young males
Should not know the location of the key to the gun safe.
she was irresponsible towards guns
because she hadnt had gun safety
and there was no law that made people living with the mentally ill
That's sort of my point.
to have stricter standards
which the gun lobby is trying to get
My gun is in a safe, and I have the key on me at all times. I have 0 children. Why should the standard be lower for the uneducated?
if you were living with a schizophrenic
i would want you to have a minimum standard of safe
that they could not find hte key for
and that to be able to be checked
if you live with children, you should have child safe weapons
I am in favor of a gun safe and/or trigger lock to be sold with every pistol, regardless of the market.
Teaching gun safety early on is great. However making a game that allows 4-year-olds to shoot at coffins is not the right message.
and a requirement that ammunition be stored separately
how would you teach it?
If that gun is used to commit a crime without being reported as lost/stolen, you should face manslaughter charges.
i agree their methods arent optimal
but i wont stop a step in theright direction
that would be good
at least faciliator to murder
Eeeh, accomplice implies motive, doesn't it?
Manslaughter implies carelessness/inaction
back to code: Old Fashion Events or Shiny New Observables?
personally, I don't see how people get so fucked up, lots of kids must have really shit brains, or really shit parents
One as a consequence of the other.
I don't think causation is required.
Well I mean, sure I've done stupid shit like setting fire to things I shouldn't have. But I've never really seriously hurt myself or anyone else in the process.
That just made me think of Sunday night. hee hee
no one was injured, don't worry
Apart from getting myself poisoned. But that was me not paying attention properly
Oh, have you ever set fire to yourself?
Many times
Hand sanitizer works great.
Deodorant was the most common for me
Hair spray and a lighter. That wasn't a brilliant idea.
That is almost as good.
Hand sanitizer is easier to spread around.
Deodorant, paper aeroplane, lighter

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