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Cain and Abel were brothers
Um, I am not the best person to be telling a bible story :/
Cain and Abel is also some crypto thing, lemme check
Cain is a password cracker.
They still have Sleighs?
Cain is a cracker and Abel is a [redacted: do not use this language here]
Do you even know the difference between a cracker and hacker?
hacker is redacted ?
@JohanLarsson SO doesn't know it's blocked. It'll ping you whether you're online or not.
hello everyone!
Hello Seeker
heya @KodeSeeker
@KendallFrey what is blocked?
Your chat.
Im just trying to run my first 'Hello World' application in ASP.NET and cant figure out what Im doing wrong for the life of me. Help anyone?
Not if you don't post code.
@KodeSeeker you're going to need to be more specific than that. :)
what is not working?
add a tee in the front and everyone will start flirting with you
@KodeSeeker change your profile pic to a girl! everyone will start being really creepy helpful
@Pheonixblade9 : well whenever I run the application, i get this message when I invoke a webservice 'This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.'
@kush tee Ellie FTFY
@Pheonixblade9 :P
@KendallFrey tee hee
@KodeSeeker you need to include an xmlns
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
@Pheonixblade9 and where do i add that line?
what are you using? classic ASP? MVC?
yay someone broke the trunk
@Pheonixblade9 uhm sorry not an idea of what that means . This is my first foray into C#, I need it for a class at school .. :(
Why would anyone try to teach C# in that environment?
Console apps, please.
@TravisJ Still around? :P
@KendallFrey well this class revolved around developing web services
Kode Seeker, Create new > and use the template
@TravisJ Sweet ;) I hate my url.. How do I make it an embedded url?
@KodeSeeker what is the process that you have taken to get where you are currently at?
what is an embedded url?
@kush I am using the template
@kush Look at your address bar.. that.
@LewsTherin I am sorry. but what?
http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/7/c ?
@Lews - Why would you want it embedded?
@kush Yeah, instead of query strings..
@TravisJ It looks nicer..
that isn't embedded though
@LewsTherin oh gosh.
@Lews - Let me guess. You are returning a view from your [HttpPost]
@TravisJ That's what it was called when I was reading about it.. mmn.
@TravisJ Yeah
lol, use the PGR pattern. Post, redirect, get.
@kush ? Lol
@TravisJ :O Why?
It will give you nicer urls, for one, and for another, if you refresh, it doesn't repost data
to name a few
@Pheonixblade9 well . Here's what Ive done. in VS 2010. File->New->web site->.NET framework 3.5->ASP.NET Web Service( this creates a sample application with a Hello World web method)-> Build->Build website->Debug->Debug application .
yeah, return RedirectToAction("yourgetaction");
best practice^
I still don't get why returning a View is bad
if you refresh, it re-posts the data
It returns a different View?
After I click on the webservices , and hit invoke, it shows this ->This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.'
it returns whatever the get is setup to return
so before I go blame people that they broke the build, I will get changeset 1 and nuke the whole thing from orbit and then get again
/wishes he could nuke things from orbit.
@TravisJ I have to read that now.. thanks
I noticed you guys introduced some breaking changes in your build...so I decided to refactor the whole project into a singleton.
@Lews - :D
@RyanTernier i was exaggerating. in my local workspace
@TravisJ What if it was HttpGet? Does it matter?
@KodeSeeker I don't know without looking at the code. I don't know that that's an error, just a warning
if it was get, then you can return a view
@kush Regardless, It would still be nice to nuke things from orbit...
have to restart to delete stupid TFS stuff
@TravisJ The url is still fucked up though..
ok, now we can cover that part :)
because there was no way to fix it from post.
@Pheonixblade9 well here's the pastebin to the codebehind
you can adjust that in your routes configuration
@TravisJ Global.asax.cs
Damn, after all this time and I still can't type.. feck
feck haha
@TravisJ What makes it different? It looks "embedded"
@KodeSeeker you need to add this under [WebMethod]:

[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
@CCInc feck off will ya? ;)
or [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Xml)] if you're using XML
@Pheonixblade9 oh let me give that a shot
@Lews - You need to define your route so that it puts parameters as /
                "Default", // Route name
                "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
                new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
That looks nasty..
I thought that would do it ^
@Pheonixblade9 well I get this error then 'The type or namespace name 'ScriptMethodAttribute' could not be found( are you missing...'
power's out at the h'office
@Lews - It should, but I think that there is still some other stuff you have to use. I am not an expert on routing :(
now i can use SO chat at work and not feel guilty
@TravisJ Ah np.. I will see if I can figure it out. At least I have an idea where to start.. thanks.
@Pheonixblade9 any thoughts?
@SteveKonves You need to work on that conscience of yours.
@TravisJ One last question.. what if a View requires a model? Obviously I can't use redirecttoaction.. meaning I'm screwed.
sure you can
RedirectToAction loses the references to the model instance
return RedirectToAction("someAction");
public ActionResult someAction()
 var someModel = new MyModel();
 return View(someModel);
 return View("namedView",someModel);//or this
Fair enough ha..
anyone know of a flexible .net CMS solution that handles workflows well?
is that even a thing?
The issue of losing the model instance is one which many people encounter.
It is an unfortunate side affect.
Try to work around it.
Looks like I will have to suck it up and do so.. dang, I have a few changes to make..
@KodeSeeker you need to include System.Web
@Pheonixblade9 i have included 'using System.Web' if thats what you mean
@KodeSeeker what about System.Web.Script ?
@Pheonixblade9 tried that too, still get the same error
@TravisJ Getting some problems like I was expecting.. if I do return a View from HttpPost.. if the ModelState is not valid then MVC displays the error messages.. Redirecting will screw that up yeah? It looks like it is..
@KodeSeeker mouse over the error. it should give you hints to fix it.
@Lews - If your model state is not valid, then you can return the view from the post so the user can make edits
also, have you done any research yourself? We're pretty helpful, but if you JUST started C# and you're asking compilation questions... you should probably be googling first
@TravisJ Kidding.. I was doing it right all along.. albeit by accident then..
@Pheonixblade9 well I get the same message when I mouse over 'The type or namespace name 'ScriptMethod' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)'
@Pheonixblade9 also the error underlines the keyword 'ScriptMethod'
yes. mouse over and click it and it should give you the option to add a using statement.
@Pheonixblade9 well that resolved the error BUT the output is still the same 'This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.'
@KodeSeeker that is because you are not using an XML namespace.
that's just a warning
@Pheonixblade9 well it doesnt show any of the functionality, for instance invoking Hello World doesnt print it
@TravisJ davidferguson.me.uk/Blogs/Post/…. In that example, he is specifying model that the form will bind to, so the post action knows what to expect.. that's what I was asking. Otherwise it would throw an error.
I guess one can also look at it as a View taking a ContactMessage
@KodeSeeker that's because it's a web service. A web service does not return a webpage, it return a MIME encoded stream. If you want to see the XML/JSON output of your web service, you need to go to the web service page
@Lews - Can you be more explicit. What were you asking?
@Pheonixblade9 this would explain better my problem i45.tinypic.com/2roixvr.png
@KodeSeeker yeah, so you're not returning any XML at the moment.
Whether I needed to specify the model I want the form to bind to.
@model SomeModel
@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Make)
@Html.TextBox(model => model.Model)
Then on submit the post accepts an: void SomeAction(SomeModel)
use editor for
@Pheonixblade9 could you explain how I could do that a little more?
@TravisJ Why is EditorFor better? What is that? :O
the post still needs to accept an ActionResult
@Pheonixblade9 I would like to see the XML output
@Lews - I learned it so long ago, I honestly cannot remember. But there are good reasons to use EditorFor instead of TextBoxFor
@TravisJ How so?
@TravisJ mmn, another tab!
@Lews - Because it needs to return the RedirectToAction if successful or return View(model)//to edit if unsuccessful
@KodeSeeker sorry, got work stuff to do. See if someone else can help, or google!
@Lews - You can pass in an empty model, the inputs will just be empty.
@Pheonixblade9 oh thanks
@Lews -
public ActionResult SomeGetMethod()
 return View(new ContactMessage());
Could anyone else help ? Googling hasnt been of much help :(
@TravisJ Mmn, is it better to create a new model? I just pass in the model I get as argument.. into the View.. reuse, reduce recycle ;)
@KodeSeeker I still don't know exactly what your problem is
Anyone have the Samsung Galaxy S3 here?
I mean if you want to just load the view without any values. If you need the view to be edited you will have to pass in the model instance you were passed.
@Lews - But, on success, you do not want to re-populate the view with the data that was just sent in.
@DemCodeLines why
@Pheonixblade9 well I dont understand how to return xml
@Lews - That is a good way to end up with duplicate data in your database.
@DemCodeLines gf has a Samsung, think it is an S2
@TravisJ Hence the PRG stuff...
As many of you know by now, I am a 17 year old programmer :D
My time is up 4 today, later :)
@Lews - exactly
Bye! Thanks again :P
I am getting a new phone, but I don't know if I should get the S3.
@Lews - Look through Darin's answers, they are epic
they are almost all on mvc 3
Many teens have iPhone, S3 looks huge, and I don't want to be the odd man out.
@TravisJ Excellent.. thanks..
So I want to ask, do teens usually have s3?
We all hate apple
That is my favorite use of SO, to find a top user for a tag and read a couple of threads
I have even convinced some people at my school.
LOL, ok then.

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