If you want moderately fast lookups, but slightly slower inserts and checks, while keeping near-optimal memory usage and automatic sorting, then use a RBTree.
take a look at this @AndréSilva http://noticias.r7.com/sao-paulo/marginal-pinheiros-tem-transito-intenso-no-primeiro-dia-da-volta-do-rodizio-de-veiculos-em-sp-14012013
Kendall, I've found out how to ADD, how to say wheter there is such KEY or VALUE, but I cant find anywhere how to edit VALUE under x key. Will using ADD just rewrite the old VALUE?
pthreads? Already did many stuff with those. Non blocking File reading/writing, Quorum based replication, and I did a middle ware for replication but I don't remember the name of it...
It's about replication...
viewstamped replication!
but it was single threaded
anyway it was able to coop with multiple clients at the same time, even though it was single threaded (just one socket to listen to). It was made using udp (just like the protocol forces the user to).
So I believe I'm no longer a basic programmer of the C language
I'm just not knowledgeable about the libraries that exist out there
I need information, explanation about constants, whatever... that shows how to work with nonblocking I/O in C. I only find for C++. They are quite similar but not the same. C++ is object oriented, C isn't. And that makes a nice big difference.
Essentially, all of the functions used are exposed in C libraries, and if rewritten as structs and global functions, would be compilable with a C compiler.
C With Classes is used to organize C code into a meaningful structure that can be presented to an OO-language-user without frying their delicate brains.
In fact, C With Classes was the original form of C++, and you used a precompiler to convert it into mangled C before compiling.
Try setting them both? I use them in multiple places so always do like this:
ViewData["Gender"] = new SelectList(new List<SelectListItem>
new SelectListItem { Text = "Male", Value = "M" },
new SelectListItem { Text = "Female", Value = "F" },
}, "Value", "Text");
ViewBag.Genders = ViewData["Gender"];
Have you confirmed that db.Categorys actually contains stuff? I mean, I know you're checking, but at runtime in the debugger is ViewData["Categorys"] actually populated?
Holy crap, GT5's intro movie is a) about 5 minutes long and b) the WHOLE process of making a damn car. This is awesome
I normally get bored but now I watched it this is so awesome
Ok, they showed building of a car, and now it's showing them racing. It's still going and is STILL awesome; Now I see why this took 5 years, they were making an awesome intro movie
I need some help guys. There is a Save() method that reaches out to a particular stored procedure which creates/modifies a certain bit value in a database table column. When I do a find all references on save, I get just itself. What is calling this save method and how do I find it?
So, in a Razor website, one's helpers (their methods) apparently cannot receive intact any anonymous objects; is this right? Cause... I can't seem to find a way to make it work, short of iterating .GetType().GetProperties(...) to pull the values. Everything is up-cast to object.
I have a small adobe air app Im creating and I'm trying to generate a MD5 checksum.. I have the MD5 on the AS side of things generating based on a base64 of the byte array however when this MD5 is passed to the webservice, the function that validates the bytearray passed in the HTTPPost never comes out to the same MD5. Anyone feel like chiming in? heh