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I need to set up my international keyboard again...
Fortunately it has Dutch.
Bug. It doesn't care if you type too many spaces.
@Mechanicalsnail I can read dutch for some reason that I don't know. Find it similar to Swedish but the Dutch don't find Swedish similar to Dutch
@JohanLarsson English speakers can almost read Dutch.
@Mechanicalsnail ok might be that then
Are there any humans now?
@JABFreeware where?
@JohanLarsson in c#
are you a bot?
@JohanLarsson how can I be sure
you have to kill me and see if I bleed I guess
@JohanLarsson Not true. I dead person does not bleed
A DYING person does
ok so I'm a bot then?
A dead persons heart is not pumping out any blood
why so grumpy?
@JohanLarsson Im not being grumpy, except for the fact that this guy didnt accept my answer, and its perfect
A: How can i change the focus to be on Form1 from being on the new Form?

JABFreewareYou could use a MouseEnter event to detect when the mouse is over the form. To make it gain focus, you just need to use This.Focus() to bring it to the front. EDIT: The code would be in form1; The form you want to give focus to. Hope this helps you!

@JABFreeware The guy hasn't even checked back yet.
@Mechanicalsnail oh
Last seen 58 minutes ago. You answered 52 minutes ago.
@Mechanicalsnail that might be the problem!
CC Inc recently answered a bounty question but the guy didnt accept any answers
I thought one HAD to be accepted
@Mechanicalsnail where do you see last seen?
@JohanLarsson In their profile
@JohanLarsson A bot would have know that
So I guess you are not a bot
I'm not sure enough to upvote btw, sry about that.
@JohanLarsson grr.. I wrote a demo project myself and it worked
Well thats okay
@JABFreeware I'm sure it is good it's just that I suck
@JohanLarsson no hard feelings
any web designer on here?
web services?
@JohanLarsson You?
no I suck at many things, web is one of them but ask any way
@JohanLarsson I just want to know can it be hacked easily?
Like with a local app, youu have to worry about them deocsufating it
and seeing the code. Is that a risk on a web service?
hard question, no point in me guessing
What is the service for?
@JohanLarsson okay thanks for nothing! :)
just kidding
@JABFreeware Depends on how much you write in client-side Javascript (vs. server-side processing).
@Mechanicalsnail it would mostly be c#
Some web-services or online-game companies even release their clients as open-source.
Most of the proprietary business logic runs on the server, so end users never see the code.
@Mechanicalsnail well, check this link please
please remmeber Im new to the security side of things especially in web dev
@JABFreeware Rule of thumb: Don't rely on security by obscurity.
@Mechanicalsnail I know that!
like putting it on an unussual port is not security at all
I mean: Regardless of whether your web service publishes documentation about how to use it (as the article describes), an attacker could figure it out (by reverse-engineering your client if needed) and call it himself.
So you need to authenticate web-service calls on the server side.
@Mechanicalsnail thats what want to know. How do you do that?
@JABFreeware For example, if your client program prevents the user from viewing somebody else's files, you need to also perform the same check on the server; a malicious user could request somebody else's files by modifying the app.
@Mechanicalsnail thats not my problem. My problem is I dont want them to see my C# code. For example, if someone used a web service to store photos from clients, I dont find someone be able to see the web service, but I dont want them to see the code that would show were it is stored and all
@JohanLarsson I bought a bike and rode it around in the snow. Am I European now?
@Billdr I dont think so. Where do you live?
@JABFreeware Well, normally the C# code is staying on the server. The auto-documentation feature described only tells people the interface.
@Billdr not sure
Minnesota. However, that was a very Dutch thing to do.
@Mechanicalsnail okay, I'll do some more research. Thanks for your time
@Billdr no, your not a european
and why it so dutchy?
This is what parking lots look like in Amsterdam:
@Billdr LOL
...not a joke. That is what parking lots look like in amsterdam.
@Billdr No I beleive you, its kind of funny
@Billdr Wait a minute, are you a bot?
Are you a bot?
@Billdr are you a bot?
Are you a bot?
@Billdr are you a bot?
I am nagesh
Stackoverflow exception: No stack space left after recursive bot checking call
@Billdr I dont think you are a bot
@Ell hi
@Billdr how is your website coming?
With carefully applied friction.
I have a question in your profile where it says "Top x% this week" if you are say, top 1% is that a good think, is the top 99% better?
1% = good, 1 percentile=bad.
@Billdr then im doing pretty good I guess!
@Billdr top 3%
In this case, percent == percentile.
of what?
Percentile says how you rank relative to other people.
So it's really showing you a percentile.
C# chat is a great resource to tap when you want to disguise casual socializing behind serious problem-solving research.
@KendallFrey so is it good?
@JABFreeware Top 1% is good.
Probably better than mine.
@KendallFrey thanks
You take the top 1% of people, and you are in them. Simple?
@KendallFrey Yeah I got it
I have to go now. Night/Morning/Evening/Afternoon to all Male/Females
So that's not a percentile.
being in the 99th percentile is optimal, isn't it?
It's the same data as a percentile, just presented differently.
If you are in the top 1%, you are in the top 1 percentile(s).
Ditto for top 5, 10, etc.
But yeah, the top percentile is the 99th.
yea, so he's in the top 3%, and there fore in the 97th percentile.
I hit the 84th percentile this week. Yay me.
But he's also in the top 5, and he's not in the 95th percentile.
You lost me there
If he's in the top 3, he's in the top 5, right?
If he's in the top 5, is he in the 95th percentile?
I see
I'm scared to look at my rep graph.
top 3
It's not as bad as I thought.
Oh, nice.
Arqade? What?
It seems when I do bother to ask or answer questions it moves pretty well.
I have one answer on Arqade. Score of 12.
I've learned more in the last months than in the past year.
Also thanks to someone who posted a couple of good books related to C#, I think it was @JohanLarsson.
@Eve Impossible.
You've only been around two months?
I need to visit the main site more often.
I do too.
@Eve that is a nice graph
I didn't realize @KendallFrey is only 17, and he knows far more than I do. I feel slightly like the grown man seeing the boy in the gym showers with a bigger package than his own; overcome with jealousy and self-pity.
Thanks, I still think that giving good answers is more useful for the one who writes them than the one who reads them.
Holy shit Kyle got hammered for his arial font thing
Meta is a tough place.
IIRC, I downvoted too.
Kendall, you were grumpy about something?
Q: What is this mark over the question

ShreeWhen I open a site I see a mark over a question.See screen shot. When I open the question mark is not remove.It still appear. is this bug or?

^ lol
A year ago, I could barely throw together a working HTML/CSS page with links and some javascript. Forget about forms or anything backend. Today, I feel comfortable in C#, working with Ajax requests, jQuery, Linq, SQL, and MVC. Stack is pretty awesome. If had to learn programming when I was 17, I would have had dial-up and 1000 minutes a month on AOL to search for information that didn't even exist in 1997 like it does today.
@Billdr Not more than usual.
@RyanJMcGowan Your package is bigger than you think. pat pat :)
WOAH now, take that to IM.
This... is IM?
This is chat, it's like IM, only I have to read it too.
Forget IM. Skype is the place to get naughty.
Skype... is IM?
You damn kids and your VoIP.
Or did you mean video?
Back in my day when we wanted high tech cybersex we went to PalaceChat.
Skype is nothing without video
I never use Skype video.
I almost never use Skype at all.
In my day, sexting was paging a chick with "58008".
143 meant "I love you" and indicated the digit count of each word.
If you feel the need to answer a rhetorical question, or explain an obvious joke, you lack basic social skills.
(Sorry :))
Need I remind you this chat is full of such people that lack social skills?
Also, what am I doing lecturing on social skills?
I think I'll be a financial advisor next.
Then maybe an art teacher.
@Billdr I have a new favorite song.
Mc Frontalot=|rap|
Was that as clever as I think it is?
It's like someone formed my mind into a rap.
He has a track called Secrets From the Future which is damn near my favorite song.
also Goth Girls
And he's on Spotify. Nice
Is he?
Yep, that's everything you need
On the album 'Solved' there's a hidden track that spotify doesn't have. The track is actually a compudor64 tape, which is a program that prints a url.
I was the 14th person to figure it out. bow
Oh wait... there was a riddle you had to solve on the compudor program first. Crap... what was the riddle?
Was it that Kabir one or whatever it was?
I'm going to put that in as an easter egg on my site somewhere. Solving the riddle will award the first person a couple of bitcoins.
That was a hand rolled Billdr riddle. I'm afraid it might be too obscure for people :(
I'm almost certain he's the "where are they now" of the Mathmaticious kid.
so asited
I see.
holy hell
We don't ship tasks out, we ship Asians in :D
I feel like I missed some context with the asian comment
It was a comment about outsourcing.
you and Bildr are in here a lot
We're owners regulars.
or rather I'm not in here much, but when I am, I see you in here
What's new?
a totally hypothetical situation I'm facing at work
If you're facing it, it's not hypothetical.
Imagine a universe with no hypothetical situations.
nah...just wrote a bunch of code friday and not sure if unit tests I wrote are valid tests or not
What testing framework?
it's more of a philosophical question
Ooh, I love those.
turn a list of objects into SVG
That's not philosophical, it's technical.
I'm getting to that part
But it should be easy, right? SVG is just XML.
I start out with a list of 6(ish) different types of objects that all inherit the same interface (so I can put them all into a list)
so there's a if( foo is <type1> ) convert ( (type1) foo )
else ...
six of those
so I wrote a unit test for each one of the convert methods to make sure that each thing returns XML that I expect
but I don't expect those functions to ever be used outside of the class, so really they should be private
(and thus not worth testing)
Only test the public interface.
If the public interface works, the private one does as well, by definition.
problem is public interface takes in a collection of these things, and spits out a complete XML tree
so it's not very granular, and writing tests for that would be a pretty huge pain in the ass
because I'd have to dive back into the XML tree after constructing it
and verify that what I put in there is actually in there in a way that I expect it to be there
hence the philosophical question
unit test individual methods which are basically an implementation detail, or verify that XML tree is "correct"
For interest's sake, check out this page's source: immihelp.com/visitor-visa/sponsor-documents.html
what am I looking at?
nothing stands out as horrible
legal mumbo-jumbo.
paranoia that someone could steal a precious div.
It confused someone enough that they asked on SO.
Q: How to hide html source?

beeflavorThe following website has both right click and view source disabled. http://www.immihelp.com/visitor-visa/sponsor-documents.html Can anyone shine some light on how this is possible?

I see
yeah....I run FF with noscript, so didn't notice it
some people take their divs very seriosly
I didn't even notice the whitespace. I opened the developer view in Chrome and it truncated the over 9000 lines to one.
I worked for a guy earlier this year that wanted me to do stuff like that. I learned something about people like that...
Chances are, they got to where they are by swindling.
And as a result, they suspect everyone else as equally as shady as they are.
Now do embedded
non system fonts
I could have just as easily.
You just happen to have Comic Sans installed.
lol i see what you did
It's not too hard.
You could just go to a free font site and type in the demo text and pull it off there.
It'd probably be one of those illegible fonts.
The ones where every glyph is a naked lady, you know?
How do you insert images?
Contents of this webpage can't be seen as they are not meant to be viewed or copied.

Any violator will be prosecuted to the full extent of law and may face civil and criminal
charges and huge monetary fines. You are warned! Beware!
I got it
Thank you, onebox.
I think dynamically created pngs don't work
Of course they do.
not the one I tried
It didn't live long enough
idk. it's not working
@KendallFrey Somebody doesn't know about Ctrl-A.
now it does
not transparent tho
@RyanJMcGowan Your image isn't transparent.
Dynamic image.
Have you ever seen an animated jpg? They do exist.
That one was uploaded from some other server. Everyone sees Ashburn.
Check the file ext.
you're having too much fun with this
9gag has the coolest 404 page I've ever seen.
close enough
Hesperia is like 45 minutes away
so...any thoughts on my philosophical delema?
or am I basically on my own?
VS y u freeze all the time
it's a conspiracy
to get you to buy bigger hardware
or to upgrade
1 hour later...
my visual studio is working fine!
insert laugh track
Good to know. I was getting worried.
*credits start to roll*
better comedy than big bang theory
Twice the viewers, less commercials.
@KendallFrey bet it won't stop wget
@KendallFrey it's foolish to hide the page source like that. only a completely incompetent person would be stopped by right-click block and a few key hooks.
@KendallFrey What? It seems to just redirect to the home page.
Most likely the programmer was fulfilling the client's misguided request for security.
wget --debug -O /dev/null http://9gag.com/qwerqerwqroiqu gives a 302
did you set the user agent thing?
wget admits it is wget openly
unless you set a user agent
@doug65536 The same redirect happens when I browse in Firefox.
what's supposed to happen? I get redirect in ie9
nothing happens in FF 18
Maybe supposed to be—
Not sure how to actually get it on the site.
3 hours later…
Good weekend! :D
2 hours later…
Hi eveyone!
I need help on Telerik reporting? Has anyone experienced it??
3 hours later…
From Penisland.net (Pen Island):
> Q: Can I provide my own wood?
> A: In most cases we can handle your wood.

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