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@ShotgunNinja [insert quote about Java being terrible here]
Singletons are bad and you should feel bad for ever contemplating their use
Well, I want all of my HulkRunnable threads to have access to information stored in BrickWall...
he never came back after his month ban
Jamie.tags != Raynos.tags
@ShotgunNinja "Why not use static instead?"
unless jamie == nadal
probability == low
ok, just speculating
@ShotgunNinja I'm not trying to troll you, I promise
it is FREAKING COLD in the desert today:
it snowed today
31 F when I went to my car.
it instantly melted
oh, you poor thing.
what is 31F in C?
I can't unlock my driver side door, because the lock is frozen shut.
@Sean About -0.6 degrees C.
Oh wow, I guessed.
I lived in montana for 7 years and salt lake city for 2.5 years
I know what cold weather is.
Oh, slightly below freezing. Standard
31F is not cold weather
32 is the magic number for "water turns to ice lol"
for phoenix it is
Don't ask me why, it's mildly retarded.
31F is not cold weather.
for phoenix it is.
@KendallFrey Don't moose melt at 32F?
drove to flagstaff saturday. it was 19 F there
@Sean wtf are you talking about.
Oh, so cold.
@KyleTrauberman Flagstaff AZ? Holy crap.
@ShotgunNinja Typical Canadian stereotype jokes? It is cold and they have moose.
The funny thing is, half of Flagstaff is Wisconsin snowbirds, lol.
its only a 2 hour drive from me
Did I miss something?
also, Sedona is awesome.
Actually 99% of snow here melted by last night.
1.5 hour drive
@ShotgunNinja Add one heavily retarded brain, and you get my joke.
@Sean Come to the US, and you'll hear some REAL Canadian stereotype jokes, lol
the Grand Canyon is a 3.5 hour drive
@JohanLarsson Flames and bans and shit.
pretty awesome
@JohanLarsson Not much
The Falls are a 2 hour drive nannanananana
@ShotgunNinja They get worse than jokes about the cold and moose? Tell me one.
@KendallFrey Do you drive?
What do you mean do I drive? I drive everywhere.
@Sean First of all, they end sentences with 'eh?', their cops are Mounties, and they apologize for everything.
They also are the world's leading source of comedians, and they have this little section called French Canada where everyone is a prick.
@ShotgunNinja The last time I got pulled over by a mountie, it was 1827.
Actually, I've never been pulled over in Canada.
Mountie? lol
@KendallFrey Aww. I thought you didn't drive. I was then gonna work out how long it would take to walk assuming an average walking speed of 3MPH and a middle-ish value of your national speed limit. Then say "The Falls are a x hour walk away nanananananana"
@KendallFrey The funny thing is, my current place of residence, Milwaukee WI USA, has mounted police all over the place.
I haven't heard that term in a long time
dont you just call them police?
@ShotgunNinja Ok so apart from the eh thing nothing there is funny =P
When I think of mounties, I think of the Musical Ride or whatever it is.
@Sean Well duh, nothing in Canada is except their comedians.
I have never seen an RCMP officer involved in enforcing the law.
@ShotgunNinja It's not their fault the French are insufferable fools. I feel sorry for them...
2 things
1. Didn't they learn anything from the Revolutionary war. Re: Red coats?
2. wtf are those bumps on their legs
@KyleTrauberman The red coats are so they stand out in the snow, lol
knees @KyleTrauberman
on the side? those aren't knees
I literally have not seen a Mountie in years.
They also serve to attract bears away from other, more hapless victims.
so it makes them live bait?
Therefore, mountie == rodeoClown
@KyleTrauberman Live bait with guns, much better than a would-be dead man who is (generally) unarmed.
@Maverik Do you happen to know if EWS is broken atm?
@KyleTrauberman 3) Is that horse shit?
@Sean you mean EWS as in Exchange? version 2013?
Great.. someone is starring every sentence that has bad language..
@AndréSilva its better than flagging i guess XD
I am back bitchhhhessssss
@KyleTrauberman is officially bad language.
@Maverik Dunno which version, my shit ain't working. The request failed. The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
Not actually.. It f*cks the chat image..
I bet @KendallFrey played with mountie dolls as a wee canadian child.
@JamieTownsend Was that a suspension or just a break or something?
I wonder why his hands are like that. Must've cramped.
@Sean is the CAS cert trusted on ur machine?
@Sean suspension
What happened to the room wiki ?
@Maverik I've never used certificates or anything like that
i killed it
Suspension for calling Kyle a queen
@AndréSilva It's currently in a state of dust and debris.
@KyleTrauberman Is that the Canadian member of GI Joe?
Completly justified if you ask me
lol must be
@KyleTrauberman FIX IT
@Sean CAS connects over https - browse over to your EWS and see if your IE trusts the certificate
@Maverik It's a page that gets called from our portal that goes and calls the EWS. I think it's going to be 2007 or 2010, certainly not 2013 unless MS have upgraded our Office 365 subscription automatically
@Maverik It's not a local server
The Second World War officially began on September 1, 1939, with the German invasion of Poland. Britain and France declared war on the Nazi Third Reich on September 3, 1939. Seven days later, on September 10, 1939, the Parliament of Canada likewise declared war on Germany, the country's first independent declaration of war and the beginning of Canada's participation in the largest combined national effort in its history. By war's end, over 1 million citizens would serve in military uniform, and Canada would possess the fourth-largest air force and third-largest naval surface fleet in th...
@JamieTownsend Haha, fair enough. How many of those til you get properly banned?
Good on Canada.
@Sean wherever your portal is, that machine doesn't seem to be trusting the EWS page - thats all i can tell from your error
"Canada got its first infantry weapon in 1944."
@Billdr Damn straight, we used to own them
@Sean You used to own everybody.
@Maverik Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I never did anything special on it before
@Billdr True dat
America just sets up franchises.
@Billdr You know who else used to own everybody? The Huns, the Romans, the Spanish, and the Nazis.
@Billdr And attempts to take over the world with a poor attempt at stealth
I can flag you for mod attention if it helps speed up the process.
Apparently I am some hamburger/nadal person? News to me lol
The Spanish
@Sean how are you connecting to EWS? through the SDK or through Services Reference?
@Billdr Oh, them too.
@Maverik Managed API
Oooh, the Dutch were proto-American.
ruling the world through commerce.
then I imagine you're doing AutoDiscover to find CAS server?
@Billdr That doesn't count! shhhh
@ShotgunNinja The Nazi's empire during it's brief stint was nowhere near as big as anyone else's, surely?
@Mysticial It's because @JamieTownsend got back.
@Sean Yea, I'm not sure they belong on the list of global rulers.
@Mysticial Ah, glad you're here. How many suspensions til full ban?
Continental rulers, sure.
@Sean Agreed and understood, but that's because news of their conquest traveled quickly enough, and technology was good enough to stop them.
@Sean There is no such thing as a full ban.
@ShotgunNinja I see
@Sean I'm not a mod. But you can't get full banned without mod intervention.
@KendallFrey Well that licks donkey balls
@Sean regardless of whats wrong with your actual portal, EWS isn't broken - i've been on 1.x 2.x Preview and now 2.x - things seem fine over here as long as I trust my CAS certificate
@Mysticial Oh, why are you here then?
she's here for the fireworks
Also, the times were changing, and the developed world was progressing into a state of market-centric economy, and moderate quality of life for the common man.
@Sean I can see the flags.
@Mysticial Fairy snuff
If you don't have something to fight for, you won't fight unless it's against losing what you already have.
self.schedules.push(new Schedule(new seedSchedule), true); <---how many objects should this add to the array?
@Maverik I hate security.
Then why does it add two?!
Jamie's banned for an hour now
I think we should thank @JamieTownsend for bringing so much attention to c# XD
especially for the sacrifice he has to make for this to happen!!
@KyleTrauberman Was he the one flagging everything, or was it someone else?
I flagged him
@ShotgunNinja He was is constantly being flagged
Guys, don't flag him so much; you're just drawing attention from the Lounge<C++> guys.
@Billdr I don't even know =P
@ShotgunNinja why is that bad? we have a problem user
@KyleTrauberman He's not even that bad =P
@KyleTrauberman And we're gonna get more if we keep bringing everyone else in from other boards.
I just read the deleted messages. I don't understand this room.
@Eve Great, my name comes out as "anal"
well, it takes 8 votes to ban, so if someone flags, 7 other 10k+ users have to agree
@Eve That's kinda cool.
The 'Eve' that saw from side might be a 'Sex'.
and obviously, others do
Mine comes out as "Risk".
i'm inclined to think most 10k rep users dont REALLY read the thing
He says something like that, he's banned. Lemon drops a chain of F bombs and it's a big deal for me to delete them.
@Maverik Me too
LOL Sean becomes "anal"
@ShotgunNinja I find that offensive. Enjoy your ban.
i mean if you actually red the flags before you agreed, i'm pretty sure you'd be spending a fair amount of time reading and making up your mind
thats just plain MOB power
lmfao sean
@Sean Oh jeez
something that i see at its finest in Tribunal of League of Legends
@ShotgunNinja I'm not that much of a girl =P
Wow. I get "lotion" with Claire and "dildo" with Ellie.
@Ellie Bahahaha
it started out great, but then people just started looking for keywords and agreeing to ban regardless of the context
@Billdr the difference is lemon wasn't insulting people whereas jamie is
That generator does seem to weight sexually-related words more, indeed.
Got it.
@Maverik So, this EWS thing. Our web server needs to trust what?
@Sean Ellie is a nickname for my middle name that started in like elementary school.
Maverik comes out "Serious": en.seoi.net/sokumen/?n=Maverik
Stuck with me...
@Ellie Nice typo lol
@Sean webserver needs to trust the final resolved (autodiscovered) url's SSL certificate
@ShotgunNinja Hush up!
@Billdr and hes not doing it jokingly either
if its public facing, i'd imagine the certificate to be already trusted
at least, that's not how it comes across
Well, I don't really get it, but it's hard to find a microscope powerful enough to observe the amount I care.
My last name turns into "Cunning".
but there's only one way to find out - you have to browse to that address (from your webserver) and see if you get certificate warning
@Maverik Damnit. I don't think I use autodiscover
if you don't then that could be a major reason - the CAS server could have simply moved
well thats inaccurate, ur Mailbox could have moved actually
@Eve Gf's name 'Kajsa' is some kind of pailndrome, comes out the same
They didn't have any good examples on how to use autodiscover for Office 365 so I skipped it
Johan comes out as "harsh".
@Sean i haven't used 365, but it should be standard procedure
Kyle comes out as "Clap".
@ShotgunNinja That's offensive
autodiscover works with DNS / webserver - so doesn't matter if you're connecting to 365 or an internal box
Ninja comes out the same
lol check out what Tom comes out as
But our internal domain is the same as office 365.. I'm sure I tried this before and it didn't work easily
ah i hate that
i have that too
(internal + external domains are same but different!)
anyways, as luck would have it, I'm about to dive into autodiscover
I don't just give up on things cos I cba, I give up on them because I've got some twat on my case and it takes too long to figure it out. EWS documentation is awful
Jon Skeet comes out as
Bad Smell
err.. what documentation?
There is a paltry section on MSDN
exchange was never designed with developers in mind >.>
It generated the same word as i put it lmfao
i know - i went there.. its worse than having no documentation
because now its just plain confusing
@Eve Yeah someone's hard-coded some of these in
There is no way turning an O by any angle in 3D will make an S
That thing's out since 2000. I doubt that the Japanese/Korean/Whatever creator bothered to update it.
Probably it's just designed to map to negative words.
> The 'porn' that saw from side might be a 'poor'.
Let me translate.
@KendallFrey Might be a better view.
"Porn seen from the side might be poor."
@KendallFrey Especially if it's 2-dimensional.
@KendallFrey How do you do a tabbed quote in the chat, like the one you did three messages above?
No more "flame war", people from C++ leave. I will say no more
> quote
> nipples
> test test test
test test test
huh, code blocks require 4 spaces, and won't work with 3...
What did you expect?
@KendallFrey I'm just double-checking my assumptions, if you're asking me.
@Sean Can we start a flame war?
@Ellie pls dont
If you promise to do it quietly.
Shut up, @ShotgunNinja! You don't own me!
@Ellie Notice the 'pls'. It was a request, not an order.
@ShotgunNinja You're no fun :P
@Ellie Oh, did you want me to own you?
@ShotgunNinja Not so much
@Ellie No, it would be worse than @ActionHank calling you fat.
@Ellie Good. That would be rather difficult.
@Sean -___- Don't start that up.
@Ellie See, I win already
@Sean sob
being a [insert expletive here] is so much easier than being nice
@Sean must... not... star...
@ShotgunNinja Go ahead
@Sean Nope.
ok I'll unedit it then
or not, seeing as it's now starred
Does anyone remember the name of that language we used to use? I think it used something called .COM or something.
@KendallFrey DOS?
@KendallFrey Or was that .cmd?
DIM i as Integer;
Oh, yeah, it wasn't .COM, it was .NET.
For MVVM experts out there I have a question.

I have a message "Are you sure you want to erase your changes" I want to present the user from multiple exits.
*When clicking the close button
*When selecting an existing object in a selection list
*When clicking the cancel button
I never learned a language called .NET :p
(Being pedantic at Kendall is fun)
There was this language that we all used to talk about, and it used a .NET.
What is the most reusable way to do this? Should this be in the codebehind, the viewmodel?
@Billdr You mean you never learnt to write programs from the ground up in IL? SHAME ON YOU.
@Sean IL?
You're making shit up.
@Billdr Intermediate Language
Oh, I remember now. It was called C#. Does anyone else remember it?
@Billdr VB.Net / C# -> IL -> CLR -> things happen
Oh neat
@Billdr Ildasm
You can see science
ildasm == ilgasm
@Billdr Yeah this is why I don't understand the C# vs VB.Net thing, they both wrap the same stuff =P
@tylerjgarland Best quote in this room in a while.
@KendallFrey C#? Oh, you mean the thing that holds my Javascript.
@Maverik Awwww I have to do that for every damn mailbox?
@Billdr No, the stuff your Javascript talks to when it needs to get stuff from a database.
Javascript holds my Javascript.
@Maverik Cry.
@ShotgunNinja I had a teacher who forced me to look at it. Never again...
@ShotgunNinja JSON?
Hi Mhjr
can i remove my chat history ?
@tylerjgarland I had to read and write AVR assembly in an Embedded Systems course, and look at the debug listing file of the AVR-GCC compiler/linker toolchain.
@Sean that is how its supposed to be but you could cheat if you know by convention that an organisation's MBs sit on one box
in here ?
@ShotgunNinja You have my sympathies.
that's bad
Not sure if should be sad or angry at being duped. Woman sat in lobby earlier said she had the flu and was coughing/sniffling for a good 5 mins. She is now on the other side of my desk and sounds fine. I GAVE HER SYMPATHY.
@Billdr JSON is the language that C# uses to talk to Javascript, and vice versa.
i really dont konw why i bother reading hte guardian
@ShotgunNinja ThatIsTheJoke.jpg
@Sean Good, now give her the D.
@ShotgunNinja Uh, no.
the latest piece of anti capitalism is freaking annoying
@Sean there's nothing stopping you from using the same URI for every mailbox. it just has to be correct - you can resolve it through auto discover or hard code it or make a hybrid (which is what i do)
actually, json is just a format
@Maverik I'm not going to try and be smart, I'll just do it for every mailbox
one teacher knows my name in here and he may actually see my opinion about them lol
@KendallFrey Oh, I know, I'm just trolling.
@ShotgunNinja "the D"?
@Sean should be fine, its a fast operation
@Sean The thing in your britches between your legs?
@mhjr link me.
JSON is like XML but better.
I'll see if I can take care of it for you.
@Cylen What are reporters doing to goad people now?
@ShotgunNinja Oh that D.
@KendallFrey Indeed. I've had to use both, and I love JSON infinitely more.
@ShotgunNinja No thanks, she's like 50.
@Billdr what do you mean by link me ?
@Sean Cougar Alert!
@Mhjr Pro tip: don't talk shit about people directly. Skirt around saying who they are when you are talking shit about them.
@ShotgunNinja puke noise
@Mhjr I want you to link the message(s) you want deleted. I'll try to delete them with my MegaSuperAwesome Room-Owner powers.
@Sean Finish your official business, and kick her out before she throws up.
@Mhjr Be a stealthy twat, rather than an obvious twat.
1 message moved to recycle bin
Yea, I can do that.
@ShotgunNinja No she's just ugly. She's got that kind of skin that comes from too many holidays in the sun and whatever else it is that leads women to become leather bags.
can you delete everything even my account if it would make your life easier ?
@ShotgunNinja Not even paper bags would solve it
good night! haha
Not really.
@Sean Latex suit, lol
also, it just moves it to a room full of stupid crap
I don't think that room gets purged.
@ShotgunNinja You are a sick individual!
i don't know if i said shit
i just don't remember lol
@Sean Yes I am.
Terminal amnesia. Excellent.
but just in case
Sup Crowz
Hey Crowz
@Sean You mean chronic? Terminal means life-threatening.
@Crowz Do you take orders? To peck people's eyes out?
is anyone familiar with java at all? Java room dead.
@sean apparently banks deferring bonuses to lower tax rates is evil
@Sean psh who doesn't?
@Crowz Yeah, unfortunately, I am.
@ShotgunNinja know about GUIs at all? I am having trouble doing one thing
@Crowz Let's go back to the Java room.
@ShotgunNinja Maybe. Assuming his amnesia doesn't cause him to forget to not walk under buses.
@Crowz Use da swing API
does google access this room ?
sorry for sounding ignorant
@Mhjr Google accesses everything.
@Mhjr Yes, it accesses the backlog.
@Sean got that hah part of the problem is I want more or less an OpenGL window
Did you say their name?
@Crowz Are you using JOGL?
@ShotgunNinja yeah
@Crowz Oh right. I never got that far, my afternoon's worth of pong implementation flickered a bit =\
Bill Strait gets a google alert every time Google finds a new reference to his name. This was posted 1/14 at 10:52.
@Billdr can you delete this conversation ?
@Billdr You can do that?
how can i send you the link ?
@Mhjr click the message and select 'perma-link' and gimmie that.
@Billdr Oh well that's just fucking scary. I won't put my name in because I'm pretty sure it's common
@ShotgunNinja I need a frame within a frame
You effectively do the following:
@ShotgunNinja That's right. Take the garbage out.
GLProfile glp = GLProfile.getDefault();
GLCapabilities caps = new GLCapabilities(glp);
GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(caps);
@Sean I use it to 1) see where I pop up online, and 2) to keep track of stuff I'm interested in but doesn't generate news often.
@Sean I asked him to go to the Java room, which I lurk in.
@ShotgunNinja No I said out, not in the recycling bin!
But noooo
I am screwed
@Mhjr wutevs.
Odds that they'll find it: slim-to-none
I regret (almost) nothing I've said in here.
no i posted some code in my proj
and he would check if i did it
Also, odds that they can actually do you for slander, unless you posted their full name, address and contact details is next to 0.
and the code will lead him to here

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