If it is like the snail mail letter, i'd say you can't do anything unless, of course you put a DNA/fingerprint-mismatch auto-self-destruct trigger on the letter itself.
Or at least render it unusable for court evidence by putting a disclaimer below like company emails: "This email is intended exclusively for the addressee(s) named above and may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not (among) the intended recipient(s), you may not copy, utilize or distribute any of the information contained herein. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately via return email and delete the original from your mailbox. Thank you."
Well yes , because I'm trying to do some benchmarking for my application however I can't tell whether the results from different solutions are better because of the amount of change in the result with the exact same process
So if I could say only download close to 250kb/s than I would have more reliable results
Your GridView does not have a select button. At least your GridView should have AutoGenerateSelectButton="true". And why are you not using the normal event handlers like Button_Click, GridView_RowCommand? — codingbizJan 9 at 10:42
Haha, that website Kendall linked that got starred has hilarious source. "Blah blah blah rights blah blah reserved blah blah contents of this webpage can't be seen as they are not meant to be viewed or copied"
It's a massive contradiction for a start... "You can't see this page but there's stuff on it! Don't copy cos we'll sue you but the contents can't be seen anyway even if they can!!"
also just read "turnkeylinux.com" as "turkeylinux.com"
i have a dataview with:
<asp:BoundField DataField="AccontoAutorizzato" HeaderText="Acconto Aut."
SortExpression="AccontoAutorizzato" dataformatstring="{0:C}" />
is possible hide the values of each with a condition like
Visible=<%# ((Int32)Eval("StatoID") &l...
no client side I'm pretty sure , I access Wikipedia with this url however c# takes 10x times longer than if I access this same in a browser en.wikipedia.org/w/…
If you make two requests does the second one happen more quickly?
I have also notice speed disparities between browsers and WebClient or WebRequest. Even the raw speed of the response can be drastically different - but not all the time!
There are a few things this could be caused by:
It coul...
@AndréSilva Yeah I got what HTTP 200 is, I was wondering what might cause it but I realised I hadn't created a site collection in SharePoint so it had nothing to do except tell you it's there