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@ShotgunNinja Poops Code Twice A Day!
(it was Robin that was the Boy Wonder wasn't it? And his tights were green not red?)
@KendallFrey With a lunch break in between.
Only a nickel today!
But a dime tomorrow?
Twas a dime yesterday!
Dimes are easier to pass...
You know from experience?
ok thanks guys..I have another field is string '110000' I want to convert it to time ..I used TimeSpan.Parse but I got 110000.00:00:00
Stay away from half-dollar coins.
Dimes have a rough edge, though.
I know from observation; my friend is an assistant veterinarian.
@AdnanAl-Husain You'll have to use ParseExact again.
@Sean Oh, I am!
with datetime?
@AdnanAl-Husain TimeSpan
@KendallFrey I asked you before, what value your own lookup table would have, perhaps you missed it ;)
((gasp)) How dare you miss that, @KendallFrey!
@AdnanAl-Husain parse it as another DateTime like so: DateTime theDate = DateTime.ParseExact("120000", "HHmmss", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture); then spew out the relevant portion using ToString() again
Or use TimeSpan, didn't know it could do that
@Sean theTime would have been a more accurate name.
@BeatMe I replied, perhaps you missed it.
@ShotgunNinja I copy-pasta'd, sue me D=
oh, sorry
@Ellie I'm glad you're sorry
@Sean I will. You'll be paying my tuition from now on, thanks.
fair enough ;)
Plus, I might be able to shrink it.
Also, I've seen spaceships crash from copy-pasted code.
@ShotgunNinja God fuckin damnit.. Can you do that? Sue someone because they said to in an ovbiously joking context? Cos that would be really fucked up xD
@Sean I'm sorry you're glad!
Meeting over. Lunch over. Nap time!
You can sue anybody anytime. Winning is another thing...
@Ellie I'm glad you're sorry that I'm glad you're sorry.
Because you're sorry. And that makes me glad. (is that even valid?)
@Sean Here's a bit of history: "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_(spacecraft)"
WARNING beep beep beep Infinite loop detected!
@ShotgunNinja Yarr I put the bracket in myself =]
@KendallFrey SHUSH YOU
@KendallFrey like I said, we have full tables of 17MB and I have a few other tables that combined are only 2mb, but you sacrifice speed
depends on your goal
My goal is to learn.
also, @ShotgunNinja wow...
Morning n00bs
@RudiVisser evening dick-nose
Note to Notepad++. If the lines end in CR LF, it's NOT FUCKING UNIX FORMAT!!!
@Sean Impressive.
@KendallFrey You tell it Kendall, you tell it.
@KendallFrey I'm fairly certain that's a known bug, just download an update.
@Sean I'm not sure. Should we write a program that checks for us?
@KendallFrey I was going for "offensive" but impressive works for me
@Ellie I saw you started a conversation about boobs earlier
@KyleTrauberman mln
((sigh)) My responses for the next hour, btw, are all going to be delayed. I'm up at the front desk, once again.
@RudiVisser Yeeees...?
@Ellie Just confirming
@Ellie :(
I'm off
@RudiVisser Am I going to be in trouble?
@Ellie, aren't you a graphic designer or something?
he's jealous that he wasn't around when you started it.
@Sean using DateTime.ParseExact("120000", "HHmmss", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture); gave me strange output.. 21/02/34 11:00:00 am
Why the fuck are you working at the front desk?
@ShotgunNinja see her explanation yesterday
@Ellie Depends
about her being an intern
All Rudi thinks of is boobs. His Windows login is "boobs". You can probably guess his password.
@ShotgunNinja I'm a programmer, but because I'm a female, they make me cover the front desk while the receptionist is on her lunch hour.
and stuck with "cover for the receptionist" duty.
@Ellie What languages? Also, I repeat my claim that that is bullshit.
@KendallFrey I'm actually not a boob guy
@ShotgunNinja C#
What a surprise!
Gasp, shock, aweeee!
I was expecting COBOL.
I program in JS, yet here I am, owner of C# room.
I program in Java, and write HTML/XML/Javascript for my job.
Same here, unfortunately.
gtfo @KyleTrauberman
Nah, I've dabbled in Java and I have an ASP.NET online application for my company, but I still don't really understand that. Oh, and lots of HTML.
I know C# better than JS though.
same here
I like C# better than Java.
@RudiVisser On what?
That's cos the only thing you need to know about JS is that it's JS
who doesn't
C# > Everything
use TypeScript
its like C#
lol TypeScript, gtfo
@Ellie On you
I'm still not sure whether I like C# or JS better. I guess it depends on the problem domain.
@RudiVisser Oh shit.
TypeScript is JS made slightly more awesome
@Ellie I know, right.
@Ellie sure, here we go: static bool IsEllieSure() { Console.WriteLine("Are you sure? (y/n)"); string yesNo = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (yesNo == "y") { return true; } else if (yesNo == "n") { return false; } else { return IsEllieSure(); } } static void main (string[] args) { bool isEllieSure = IsEllieSure(); if (isEllieSure) { Console.WriteLine("Ellie is sure."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Ellie is not sure."); } }
Atwoods law is a good indicator of the future.
@KendallFrey using TimeSpan.ParseExact("110000", "HHmmss", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture); gave me input string was not in a correct format
@KendallFrey JS is nicer when I'm looking at stuff that's already pre-written. C# is better when I'm starting from scratch. EDIT: Fuck minimized JS.
@Sean Awesome.
None of that, please! I'm at the front desk!!!
C'mon, you were the one getting mad earlier. :P
Wow... Apparently, I have fully used my vote allowance for the day.
It's only 1:15pm...
I blame @Ellie
@RudiVisser Im head Broken here.
anyone tried it on their android phone?
I blame her aswell
@ShotgunNinja WHAT?!
@BeatMe People with brains have Android phones?
What did I do?!
@Derek What does this mean
@RudiVisser That is fucking amazing xD
@RudiVisser you're kidding, right? :D
@BeatMe Most definitely not
@Sean I know :D
@RudiVisser that i cant get the gawwd damnn MVC4 deuche to Seed a User :$
A *nix-based Java-oriented platform on a phone? That's hell
what do you have?
@AdnanAl-Husain Use hhmmss instead.
@RudiVisser Well yeah, but it works better is more popular than WinPhone.
yeah, go figure :D
guys I'm importing these values to ms sql db...could I just Import as text then there is a way to convert their type?
Nah, I have a BlackBerry
Ubuntu Phone FTW.
Isn't ios linux based? like osx?
I want a BlackBerry 10 !
@KyleTrauberman FreeBSD based*
@ShotgunNinja Good edit
@KyleTrauberman Is OSX Linux? I thought it was just Unix.
@Derek I've never used EF seeding like that so can't really help :( I just prepare my databases before shipping to production
@AdnanAl-Husain Yes there is but I don't think SQL has a time data type, on the up-side, it does have just a date data type
it's a *nix
@KendallFrey It's freebsd
@KendallFrey I actually have an old OpenMoko Freerunner, lol. It was the one with the battery charging defect, and now it won't hold a charge.
@Sean Of course SQL has a time data type.
@KendallFrey It does? Fuck me....
@ShotgunNinja Sounds like my old laptop. Nasty fucker.
@KendallFrey That makes it sound like your laptop bit you or something..
@Sean Alright, bend over...
@RudiVisser bahahahaha
@Sean there is time7 ...now this work perfectly TimeSpan.ParseExact("110000", "hhmmss", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture);
@RudiVisser Yeah, I guess It isnt important i suppose, but it works for other ppl who tired the tutorial, others fell into the same issue. Its one of those things where I just dont want to be beaten!
@RudiVisser lol! Ah Sheldon, how we love your innocence
still the problem with the date field
What problem?
@AdnanAl-Husain Yeah using a datetime to store just a date is stupid, I forgot timespan existed, cos I'm retarded
It showing 12 AM on the date string?
@Derek I can understand that but can't relate to a resolution :( Especially if it's the one about initialising simple membership first, that doesn't make no sense since you have
@Derek The only thing I can think of which is more of a hacky workaround/alternative than a solution, is to insert directly into the tables
@Sean lool you all here are prof... I'm really amazed and I wish having you around :)
@RudiVisser Cheers pal, I'll say i'll leave this alone, but I'ma stubborn man.. so i will probably end up going back to it lol.
Herp derp, two chains of conversation got interwoven in my head.
I've just been letting y'all go.
so there is no way to just get the date from dateString!!.
Yes, there is!!
@AdnanAl-Husain There is, use TimeSpan.ParseExact =]
Format your DateTime as a short date.
I may have to take a break from this room to write technical specifications and force people to do development work for low pay so that I make lots of money from it :(
What a horrible life you have
I know
@RudiVisser Don't go; I've rather enjoyed talking to you. And flagging your posts.
Whoa whoa whoa
Just kidding.
Then I retract my comment :D
@KendallFrey this would convert to string!! I want it in date type?
Well, ok.
I just had a spell where I was being particularly productive, and then was slapped in the FACE. (Metaphorically...)
Trying to move some files around on MY OWN computer, and apparently I don't have permission to do that. >.<
cricket cricket
Oh corporate admins, Y U HATE US ALL?
@Ellie Hack admin account
This isn't even a huge corporate office. There are 30 people here, max. AND the Network Admin is a good friend of mine... but I don't deserve permission... </whine>
@RudiVisser I'm not a hacker!
@Ellie I never said you were, I said hack admin account
@RudiVisser >.>
Or reboot in safe mode with command prompt and gpedit the shit out of it
I wish there was an emoticon for something going over my head.
then reboot again and have the group policy update and overwrite all your shit again? @RudiVisser
@Ellie just go whoosh
Hackers are cooler. Crackers are those assholes you see on news sites that break into password stores.
But crackers make free games :)
@Sean Not if you slip the network cable under "Applying Personal Settings"
Although, that may only work on XP
@Ellie I got it! Reinstall Windows
@RudiVisser That's a brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of that!?
@Ellie cos you're sutdip?
brb (in 3 hours)
@RudiVisser wow
Bye @Ellie, enjoy your non-sutdipity course
BTW reinstalling Win8 takes like 15 mins
@RudiVisser Stfu
But clearly if I'm stupid enough to think that's a viable option, it would take me 3 hours to reinstall Windows.
using this DateTime.ParseExact("20100102", "yyyymmdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Date; I got 2010-01-02 12:00:00 AM
I installed Win8 today in like 5 minutes :)
Hi, @MarcoKlein
Oh god. Don't take his side!!
okay, it was a RAID 5 Server with like 5 HDDS :D
You're still on his side! Say it took you 3 hours!
@AdnanAl-Husain Again, you have to do more than just that. After fetching the Date, you have to ToString() it to format it further.
Windows 8 sucks
@KyleTrauberman YOU suck!
Awe. I'm sorry
There's just a little need to get used to it.
its a tablet os forced on the desktop paradigm
Win8 sucks, Win7 master race
but in performance things, I have to say that I never want to get back to seven.
@ShotgunNinja I want it in date format...I'm converting it from string to Date format..but I don't want time beside it..this is my prob. now
That is my opinion until someone else challenges it with solid, sound arguments.
@MarcoKlein Surely a RAID5 server with 5HDDs would be slow as shit to install Win8?
Win8 is awesome
@AdnanAl-Husain That's what you want. It's the date.
If you don't want to display the time, then pass a format string into ToString()
@ShotgunNinja Why are you crying?
@AdnanAl-Husain Well, there is no such thing as Date format. What you're seeing is the string representation of a number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1st, 1970, at exactly Midnight GMT.
@RudiVisser: It is not. They're SaS-HDDs with 10kRPM
@Ellie Everyone else was doing it.
Well, I -do- love a sensitive man.
Ooooh baby
@Ellie I bawl like a little girl.
@KyleTrauberman There's a line between sensitive and a pussy.
@MarcoKlein I had considered that, but even an SSD takes around 8 minutes :(
Good thing I go both ways, then, huh? You're kinda swingin' back towards the other side.
From setup -> desktop on my SSD it was 13 minutes flat
@Ellie Let's just hope it doesn't actually go back... that'd be hard to do, regardless of what you're into.
@ShotgunNinja sensitive pussy? count me in!
@ShotgunNinja True.. And a little hard to explain to the wife.
Lol :) May be, but this box has a server cpu with 96GB RAM :)
LOL @KendallFrey !!
But RAM is irrelevant and Xeons don't outperform i7s in a measure that would affect installations :(
Still, would be awesome to see
I love Win8's install time
@Ellie Then again, there's only so much that can be done with a sensitive pussy...
@ShotgunNinja Not if she powers through.
Well, it was like: Okay, turn on the Windows installation. sigh..While he's installing, i'll take a cig...*came back* OH! Settings! :D
Ohhhhhhhhhhh right the initial setup, there's another config step after that I meant to desktop :D
well, I love the win8 bootup time more than the install time :D
@MarcoKlein A fellow smoker! <3333
Shut up @Ellie you're still losing hot points for smoking
A heart with boobs! Or is that a sixpack?
haha :D
@Ellie Wrong message, lol
Shut up, @RudiVisser.
You shut up, @Ellie.
Oh, c'mon. You all know I smoke.
@Ellie Hence you lost hot points.
I didn't
@Ellie you just got hot points from me for smoking.
until now
@Ellie Good, now I won't be totally turned on while trying to work.
@rlemon WOO!
@rlemon What are you doing here anyway? :P
@Ellie that's why we could never be together.
@KyleTrauberman rlemon and Kyle are bitter rivals.
If you smoke my cigar, you'll get 100 free hot points.
Not /totally/ turned on?

(Dumb & Dumber moment) So you're tellin me there's a chance??
@KendallFrey I like cigars. :)
Anyone did some ODATA-Uri parsing with PHP/C#?
@Ellie If you want, babe.
The only upgrade left now is to be smoking, while riding a motorcycle, and wearing a bathing suit.... and you're dripping wet (for some reason... even though it's the summer and it's not raining... and you're on a bad ass chopper)
@KyleTrauberman The wife and kids were just speed bumps? This is the real stop sign?
I don't think he was talking about an actual cigar @Ellie
@Ellie absolutely
@ShotgunNinja raises eyebrows
@KyleTrauberman lol
@rlemon Well, women have this amazing ability to become dripping wet when it's not raining, under the right circumstances.
@KyleTrauberman I'm cool with that, too.
@KyleTrauberman Haha. I love it.
@ShotgunNinja loool
@ShotgunNinja I'm dripping wet right now.
Aww, poor Kendall
@Ellie Get a towel; you're at the front desk.
@ShotgunNinja I'm talking head to toe... I c what u did thr. but yea.. the image in my head is a chick who looks like she just got out of a pool... standing in the desert... with her bike... smoking a cig..... awww yea
I know! I'm sorry!
hello :)
@Ellie they have a swimming pool at the front desk?
Hello, @Steve. Welcome to Offenders Anonymous.
@KyleTrauberman Not much swimming happening, but definitely a pool of some sort.
@Steve How can we molest you today?
> Soon to be college grad, just getting my feet wet in programming at my new job. :)
wow... your profile works so well today
@Ellie :O
between the legs plz
I think I'm gonna barf...
The last two days in C#: It becomes widely know that @Ellie is a girl, 2 days of non stop sex talk commence.
@KyleTrauberman we had the same with Kirsty in the Javascript room
Kidding, of course. I'm... no, I'm not that either.
@rlemon haha
cept we asked her for a rack shot and she provided
wow a woman comes in the room and you all go crazy
@Steve Duh.
@Steve I asked her to have my babies
@rlemon Except it was more boobs, less everything else.
@Ellie Hear that? Competition. Rack shot!
should i increase the version of my mergemodule when i increase version of my deployment project?
It's fun to joke with women who are not all "OMG don't be a pig" and can joke around with us.
@klut What? Oh, programming.
@klut Sure, unless it breaks some version matching something-or-other.
@Ellie already gave me a rack shot
you ever see the movie "Eurotrip" where they're on the beach and that girl takes her hat or something off, and the whole beach is filled with creepy old dudes who go "girl???????" and chase her like zombies
^ my kinda porn
@KyleTrauberman I can't believe I'm not involved in it so much, can you?!
@KyleTrauberman you so funneh
If I could still star things today, I totally would.
thanks @ShotgunNinja. its not required though if I get new .DLL versions that are inside of it
Hey! That's rlemon's porn!
lol just happened in c#
@klut Well, if you've made changes, it's usually better for auditability if you note the version change.
@KyleTrauberman damn nice rack huh
@rlemon At work, sorry.
@Steve 'tis
@ShotgunNinja It's servers. It's completely SFW
@ShotgunNinja its server rack pictures
in a directory called porn
This is insanely funny.
That is perfect.
my "server rack" directory has pictures of naked people in them. good thing no one gives a shit about server racks. :)
Oh god. I walk away for 2 minutes!
@rlemon haha
@Ellie don't walk away
Had to set up a conference call./
rolls eyes
Did you get a towel?
@Ellie conference call === phone orgy?
@Ellie Tell them to do it themselves! Laaaaaaaazy fucks
I nearly fell asleep on a conference call today
@KendallFrey Nah, I just dragged a mop behind me.
Senior Developers are boring cunts
@RudiVisser Yeah, the CEO called me from his office (like 10 feet away) AND he has the ability to set it up himself.
@rlemon Not so much
@Ellie This is the funniest thing I've seen all week and I can't even repeat it to the wife......
I'm glad you appreciated that.
You have a wife???
It's cool, though. I never have to worry about getting lost in a forest... I can just follow my own trail back.
I got a mental picture of you walking bow legged down a hallway with a mop tied to your waist band... just trying to make sure it's centered while you trot along.
Oh my fucking gawd!
so funny, its bold
@rlemon That's exactly how I did it.
@KendallFrey not technically... but my bank account and appartment don't seem to agree.
down on all fours. sniff, sniff, sniff.
Who occupies the front desk?
@KendallFrey is a kinky bastard.
<< This girl @gdoron
WHoops hahaha
@gdoron The garden hose girl named Ellie.

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