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Nice. I just debugged something for 2 hours because. Cause? I misspelled misspelled precision as precison, so a variable wasn't initialized, so a check always returned false...
@Zirak I've done that.. but because it was on a declaration not a check no errors were thrown.
Oh no, I've done that before
or ; vs :
some editors those look a LOT a like. so much in fact I went like 25 minutes before noticing it.
Lememe mobile... Here is my pain. Getting the fucking inputs to work :( For the mobile version the only proper UX I can think of is to have the user touch the image in the area they are trying to apply the text too.
I just am struggling with the damn mobile interface
maybe I need not worry about mobile as much? How many people are making memes from their mobiles?
meh, it gives weird results, but wth: paste2.org/p/2686002
> Math.root(4, 1)
See? Good enough.
> Math.root(25,5)
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Yeah...that'll happen
Math.root(25,5,1) works, though!
@rlemon Yeah...I could so own this procedural. Maybe I shouldn't use OOP on this project after all? Anyway, I almost have the code ready. jsfiddle won't work I think because of the youtube api involved.
@rlemon VERY basic program that I want to be able to call like this: $('selector').youtubePlaylist({type:basic})
Let me put together a more complex version really quick..
@rlemon and here's more functions to get and cache a feed and display the thumbnail images from it. pastebin.com/cqZbtp7J
I want to be able to make that happen with $('selector').youtubePlayer({type:'thumbs'})
@Abhishek your gf is preggo?
@m59 yea I'm bored with this now :P good luck
@rlemon lol facepalm I'm screwed.
23 hours ago, by Zirak
On a scale of 1 to Paris Hilton, how fucked am I if Windows can't be installed properly?
Right now you're Paris Hilton
I want to blame the motherboard.
Probably some horrid option in a no-man's-land BIOS setting...
pro tip: write the nastiest code of your life.... but make the fucker work. After it works then at least you have expected results to show people and then we can begin on helping you streamline it.
@Zirak what is the issue? I have had many pains in OS installment
The code I just pasted works.
lol I didn't open it :P
I hope your omitting of 'var' was a copy paste error?
Well...Arch installation freezes the computer after it boots (blank screen, can't do shit). Same for Ubuntu. Windows installs with some pains, but goes the same way when you try to do stuff.
or is this already defined?
yeah, I just basically pulled all of that out of the sloppy old version
It was in a namespace
Me suspects IO errors, because of unknown reasons.
are you able to test with a diff HD @Zirak
@Zirak can you be sure it's not other hardware causing the issue?
Tried on two HDDs
There's a lot more. This thing does crazy stuff lol.
Eek indeed.
well you know its prob not a HD issue, not fun
Don't plug in any panel USBs audio, etc.
borked devices do crazy shit.
Unplugged it all
@Zirak how old is your CD/DVD rom
re-seeded your RAM ?
What mobo is it
Not to my recollection, but I can do a memtest.
bad DVD rom fucked my stepdad's windows install all up when he tried
(I know...I shouldn't have gotten it...)
I had a bad front panel USB kill my pc. Wouldn't even post.
unplugged it from the pinouts... works like a charm
@Zirak why do you say that
^ I have that in my work PC
two work PC's actually.
Installed XP SP3 and win 7 pro SP1 on it
@Event_Horizon Because it's mini-atx and cheap
ah didn't notice
I haven't seen many mini's with 4 ram slots
@rlemon CPU is AMD, socket AM3+
Running memtest, so far so good.
AMD is alright, my MOBO/CPU's usually last around 3 years
@Zirak what is this for? How much power do you need?
I can't shake the feeling it has something to do with the HDD settings in the BIOS...
@rlemon My main computer, the one I broke its previous CPU
ahh, ok then. I thought maybe a media pc (why do you need mini atx??)
I don't "need", I was just cheap when buying it. Big mistake.
I have like 15 mini-itx boards
Geode LX-800 processors in them
would make a descent media pc.
@Zirak I'm always getting a full sized board from now on
Hellooooo rlemon
I made the mistake of mini for my last one
@dievardump ;)
where you been man! Still travelling ?
awesome board
Asus and MSI are for me. I got the gigabyte for work because they were descent and cheap.
I haven't really found a preference, most of mine crap out at the 2-3 year mark (gaming pc with usually hot gpu cards)
though my new setup probably last longer, new card is the 650 and its tiny compared to old 250
gotta go. Have fun! @rlemon thanks for trying to help me :)
@rlemon way to get visits
Look at that hot hot hardware.
nerd porn
Bet you wanna strip her down...
Ohh yea baby! Show me the money shot!
and i'm spent
I'm having a brain fart...How do I set a container to go all the way to the bottom of the browser window even if there isn't much content
html,body,.container { height: 100%; }
height assumes upto it's direct parent. All parents must be defined to assume 100% of the page.
@benlevywebdesign jsfiddle.net/rlemon/2emxf
@Zirak Got an email address you can share with us?
crapola - just remembered I never moved that money from savings to Chequings for my rent.
@rlemon Right! Couldn't remember what it was
what have I walked into
Don't know if he checks that, though
@rlemon :P
you couldn't remember ziraks email is [email protected]
they have savings accounts in canada?
@SimonSarris yes.
why wouldn't they
int he us the rate is 0.0000000001%
(admits he knows nothing about banks outside of canada)
@rlemon He said it was more like a throwaway, and no, I only remembered it was something unexpected :p
meh, it's like 0.04% or something here.
hey my savings rate is like %4.25 :P
better to just buy TGT stock than put money in a savings account
not much.. but still.
stocks jumped pretty well today
my savings rate is 80-90% thanks to roommates :D
@Loktar yea, ours is like 3-5% or something like that depending on a crap tonne of stuff.
@SimonSarris lol nice
yeah I'm only making an 18K loss on OCZ right now!
if I were in school I wouldn't pay anything ;) and I would be able to claim it all as a return on my income tax.
when did you buy it?
3.68 is my breakeven
@rlemon nice! you should go back to school
Ive made a bit on siri
bought it at like .79
@Loktar I want too. but few years without full time pay is not possible.
oh you cant do both then?
did you leave school lem?
full time school + work is a nogo. part time school + work would take like 7 years to get degree.
@SimonSarris never went.
meh degrees are a waste for our job imo
but going to school and taking selective classes can be beneficial
in HS I got a job at a large e-learning company and was hired by them in gr.12 -> worked for them for a few years, and by that time experience carried me.
if I had to do it again I'd do English + cog sci with CS as minor
yeah thats what happens with me now
@Loktar yea that I totally will do (given the extra cash)
I really should :?
I have my GI Bill still
so I could go to school basically for free for like 4 years
do it up.
yeah maybe after I get settled this year
If I took the government up on my native status I could get free school. but then every Canadian citizen basically paid for it for me... I'm not cool with adding my expenses to everyone else.
this year will hopefully be a lot diff
I should be getting a diff job
alright time to finally beat God of War II.. then off to God of War III last day of vacation :(
Time to waste the last 1 hour 45 minutes of my first day back then spend the rest of the evening in Civ 5
possibly WarHammer
installed my GPU again.... so many game options
which warhammer
space marine?
my bro says the others are fun as well. I like the gameplay in space marine. the melee combat is fun
ah cool, yeah that game is fun, I got like 50% through but it was so repetitive :?
that chainsaw.... O_O
it reminds me a lot of the god of war series
yea I played like an hour then was suffering hard crashed on my SSD
I presume because I didn't have my GPU installed and was running onboard graphics
or Darksiders
ah that sucks
I need to play civ 5
installed GPU last night... now all of my games :P
I bought the expansion for it as well
getting a lot from the sale then?
surprisingly, Civ 5, D3, Awesomenauts... all worked fine with onboard graphics. Everything else locked my ssd ~25min to an hour in.
not a BSOD either, just a straight up lock.
cough star
ill start the install
Tonight we can 3 way it (the game)
that sounded bad
actually I wont be around until prob friday
well free to play at night I mean
tomorrow im going to some node.js meetup
and tonight me and the wife will prob hang out since its my last day of vaca
@Loktar it's Civ 5 - just write a macro to hit enter every 5 seconds and we won't even notice the difference.
@SimonSarris will rape im sure
Im a bit scared of that
idk.... 48 into owning it I had accumulated 32 hours of gameplay.
@mail.com :(
I told him @email.com
@Loktar You and I can sign research agreements and allow open boarders.. then we will denounce Simon and convince all other nations to declair war on him.
alas I cannot play for some time
Simon Says: "Please stop killing me!"
lol j/j of course.
ah its cool, hopefully once your book is done you can spend a few hours gaming
id love to play some sc2 or civ with ya
everyone else in stone age rlemon and loktar in nuclear age Simon:"I aint even mad"
I need to spend more time shopping on steam.
I need to stop!
I havent spent as much this year, but still probably too much
Q: WP-Click-Track Plugin Help

PatForenote: The developer has admittadly given up on this plugin, so I'm on my own. I've been using WP-Click-Track plugin for a few years now and it works great. The basis of the plugin is to find a href's within the post, and rewrite them with a little javascript. When the user clicks the link, ...

@Feeds Your Mom!
@Event_Horizon Last night I hit future era and the majority of the map was still medievil era
1 min ago, by Event_Horizon
!!/tell Feeds ym
@rlemon good god
You cannot hide from me!
!!/tell Zirak 5318008
@Zirak I think therefore 5318008.
nice, command names can be numbers.
@st-boost ping?
@rlemon they're just object properties :P
anyone here a fan of dungeon keeper?
@Event_Horizon "SyntaxError: Unexpected token function"
spritual succesor backed by Molyneux
@Event_Horizon "undefined" Logged: "Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
Does anyone have a link to an article which has information on how to get a JavaScript "mouseover" and "mouseout" event to behave like jQuery's "hover"?
what do you mean?
@Loktar - I have a container which keeps telling me that there's a mouseout event when I hover over an element which is contained within, which I don't want
Q: Randomly Generate Points in a Spiral Motion using Javascript

Cory EvansSo I have a javascript program that currently gets random points, it generates a random x,y,z value around the center point, within the radius (r) (javascript) for (var p = 0; p < num; p++) { var angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; var radius = Math.random() * r + 1; var pX = Ma...

@VoidKing: That's how Ajax works. Receiving the data from an external URL is a non-blocking process. Once the data is received, your code is notified by calling the provided callback. It has nothing to do with JSON itself. Imagine you send your assistant to pick something up from a store. Are you just standing around and wait until he comes back? I assume you continue with your work until he comes back and then deal with whatever he picked up. — Felix Kling 3 mins ago
Damn, I could spend too much time just looking at kickstarter projects.
@Neal you've made me aware of this question: I can trust you will push the OP to do this (as well as change your answer to not suggest DOM interactions in a loop)
Just as a side note: DOM calls in a loop is a horribly bad thing to do. Use a document fragment to build up the output and append it to the DOM once instead of N times in the loop. — rlemon 38 secs ago
whats a doc fragment @rlemon
whats a google the damn term?
@rlemon go for it.
!!/google document fragment javascript
@Neal re-read what I wrote. "I trust you will"
not me. If it were upto me i'd downvote any answer that suggests DOM interactions in a loop :P
This OP is a moron @rlemon dont think I can teach him anything:
I don't see that it has been declared anywhere, though. — VoidKing 28 secs ago
ugh - facepalm - Start hererlemon 44 secs ago
There you are Neal.
@rlemon a better question for you then would be whats so wrong with looping through appendChild/cloneNode? all about performance?
@rlemon thnx ^_^

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