Nice. I just debugged something for 2 hours because. Cause? I misspelled misspelled precision as precison, so a variable wasn't initialized, so a check always returned false...
some editors those look a LOT a like. so much in fact I went like 25 minutes before noticing it.
Lememe mobile... Here is my pain. Getting the fucking inputs to work :( For the mobile version the only proper UX I can think of is to have the user touch the image in the area they are trying to apply the text too.
I just am struggling with the damn mobile interface
maybe I need not worry about mobile as much? How many people are making memes from their mobiles?
@rlemon Yeah...I could so own this procedural. Maybe I shouldn't use OOP on this project after all? Anyway, I almost have the code ready. jsfiddle won't work I think because of the youtube api involved.
@rlemon VERY basic program that I want to be able to call like this: $('selector').youtubePlaylist({type:basic})
Let me put together a more complex version really quick..
@rlemon and here's more functions to get and cache a feed and display the thumbnail images from it.
I want to be able to make that happen with $('selector').youtubePlayer({type:'thumbs'})
pro tip: write the nastiest code of your life.... but make the fucker work. After it works then at least you have expected results to show people and then we can begin on helping you streamline it.
@Zirak what is the issue? I have had many pains in OS installment
Well...Arch installation freezes the computer after it boots (blank screen, can't do shit). Same for Ubuntu. Windows installs with some pains, but goes the same way when you try to do stuff.
in HS I got a job at a large e-learning company and was hired by them in gr.12 -> worked for them for a few years, and by that time experience carried me.
If I took the government up on my native status I could get free school. but then every Canadian citizen basically paid for it for me... I'm not cool with adding my expenses to everyone else.
@Loktar You and I can sign research agreements and allow open boarders.. then we will denounce Simon and convince all other nations to declair war on him.
Forenote: The developer has admittadly given up on this plugin, so I'm on my own.
I've been using WP-Click-Track plugin for a few years now and it works great. The basis of the plugin is to find a href's within the post, and rewrite them with a little javascript. When the user clicks the link, ...
Does anyone have a link to an article which has information on how to get a JavaScript "mouseover" and "mouseout" event to behave like jQuery's "hover"?
@Loktar - I have a container which keeps telling me that there's a mouseout event when I hover over an element which is contained within, which I don't want
So I have a javascript program that currently gets random points, it generates a random x,y,z value around the center point, within the radius (r)
for (var p = 0; p < num; p++) {
var angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
var radius = Math.random() * r + 1;
var pX = Ma...
@VoidKing: That's how Ajax works. Receiving the data from an external URL is a non-blocking process. Once the data is received, your code is notified by calling the provided callback. It has nothing to do with JSON itself. Imagine you send your assistant to pick something up from a store. Are you just standing around and wait until he comes back? I assume you continue with your work until he comes back and then deal with whatever he picked up. — Felix Kling3 mins ago
@Neal you've made me aware of this question: I can trust you will push the OP to do this (as well as change your answer to not suggest DOM interactions in a loop)
Just as a side note: DOM calls in a loop is a horribly bad thing to do. Use a document fragment to build up the output and append it to the DOM once instead of N times in the loop. — rlemon38 secs ago