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@RudiVisser Handy, thanks.
i want to onresize function call on body how it possible
@RudiVisser You inspired me btw. I picked up that GameMaker Studio which is supposed to be one code base to android, iOS, windows 8, windows phone, and steam. They'll all talk to my site for the gambling bit.
is there onresize event in vb.net
@Billdr Indeed I am , sorry Lol
catch you guys later
@TimeToShine Later mang
@Billdr Awesome :)
@Billdr But Pro doesn't support mobile exports without addons
@RudiVisser Yea, I bought the 'master pack.'
I remember Game Maker 5, that was abysmal
But it was 2003
@Billdr Disclaimer: I would never use Game Maker to write a real game, just show off a concept
@Sean I'm just going to call APIs for the most part, and I want something that'll help me a LOT with graphics.
But then again that's because I'm going through the motions of learning C++ and whatnot
XNA, anyone?
It'll probably be fine then
Apparently XNA is dead
Really? I liked XNA.
And unless you made it into silverlight you still had to deal with matrices and shit
It's why I know C# at all.
I liked XNA too, I do believe they discontinued for new projects though wanting all native shit
And not having a 2D API was just retarded
Meh. They'll have a new one for the Xbox 720, I'm sure.
They made bank on the hobbiest license.
At least we have MonoGame
That made me cry the hardest, you could draw a sprite to the screen really easily, but if you just wanted a line.....
is it really called the xbox 720 @Billdr?
@RudiVisser this one is new for me
@Sean No. The code name is like dirango or something. The name will be announced at E3 this year, I'm sure.
I can't believe they're making a new one already
How can i handle, null exception error??
     public string FirstName
                get { return user.FirstName ; }
                    user.FirstName = value;
i suspect user is null?
so check that its created
if(user != null) { user.FirstName = value // etc }
@Sean Already? It's been like 8 years.
@StuartBlackler It's not on WP8 though :(
@StuartBlackler won't work on android, not sold on it for iOS
It's not 8 years is it?
I think it is.
fuuuuck offffff
@Billdr they claim support for both iOS and Android
2005 release, so... yea
@RudiVisser You calling Wikipedia a liar?
@StuartBlackler Huh, so it is. neat. It's C++, ya?
probably :) I havent downloaded it to be fair
the day is passing slowly today..
I see.
Argh it's been like 2 and a half years since I finished school, I know those particular two years dragged like a bitch... Man WHERE DID EIGHT FRIGGIN YEARS GO?!
@Wiley Im sure @Sean s favorite video will help pass the time
I have a favourite video?
maybe it's because I don't have nothing to do, I should had stayed at home
@RudiVisser No, most definitely not that.
Yea yea yea..
@StuartBlackler what video? my boss can see everything I do here :X
@StuartBlackler What video?
Something about ponies
I'm properly intruiged now
Oh that one
♪ My little pony, all skinny and bony ♪
Sounds worse than BBC: With a Vengeance
but probs not a good idea if your bosses are watching as there are young folk on the video..
oh dammit
I didn't even watch that video
I just linked it cos someone said it wasn't a real song
Were the lyrics even right?
So who wants to help me write Tron?
I stopped watching as soon as i realised the girls where like 10/12 :/
@StuartBlackler Why? Are they shagging/touching?
@Rudi no idea, go and find out
I didn't even watch a second of it, so I have no idea what you're all talking about
I'm quite alright, thanks though
is the video that bad ?
@WileyMarques Well according to @StuartBlackler there are 10/12 yo girls touching each other. So probably
@Rudi @Sean youtube.com/watch?v=8JzIgQJqVEU go on be brave and watch it the whole way through
Nobody knows because I linked it before watching it, apparently only Stuart even clicked the link and didn't get very far because of young girls
chrome history ftw!
@RudiVisser Tron?
It's SUPPOSED to just be the my little pony song with the lyrics changed to the piss take version
I'm now not so sure
@ActionHank Yes. Let's build the environment
@ActionHank and hope that we have ISOs
@RudiVisser geez, it's sure a bad idea to try to watch it here
@RudiVisser What do you mean? The Tron world from the film? Or just the Tron game?
The woooooorld
The game would be easy
And programming ISOs would be great
especially female isos
Not the disc image format I assume
Have you watched Tron Legacy?
We don't program ISOs, we let them become horny developed on their own
Oh wait are those the people inside?
@Sean, have you ever seen this film?!
I've slept since then
ISOs are the god-like dudes
One does not simply forget Tron
one clearly does
there hasn't been a film that I've seen once and remember more than the base plot
unless it's like 0-48 hours afterwards
even then you're pushing it
watch it some more
I mean: Olivia Wilde
I have never seen this movie
She was the old dad dude's protector woman right?
...probably the weirdest description yet, but yes.
@WileyMarques get out! And come back when you watched it
Don't remember what she looks like though
oh yeah, her, hubba hubba
@ActionHank haha is it on Netflix?
@WileyMarques I concur with @ActionHank
Screw Netflix get the BluRay
@WileyMarques would be a shame if it wasn't
@ActionHank oh.. the catalog on the brazilian Netflix is a shame
@RudiVisser Have you seen the hobbit yet? In 3D?
Or anyone for that matter?
@RudiVisser cool!
@Sean I did! but not in 3D
Yay it's @JohanLarsson!
@WileyMarques Were there actually any decent 3D bits in it?
I'm still trying to figure it out, cos I went to see it in 3D and I'm thinking I may as well not have done
But I didn't have my glasses with me so it could be my eye
You can ignore the convention where an event, base class, or interface contract suggests a different name. For example, you shouldn’t rename common event handlers, such as Button1_Click.
They actually want you to leave that to be _Click?
@Sean Ah sorry, I didn't watch in 3D
@WileyMarques You tricked me.
You sneaky fookin prawn.
@RudiVisser Yeah apparently Microsoft love it
@Sean misreading :X
btnLogin.Click += new EventHandler(btnLogin_Click); - this is just retarded
I would rather name it something like DoLogin
Hmmm what to have for lunch
Ah crap I gotta go scam asda
disclaimer: I have already bought my lunch and I feel rather fat from my pizza
that I had last night
@Sean a work colleague told me it is great!
I had a dominos last night :D
and back from lunch
Hola @SteffenWinkler
talking about the Hobbit in 3D haha
@WileyMarques Can he name any bits where the 3D actually stood out as being 3D rather than just being 2D people in more than one plane?
@Sean I attended that movie, too. There are a few scenes added just because of the 3D effect
I'm trying to figure out if it's worth me getting any 3D BluRays and in the future, a BluRay player and a 3D TV
@Sean It is, it really is.
for example, in one case the camera follows a butterfly for about 30 seconds just for the hell of it
@RudiVisser Not if I can't see 3D properly it's not
Oh was that bit meant to be really 3D?
@Sean But by "3D BluRays" you mean downloaded 3D Movies from my server by "BluRay player" you mean "Playstation 3" and you need to extend "and finally some awesome 3D games like Gran Turismo 5, Assassins Creed, Batman: Arkham City GOTY and Tron"
Cos it wasn't...
@Sean uhm, yeah
it was o_0
Ok that's settled, no 3D TV for me
I didN't like it, tough
@Sean Get an Active 3D TV, you'll be fine
@RudiVisser Eww PlayStation.
@RudiVisser No I won't =P
Sorry I forgot you liked the inferior console
beats you all
when it arrives
The point is, it's a BluRay player
Active 3D shuts one eye, what good is that if my brain is ignoring the image from my left eye?
Yeah I need my own BluRay player, must get one
Get a PS3
and what do you mean shuts one eye
But I'm not buying a PS3 just for watching films
So buy a PS3 and enjoy a real gaming experience and watch films
@Sean I heard you can play some games on those PlayStation thingis, too
Well, the active 3D glasses are electronic and one lens shuts while the other is open, tis why you need a 120Hz TV
@SteffenWinkler Yeah, none that I like that aren't on the Xbox I already own
oh you own that thing that can only display a red ring?
Killzone 3.
No game beats that.
+ it's 3D.
Yeah, that red ring that looks suspiciously like the game it's supposed to.....
Oh and MAG
dude nobody except you knows that game @RudiVisser
Nobody knows Killzone 3 except me? It's the top selling PS3 game.
that's because nobody but you has a PS3
It's an FPS that isn't Halo, I won't like it
Nobody but me has a PS3
Killzone, that one Dutch production which is actually good
I have a PS3
I thought I liked Fear, bought it, played it for an hour or two and haven't touched it again since
I guess that actually proves I am the only smart one in here (and @ActionHank)
@ActionHank you are just a clone of @RudiVisser
@SteffenWinkler Yes, awesomeness in a sexy package.
@SteffenWinkler The top selling game EVER. (dunno if it actually is but it should be)
sigh okay
@SteffenWinkler Yes, awesomeness in a sexy package.
@SteffenWinkler You seriously never heard of Halo?
@Sean just trolling :p
(I never played/touched/saw it, tough)
I played COD for a while as well, didn't see what all the hype was about
Played it for a good 8 hours as well
CoD is BS
BF is where it's at
@Sean CoD is just...well it's for people that are challenged by playing real ego-shooters ;)
Halo seems to be a good game, but here, in Brazil, almost everybody has a PS3
@SteffenWinkler ego-shooters?
@WileyMarques cos Brazil is awesome.
@Sean that's what CoD is...or at least what some people think that is
Anyway, lunchtime I'm hungry
That's it, Brazil is now officially on my shortlist for moving to
Cya in ~30 mins
@RudiVisser haha I can't disagree :D
cu @RudiVisser
@RudiVisser c ya later clone
@ActionHank Cya later awesome clone
Cya @Rudi
@SteffenWinkler Yeah I don't understand the term ego-shooter. Any game with an online component can be seen to inflate your ego....
If you're any good at it
GT5 might as well be a ego-racer then
That's what I'm saying
12:56 and I haven't finished this sharepoint upgrade
I need to find where my concentration went
this ego thing is what makes you play everyday
@Sean uhm, the term 'ego' in that case refers to the perspective from which you play
there also 3rdperson-shooters
or generally, 3rd person games
oh... That's not the right word...
mostly used in adventure games
or at least, not for what I'm used to
they're just shortened to "FPS" (First Person Shooter)
Ego shooter is mostly used in German, I guess

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