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you just have to ask yourself : What would Jon Skeet do
Or you could read a book about C#
He stole my upvotes!!!
Jon Skeet got downvoted? The Mayans were right, this is the end of the world...
It was only temporary.
I think it was because of a typo.
BTW love the new Jedi reference in the room title
What's the ctrl sequence for the degree symbol?
sweet, thanks!
Shit, my disk just ran out of space. Must go looking for big files.
Anyone have knowledge about Elmah?!
I'm implementing it in a WCF service following this tutorial:
But I can't get it to work. When a exception occurs my code is called correctly and reaches Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(error) which should tell Elmah to do it's thing. But no entry in DB and no email, which are both set up in the web.config.
However when I call
Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(HttpContext.Current).Log(new Elmah.Error(error))
directly Elmah logs the event in the DB
It must be a configuration thing, but can't figure out what's wrong :-/
Oh no....the dreaded tumbleweed chat forum :-O
you have confused them all
I guess so :-/
Didn't it make any sense?
no it made sence
nobody wants to touch asp.net + Wcf configuration problems :p
Guess not :-/
Don't you just hate the "this is soooooo easy and everything JUST WORKS tutorials", where it JUST DON'T WORK?!
Like star +1 upvote
nah, I just hate WCF
Does giving names to a usercontrol consume memory?
As in: <Label Name="blah"/>
it does but not in a way you need to care about
It's a funny bio "Dustin is a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist in the area of distributed applications and spends his time practicing enterprise development and studying algorithms."
"practicing" enterprise development
Translates to "sitting on the bench/un-sellable"
@LewsTherin I would say not.
Except for the fact that it takes up more characters of XAML.
Lol. It should be just a compile time thing
The compiled BAML might be larger too, I don't know.
developer!=on site tech support.
dude just gave me his ipad and said "get this online."
@Billdr I think he meant "get this on ebay and keep the money"
put it up for sale on ebay
@E.LDunn great minds
You are both geniuses.
F*CK! I moved an action link and now it can't find my view. I moved the view to where it was looking and it still can't find it?!? WTF!
I was having an issue with something like that this morning @Grixxly. I had to explicitly type the file extension.
nope still get the same error even though the damn thing is right there!!!
is this asp.net MVC?
good luck then :)
Maybe cycle the ASP.NET development servers?
probably some convention that silently fails
also, double check your routes in the global.asax
IE: if you added a folder, make sure it's not confusing that folder with an ID
I just moved the view from one folder to another
@Html.Partial("~/Views/Folder/file.extension"), ya?
This on the other page works on this current page it fails
@Html.ActionLink("Water Quality Information", "WaterQualityInformation")
Are you crossing controllers?
I'm not sure. I'm a n00b of the highest order
Okay, the way I understand it the folders in views should map to controllers pretty directly.
So HomeController.cs should map to Views/Home/. MyController.cs should map to Views/My/
Does anyone know a good and recent OpenSource Entity Framework sample application?
I set a breakpoint in the inspection controller and when I click on the other links it goes to my inspection controller I click on my last link it blows up.
I'm looking for the same thing David. I'll let you know if I see something. I'm particularly looking for a complex type... I think.
<div id="categories">
    @{ Html.RenderAction("Menu", "Section"); }
    @Html.ActionLink("Water Quality Information", "WaterQualityInformation")
@Billdr its not that I'm interested in EF it's just that I need a simple data entry sample application
This made it work @Html.ActionLink("Water Quality Information", "../Violation/WaterQualityInformation") but I don't think I like what it's doing
Can I change the view to a partial view?
You have my permission Grix
I'm not entirely sure how. Do I change the call from ActionLink to RenderPartial?
I use actionlink for partials
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Dashboard", "dashboard", "Dashboard", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "partial" })</li>
That's how I do it
that "UpdateTargetId="partial"" tells ajax to put the return inside <div id='partial'>
What kind of system limits passwords to 10 characters? How stupid.
Do properties have to be public to work for bindings?
I tried with private and it gives me the finger
I wish there an easy way to test for possible crashes
@KendallFrey I had a bank do that to me once.
It was only acceptable because you needed three other bits of info (secondary password, PIN, and another secret key) to even get to the login page.
Mother of rhesus monkeys.
That sounds like they're storing the passwords in plain text instead of hashing. I'd go elsewhere.
geeze, do you guys ever sleep?
@Billdr You don't want to know how our software stores passwords.
Sleep? It's 9 am!
or 4pm
or 10 am
That sounds like GMT+1
a group of researchers found that by making people/animals (I don't remember if they did human trials) sniff some chemicals, it would have essentially the same effect as a full night of sleep
brb I'm going to find that again
I'm on board.
In the meantime, anyone know how to make a complex type in entity? I'm afraid of what I'm about to break.
A complex type is just a class without identifier in a class that represents an entity.
break it thats how you learn :P
It's worse - I'm not breaking anything. My code is a lot like Ron Paul: it has no impact.
it was on ars technica but I can't find it right now
also, how do you figure what's wrong when Frame.Navigate(Type, object) returns false?
Hi guys, I have managed to identify both drives and serial ports in visual C# express but I still cannot access a specific device and its firmware. I would like to send an array of string to it but first I need to locate it, how can I do that?
Any nuget experts?
Hey, quick and easy question, is there a way to get the last item in an array without a while loop? In Python it'd be a_list[-1]
a_list[a_list.Length - 1]
.Last(), via LINQ.
I've got linq in the same space, but I've not used it
Too slow.
I have the following statement but need to add a hard coded piece to it; how would I do that?
IEnumerable<string> sections = repository.InspectionCodes
                .Select(x => x.CodeSection)
                .OrderBy(x => x);
define 'piece'
.Last() from LINQ runs in linear time
Agreed. For the simple case, the simple answer works best. Still, it's good to know the option exists.
Water Quality Information
That means nothing to me. What are you trying to do?
you mean, you need to get water quality information AND code section?
Nevermind, Last is constant time on an array.
The list it generates right now are the sections of the report except for the water quality information section which is purely data entry information
Explain your problem in terms that we are familiar with.
and how would you access that data from LINQ if you had to access only that
@Grixxly - Take a step back, and give us the background.
Im going to grab a smoke first. I am really stuck right now
Disgusting habit :@
There was a girl who had friends that smoked. She was a non smoker, and she died of lung cancer
point being?
That smokers don't realize the harm they cause to others around them...
don't really buy into that
is that because you realize the harm you cause to others?
I don't smoke, but I'm also not naive
you mean that secondary smoke is harmless?
No its not harmless but every case of lung-cancer where the person didn't smoke is not caused by secondary smoke
It was stated in the newspaper.
ow yeah the newspaper -> that we can trust :p
@LewsTherin if that's true, that's messed
in fact, lungs cancer in non-smokers is generally an entirely different cancer type
although I did see the woman server who worked at a bar or whatever and died of lung cancer, who was a non smoker too
according to my friend studying medicine
but he doesn't have any stats on hand
There is a small town in Belgium where people have 4 times more lung-cancer then normal
"Only 40% of smokers had ‘good’ knowledge of SHS-related illnesses compared with 65% of never smokers. Knowledge increased markedly when frequent SHS-related mass media campaigns (2003–06) ran, compared with earlier years (1996–2002). Smokers with better knowledge were more likely to have smoke-free homes [odds ratio (OR): 1.10, 1.04–1.16] and abstain from smoking in a room with children (OR: 1.11, 1.09–1.14). "
they probably have asbestos in their walls or something
and its because of industrial pollution
cadmium pollution also causes lung cancer
But I guess it would be benificial for most parties to blame it on passive smoking
The average person doesn't play with Cadmium everyday lol
i feel that's like profiling the causes of the disease
right now the bottleneck seems to be smoking
might be cadmium pollution in a single city of Belgium
Okay... Where to start? I am writing a MVC web app for the health department to be able to perform Pool/Spa inspections online. The first part of the inspection is a list of possible violations that they select and add a comment to. The next part is the actual water tests and that's the part I'm stuck on.
Hey Guys, I've posted a question up on SO, however I feel its more worthy of a discussion
our problem is that we don't know how to access the data you're asking for
Q: Code first validation that requires database access (duplicate valies)

mjmclougThis question may have already been asked, sorry I'm looking at the architecture for validating our model. Our simple validation can be achieved by using the property validation attributes (some custom) and using ModelState.IsValid however the problem is when validation requires access to the ...

anyway today there its pretty easy to avoid passive smoking
On the left side of my app are the different sections and I want to add the water quality information link to that section and render the view
except if your parents are idiots
@Grixxly It doesn't really matter what your program is. We want to know what your data structure is, and what you want out of it.
@Grixxly - So you're trying to do this as a two-step process? For each section, have a link that loads the water quality information for it?
I guess there are two structures. The first:
public class InspectionCodes
        public int CodeNo { get; set; }

        public string CodeViolationItem { get; set; }

        public string CodeViolationCited { get; set; }

        public string CodePoolCodeReference { get; set; }

        public string CodePoolCodeRefPage { get; set; }

        public string CodeSpaCodeReference { get; set; }

No. For the first part there are sections A through H which loads exactly like I want
The section I want to add on the list after H is:
public class WaterQuality
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "Enter Area(ft)")]
        public string Area { get; set; }

        [Required(ErrorMessage = "Enter Volume")]
        public string Volume { get; set; }

        [Required(ErrorMessage = "Enter Filter Type")]
        public string FilterType { get; set; }

        public string FilterRate { get; set; }
        public string TurnoverRate { get; set; }
        public string ChlorineFree { get; set; }
        public string ChlorineTotal { get; set; }
What's the relationship between Water Quality and Inspection Code? I don't see any fields to relate them. Or are you just trying to append one to the other?
They are both part of the overall report
Basically the inspection is three parts. The codes, the water quality information, and then a smoke free air act section
And you want to show them all in the same list?
One option: you can define some shared format that has all the data fields you need to display, then .Select(x => new { Name = x.CodeSection.Name}), and then use .Concat() to add .Select(x => new { Name = x.WaterInfo.Name}). Basically, you transform everything into a single type, and list everything of that type.
You're trying to combine two lists into one? Try Zip.
there's zip in linq?
I thought only python had python
Maybe I should add the WaterQuality class to my InspectionCodesViewModel?
InspectionCodesViewModel viewModel = new InspectionCodesViewModel
                InspectionCodes = repository.InspectionCodes
                    .Where(IC => CurrentSection == null || IC.CodeSection == CurrentSection)
                    .OrderBy(IC => IC.CodeNo)
> I thought only python had python
And Zip was introduced in .NET 4.0
am I going to have to start writing pythonic c# now?
I guess linq is sorta like itertools
but what about [::] wizardry?
Hmm. That could be useful. But not relevant to Grixxly's problem.
How can I do something like this? IEnumerable<string> sections = repository.InspectionCodes
                .Select(x => x.CodeSection)
                .OrderBy(x => x) + "Water Quality Information";
.Select(x => new { Foo = x.CodeSection.Foo, Bar = x.CodeSection.Bar})
.Concat(repository.WaterQualityInformation.Select(x => new { Foo = x.WaterQuality.Foo, Bar = x.WaterQuality.Bar})
.OrderBy(x => x)
Kendall probably means this, Select(x => x.CodeSection.Concat("Water Quality Information"))
No need to go overly complex.
That's not what I meant.
Otherwise I would use +
@Grixxly - Is any of that helpful? Or are we way off base?
if my db column is of type datetime, i have to pass in a datetime datatype from c# right? or doesn't it matter
I can't get the damn thing to not be red squiggly so I don't know. And I just had to answer some SQL questions :-/
What did you try?
A couple of different things. This is my latest and it says expeted ';'
IEnumerable<string> sections = repository.InspectionCodes
                .Select(x => x.CodeSection)
                .OrderBy(x => x)
                .Concat(<string>"Water Quality Information");
I'm so lost today... having a really bad week that started Saturday
What are you trying to concat to what? You have me exceedingly confused.
I want to concat "Water Quality Information" to the list already being generated
You want to concat a string to a list? WTF?
anyone ever have to use ZED in university studies?
string to a string, it's an ienumerable string so to me that's a list :P
Take the list add it and then do Distinct().OrderBy()
do you mean you want to concat "Water Quality Information" to one of the InspectionCodes properties?
or you can do a union
Do you want to concat the string to every item of a list?
No I want it as if it is a CodeSection
IEnumerable<string> sections = repository.InspectionCodes
                .Select(x => x.CodeSection)
                .Union(new List<string>() { "Water Quality Information" })
                .OrderBy(x => x)
maybe that could work :p
You want to add one single item to the end of the list?
CodeSection + "Water Quality Information" ??
Eventually it will be two items. The Water Quality Information section and the Smoke Free Air Act sections which are all part of the inspection process
@DavidDV YOU THE MAN!!!!
well yeah offcourse
@Grixxly according to my book, OrderBy outputs an IOrderedEnumerable<T> type while concat requires an IEnumerable<T> type for input -- probably why it doesn't work
I think Union might do an implicit Distinct. Not sure though.
It does in SQL not sure about LINQ
And I don't feel nearly as dirty using LINQ anymore :p
Confirmed. It does do a Distinct so yours is redundant.
Tip: use Enumerable.AsEnumerable("Water Quality Information") instead of creating a List.
red squiggly
Tip: It may be faster to do Distinct + Concat instead of Union. Don't know though.
Someone mind helping me with some HTML table problem ?
@Grixxly show me the code
Wait, never mind, wrong method it was.
@KendallFrey stop slamming my solution :p
No one? :(
ask your question, see star 1
Because it is not C# so that is why I ask
Buuuut.. here it is
@DavidDV Well, you type faster than me so I need to be helpful somehow.
Why the heck doesn't colspan works...
Since sections is an IEnumerable string why should I union an IEnumerable string?
You can't Union a list and an item, only two lists
For lack of anything better, Enumerable.Repeat("Water Quality Information", 1) instead of List.
@AndréSilva its working for me
Did you press the image?
Are lists bad or something? Just curious
lists bad?
No need to create a new object. Just create an enumerator. It's lighter weight.
Testes? WTF!!!
How in ...
Okay. I understand... which is shocking
@Steve What did you do ?
I always use lists :)
Please excuse my premature optimization.
Teste... must of had a bike accident or something
thats in ie
i didn't do anything
you know what is bad, not understanding deferred execution
Wow... I'm using chrome haha
    <Maths Room="15"><Teacher PrefixIndex="2" Surname="Jones"/></Maths>
@Grixxly lol
Is that good XML?
Teste = Test...
Teste is in portuguese..
removing id='tr1info' class='inactive' made it show up for me
I need to serialise crap
@E.LDunn Press the image... The Javascript makes it show.
@KendallFrey network admins block jfiddle in ff for some reason :/
good point well made, maybe i should read the code first :P
back to work for me, later
ok taking out the inlne from the css makes it span in crome
Going to lunch
It's the class='inactive' that breaks it.
Sweet! I successfully passed a completely null object to my database. I am the best programmer ever. :(
Is there an alternative Unload event for UserControls? Cleaning up in there isn't the best idea apparently.
which usercontrol?
Dragging the object, thus removing it from the element tree, causes Unload to execute. Unfortunately not what I want..
When should it execute?
Unfortunately that is the problem as well. It should execute when it is removed from the element tree. Closing the usercontrol
"not what I want" "when it is removed from the element tree" Which one? They contradict.
If I was to drag the Usercontrol from the panel, it calls Unload. And I don't want.
Then when do you want it to fire?
When I delete the UserControl.
But deleting the UserControl will call Unload.

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