Anyone have knowledge about Elmah?! I'm implementing it in a WCF service following this tutorial: But I can't get it to work. When a exception occurs my code is called correctly and reaches Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(error) which should tell Elmah to do it's thing. But no entry in DB and no email, which are both set up in the web.config.
However when I call Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(HttpContext.Current).Log(new Elmah.Error(error)) directly Elmah logs the event in the DB
It must be a configuration thing, but can't figure out what's wrong :-/
It's a funny bio "Dustin is a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist in the area of distributed applications and spends his time practicing enterprise development and studying algorithms."
I set a breakpoint in the inspection controller and when I click on the other links it goes to my inspection controller I click on my last link it blows up.
a group of researchers found that by making people/animals (I don't remember if they did human trials) sniff some chemicals, it would have essentially the same effect as a full night of sleep
Hi guys, I have managed to identify both drives and serial ports in visual C# express but I still cannot access a specific device and its firmware. I would like to send an array of string to it but first I need to locate it, how can I do that?
"Only 40% of smokers had ‘good’ knowledge of SHS-related illnesses compared with 65% of never smokers. Knowledge increased markedly when frequent SHS-related mass media campaigns (2003–06) ran, compared with earlier years (1996–2002). Smokers with better knowledge were more likely to have smoke-free homes [odds ratio (OR): 1.10, 1.04–1.16] and abstain from smoking in a room with children (OR: 1.11, 1.09–1.14). "
Okay... Where to start? I am writing a MVC web app for the health department to be able to perform Pool/Spa inspections online. The first part of the inspection is a list of possible violations that they select and add a comment to. The next part is the actual water tests and that's the part I'm stuck on.
This question may have already been asked, sorry
I'm looking at the architecture for validating our model. Our simple validation can be achieved by using the property validation attributes (some custom) and using
however the problem is when validation requires access to the ...
What's the relationship between Water Quality and Inspection Code? I don't see any fields to relate them. Or are you just trying to append one to the other?
One option: you can define some shared format that has all the data fields you need to display, then .Select(x => new { Name = x.CodeSection.Name}), and then use .Concat() to add .Select(x => new { Name = x.WaterInfo.Name}). Basically, you transform everything into a single type, and list everything of that type.
How can I do something like this? IEnumerable<string> sections = repository.InspectionCodes
.Select(x => x.CodeSection)
.OrderBy(x => x) + "Water Quality Information";
Eventually it will be two items. The Water Quality Information section and the Smoke Free Air Act sections which are all part of the inspection process
@Grixxly according to my book, OrderBy outputs an IOrderedEnumerable<T> type while concat requires an IEnumerable<T> type for input -- probably why it doesn't work