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Actually, I fell asleep thinking about a problem and woke up with the answer. Just waiting for the solution to load.
thats gotta feel sweet
I'll confirm that if it compiles.
compiles and does what it's supposed to.
Damn suspense
Did it?
Almost there.
DropDownList3.Text is the actual value, right? Or should it be DropDownList3.SelectedIndex?
I dunno, look at the api
What is api?
Yep, code that comes from a dream is just as satisfying as code that I spent 5 hours hammering on with trial and error.
This teaches me that sleeping is more efficient than actual work. I wonder if my boss will buy it.
hi all
i have one question
how can i get camera IP in asp.net (C#)?
i used Panasonic BL-C101
Anybody here so can provide small term developing jobs? For small bucks?
Does the camera have a host name, @ToeurTenh?
@Girish I want to make an HTML5/Ajaxy site that allows users to quickly compare/contrast differing games using the APIs provided by GiantBomb.com. There should be a drag/drop interface that produces Venn diagrams. I've got about $20 to fund it.
@Billdr: so how it is?
@ToeurTenh one moment, let me look up the library I'm thinking of.
@Billdr Something which I know.. :(
ASP.NET and C# stuff.. :(
Learn Razor? :D
@Billdr: if have any info let me know thanks
You want me to learn Razor ?
@ToeurTenh Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostname)
Razor is new feature in .net frame work 4
I will definitely learn that and get back to you..@Billdr
Razor spits out html5 pretty easily.
@Billdr: can you give me full example because i'm new in this
I'm far too lazy. Here's a link instead. howtogeek.com/howto/programming/…
@Girish @Billdr @ToeurTenh @LewsTherin @E.LDunn : anyone can tell me how to do http live streaming
Oh gosh.. I am getting this Error when I run my app..
Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'EmployeeMultiView.Global'.
Line 1:  <%@ Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="EmployeeMultiView.Global" Language="C#" %>
@Pravi: do you mean window application or web?
@ToeurTenh: web
@PraviJay Sorry buddy no idea
@Girish: ok sir
i have a problem about this too
@ToeurTenh: ok sir
@PraviJay: Do you try with iSpy?
@Billdr: sorry my camera don't have houstname but have this link
Nobody are aware of this error yet? Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'EmployeeMultiView.Global'.
Is it missing?
Did you delete it or something
Missing? I do not.. No I didn't delete
Girish my first instinct would be to save and restart visualstudio
I was just coding and this I run the code and it says that error..
@E.LDunn I did but still giving the same error.
toeur tenh thats an internal ip, for web you`ll need the external ip
@E.LDunn: so how can i know my external ip of camera?
hmm is it set up on a regular home router?
i'm not sure about that
Ah at last worked wow..
what was it Girish?
I had cleaned the solution first, and needed to "build" it..
Sorry @ToeurTenh, I was afk. It looks like you want to parse that url to the ip address, right?
Or are you just trying to expose this camera to the web?
@ToeurTenh: i have tried with VLC but in vain
i just want try with your example that you gave to me
string howtogeek = "www.howtogeek.com";
IPAddress[] addresslist = Dns.GetHostAddresses(howtogeek);

foreach (IPAddress theaddress in addresslist)
I love how my work partner writes a method that exists already. Makes me want to :@
so for howtogeek i think i should put this link, right?
well, the problem is you're using the ip address to get the ip address.
@Billdr: so how to do?
this is what i edit from your example link
ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";
string howtoget = "";
IPAddress[] addresslist = Dns.GetHostAddresses(howtoget);
foreach ( IPAddress theaddress in addresslist ){
what should i change?
Are you getting that link programatically somehow? If you're hard coding the address, you could just use
i will try
i got error : No such host is known
You can't DNS lookup an IP address
Billdr im still pretty sure tht is an internal ip
@E.LDunn It is.
hi all
Yea it is E.L
@DanielBruce: so how?
Is he trying to get an external address for it?
@Billdr: i'm not understand
I have a question
well you where talking about asp.net earlier correct? is the IP address. It is only valid on the same network as the camera. If you want an address that's routable from the web, you need to do some configuration with your router.
@ToeurTenh Maybe take a step back and think about what you're doing. You're trying to find the IP address for the camera, you already have it. What are you trying to accomplish with said IP address?
Steve, we're like RadioShaq. You've got questions, we've got answers.
@DanielBruce @Billdr: now i know about my ip camera but i mean that i want server can get ip of camera after user connect thire camera to thire pc
@Billdr Probably got answers.
I'm having some problems with implementing ELMAH on a WCF solution - anyone sharp on that subject?
I am using asp.net mvc3.
I want to pass an array from view to the controller using parameterMap as shown below
In my view:
function (data, options) {
if (options === "read") {
val = sessionStorage.getItem("value"); // contains array
return { model: JSON.stringify(val) };//passing arrat to controller

public ActionResult SearchDetails( string model)
var query = (from ......).where();

but i am not able to retrieve those values in the controller.can u tell me how to retrieve these array of values in my controller wit
@LewsTherin we've got some answers. Maybe wait for Kendall to get here.
can u tell me how to do this?
@ToeurTenh So you want a service that reaches out for a camera, without knowing where it is or how to connect to it, and get its IP address?
@Billdr: can you let me know some configuration with router?
@toeurtenh You'll need to know something that'll be consistent about the camera. If you're working for the camera manufacturer, you'll need the camera to get a hostname.
@DanielBruce: yes
Google would be a better resource for that one than I would @ToeurTenh. Try "expose internal ip to the internet"
@Billdr: do you mean the website of camera?
no, I don't
Can I ask a vb question here? Am getting problem in sending mail.
@steve does asp have viewdata? That'd get it to your view.
@ToeurTenh Then you won't find any simple solutions. You have to know exactly how to query the camera for its exposed IP address, which requires a method of communicating with the camera. Since you don't know the IP address, any networked API is impossible, that only leaves using a local connection via a camera driver, which you have to take up with the documentation of your particular camera.
You might actually have a .NET question kakarott. Give it a try.
@ToeurTenh In short: we can't help you.
It is extremely dependant on the camera model, and out of the scope of this channel
yes i used Panasonic BL-C101
yah,but how to retrieve the array values in the controller @Billdr
@steve does this help? velocityreviews.com/forums/…
if (model.property == null) throws a null reference. This is my sadface.
Sorry Steve. steve stole your name.
dang, steve, what the hell
Evil twin.
Can anyone tell me why "if (model.property == null)" throws an null reference?
I'm dumb. This value is a string. nevermind.
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.property)) throws a null reference. I cannot abide.
@Billdr Are you sure that model is not null?
I'm probably making an assumption somewhere. I'll take a look, thanks.
model is null
if (model == null) did you debug it?
I haven't, but I think I found where the model should be passed but isn't.
actually... this is happening inside an if modelstate.isvalid. A.pparently I don't properly understand that method.
Welcome back Girish
@Billdr :) Thank you :)
Well, based on dropdown value I need the form to be inserted into the Database table.. But it is not working now..
This is my aspx page-
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" class="box" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True">
        <asp:ListItem>Confirm Order</asp:ListItem>
        <asp:ListItem>Tentative Order</asp:ListItem>
"I need the form to be inserted into the Database table"?
I mean the values of controls needs to be inserted..
I tried this way-
switch (DropDownList1.SelectedValue)
case "Confirm Order":
case "Tentative Order":


Good morning.
But its not working
@AndréSilva Hello there:)
is the switch not working ?
@Girish That's very bad coding
@LewsTherin You mean with the DropDown binding??
Check your values again
@Girish Hardcoding the values like that is bad
Which values? When I select Tentative Orders from dropdown List, the Switch does go to the right case.. I chck values all are assigned properly.. But it pops out an error..
so the insert is broken?
hi guys :)
No I don think so.. Error is:
No mapping exists from object type System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem to a known managed provider native type.
@Girish Nvm.. did you debug it however?
Yes I did..
are you doing selecteditem and not selecteditem.value?
Control 01 - (UserControl)
Control 02 - (UserControl)
Control 03 - (UserControl)

What's the best way to dynamically insert a Control04 between Control01 and Control02? (C# - winforms)
Dynamically? Oops.. No idea..
@libjup What are you inserting into?
I mean I could delete all controls; sort the controls (according to some UserControl params) but that's not a very nice way to do it... apart from that the panel will be refreshed which is pretty ugly: S
If it is a collection is there an Insert method?
I have a panel; In this panel there are a couple of rows (sorted by date); if there is a new object inserted i check the date and add it to the appropriate date
yes... i have something like List<Appointment> appointments= new List<Appointment>();
and I am adding all appointments appointments.add(appointment01);
So @LewsTherin What is the best way to Insert values, based on the DropDownList value?
@LewsTherin I'm inserting appointments into a vertical grid... (they should be added to the apropriate position) automatically
Are you sorting by date?
yes: appointments= appointments.OrderBy(app => app.getAppointmentStart()).ToList();
did you answer what you where inserting into girish??
@libjup So why would you need to insert again?
i have a grid of appointments to confirm; they are dynamically loaded from a database; and if there is a new appointments in the database ... i want to add that to the right place
@LewsTherin know what I mean?
@RedCloud your name makes me think of V. I miss that show :'(
@libjup This would be very easy in WPF. Is it WPF?
no its windows forms
right now I have this.Controls.add( ... )
but i don't know how to add something between two controls...
What is datatype of Controls?
I don't know Winforms so I have to check MSDN.
it's a custom control
@libjup That can't be right. UserControl.Controls?
no I have a custom designed UserControl;
and I add this UserControl:

CustomUserControl cuc = new CustomUserControl();

to my panel:

Aww damn, no Insert method :(
Use your original idea. It should be ok hopefully
ok thanks a lot, Lews...
though it's not the nicest way to do it ^^ i might post on SO anyways
Use WPF lol
what was the original idea?
what I was trying to do, @E.LDunn?
sorry i missed it and theres alot of messages to search through
np I explain you:
I have a panel with a couple of rows:
These rows are custom UserControls of Type <Appointment>

I currently add appointments over: this.Controls.Add(appointment01),...

Control 01 - (UserControl)
Control 02 - (UserControl)
Control 03 - (UserControl)

If I want to insert a new appointment between Control 01 and Control 02 ... what's the best way to do that? I don't wanna delete all controls, sort them and add them all again... I'm looking for a way to insert them directly...
just having a look at what panel exposes
Hi everybody. I have a quick question that doesnt worth create a new one on SO : class A : I
void I.test() { ... }
} //test() method is private but can be called from outside using I.test(), how to do call this feature ?
I is an interface of course...
you have to declare it public in order to call it from another class?
Where u all hidden??
no it is not needed if you put interface name in front of method in declaration AND when calling it
class TestClass
public static void sayHello()

class SecondClass
public SecondClass()
@tigrou I didn't know you could do that...
Lets play CS here. I have Sniper :D Wbu @LewTherin?
libjup im guessing you ment a tableLayoutPanel
@Girish I'm at work :O
@libjup That isn't an interface though.
ouhhh.. my fault...
@libjup here is complete example
interface I
void test();

class A : I
void I.test() //private?? in fact not

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
A a = new A();
@LewsTherin me too :P
ok i guess that's because you have neither set private nor public... then your modifier is default
one second... i'm not 100% sure what "default" means in C# but i check
void test() is private by default.
"The access level for class members and struct members, including nested classes and structs, is private by default. Private nested types are not accessible from outside the containing type." <- msdn
mmmmhm weird
it's weird that he can access A in his Program...
Done for the day at office.. Its 5.30PM and time to go homeeeee
@libjup The cast
its 14.03 here in europe :(
Ah I see
lucky you, @Girish :)
@tigrou 1
@tigrou Did that compile
yes off course
try copy paste in console application . only namespace is missing
@libjup Which part of the world you're from? :) And whats the time over there?
"The access level for class members and struct members, including nested classes and structs, is private by default. Private nested types are not accessible from outside the containing type." <- msdn but not interfaces :P
Interface methods are public by default lol
@E.LDunn no it's just a panel...
hahahah that makes sense xD
@Girish Central Europe and it's 2p.m. ^^
Nice.. Which country? :)
It feel so awesome to interact with people of different parts of the world.. :)
Love this chat forum!!
haha +1
are you from the US, @Girish?
@libjup I am from India :)
k nice :)
Ich bin sehr mude
hahaha you should go to bed then :P
or get a cup of coffee :)
Hate coffee
I am very tired too brother.. :D
No bed at work :(
German 101 lol
you still there libjib?
hi, can we convert object type to integer in asp.net?
sry I was disconnected
but yes I am @E.LDunn
any other idea
try this
            IEnumerable<myUserControl> sortedlist =
                from muc in someControl.Controls.Cast<Control>()
                orderby muc.field1, muc.field2
                select muc;

            int counter = 0;
            foreach (myUserControl muc in sortedlist)
                someControl.Controls.SetChildIndex(muc, counter);
your idea with this tableLayoutPanel seems a good idea :)
Swastikas ... swastikas everywhere...
thanks for that, BUT
how does the control know it's location?
but lol
because if I create a new UserControl (my row) then I have to say the position of that
with this.Location = new Point(....)
can any one answer my question?
Have you tried int.TryParse? @steve
actually public ActionResult(object [] val){}
I want to convert this val to int
What the...
How can you convert an array to an int? :O
@AndréSilva TryParse takes a string not an object
What's in the array?
hm.. you can object.ToString() and then int.Parse
A sec. Going to help my boss move some tables. Be right back.
Just iterate between the array btw...
@E.LDunn i think i found the solution by myself:
i could just add the parameter in the loop:
foreach (myUserControl muc in sortedlist)
someControl.Controls.SetChildIndex(muc, counter);
UserControl control = someControl.Controls.GetChildIndex(counter);
control.Location = new Point(0, counter * height);
i'll try that later, but I have to go to a meeting now ...
my answer should work though :P
thanks a lot @E.LDunn!!!! and @LewsTherin!!!!
@steve What's in the array?
it contains id values
only integer values
So, it's like an int[], but it's an object[]?
haha I'll try ... have a nice day guys! :))
@libjup Take care
So, you want to convert the entire array into one int, or each value?
Does C# call the copy constructor by default?
C# doesn't have a concept of a 'copy constructor'
convert into each value
Oh, then you just cast to int.
how can i do that?
@KendallFrey Sucks
I have multiple values in array
@steve You cast each individual value, not the entire array.
Do you want to convert it to an int array, or just work with the objects as ints?
objects as ints
Then do (int)val[i]
inside for loop?
i dont want to use looping statements
And why?
I thought you wanted to use each value in the array.
How can you do that without looping?
thats the requirement
Is this homework?
yah i want to use each value
What do you want to use the value for?
put in the where clause in my lambda expression
.Where(o => (int)o > 5)
compare with other value
i want to compare with the other value
What other value?
existing value in the query
Just compare it. You know how to compare two values don't you?
i know,but how to compare all values in the array
A Where clause goes through all items in the array. Where's the problem?
it could also be classed as a loop :P
int id = (int)val[0]; it is throwing exception
What exception?
Then it isn't an array of ints. What is actually in the array?
"\"[{\\\"id\\\":1 "id\\\":2}]\"" this is in the val
What the hell Jon Skeet got downvoted
Oh really?
You have to be 10k to see this?
no but you have to be skeet-stalker
Kendall has Skeeter-Fever
how to do this?
@steve That's hardly an int.
Do what exactly? You need to provide a better description of the problem.

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