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9:01 PM
@TravisJ Hey :P Don't worry no questions lol
I love Mozzie. Best character ever :D
anyone have any ideas why this isnt working? specifically its the cb.Visible == true part. i have 3 of 5 visible yet it keeps saying they arent visible. this code isnt in the UI class.
@Ammar -
A: C# MVC .Net FormCollection: How is FormCollection used

Darin DimitrovIn this particular code snippet it is not used and completely unnecessary as argument. Personally I never use FormCollection in ASP.NET MVC applications. I always prefer to define a view model and have the controller action take this view model as argument. Its properties will be automatically ...

9:05 PM
@HansRudel So it isn't returning false then?
@Ammar - You can browse Darin's answers as they are mostly related to mvc and are all epic.
@LewsTherin each time it gets to

if(cb.Visible == true)

it says all of them arent but i know 3 of the 5 are
@HansRudel To be sure.. is this WPF or WF?
I hope it is a drop down menu? I haven't done WF in a long time
9:08 PM
yeah cb = combobox
So you have 5 drop downs... 3 are visible yet it reports all of it as visible.. right?
it says all are NOT visible
Are you sure the property is set to true before the method is called? Stupid question, but you may have forgotten to do that.
If its visible on the form then im assuming its set to true
are you using the designer or adding them programmatically?
9:13 PM
Maybe it is your nested if causing the problem? I am not questioning your debugging skills
@klut programmatically
@LewsTherin lol dont worry, u can question my skills or lack of.
@HansRudel and when you set breakpoints, does it say they are visible?
@klut no, it says each control.visible = false
@HansRudel MSDN says it is Visible by default, so if it is false it is weird.
@HansRudel do you set them to false ever?
cb.Visible = false
9:19 PM
@HansRudel :O
just looking through its properties just before the if, i cant see a visible property
@HansRudel Check other methods that make use of the combo boxes..
2 sec, screen shot time
Your tablelayoutpanel may be the cause
9:27 PM
when you add the combo boxes to the tlp.. are they visible on the screen?
ive just posted on SO so if we figure it out, ur can post the answer
Q: Combobox.Visible property not working

Hans RudelEvening, I have the following code, in a static class which helps my userInterface partial class. Whenever i get to the the section which checks if either the combobox/textbox is visible: if (cb.Visible == true) & if (tb.Visible == true) its always false even if the controls are visible...

Set a break point before you call that function... see if the visibility true
Are there more controls that are getting passed the ComboBox cb = input as ComboBox than you thought?
Hey , I have a question , if there is an element with styling written inline in HTML ex. style="display: none;" , then is there a way in jQuery to override that style ? doing .css is not working because I believe that the inline HTML style can not be over ridden by css
9:36 PM
@klut, no i dont think so. @LewsTherin i think the tlp.visible is set to false
@HansRudel Don't forget to comment your code :D
@ScottSelby Really? Can i see the code
@klut @LewsTherin in uiTableLayoutPanelColumnDataTypes.Controls.Base.Owner.Visible = False
@ScottSelby - Inline takes precedence. Then class. You may be able to use Important! to get past it.
9:38 PM
@HansRudel If it is how can you see the tlp\?
does that mean the tlp isnt visible
@klut, yeah i hadnt gotten around to commenting it yet, sorry
@ScottSelby - You always do this too:

$("#obj")[0].style = "";
@HansRudel just messing with you :p
umm , yea , its actually a stupid js plugin for accordian , and I want to force a certain ul to open , so I have (this).parent().css('display' , 'block');
and when I set (this) background color it does change so I know that is right
@HansRudel could be
9:41 PM
@ScottSelby - If that is the only property you are after then try this:

@TravisJ - didn't work
@TravisJ Use pure javascript to get it work. I have never had that problem...
sorry, you probably did, but did you use $(this)?
9:44 PM
@lews - I Selected the javascript object from jQuery with the [0] call.
i'll try thta
is there a pure javascript selectelementbyclass instead of id
not with enough support. you could change to one step prior
@TravisJ Yeah, I am not sure if jQuery is the cause.
$(this)[0].parentNode.style.display = "block";
@ScottSelby document.getelementsbyclassname or something
9:45 PM
although, it may be parentNode
it is
I don't think it is a jquery problem , my guess is that the js plugin is re-assigning it to display : none , or assigning it after document.ready
see my edit above
still didn't work
$(function (){
//runs after load
maybe put your stuff in there
that is just short for ready I though, anyways it still didn't work , i'm goign to try .on
9:49 PM
@ScottSelby Use firebug.. tell us what it is saying. You should be able to modify css inline or not.
The handler passed to .ready() is guaranteed to be executed after the DOM is ready
I can modify it inline and then it works, but I need to have it do that in code
well, maybe its regex time
but what if that plug in has something to modify after that
@ScottSelby Um, don't put the inline code in there if that's the problem?
9:51 PM
get the style string, parse it for "display: *****;" and then replace just that part with "display: block;"
<ul class="categoryitems" contentindex="0c" style="display: none; ">
have you tried
$(this)[0].parentNode.style = "display: block";
yea , i tried that , I got to go home ( and keep trying ) now , thanks
What do lowercase o and lowercase mo mean in the beginning of an object name? Is this a standard?
@kush I don't think so
9:59 PM
for example moCreditCardType. and what about leading underscores?
yea I don't think so , it might just be like adding _ to an object name when you need to use the same name twice for different things
there is probably a Object CreditCardType , and you have a new instance of that object , and mo is just an easy thing to prefix that you will remember
CreditCardType is a class and moCreditCardType is an instance of it.
yea, so you have to name it something other the CreditCardType, but you want to remember that it is a creditcardtype, so you pick something like that
any ideas what mo might stand for?
missouri ?
10:02 PM
do you work at a place that deals a lot with missouri credit cards?
ask a dev on your team, it was 2 months before they explained what "hedge hog" was to me
what's hedge hog?
its a little animal
10:03 PM
well I know that :/
hedge hog is the machine that holds the database for the hedge fund
like sonic
so HedgeHogConnect was connecting to hedge hog
ah, how am I supposed to pick these up on my own?
I asked a dev
10:04 PM
Well, they are all pretty busy around here
also hhu is hedge hog user and not (now retired) dev named Henry Hu
should take like 10 secs to explain
Thank Han Solo
*Thanks Hans
and thank you Scott
^ I see what you did there ...
Not intentionally. The blue color in the icon and the recent mentioning of Sonic got me a bit carried away
10:18 PM
Well hopefully getting a bit carried away didn't affect your parity
Hey .NET devs, if you like bug trackers, check out our project on KickStarter.

Happy coding!
grrr fucking combobox's
seriously damaging my calm!
10:33 PM
My calm is all messed up too =/ I am hand writing a filter function in javascript to filter out content in an object graph
Apparently .filter() doesn't work with objects
David, if you are not related to the project on kickstarter you might also look at bugzilla and fogbugz
@TravisJ sounds pretty hard core
It was
I finished it :D
function ContainsKeyValue( obj, key, value ){
        for( all in obj )
            if( obj[all] != null && obj[all][key] === value ){
                return true;
            if( typeof obj[all] == "object" && obj[all]!= null ){
                var found = ContainsKeyValue( obj[all], key, value );
                if( found == true ) return true;
        return false;
well ive narrowed it down to the time when i click on a different tab and then click the button.
"bam" lmao!!
10:45 PM
in case any of you find the need to filter your json objects :)
well im still stuck unfortunately
I don't know anything about winforms, except that I had to do a project once a long time ago and hated it
aye, uber bummer
It was for a lower level college class
i think what i will do is delete the actual comboBoxes and Tlp and then readd them
10:51 PM
@kush I'm actually the principal developer on FaultTrack, but both FogBugz and Bugzilla are good, though I think Bugzilla needs some major UX redesign.
@HansRudel When you add the combo box set their visibility to true
ComoboBox comobox = new ComboBox();
combobox.Visibility = true;
@LewsTherin they are
Ah. Feck WF
the issue seems to be when i change tab page.
they automatically get set to not visible
@HansRudel Makes sense. So listen to an event like OnTabChange or something
10:58 PM
Q: Combobox.Visible property not working

Hans RudelEvening, I have the following code, in a static class which helps my userInterface partial class. Whenever i get to the the section which checks if either the combobox/textbox is visible: if (cb.Visible == true) & if (tb.Visible == true) its always false even if the controls are visible...

see the edit 2 and 3
@HansRudel Ok so the problem is when you change tab page.. how do you do that?
What is the event?
by clicking on the tab
Subscribe to that event.. change all the visibility back to true or something..
there isnt one. i tried adding a selectedIndexChanged but this doesnt get fired when i click on a different tab
What is the Tab usercontrol called? TabControl..?
11:03 PM
Is your TableLayout control with the ComboBoxes on the tab you are switching away from (eg. tab1), and you click on tab2?
@DavidAnderson correct
@LewsTherin thanks
It sounds like your code is executing after the tab is hidden, which is why Visible is always false.
11:07 PM
@DavidAnderson why is it hidden though?
@HansRudel Probably releasing resources..
is that a feature of TLP's?
Lazy loading yada yada. Who knows?
Whenever i click on the first tab again, the tlp.visibilitychanged event is raised
@HansRudel Ah, that's the event you want. Set all your stuff to true there and hopefully it works
11:09 PM
When you switch to a new tab by clicking on it, the previous tab's visibility is set to False, which includes any child controls on that tab.
So you want to execute your code before you actually leave the first tab to the second tab.
@DavidAnderson or store everything before hand?
@DavidAnderson seriously kicking myself atm esp since i spent 2hrs on this
You could also use the Deselecting event on the TabControl, which is raised when you are leaving the tab, but before the next tab is selected. It also allows you to perform cancellation
thanks for ur help
??how would that be helpful?
11:13 PM
@DavidAnderson Wasn't totally wrong with that then.. good to know
By executing your code in the Deselecting event, your Visible properties will return true. Cancellation doesn't help you unless you need it, just threw that in there as a fyi.
Since it occurs before the previous tab is actually hidden.
ok.. i only want this to run after the button has been clicked though so i guess i need to refactor. Cheers for the heads up + @LewsTherin thanks as well bro
11:28 PM
alrigh 00:28 here so im off to bed. good night guys
hello all, new to the chat part of this site!
its tumbleweed o'clock here
David, my apologies
11:47 PM
@kush Ah no apology necessary. Just trying to get word out about the project is all. :]
and I agree, bugzilla could use a little makeover. If you don't mind me asking, why Windows-based instead of web-based?
There are a lot of web based solutions out there already, but there aren't many affordable desktop bug trackers with superior design and features. Software development takes place on the desktop not the web, and FaultTrack has debugging features (automated bug tracking, works along side Visual Studio) that requires the desktop

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