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we dont do that ether
@Shad try TimeSpan.ParseExact("1:23:45", "h\\:mm\\:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
oh my
there are so many ways! But what is the best way?
The one that works best for your specific situation
(independent of what my approach is)
Padding the string, ConvertToDateTime....
Don't always lsiten to Wietlol. Only Sith deal in absolutes.
you have a TimeSpan string, you want to parse the TimeSpan
@Wietlol this looks better, you can see its all in builth functions
you use TimeSpan.ParseExact
Converting would be better if you intent to somehow work with the numbers.
yes @Wietlol that's what I was trying to do initially! :)
Padding would be better performance wise if you jsut wanna format the hours
actually never listen to Wietlol hes from the dark side
@Shad but ":" is not valid in your format
you have to escape the colon
and in the string, you have to escape the backslash
so "h\\:mm\\:ss"
@Hans1984 What the hell did I just say?
or "h\\:m\\:s"
yes but you phrased it WRONG
I said NEVER
And I said "Only Sith deal in absolutes"
Only Wietlol deals in absolutes.
wietlol {
    position: absolute;
Are you creating your own element?
i see neither a class or id selector there
Anyone can point me to direction if I wan't to recreate .net frameworks "deploy" to file system using profile ?
I know that it is inclusion of one of xml files that is basically set of instructions to copy files marked as "content" in .csproj
right click -> publish -> file system
@Squirrelkiller I wan't to know how that thing works internally, because one of the servers just ignores msbuild key publishonbuild
...so you want to know how the MSBuild publish works?
And I can't modify server for now. There for I can replicate steps of publishing process. I just need to find where it all starts
I know what it does, I need source of xml file
to see what else it performs
Some .pubxml file
It only contains info about publish itself, not how it is working
N owait thats .net framework
If you would edit .csproj file you would notice that it has import statments in it
and those things are basically xml files as far as I remember, that might have even more inports in them
Somewhere along those things are specific steps of what to do if publish = true
I have no issues with .net core
dotnet publish just works fine on both enviroments
found it
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets"
  Condition="false" />
Should be somewhere in webaplicaton.targets file :O
@CaptainSquirrel I dont create my own element, I am my own element
Mother of gawd
Knowing file name I can see google results that it is huge and undocumented mess
I'm smelling that smelly smell
If anyone is interested here is an article about how can you perform publish with msbuild.exe

Article relates to vs2010 so there is chance they have better solution
You want to publish a core or a .net frmaework project?
@Squirrelkiller did you not change your nappy this morning?
I do tend to xy into my napkin
.net framework
good old mvc5, no .net core stuff yet
And...in the pipeline the publishonbuild=true doesnt work?
it depends on VS to be on machine
because it has instructions
on how to perform publish
Another option would be to install webpublishing package to iis I think
but in .net framework there should be a .pubxml file
But I can't modify my build server yet
@Squirrelkiller It has one, but it only describes publish target, paths and other stuff, I need underlying logic behind it, that will actually use that info from my profile
pretty sure the underlying logic is inside msbuild
Not really
what happens if you run it on the server? Does it just just publish? or is there an error message?
Your csproj file of web solution should have web.targets available
It does msbuild, but no publish do I have my bin folder with .dll files, thats it
So my build server has no access to this thing or one of its fallbacks
But do you get an error message?
Just ignored, no fails
Because when my server needs some targets file, it usually goes "cant find ....targets"
Old msbuild version?
Like, really old?
I think that xml line from csproj says if it exists use it
else do nothing
I am using docker mono:latest
not sure about version, It just lacks some sort of dependencies that resolve in "Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" so I will just include them in my solution for now and point directly to them
That's the only solution i found for that issue actually
Adding the package fixes it
This is basically proof of concept to show my manager that gitlab is a good solution to what we have now, from there I will tailor docker images and set up isolated local server for builds
@Raimonds what do you use now?
build project, copy bin folder
Jenkin + codebasehq
Are you trying to build a .net framework application on docker?
@Wietlol I need my cshtml pages as well
Why not azure devops/an earlier version of TFS
@Squirrelkiller Yes
copy bin folder + cshtml files
@CaptainSquirrel Already invested time in gitlab
Publish -> Web Deployment Package
Copy to IIS server
import package
You can't build .net framework on linux, unless you develop it on linux with mono.
Fair enough @Raimonds
Want docker? Use .net core.
@Wietlol My point is that webpublish does that for me and probably is way better than me
@Squirrelkiller it's phase 2
Just don't reinvent the wheel
You can't a prerequisite into phase 2
Baby steps is the key of convincing oldschool managers
If you're trying to publish from a docker container, you have to build on Mono
If he will feel overwhelmed by information I will get punch in a face
Mono = .net framework for linux
It is working fine, I have mono for msbuild and something for node stuff, both steps work but are bit ugly for now
if you want to publish an existing .net framework appplication, dont use docker
bit ugly usually means it wont work on the server
bit ugly == black magic
It works now
Just has more files
Mono is much more
Mono is empowering Blazor for example
and Unity
since I just copy whole directory including source files and bin filder
MonoWASM, yes
I am going to add unit tests and if all is ok I will xCopy it to remote server
@Raimonds If you just copy the whole thing, you can just put the copy command in your ci script and skip the publishonbuild
where actual hosting environment is
Also makes it easier to seperate stages
Well its more or less what it does now, just copy whole thing. Work on next stages, fix webpublish later
how in the fuck do i stop windows from ordering my stuff into collapsable things
build stage: build applicaiton. export artifact.
deploy stage: depends on said artifact. xcopy bin folder to website folder on server.
Like Today, Last week, Earlier this month etc
its stupid and i hate it :(
i'm dumb
@Squirrelkiller I guess there is no way I can observe what is happening on docker while it runs my stages other than do "dir" and "cd" commands
actually you can
go to pipelines, click on the currently running job
I am using public images for now
there yo usee the console output
I have my console outputs there
so what I do now is basically DIR
this damn dog Standing there looking at me
for no reason
yesterday was day of dogs
I think its trying to read my mind
and tell everything to my bos
Did yo uforget to pet a dog yesterday, Hans?
since ist the boss dog
You better pet the dog
gib pets, Haans
thank god im wearing my tin foil hat
no Chance doggo!
Gruber increases
@Squirrelkiller Could I make folder before I run my build phase and copy all results to that folder and artifact it after two jobs have finished (msbuild and npm install) ?
@CaptainSquirrel mope
I only noticed 'cuz it's on the starboard
i gave the dog some of my food
@Squirrelintraining u wot m9
oh god dammit
!!quote get kieran
Feb 27 '17 at 16:02, by Kieran
Thank you for confirming im an idiot c:
but it wasnt thankfull at all
there's a reason that got 26 stars
time for the flamethrower
cuz im a silly
unthankful creature!
@Raimonds You can even make those two independent jobs and take both artifacts
We have that actually
this dog is afraid of men
1. pre-build -> create folder
2. MsBuild -> copy web stuff and bin to new folder
3. npm install -> copy assets to new folder
4. artifact build folder when 2 and 3 are done
you cant realy pet her
This is how I see it 2 and 3 run in parallel
only feed
We have Build (client), Build (Api), and Deploy. Deploy depends on both of their artifacts, and just xcopies everything directly to our applicatio server.
yes 2 and 3 are the build stage
won't making 2 artifacts take more time
I don't really see why you need pre-build here
Well you do benefit from separation I guess
Not sure how will it react to folder not being there initially
two jobs on the same stage can run in parallel
which folder?
standard build should output everything ti /bin
since 2 & 3 are parallel I have no control on what runs first, so I assumed folder needs to be there to avoid checking for it
npm i outputs everything to /dist
those folders always get created automatically
@Squirrelkiller I need to get my webapplication using msbuild, meaning I need not just bin folder
you dont maually create the mlocally either, do you?
THey are always there locally and jobs don't run parallel
Let me go to the toilet, then I'll censore and show you our build pipeline
I hope you won't censor it with stuff you will output in toilet
> C#
Weitlol, it looks like you meant to that message to the trashcan
where opinions like that belong
I think everyone knows my opinions
i know
i maek joek
I'm trying to do some training for this cms
but the training site is so slow a snail could beat it
Lol this is unexpected, I did not specify image for one of my ci stages in git lab, so it is now pulling mono:latest just to do "dir" command
I am refactoring legacy code...
and im crying
(not necessarily in that order)
good morning
morning guys question if I have an interview for job to get out of another job that I'm not happy with. If they ask how soon can I start do I still say something like "i feel i should give my current employer 2 weeks notice" to give of the impression that I have respect for my current job even if I don't have respect for my current job
Short answer or long answer?
@SamuelWakeman you are obligated to give your employer the specified amount of notice that is in your contract
you are NOT obligated to stay any longer than that time
the only contract i signed was the don't for for our competitors clause
i didn't see that in there
and @Squirrelkiller both
I'd double check your contract to be sure tho
how do I do that
Did you not get a copy of the contract when you started?
I read what I signed but no i did not
ok well
first of all
get a copy from your HR department
the hr department that doesnt exist
Get a copy from your boss
The contract you signed should indicate the penalty for not respecting the 2 weeks notice
if he asks you, just say you never got a copy and you want one
Well it should have something about notice
if it isn't written, then that doesn't mean there isn't one, just that the government has a default "penalty"
Short answer: yes.
Typically it just amounts to losing your last month's pay
so.... in regex, how do you do a non-matching group?
@Neil i feel like that would only work provided you didn't work your final month
unless you have a good reason, try to respect your previous employers' two weeks notice
for example (abc)?^$ will only match an empty string
the ability for a company to withhold pay from you even if you have worked time during that final month sounds highly illegal to me
I need to have that abc group
@CaptainSquirrel well they can't really oblige you to work, can they? The only reasonable solution is to not be paid your due in its entirety
ideally at least
@Neil no, but say you worked a week in your final month and then went to the new place, they still owe you wages for that week
it isn't illegal anymore than not giving your two weeks notice
I feel like we don't understand each other lmao
@CaptainSquirrel and I feel they should pay you provided you gave your two weeks notice
that would make sense
That's like saying you walk into a store and don't disturb the peace, don't do anything wrong, but you don't pay for the goods, and then saying the store should still have to give you them
Long answer:
Read your contract. Like, seriously. The whole thing. Also learn about the laws in your country (what country are you in?).
What kind of job do you have? Standard employee? Freelancer? Intern? Apprentice?
Don't burn bridges, it's not worth it. Go with grace, say goodbye politely when leaving, and give polite but honest review when they ask you why you're leaving (remember here that you can change any statement to a positive one).
Don't be afraid to tell your new employer "My current contract runs for another 3 months, I can't leave earlier".
@SamuelWakeman tl;dr get a copy of your contract and check it
it's kind of a mutual understanding, and if it isn't respected, there are consequences :P
> Don't be afraid to tell your new employer "My current contract runs for another 3 months, I can't leave earlier".
I did that
Sometimes your new employer can negotiate an early "release" from your contract
if they need you badly enough
@SamuelWakeman Also make sure to keep your new contract somewhere you can find it if you need to reread it
So basically the new employer pays your old employer money to compensate your end of contract agreement
I cannot stress how important it is to have a copy of your contract for this exact reason
what consititutes a good reason? my current job pays 800 a month, has no cs community for learning at an "internship" and my boss has apparently some sketchy business practices, not to mention the unrealistic tasks I'm given. but upon reading your arguements it seems like I do have to say that for now
Yeah or they'll go "Hey if you come early we'll get you a 10k welcome bonus!", which you can use to pay off eventual penalty
@SamuelWakeman the point is not to be the one in the wrong here
but then at the same time, you may have to pay that bonus back if you then leave that company within a certain time period
what? 800/month for fulltime ?
oh it's an internship !
If he's an apprentice/intern, that makes sense
i mean i wouldnt mind it that much if I had a person to learn from
nothing wrong with switching to an employer who pays more
I mean I'm loyal to my company and all, but at the end of the day, the relationship is a business one
@SamuelWakeman All of that, you can say in a positive tone. Make only 800€? "They give me a big raise I wouldnt have been able to get here.".
If I feel I'm not getting paid enough for what I contribute, I'll discuss getting a raise, or in the worst case scenario, I'll look for another job
Sketchy business...how big is your current company and how big your new one?
I gues the new one is bigger?
"I feel like I should be in a bigger team to have more people I can learn from"
in smaller companies, they tend to overwork employees, whereas in bigger ones, the organization seems to be practically nonexistent
the new one is working for the government. curent one is in some warehouse wher Ive only seen about 5 other people working there on any given day
working for the government sounds like a great/safe job
government contract probably
"Also a government job promises interesting further opportunities for me"
pay is 15 per hour part time
up to 32 hours perweek
Boom. Done. No further arguments your sketchyness.
@SamuelWakeman well immediately that is lots more than you get now
If you work the max 32 per week
so you would make alot more than that 800
there's nothing wrong with moving for money
and probably a more secure job
the question was not if it was wrong to move. the question was what i should say to the person im interviewing with today
yeah right
Just say you need to check your contract, but you will let them know about your notice period as soon as possible
and if i do get asked how soon can you start ill say something like. I feel i should give my current employer the standard two weeks but I could probably get back with them quicker that I need to double check my contract's notice period
something like that
Interviewer> What's your notice period
You> I'm not sure as i'd need to get my contract from my current employer to know for certain, but I will let you know as soon as possible
Sounds good
Whatever you do: dont lie or bash your current employer.
Eh, on the point of bashing old employers, it really is situational
for example, I worked for a recruitment company and the MD was a bellend
tl;dr he'd shout at the entire office, I'd get written up for being even 1 minute late even though i travelled the furthest and would be in before people that literally lived around the corner who subsequently didn't get written up
General rule of thumb tho, in situations similar to that pick your words carefully
hostile work environment or something

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