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return StatusCode(300);
return Nothing;
our unit tests keep failing
> Error 404: Bug not found.
anyway, back to jenkins!
That's how you know it's workin
you get an Error 404: Bug not found message
if(status == 400) throw new Exception("you done fucked up");
if (status == 500) {
400 errors are often not annoying
only when the message is vague
1xx: Hold on
2xx: Here you go
3xx: Get it yourself
4xx: You fucked up
5xx: We fucked up
but 500 errors, those are hell
!!quote get http
Feb 12 '14 at 22:12, by Tom W
colleague of mine put http codes like this:
1xx: Nothing to see here, move along
2xx: here it is
3xx: It's over there
4xx: You fucked up
5xx: We fucked up
I had that in mind when I said it again
I know you did
but I couldn't remember what it was the last time
That's why I added it as a quote
!!quote list
@MikeTheLiar scrumlord, GetFreeSpamEmail, kieran, wietlol, panini, steveg, fuel, green is better, scam?, lookslike, metalkiller, http, lawnchair, goodcode, avner, steam, beoffensive, sciencevsfacts, stupid, dependencies, rly rly, dothedew, vue, story-points, towc, ts-is-for-poor-people, ts, drunk, random, genius, dynamic, multitasking, hector, hectorBye, Squiggle, relationships, css, japs, js, kevin, docs, docpoem, docspoem, neil, Roel, alias, no, why, answer, continents, mr5, language
!!quote get Squiggle
Mar 14 '18 at 10:31, by Squiggle
sorry I can't brain
Mar 23 '18 at 11:36, by Squiggle
- Squiggle, 2018
!!quote get drunk
in JavaScript, Apr 24 '17 at 14:33, by Sterling Archer
I got so drunk it pittsburgh they kicked me out of a bar for picking up a little person
I... don't want to see some of these.
!!quote get story-points
Nov 2 '17 at 19:18, by user7480455
If it requires that much coding we dont need it..
!!quote get http
Feb 12 '14 at 22:12, by Tom W
colleague of mine put http codes like this:
1xx: Nothing to see here, move along
2xx: here it is
3xx: It's over there
4xx: You fucked up
5xx: We fucked up
!!quote get avner
Aug 29 '17 at 13:55, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
So, it seems my starred messages right now are about bitmasks and penises. My legacy lives on.
Ah. My legacy.
@TomW I will cherish this memory for the rest of my life
no wait
You done fucked up
@TomW mesa no understando, please give me a message id or url to remember
how do
!!quote get wietlol
oh yea, banned
@MikeTheLiar I will cherish this memory for the rest of my life
!!quote get delimiters
yesterday, by Tom W
@MikeTheLiar if at least one of your internal tools hasn't been converted to use poo-delimited files by the time you leave I'll be very disappointed
!!tell wietlol quote get wietlol
oh ofcourse, mine doesnt get the fancy one box
also... nested commands?
It only gets one-boxed if it's the only thing in the message
!!tell 45552182 quote random
in JavaScript, Apr 11 '18 at 18:19, by Sterling Archer
I don't like Japs, but they really crushed it with the F Type
i still have some of the old quotes
!!wietlol and !!wietlol4 are nice
Oct 6 '17 at 14:56, by Wietlol
i have no idea where to put it
Jul 30 '18 at 10:36, by Wietlol
I dont know what to put there
aw, the source of that 4 is gone tho
the paste of code
Hi, it is possible get all combinations of sums in an array?
@TomW how?
Not by asking someone else to write it for you, that's for sure
Someone who can help me?
can you be more specific?
smells like homework to me
we wouldn't be doing you any favors to write it for you, you know
can we get part of your diploma if we do your homework?
it sounds like "get all combinations of length 2, then take each and sum and print"
isnt it that kind of thing
If it were simply a task, I would look for any post that already exists
there are posts that exist that tell you how to do it
but you arent using the correct question to search for your answer
@FedericoFiaSare unless you tell us what specifically you are stuck with, you're basically just asking us to tell you what to write
which is more or less the same as writing it for you, and why would we do that
I doubt anyone here wants to give their time without some evidence that you've tried something, and if you're a student with homework, doing your homework for you doesn't help you and is unethical
really this problem is two pieces as I see it. You must create a powerset of a set, that's one. And two, you have to add all elements of each element in powerset and insert into an array
@FedericoFiaSare help you how?
@TomW sorry for your time
For the rest of the forum, I try to explain what I need because it is a little more complicated.
@FedericoFiaSare is it true, is it homework?
@User23332 It is not homework
@FedericoFiaSare ok
@FedericoFiaSare So what is the problem you are having?
gotta go in a meeting meh, chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/189537
I took a break on that. Didn't worth it much :/
English is clearly not his primary language. I'm willing to cut him a lot of slack.
I mean, I'm not going to be his translation service
my meeting was last minute canceled anyway
But it's understandable having trouble expressing requirements in a secondary language.
Yes it is understandable
@FedericoFiaSare no hard feeling. Always want to help you out if needed
@FedericoFiaSareq could you provide an example input and desired output? I think that would help us understand your problem.
Also whatever code you currently have that's not working.
@MikeTheLiar this thing alone makes so much more sense than anything I had before
I can't find shit on how to read text file using MemoryMappedFile . Every place I look people write big text basically sayin they don't know or ask if performance is a real issue. Fu**
Have you done any bench marking that suggests the problem is file IO?
19 hours ago, by MikeTheLiar
If you're at the point where reading 1,000 files off an SSD is too slow you're in the realm of "problems that 99.9999% of people will never have to deal with"
If this is really a problem you're having, you're gonna have to do some green field work here.
@MikeTheLiar yes. Also had a meeting with my senior tech lead on that.
Because it's a problem that almost no one will ever have to deal with
Or they'll deal with it by chucking hardware at the problem.
@User23332 ayende has a lot of posts about MemorymappedFile
I understand. I need to do more search. As of the hardware itself I cannot go in detail but it's pretty solid.
> I can't tell you the specifics but trust me when I say this incredibly rare problem is what I'm currently dealing with
@jjchiw thanks for that, I will read it
The only conceivable way that IO can be a problem here is if you're repeatedly doing random access into a file when you could read it just once
If so, solve that problem
well it's part of the problem but on a higher level the problem is that I'm doing static code analysis on a code base that is a) very large, b) undocumented. I cannot a) compile it, b) run unauthorized external code on it c) connect it to internet .

Some file needs to be accessed many time but I cannot know which one because it depends on a given point of entry. By point of entry I mean a given specific screen. So let's say the query is "tell me how I can go to that specific screen" my code needs to go trough the code base and register the needed logic to go to that specific screen. By scr
Let me get this straight
The total number of file in the project is around 20,000 files and weight +- 1.5gb
You're analyzing a bottleneck on code that you can't even compile and you've concluded that the problem is SSD IO?
Fuck outta here.
fuck outta here.
The next time you mention this problem better be to provide some fuckin' bench marking data or I will kick you from here into next week.
I can compile it, it's running but the code cannot be compiled against unauthorized tool, hence why I'm writing my own code analysis tool
> writing my own code analysis tool
fuck outta here
> I don't have enough problems of my own so I'm going to create some unnecessarily
This is the XY-iest problem I've ever seen.
no problem, I'm gonna "fuck outta here" . I'm here to find solution and from break to break have good conversation. Bye
Aw, Mike. Ya scared him away.
He works for government and doesn't have approval to use a different tool.
Aug 29 '17 at 13:55, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
So, it seems my starred messages right now are about bitmasks and penises. My legacy lives on.
Avner's follow-up to that is underrated.
I don't care about his tools or lack thereof, I care about the fact that he's very stubbornly insisting that he has a problem that is extremely unlikely and is not willing to entertain the possibility that it's literally anything else but is also unwilling to provide any sort of data one way or the other.
Aug 29 '17 at 13:59, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
You all do realize, though, that starring my starred-messages comment still keeps the penis-bitmask ratio in balance.
He's paranoid about being beheaded, dude.
I would be too, if I worked for *shudders* Canada.
If I make a multiline verbatim string, it puts spaces between the lines in addition to a newline. y tho
Oh, no, LINQPad's just weird.
Don't mind me.
public enum En
	A = 1 << 0, // 1
	B = 1 << 1, // 2
	C = 1 << 2, // 4
	D = 1 << 3, // 8
Thoughts? ^
thats what I do and dont particularly like it
Why do you do it, then?
havent got a better version
I don't think 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, etc. is the most intuitive.
people dont know what shift is but they see 0 1 2 3
Bit-shifting the number 1 a certain number of places is nice and explicit, imo.
I don't like ending Async method names with "Async".
Almost just used a semicolon instead of a period, lol
So probably a stupid question, but how do I run an ASP.NET Core api in IIS on my local machine? I got my normal website working, but starting an api somehow doesnt work.
Define "an API"?
I keep on getting "An error occurred attempting to determine the process id of dotnet.exe" whilst trying to start my api project, even though I have no SSL enabled
eh, ASP.NET application without a frontend basically
I have a web.config file in my "api" project folder, so it seems like enabling IIS worked for that project
even though I cant access it via my url or via VS running as debug
> I like the analogy of passing your dogs leash to friend for passing a reference by-value... it breaks down quickly though, because I think you would probably notice if your friend traded-up your shitzu to a doberman before he handed you back the leash ;-)
Phone number makes more sense I think
An analogy doesn't help me at all here.
Arrows pointing to boxes helps though.
@MikeTheLiar If I have an ICollection parameter and Count == 0 is exceptional, is that just an ArgumentException or is there something more descriptive?
ArgumentException makes sense, I think
thrown new ArgumentException("someCollection cannot be empty");
Not throw new ArgumentException("Collection cannot be empty.", nameof(someCollection)) ?
nah man, follow the convention
error messages aren't allowed to be useful
I'm assuming the parameterName parameter exists for a reason.
paramName, technically
Have you ever been told which other process is using a file?
Have you ever been told which variable is null?
No and yes, respectively.
> nameof(someCollection)
Seems gratuitous.
It's to protect against renaming.
What refactor tool are you using that doesn't also check strings?
!!learn iguess <>https://i.sstatic.net/h9xko.png
@MikeTheLiar Command iguess already exists
!!info iguess
@MikeTheLiar Command iguess, created by rlemon on Wed, 03 Jan 2018 18:57:46 GMT
@MikeTheLiar I don't trust the string search to be good enough to find all references and, more importantly, to not find false positives.
Weren't you also arguing recently that C# had too many safety features that you usually don't need?
> too many safety features
Your redneck is showing
Feb 7 at 19:19, by Sinjai
The people at MS write code that has a level of safety I don't always need. But I wasn't intentionally avoiding those methods, I just didn't know they existed.
Make up your mind already.
A for effort.
Not the same situation though. In February, I was referencing calling native API methods that do excessive amounts of null and bounds checking.
nameof costs me nothing but a few microseconds at compile time.
That's not my point.
It seems needlessly defensive given your explanation.
What explanation is that?
That you don't trust your refactoring tool.
@MikeTheLiar Your point of bringing up a seemingly-contradictory quote was not to show contradiction?
Searching strings is not as reliable as looking for references. That's presumably why nameof exists, and certainly why it is used.
So, safety around refactoring that won't affect the actual end product of your code >>> actual runtime quality of your code. Gotcha.
Bad refactors definitely affect the actual runtime quality of my code.
I think you need a better refactoring tool.
Maybe. Probably not. But maybe.
I'd love to meet the person that writes L's like this:
I thought that was a drawing of a periscope.
Question. When I make a View in MVC, it will automatically use Shared/_Layout.cshtml as the layout unless I specify something else. If I want to make a partial view, I have to put @{Layout = string.Empty;} at the top to specify that I don't want it to have a layout. Given the fact that when I create a new View, VS flat-out asks me if I want it to be a Partial View, why the hell doesn't VS put @{Layout = string.Empty;} in the View itself?
"If I want to make a partial view ..."
I don't think that's true.
The default layout is specified in _ViewStart.cshtml
return PartialView or whatever tells the renderer to ignore ViewStart.
Wait, no
Awaiting elaboration...
All good?
1 hour later…
Ugh, have an issue I don't even know how to put into words. Less than 500 words, anyway.
1 hour later…
@Sinjai does it involve recursion?
Database relationships, ORM stuff. Trying to do stuff with a related entity of a related entity of a related entity, but the amount of "many"-s in there makes explaining it difficult, let alone optimising the query.
you have a N+1 problem?

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