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added 15 packages from 47 contributors and audited 28966 packages in 527.005s
3 hours later…
When the hell will they release it
2 hours later…
i cant freakin see my webgrid. its not displayed
anybody here encountered it before?
1 hour later…
@TomW It was imported
nevermind it works now
what do the "trusted access" tools let you do?
@Neil access "trusted files"
on a "trusted drive"
good morning
I drive perfectly fine as it is, thank you very much
i do not trust that information
They want me to secure the most poorly coded webforms I have ever seen
Good fuckin' luck. @bradbury9
has two security attempts:
First a method that is not always used:
public string ConvertirCadena(string text) {
_Texto = text.Replace("'", "''");
_Texto = _Texto.Replace("<script>", "");
_Texto = _Texto.Replace("</script>", "");
_Texto = _Texto.Replace("<frame>", "");
_Texto = _Texto.Replace("</frame>", "");
_Texto = _Texto.Replace("<iframe>", "");
_Texto = _Texto.Replace("</iframe>", "");
return _Texto;
And the second one, it used DES on the URL parameters
Not strong cypher... Fucking DES!!!!!!!!!!!
SQLi... Check, in every textbox
XSS... With that ConvertirCadena hell yeah
I wonder if there is a single OWASP it will not be present
Look, that kind of shit is bound to fail. Use the proper HTMLEncode utilities for fucks sake.
Not event ViewState used nor server side check, so free browser tampering.
Just throw your hands in the air and tell the project has to be re-done
Already in production, public facing server
Just throw your hands up in the air.. wave'em like you just don't care
@RoelvanUden And yes, it is a complete rework
good (ugt) morning
It is even funny that poor attempt to prevent SQLi _Texto = text.Replace("'", "''");
morning @ntohl
I do not envy you
I can g++ in win 10
installed ubuntu subsystem
Inline spaguetti asp.net, most pages have a public string GenerateHtml()
Want to get holidays eternal holydays from this company
which company?
Should not tell, a spanish one
Nobody expects the spanish company!!!
It's not the inquisition
I wasn't expecting that
That's just what the inquisition would say.
Honestly, I'm a little relieved that people still get monty python references
That was a little old even for me growing up
also another thing to make you feel old
more time has passed from when the first grand theft auto game came out to now than the time from when pacman was released until the first grand theft auto game
There's a Netflix docu I started watching the other day (need to finish) interviewing all (surviving) Python members about their childhood and early influences. It's interesting.
@Neil Jeeeez.
@Hans1984 görn.
(as long as we're on the topic)
Nope. Wrong link.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan when graham chapman died, the other python members sang "Always Look on the Brightside of Life"
@Neil Have you watched John Cleese's eulogy at his funeral?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan No, but I'm guessing it was both heartfelt and funny
I luved GTA 1
not long ago I completed till the 5th map
yeah it was great
there was this 360 second gta1 demo
i used to play it over and over
then i eventually bought the game
some games have so much replay value
i think gta was one of the first
games were very linear until then
@Markus hmm ok, was the private key marked exportable when you generated it? and did the portal ask for the password?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I love that bit
On me: character cuteness *0.6 + fun *0.2 + time consumed to complete *0.2 = game value
I wont understand how a game use an aunty/ uncle as main character was fun to play with
@nyconing so if lara croft were replaced with a granny model, it would be a deal breaker for you?
lara croft, not heard before
Lara Croft is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the video game franchise Tomb Raider. She is presented as a highly intelligent, athletic, and beautiful English archaeologist who ventures into ancient tombs and hazardous ruins around the world. Created by a team at British developer Core Design that included Toby Gard, the character first appeared in the video game Tomb Raider in 1996. Core Design handled initial development of the character and the series. Inspired by Neneh Cherry and comic book character Tank Girl, Gard designed Lara Croft to counter stereotypical female characters...
Tomb Raider. I seen before.
She's kind of a big deal. She has many leather-bound books and her apartment smells of rich mahogany.
> counter stereotypical female characters
> booty shorts, tube top, played by a succession of different glamour models
I may buy if the character model style changed to Zelda-like.
countering what exactly
so you're referring to cute as in artistic styling?
"cartoon-like" style?
No. I wont play cartoon style
You may descript it.... Japan-style??? or Asian style
most asians somehow prefer different kind of game characters
but in gta such a character would be out of place
I associate "japanese" style games with games like metal gear solid and final fantasy
They have a very distinctive style to them
but then dark souls is japanese too
and it differs alot from those two
was dark souls made in japan?
fromsoftware is a japanese company
I see
well it's just a style, not a guideline
just like I'm sure american style games are associated with gears of war and gta
mass effect
but i agree most japanese games have a "special" style in common
have you ever played "nier:automata" ?
this game is very japanese
The style reminds me of Devil May Cry
yeah but its a totally different game believe me
although it might look similair
I enjoyed Devil May Cry, but it's also incredibly stress-inducing game to play for someone just trying to relax :P
how is it different?
its very,very,very melo-dramatic
what genre of game is it?
its hard to describe, its kinda unique, you have to play it to know
Lara Croft is definitely a character designed by MEN
i think its one of those games you ether hate or love
ether it connects with you or it doesnt
@Hans1984 Maybe I'll watch some twitch channels of people playing it and then decide
That's usually what I do to determine if I'll like the game :P
@LeeButler "Men only want one thing and it's disgusting..." "60 fps! OMG!"
@Neil in DMC2 I remember that I found a glitch where I could repeat spawning enemies by jumping down a well or something. I remember leveling up all of the.. what was it called.. Styles? before moving forward
Nier: Automata is one of the best games of recent years.
@RoelvanUden admittedly I've heard good things about it
The only reason I didn't get it when it was on sale was because it just struck me as a game like DMC
which again, isn't a bad game, just that I've found in recent years, I like games that don't leave me more stressful than I was before I started playing
then better never play starcraft 2 multiplayer
it's like having a heart-attack
but multiplayer games are usually stressfull anyway
aslong as they are competitive
@Neil You can set it as difficult as you want it to be. That said, the combat is really quite good and a lot of fun. But that's not really the important part of it, imho, it's the story, the environments, the characters, it's really sublime
@RoelvanUden I'll look into it
@Hans1984 the DOTA games are like starcraft on steroids
I doubt
if you ever played starcraft 2 on master league level
I think for such games, the only true way to enjoy them is to be good at them
its hard to beat that stress level
im good at them im playing starcraft since 1998
but its stressfull
I wouldn't know, I avoided starcraft 2 multiplayer like the plague :)
I avoid all multiplayer games nowadays :-D
The single player was fun
sure was
campaign was great
I really liked their tech tree idea
well not really tree
I guess it's more like a tech column, but still
I guess im just getting too old for stressfull games
but yeah nier is not realy stressfull
you can enjoy the world and story while playing it
only some boss-fights can be hard
but since its japanese thats normal
have you ever played "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance"
this game is hard as he.l
I tend to play a lot of Factorio these days mostly
They came out with a kickass new version recently too
Wait what's changed in Factorio
I haven't played in a couple of montjhs
They've made the interface a little easier for blueprints
they've updated the graphics, made the belts a little faster
Changed how science packs are made
they added a lot of things people were requesting
also the map creation is more intuitive and more adaptive
They've created what are called "update blueprints" which let you specify the start and end items
so you can say, select all your yellow belts on the ground, and it'll automatically mark them to upgrade to reds
if you have construction bots, they'll perform the upgrade automatically
military science is made using red ammo, grenades, and walls instead of turrets
blue science is now made using red circuits, engines, and fuel
seems on the whole redone to reduce the dependency on iron a bit
Utility science packs require rails, rather than copper wire
production science packs requires basic production modules
Wow t hat's a lot of changes
Sorry if I'm a little overeager to share :)
Wow my Discover Weekly this week is all over the place.
Discovery Weekly?
Apparently Spotify has decided to push it's political agenda this week, by suggesting that I enjoy "Britain Come Back" by the Breunion Boys, a group of european guys who are anti brexit
Followed immediately by a My Little Pony based song
They could be suggesting that because it's growing in popularity simply
Also, are you a brony, bro?
there should also be a group called "Brexit Girls"
or something
no it was a joke
refering to those anti brexit boys
I meant to Neil
oh ok
@Neil dont forget copy cut paste
@Wietlol that's what I meant by the "interface a little easier for blueprints" :)
yeah, that's a nice feature too
also placing an item you don't have puts a ghost
that's so nice
how many times have I run out of inserters making smelters and had to wait for them to be made by hand
made by hand?
what is that?
looks at achievements
sees "Lazy God: Achieve 'Lazy Bastard' on every single run."
realizes that Steam does not recognize that achievement
"every single run" which kind of settings? Even in tutorial?
I have that achievement btw
Lazy Bastard I tried to achieve a lot of times
But no reason why I'd do that every single time
I accidentally made a couple items I think
It gives you a little leeway, but not much
it's tempting to do, especially if you're focused on what you're trying to do
you just don't think about it
we tried to achieve Lazy Bastard with scarce resources and lot of aliens. Regenerated the maps 10-20 times, than give up :D
I had to do that in peace mode
seems unnecessarily difficult to also have to deal with alien attacks
It was impossible. We tried to run away as much as possible without dieing to scout a new resource. We didn't find any
at least with the new version, it would seem that you can really bump up the amount of resources present
So it seems I have the office to myself for the rest of the day. Loud music over speakers? Loud music over speakers.
you mean home-office
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I want a link to the music you're blaring out of the office speakers :)
Spotify ok?
@Hans1984 Nope. Office office.
I share it with three other people, but one is home sick, the other is away today doing training, and one just left for her brother's wedding.
that's great
I always have the office to myself mostly
> Most of the time, it works 100% of the time.
It's an office designed for maybe 10 people split 70/30 with a dividing paper thin wall, and I get the 70
@LeeButler seems logical
stick one person in the 70% of the space. You're the office equivalent of a cat that takes the dog's space
Hi Guys
I am still struggling with that Load% formula

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