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That title...
@Amy @RoelvanUden so for the bundling though..Is the point to bundle everything into one file? or is it better to make things more modular? (eg. BootstrapBundle, JqueryBundle, CustomBundle)
Or both?
one of the worst games I've played was eve dust 514
I still managed to get in one of the biggest clans
@Michael Whatever you choose. I chose for a single bundle, because the current overhead is mostly HTTP protocol and making more connections. In HTTP2 you don't have that problem, so either way is fine then.
didnt had lunch f this Im going to eat now
why is fallout still at 50$ o.O
Don't forgett to add me :p
@MaartenWachters for me the link has something wrong, I couldnt had you anyways T.T
Fallout 4 = 32$
It works for me though
@RoelvanUden So right now in my RegisterBundles() Method I have:

//Bundle all css
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/styles/all")

//Bundle bootstrap css
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/styles/bootstrap")

//Bundle jquery css
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/themes/base/css")
fallout 4 is not worth above $10
why the hell is the proxy blocking that?????????
@C4ud3x go check on steam
@RoelvanUden is this inefficient? to build both an all-in-one as well as the modular bundles?
I can acess steam but not his profile. it gets blocked
I got fallout 4 for free
Kidding me? XD As I would EVER buy something on steam...
Paying double.
cough piratebay *cough
@MaartenWachters coff nosteam coff
coff g2a coff
Fuck G2A
I tried it
Didnt get my key
@Michael No, most people just make a bundle.
Support made me wait for over 2 hrs
Im buying steam-keys for sure. But not on steam itself.
They told me to go fucj myself, I was unlucky to get a false key
I even got the shield too
Just wait for the Steam Summer Sale
@C4ud3x I've been a member for more than that, but I lost my previous login.
meh you can get free steam keys in some places
ok its illegall but
never had a bad thing with them
you get the game non the less
only started answering questions 7 months ago
This 32$ is legal.
if you get a bad key its automated
@Mr.Toxy why it's illegal? o_O
they just give you another one
@AdrianK. getting free steam keys from some websites its illegal
they are clone keys and shit
nah brah
go to steamswaps
free keys there
i get free keys from reddit all the time
giveaways etc
I used to gift a lot of /r/Giftofgames
Used to be mod too
why not just pay for the games you want to play? :s
You do pay.
@Rav less is the point. Steam prices are too high.
Are they?
There are cheaper resellers all over the internet.
Compared to what?
(just curious)
that list they want offers
Example Fallout 4. Steam 60$ -> Reseller 32$
So, I'm reading up on locking code, and the locking object is suggested to be read-only, so that you can't just overwrite it with a new object(). But somehow when I call lock(SyncLock){...} Some status in the object is changed I assume. Does that mean read-only just prevents changes to the referenced object? Could I have a readonly object, change all of it's internal values, and everything would be ok as long as I didn't change the reference?
dont see any "free" keys there
steam is pretty cheap and if you really want to play something you should be willing to support the developers imo
Steam's biggest problem is regions. Games in RU regions are riddiculously cheaper than Rest of Word. Period.
@Rav Im doing. Im just buying somewhere else.
guys can i use a datatable the same way i use an static variable
steam is indeed cheap... in some cases
I find the same games with 20$ difference in some websites
and thats a big difference
b/c steam regions
@C4ud3x i'm not saying you don't :p
they should make a proper conversion
@Rav the keys arnt stolen. That are regular prices, just from other countries.
Its like picking the cheaper supermarket ^^.
if it locked to a region i understand, but no one is entitled to games so there should be no need to torrent them
@C4ud3x didn't realise the prices varied so much between regions :o
Select RU region and you'll get -50.34% price difference. And it's just steam
if the game is worth 20€ than it should be sold in USA for 23$
Digital goods are an odd one, aren't they? The price of replication and distribution is effectively zero.
@Rav nah torrents are shit. The prices on my resellers are down to about 50%. So its ok paying.
I miss when RU games weren't regionlocked
I would get games for 50 euros
for 12 euro
Just buy csgo keys and trade them on reddit
Or TF2 keys equiv.
@MaartenWachters how? RU?
There you go

@Rav check it on steam.
like a year and a half ago
that worked for chine in the PSN
they made it so russian bought games are in russian / region locked
I've not pirated a game in a long time, but as a developer I'm cool with it. I think the number of pirates who just can't afford my game outnumber those that can. I'd rather more people play it.
so what if you buy a game and move to a different country? Does it then stop working?
Maybe someday they'll have money and buy games like me.
I mostly pirate > I like? I buy
@MaartenWachters stupid thought... wondering if a vpn would do the trick
Like Stardew valley
I loved that shit ye
I've used to pirate games, but you can get games so cheap now, that it's completly pointless
was bored of it after 10 hours
Glad I didn't buy it
@Mr.Toxy It would.
I couldnt get fallout 4 cheap
so I pirated
@C4ud3x interesting
I only really buy games from steam during the sales though xD
I am waiting for Sea of Thieves...
@C4ud3x but maybe everytime you wanted to play you had to do it through a vpn :\ wich sucks
@Rav Since I've seen such resellers I never bought any games on steam again.
Im waiting for nothing at the moment
Honestly look at my steam library
I'm waiting for the next insider build to see if Tree of Savior will be fixed :(
over 297 items
Most played game is I think CSGO
@Mr.Toxy True. Thats a difference you'll see on resellers. Some of them are selling locked keys. Mine arnt. I found some with good prices and without locking.
@MaartenWachters CS trades?
No I played CSGO
installing Project Rider...
Well, used to
people still play condition zero?
Im amazed
heroes and generals its a cool game
Noone will tell me that I don't support gamedevs
dunno why but its the only game that makes my card temp increase in a blink of an eye
We should play some L4D2
I love that game just have noone on my fr list that likes it
when I start to play it temps go from 30ºC to 50
@MaartenWachters sure, feel free to add me
waiting for them summer sales
oh we all are, we all are... :D
steamcalc is neat, I clearly don't use steam much: steamdb.info/calculator/76561197997423472
I'm off to home
Cya lads
take it easy, mate
I think I played planeterian
summer sales: june 23rd
I bought these in a bundle a while back and haven't played much
usually play MMOs on my PC and regular games on console
literally all you did is buy vns @CuddleBunny
wife got a new surface though, so I'm going to turn the old one into a mobile steam box
@misha130 figuratively
@misha130 you sick TFS idler :D
busted :^)
@misha130 yeah, I think it was the summer anime sale or something?
good tf2 textmode is good
It was years ago on tfs and we idled for hats
and then we all got banned and I still got cheaters lament hat
can you guys help me with some Linq stuff?
Im rly not handy with Linq
I have the code done just need to adpat it
@Mr.Toxy ask and someone will answer
oki doki
@misha130 Ashland, Oregon?
@misha130 have you ever saw Defiance? the movie?
I dont think so
ohh I remembered, I think that in the moovie there is a guy that has the same name as you
Impersonator, then
I think it was one of the leaders of the group in the movie
misha is a russian name
I know
@CuddleBunny Tree of Savior DansGame
yup I know
the movie had russians
a lot of russians
truely the epitome of cinema
it was in 2nd ww and people were fleeing the living in the woods and there were russian guys that would protect them and some guy's brother joined the russian liberation army (I think it was the name cant recall), the movie is pretty good actually
wow my profile worth 1088$
@AdrianK. I remember that character.
its literally misha from katawa shoujo
and 64% of the games are not played
Yeah, it is.
I hate that game
I love it.
Comfort Misha
@JakobMillah for why? Though I guess I wouldn't know because I can't play it yet =.=
@misha130 It was a nice trap.
"Comfort" buhahahaha
@CuddleBunny Just look at it? It looks shit :o
Loved the game, but Misha was very annoying
lol yes
I've heard it plays like pure crap as well
but it still didnt make up for this god forsaken route
absolutely the worst
Really? I liked the prez's route and I liked misha too.
@JakobMillah I sunk 7000 hours of my life into RO, so I can dream. The class system has me excited.
my account is only worth 100€ hahahaha well pretty good since I didnt bought any game
I think it uses the same dated network stack that RO did, where frames get dropped when packets drop..
The armless girl was the best
SEGA Genesis & Mega Drive Classics
@misha130 I hated her. So much.
I own that game hmmm it was free but... its now not in store
so our taste in women differs
yea, he should check out that game then @Adrian
Yeah, first time I played through honestly and got Emi. I really liked Rin though so I had to play again for her.
@misha130 what's the game called?
@AdrianK. wow can I say the fu#c$?
they're both good though, didn't care much for Prez, but she was cute later in her arc.
Katawa shoujo
@misha130 Hanako was super cute. Emily (I think it was?) was a great moving story. Lily was so-so, the Prez was great, and that red-haired armless chick was... annoying as fuck
@CuddleBunny RO = Ragnarok Online? I tink Tree of Savior is not even close
@RoelvanUden have you played "To the Moon" ?
@JakobMillah yeah, much of the staff is the same
@AdrianK. No?
@AdrianK. early versions of dota 2 had many of these girls
@ntohl lmao
@RoelvanUden if you like climatic RPG (done in RPG Maker, iirc) you should definately try it
I did like Hanako too, I think her arc was the most charming story.
(due to common missing skin problem)
Give me the chocolate hisao
@AdrianK. Climatic RPG?
everyone fell for hanako's witchcraft
but i stayed strong
there is always the bromance route too
a friend of mine literally fell in love with her for 2 years
@RoelvanUden Help me :s how the hell can I bypass this 403 port block? Im done with this cant do shit here
@CuddleBunny It was a short route.
It has a good story behind it and it's not that long as I have anticipated, which is good for me since I don't like looong rpg
Katawa Shoujo had me absorbed. I finished every route. Then Grisaia came along and blew everything away in terms of character development, story, pacing, setting, art and general feel. :P
Any fellow user wants to take a look?
Q: UWP Windows Composition Blur not actually blurring an image

DemCodeLinesI'm working on a UWP application that utilizes Windows Composition API. There is an image control, named splitViewSideBarBlur. The source of this image is set to bitmap of another XAML element, using the following extension method: public static async Task<IRandomAccessStream> RenderToRandomAcc...

@Roel never played Grisaia
and ks was special cause it was american production
I am just waiting on my tsukihime 2.0
Well, as much as I loved KS (It is still #2 on my Visual Novel list), Grisaia was better.
@Mr.Toxy Set up a SOCKS proxy at home on port 443 and reroute stuff over it
KS is the only VN I've ever finished. I think I'll play more now that I can use the tablet
Last game I've finished (RPG, nonetheless) was Persona 3 for PSP, I had a lot of fun playing it
Adrian's recommendation seal approved
^ save got destroyed after their summer vacation
after I got the dog I think
But it was quite fun, right?
      public string NewerVersion(string Directoria)
                Global.Erro = "";
                Global.ErroGrave = false;
                string caminho = "";

                    Version version = null;
                var lastVersion = new DirectoryInfo(Directoria).EnumerateDirectories()
                .Where(d => d.Name.ToLower().StartsWith("update_"))
            // .Where(d => d.Name.StartsWith("UPDATE_"))
            .Select(d => new { Directory = d, Token = d.Name.Split('_') })
why cant I ctrl + k in just one part of the text?
it just formatts the whole thing
is it complaining about the out version on tryparse?
oh its outside the linq
seriously build a for
readability of this amounts to 0
@misha130 It's not complaining of nothing :p I just dont know how to refactor that bc I dont use linq :\
my idea is to split by _ and add the folder names into a list or something but how can I order all of them?
hmmm I think that I can actually convert the code above to give me a list ordered
It cant be that ahrd
the base is all there imo
remove the firstordefault
and change the orderby
and the first where
can I just use select?
IsActive does what?
Is it easy/possible to implemtn ASP.Net Authorization with the [Authorization] annotation without using Identity or Authentication?
you need to either use Identity or Membership
or Membership Reboot
or some other such auth library
@Amy to use Identity that means we have to use the Identity Authentication as well?
Because currently we have a web authentication system that we use that isnt tied to our mvc project at all. thats what we need to use for authentication.
Is there a way to use that with Identity?
@misha130 is it possible to make a where that only selects files that have a .sql extension? I think I just need that part
@Amy what's going on with the game thing?
like a

where System.IO.Path.GetExtension == "sql"?
@betarunex wow cool diddnt knew that existed thx. I will refactor the code and see if I get what I need
@Mr.Toxy wait, this is for c# right?
@betarunex Sir yes Sir 07
I binded through datasource a data table to my gridview how can i now add row programmatically without have to change the row insert code
Oh right, also it's a function, so System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filePath)
@betarunex okii thx a lot I will make the changes and see
@AndréMarques yea?
"I binded through datasource a data table to my gridview. how can i now add row programmatically without have to change the row insert code?"
im using Windows Forms forgot to say that
Wow, the greens won in Austria
@AndréMarques use the gridview
Well, independent + green
@ntohl what do you mean ?
@AndréMarques I only know wpf. Use gridview and say the gridview.itemssource = your table.tolist
@ntohl i atach data to my grid so now i can add them programmatically, i need a way to add them programmatically
if you have a table of books, then create new book element, and add it to a list. then call the db.Save and it'll send the data back to the db
datatable is binded as the source of the datagridview. One choice is to make BindingList of it, and it will notify the view of added row
@betarunex now an wpf question :D i want to scroll an scrollview programmatically but i dont know how im new to wpf i saw this in a post how can i use this this.Dispatcher.Invoke( () => svImages.ScrollToHorizontalOffset(svImages.HorizontalOffset - 0.1)); is this viable
@betarunex that's not good. ToList won't be of the right type. It wont notify automatically, when new row is added
in WPF we use ObservableCollection usually
@AndréMarques I'm also new to wpf :P. But I'm sure it auto enables scrolling if the list goes past the bottom of your grid.
@betarunex i auto enabled the auto but i cant scroll it :( and i need to scroll programmatically
@AndréMarques weren't you asking the same question here a week or two ago?
@AndréMarques oh, you want it to autoscroll? That seems like an odd request...
why do you want it to auto-scroll? That goes against all sorts of UI conventions.
Q: Binding List<T> to DataGridView in WinForm

namcoi have a class like below. class Person{ public string Name {get; set;} public string Surname {get; set;} } And i create a List<Person> then add some items to this list and bind it to DataGridView. List<Person> persons = new List<Person>(); persons.Add(new Person(){Name="Joe", S...

i just need to scroll the scrollview programmatically its alli want :(
"programmatically"... Do you mean automatically?
linq gurus?
Version version = null;
var lastVersion = new DirectoryInfo(Directoria).EnumerateDirectories()
what can I exactly put in the where?
Your panini
@betarunex I cant use lastVersion
Meanwhile, I just want an image blurred...
@Mr.Toxy what do You want to put in?
@Mr.Toxy not sure what you want exactly?
@ntohl I want just the files that have .sql has an extension
@Mr.Toxy the files from where?
from lastVersion
no i mean programmatically through buttons @betarunex
ok I've changed it from EnumerateDirectories to EnumerateFiles
.Where(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(lastVersion) == "sql") and this
but it gives me an error saying that lastVersion its not initialized
Where takes a lambda
you aren't providing it with a lambda
.Where(x=> .... )
=> this operator=?
you're asking what the => syntax is?
no xD I was saying if it was that operator
damnit I dont think that is ther .where I need to change
@Mr.Toxy most likely. Check for the syntax of EnumerateDirectories. I see a version, where is an input param...
but not Your version
hmmm the thing is that the code I have does exaclty what I need I just need to add the part to check the extension
.Where(d => d.Name.ToLower().StartsWith("update_")) instead of checking if it starts with update_ I want to see if the extension is .sql
btw You would write .Where(x => x.EndsWith(".sql")) or something like that
oh that can work yeah
@ntohl System.IO.Path.GetExtension this wouldnt be i Dont no, more accurate should I say?
better> write .Where(EndsWith(".sql"))
that would do the trick
thank you
I doubt that GetExtension works with strings. EnumerateDirectories returns strings
dont tell me
good (ugt) night
glad to...
got to go
haaaaaaa yeah g2g
good night
and ugt means universal greeting time
didnt knew that, good to learn
sounds like the sound I make when I see the time and need to get out of bed
thats like
hi, can we add custom validation code to TFS work item state change??
I'm looking for a way that can be deployed in the server rather than all user machines
otherwise a VS plugin is the closest I could think of
 var Caminhos = new  List<string>();
        Version version = null;
        var lastVersion = new DirectoryInfo(Directoria).EnumerateFiles()
            .Where(d => d.Name.ToLower().EndsWith(".sql"))
            .Select(d => new {Directory = d, Token = d.Name.Split('_')})
            .Where(x => x.Token.Length == 3 && Version.TryParse(x.Token[2], out version))
            .Select(x => new {x.Directory, Date = x.Token[1], Version = version})
            .OrderByDescending(x => x.Version);
it doesnt let me convert LastVersion to a list
like if im changing a task from In Progress to Done I want to check if user has linked a test case
any Linq gurus?
or clues
@Mr.Toxy looks alright, if there are no errors maybe break it up and make sure things are actually being selected with each Select?
oh ok I get it
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<<anonymous type: System.IO.FileInfo Directory, string Date, System.Version Version>>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<string>'
thats the error

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