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Anyone know why I'd be getting this error? Cannot attach the file 'c:\users\nick\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\NickAssessment\NickAssessment\App_Data\aspnet-NickAssessment-20160‌​522122815.mdf' as database 'aspnet-NickAssessment-20160522122815'.
it's localDb
it happens when trying to call a sproc
3 hours later…
@All HI
i have a few questions to ask...related with interview..
about MVC
@SamM Go ahead and ask the question, even if there aren't many people around - you may get an answer in the future
I have two folders, 'Classes' and 'Items', In my file called createWeapon within the Items folder, I need to get information from a file called baseClass within the Classes folder. How would I do that?
I am very new to C sorry
C != C#
I'm aware, but I have no experience with any of the C languages, which is why I generalized it.
C# is about as close to C as VB.Net is to javascript
You can't generalize C with C# unless you also include Java and Javascript under the fold.
Okay, point taken, for the record I have Javascript and Python experience
As for your question, assuming you're using C# - you would either need to specify the namespace explicitly when referencing your type (I would assume named baseClass), or add a using statement at the top
Also assuming by file, you mean a file containing your type baseClass
@All is routeTable physically present anywhere in the mvc application?
where are the routing requests being saved in the route table
How would I set up that using statement, I've tried several I am trying to access Classes/baseClass.cs specifically the class 'baseClass' within baseClass.cs
@Shniper Look at the top of your baseClass file. There should be a line saying namespace [something] (where something is likely Classes)
Then in your other file, at the top, you would write: using Classes;
@Rob there is no such line, should I create one?
Doesn't the IDE normally do that for you?
This is what the top of the file looks like
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class baseClass {
Yes, it's best practice to give it a namespace. It's typically the same as your folder structure
@SamM by default it uses rules, which you set up in the RouteConfig class.
also, good morning all!
@JanDvorak yep, VS does that.
Okay I added the namespace, I am trying to use an if condition
if(baseClass.ClassName == "Warrior" ) { }
I get error "an object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'baseClass.ClassName'"
ClassName property withing baseClass isn't static.
You could however use this.ClassName == ...
private string className;
public string ClassName
get { return className; }
set { className = value; }
How would I make it static?
I might recommend running through a tutorial, first :)
To make it static, you'd change both to public static string.. and private static string..
but its likely it shouldn't be static, and you should have an instance of the class
I have been watching a tutorial series, but his item creation system is over simplified I was hoping to make it so that an weapon that the players class cannot use is unable to be created
@Shniper That could also be shortened down to public string ClassName { get; set; }. Unless you need specific access to the backing field. e.g. it's used elsewhere in your class/instance.
Perhaps I should finish the tutorial series without adding my own touch and then re-do it with my own stuff
in VisualStudio how can I make the IDE automatically create namespace []? I can't seem to locate a setting for that
It does that by default.
Right click your project, go to properties. Fill in the Default namespace property, if it's not set
If you create a folder structure, and then select new class within one of those subfolders, it will create a namespace accordingly.
@Rob Good point!
I'm wondering if I can justify transitioning our project from VS2013/C#5 to VS2015/C#6. What really good reasons are there, from a project point of view?
I mean, sure, I as a developer want to play with C# 6
But is the added cost of potential compatibility issues worth it? Going over our 3rd party libraries to make sure they still work. Upgrading what needs upgrading. Making sure our clients have a newer .NET framework installed.
Do you need to convince someone else, or are you asking for reasons as to why you should not?
Trying to convince myself.
2015 will eventualy allow for csproj files without lists of files in them
I want to upgrade to VS2015, but can't really justify it to myself.
upgrading to C# 7 is easier?
what do you mean 2015?@Alex
they moved on
@misha130 That's actually a counter-argument. If C# 7 is coming up, we can just wait it out, install VS2017 or whatever and get the benefits of both C# 7 and 6.
Also, even if we switch, I don't intend to start migrating all existing code to C# 6 idioms.
@misha130 as part of the dot net core stuff they found out that MSbuild doesnt need the big list of files the CSProj files contains it only exists for VS now VS doesnt need it so they plan to remove it
but thats core...
Reshaper might offer to replace null checks with ?. syntax, which is fine when I happen to be changing or refactoring code, but I won't go around doing cross-system changes.
@misha130 It applys to all projects
Core or not
@AlexL csproj or sln?
One of the things I'm really looking forward to is dumping SLN files.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan sln dont have list of files do they?
I dont see either of these happening
@misha130 what?
@AlexL Lists of projects. And then a list of configuration settings for each project. And then a list of source control bindings for each project. And then another set of source control bindings for each project because a merge conflict screwed up the file.
The format is abyssmal.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I dont think they can get round that one even core still uses it, I just checked
Basicaly what happened is core doesnt list files, so they had to rig VS to not need the list
then they wanted to make core work with MSbuild
It's a custom text format rather than using json/xml. There are several different sections linked by GUID keys which have to be kept in sync rather than just having each project keep all its properties in one block. This wreaks havoc with merges.
@AlexL So what, it automatically takes all the files in the folder?
then someone noticed that VS was the only thing that need that list for a long time
It's a new day. It's a bright day. Even when we stand in the dark!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan basicaly yes, it has some config so you can list extra folders if you want
@JakobMillah Good morning and you don't have to sit in the corner anymore!
@AlexL That's... how almost every other IDE works, basically.
@scheien Really? :o shieet
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yes, it will be nice to not have my CSProj creating merge conflicts every day
but this is just not happening
I cant find any mention on this from microsoft
that they are planning to change it
Hmm. VS15 preview2 has Edit & Continue for XAML apps. That alone is probably worth moving.
@misha130 they are making a lot of core related stuff public via the stand ups and they very rarely get written up into text format
sigh ok
@Avner I am using vs15 for C# Dev and it feels somewhat lighter than 2015
you can go and watch them back if you like it was in the last one if I remember correctly
well why not
Or they will post about it once it gets baked in
basicaly its not something they are trying to add, it will just happen when they move Core back over to CSProj from json
scott hansleman looks like a broken man
He is very tired from what I understand
they are very close to a RTM
well he did get old all things considered
@All when to use Virtual method and when to use Abstract method, and what are the advantages of one over other
abstract methods can only be made in abstract classes. Abstract classes cant be created explicitly and only be made by inheritance.
this doesnt apply to virtual
so if you know there is no reason to create this class use abstract
you guys maybe know how to include a variable value to xml path in sql?
I have select like that: SELECT
CONVERT(VARCHAR, CONVERT(DECIMAL(14,2), W.Szczegoly.value('(WysylkaRequest/Paczki/Paczka[1]/Wartosc)[1]','varchar(400)'))) [Insurance]
and I want one of the [1] to be variable
@SamM Abstract means "only the child classes have an implementation, I only define the contract". Virtual means "Child classes may have their own implementation, but here's a default implementation defined by the base class".
Pasha Biceps
well I guess you worded it better
@misha130 You focused on abstract classes, I completed the explanation with focus on abstract methods.
no, I wasnt being sarcastic
you did word it better
Good morning ladies.
Good morning, good sir.
Good morning All, @JakobMillah where is the Monday socks
morning all
jó reggelt! And all hail to the mighty Panini!
@Jamaxack No monday socks today :o Took a white pair!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan is there any performance difference, like which can be preferred over other?
You use virtual/abstract depending on your needs, not because of performance considerations.
like public,protected, private
and any kind of modifiers(modifiers they are called?)
Are.. these homework questions?
god damn it... a popup window of a program is stuck on a disabled monitor... Win + arrow not working... Anyone got a solution?'
Is there a way to reset positions?
@misha130 access modifiers, I think.
@All which is the best method of exception handling in MVC
1 min ago, by Roel van Uden
Are.. these homework questions?
@SamM That far too broad a question.
Are..you a vampire?
@RoelvanUden no interview questions, i have gone them through online, but there are some confusions that im not getting cleared with.
@JakobMillah Win+tab -> context menu
@SamM These are terrible interview questions.
@RoelvanUden ok thanks., i would convery your msg to my interviewer next time
@SamM Usually you have a global exception handler to log/email/otherwise notify you. Then you have regular ones in code where you want to catch things. This question makes no sense whatsoever without a proper context.
(And you never use pokemon exception handlers)
@JanDvorak The popup is not showing up in that view :/
Oh, right. It dumps each window to its own monitor.
@SamM That's possible. Interviewers sometimes need a reality check, or you can just find a job where they don't ask pointless and weird questions. :D
(Or you rephrased it incorrectly here, which is plausible, too)
@JakobMillah alt-tab to it -> [m]ove -> arrow keys
@JanDvorak You forgot the alt-space after the alt-tab.
oh, right
I feel like I killed a vampire. Roel the vampire slayer.
For some reason my workstation is the only one that has internet access in the office.
@RoelvanUden don't you dare kill bats!
Am considering renting out internet access to the other people, charging by the minute.
My workstation can connect to the Internet just fine, but not to the test database
good morning
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Glorious plan!
@Sippy \o
Ok, seems that some time ago, I defined Google's open DNS as a secondary DNS server, which is why my connection was working.
Whooh, DNS issues.
Did I mention that our source control is remotely hosted?
Oh dear oh dear.
Why would you do that?
o/ morning, all.
Nice to see this place unfrozen.
What's the slack details?
one sec
is there a non-threadpool timer?
@RoelvanUden *shrug*.
Work on the product started before there were actual offices or physical servers.
@Squiggle Send an email to [email protected] with some identifying info
@deostroll There's DispatcherTimer that always marshals onto the main UI thread.
For WPF.
Hmm, no, I think it's not only for WPF.
Standup time
nice name
@Sippy sent u [some identifying info]. is that enough?
Todays lesson : Acronyms for programmer
Bullet point 1 I already failed : Keep it simple, stupid
You aren't gonna need it
anybody knows how to write sql on a mac?
a software
to connect to my mssql
Literally on the slide now @Squiggle
@misha130 XAMPP
will check, thanks
@misha130 jetbrains.com/datagrip/ if you like JetBrains stuff
@MaartenWachters PEBCAK
Still on Yagni right now @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
@misha130 but for hacking about, I just use terminal.
certified cyber warrior hacker?
i use teh l33t c0mm@ndz
Fuck learning that
SOLID is the most important!
learn it. Learn it hard.
the liskov subtition part is so catchy
i just remember exactly what it is everytime i see it
It's an acronym of acronys
like why
because there's a lot to cram in there
single responsibility is sometimes made up to be SRP, but naturally it's not acronym
Keep things DRY
Don't repeat yourself
Keep things DRY
Don't repeat yourself
Don't repeat yourself
Keep things DRY
Don't repeat myself
@Squiggle did someone sort you out
> Don't repeat yourself
ohh when did the room get unfrozen?
not long after freezing
this is getting meta asf
About half an hour after it got frozen.
It's been open since friday.
Have you read the meta? it's a good read
got a link? (no I have not as I was busy waging a war against a xenophobic empire most of my weekend...stupid cockroaches)
@Sippy nope. No info yet.
one sec
Q: A cause for self moderation and query on the events of 20 May '16

SidneyEarly this morning, a regular in the C# chat room posted a crude but inoffensive message wishing everyone a happy Friday. The message wasn't hostile to anyone, it was however flagged as offensive. Due to this a moderator came in and banned the user for one hour. This was not well met by the C# ro...

thank you @scheien
youre welcome
holy shit
It's meta, so votes don't really mean much.
Mostly mean "I didn't like this", where "this" could be the question, the situation or the weather.
@Squiggle invite sent

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