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11:24 AM
11:34 AM
Can anyone help me diagnose why jquery DataTables doesn't show the sort icons on column headers?
CSS is wrapped up in a bundle:

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/DataTables/datatables_css").Include(
here's the jQDT initializer:
                                dom:    "<'toolbar'><'row'<'col-sm-10'f><'col-sm-2 pull-right'l>>" +
                                        "<'row'<'col-sm-12'tr>>" +
                                //dom: 'Bfrtip',
                                buttons: [
                                    { extend: 'excel', text: 'Export to Excel' }
result looks like this:
Do you have any errors in the console?
Nope, that's the whole deal
Is the markup present, what does the inspector say?
also, all requests are HTTP 200
tududududu inspector gadget
11:39 AM
This is the inspector on the 1st header:
<th class="sorting_asc" tabindex="0" aria-controls="DataTables_Table_0" rowspan="1" colspan="1" aria-sort="ascending" aria-label="Region: activate to sort column descending" style="width: 71px;">Region</th>
table.dataTable thead .sorting, can you hover the background-image?
guys, when im creating wcf service with concurrency multiple, and I have one little integer counter, which is accessed anytime wcf is called, do I need to take care somehow about the locks on the counter? or is it taken care of already?
@scheien I don't have any background image. Or I don't know what are you talking about
If you right click a column name, which is sortable, and inspect it. That should have a sorting class?
assuming you're using this datatables.net
exactly, that's what I'm using
and I've right-click -> inspect the header
then I get the above's <th> code
11:44 AM
Is the style within the red ring present?
@scheien is this a test
are you using metronic datatables package perhaps?
I had the same problem actually with it, I just messed around with the order and location of css's and it worked somehow
@scheien nope, I don't have any style applied to that element that would have any background-image attribute :/
is it even clickable and it sorts?
@misha130 yes, it is. Sorting is working flawlessly, but I don't have the image o_O
11:48 AM
where is the excel button though
@misha130 Under the grid, defined in 'dom' initializer it's actually a link, not a button
what if you kick the bootstrap theme and put the original cdn on datatables.net?
i mean
let's try that
can't do that through CDN, have to do it with local file
@Sippy yes.
Bundle.Optimize = false or however you write it
11:52 AM
BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;
good morning, got a dozen donuts in office, but no cruller, T_T
what's a "cruller" ?
@scheien @misha130 found the issue!
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/DataTables/css/datatables_css").Include(
I was missing the /css/ part in the bundled files path.
guys, sorry i'm bothering you, but I have wcf service with concurrency multiple with one method and a integer counter, I need the counter to increment every time someones calling the service, do I need somekind of lock mechanism?
11:56 AM
that'd be reasonable
can you give me some hint? i couldn't find antything about locking integer:P
@tweray yummy, kinda looks like spanish donuts. I still prefer donuts w/ chocolate stuffing <3
oops let me just delete that
11:58 AM
concurency, mate
int is thread safe
:^) never happened
@tweray Then why does Interlock.Increment exist?
i have no idea xD
anyways jk
@tweray I suspect you are wrong about that, but I can't fully justify why. I know that the interlock methods are recommended for concurrent access though
12:00 PM
it's mainly to avoid case like i = i + 1
int is thread safe, but doesn't means it won't cause data inconsistency
Q: Is int? thread safe?

JeremyI know that in .Net all 32-bit types (e.g, int, bool, etc) are thread safe. That is, there won't be a partial write (according to the specifications). But, does the same apply for int? (nullable int)?

thats int?
as in Nullable<int>
anyone used kanban?
> Reads and writes of the following data types are atomic: bool, char, byte, sbyte, short, ushort, uint, int, float, and reference types. In addition, reads and writes of enum types with an underlying type in the previous list are also atomic.
yes but Mr Lippert quotes the spec on what is/isn't guaranteed atomic
what does ATOMIC mean
12:02 PM
atomic means a single read or single write is guaranteed to happen without being interrupted by another thread trying to read/write
it's one of the many different things people often mean by "thread safe"
okay, so I do not need to worry about locking integer counter?
Interlocked.Increment exists because incrementing an int is not atomic: the read is, and the increment is, and the write is, but all 3 at once is not.
It seems you do @Dess
You could read the value, and another thread could read the same value, then you could write the new value, then another thread could write the same new value.
I guess there is no realistic reason for int to be thread safe
12:03 PM
one of your increments would then be lost
@MikeEdenfield yep, which is what I was saying. I didn't want to be too strong about it but I was pretty sure for the case being discussed, I was correct :)
when I try to access in 6 clients almost at the same time, 3 of them get timeout, it can be caused by this?
@TomW probably, I only skimmed backwards :)
agreed, my point is just that int is thread safe, but ++ is not
12:05 PM
the only thing C# guarantees is that if you write a value to an int, no other thread will ever see the first 2 bytes written and the second 2 bytes not written. That's "atomic"
on the other hand int = 6 is atomic
@AdrianK. Great :)
whereas with e.g. a long that actually could happen.
err a small question
what if instead of incrimenting you do a bit shift on it
never mind
just thinking of ways to not read write but just write
anything that requires reading the old value and writing a new value based on the old value you need to lock or you risk threading issues.
12:07 PM
no, theoretically it is possible
to not read the value and execute an &?
if you can arrange for the compiler to emit an opcode that only takes one clock cycle and updates the register in-place, then that "should" be safe :)
@MikeEdenfield ew really?
@TomW well, the C# spec does not guarantee that it won't.
I suspect that on a 64-bit CPU it might be safer since there will be native 64-bit ops but I haven't really looked into it.
Good luck finding that bug
12:11 PM
w8... so a read on Int64 can be none atomic?
@AdrianK.: Found a song you might enjoy, spotify link - Don't let the intro throw you off.
@tweray I think it's more fun to just let you live with the fear ;)
@tweray yes, apparently.
> 5.5 Atomicity of variable references
> Reads and writes of the following data types are atomic: bool, char, byte, sbyte, short, ushort, uint, int, float, and reference types. In addition, reads and writes of enum types with an underlying type in the previous list are also atomic. Reads and writes of other types, including long, ulong, double, and decimal, as well as user-defined types, are not guaranteed to be atomic.
@scheien woah, I haven't logged into Spotify for so long time already, I like the intro though
@scheien reminds me about this one: play.spotify.com/track/3WW3g2scq0m7ZY5JCxrdWw
shit, i didn't know what a monster i was fighting with D:
12:20 PM
so, it's seems I don't have to worry about incrementing ints without lock? you guys are changing your minds a lot
@tweray n++ is atomic too. at least on 32-bit+ processes on int, or 64-bit+ on long
n += 1 is not. funny eh
@RoelvanUden yeah, I assumed that in practice more things were atomic than were guaranteed by the spec just by nature of how they were turned into opcodes.
A: Is the ++ operator thread safe?

Eric LippertAs other answers have pointed out, no, ++ is not "threadsafe". Something that I think will help as you learn about multithreading and its hazards is to start being very precise about what you mean by "threadsafe", because different people mean different things by it. Essentially the aspect of t...

Spec != Implementation. Sure there are no guarantees but I'd be flipping out of my 64-bit process would not use the x64 instructions to inc etc.
That said, fuck threads, make everythign single threaded and you'll skip a world of pain
@AdrianK. oh, that's nice
12:29 PM
@RoelvanUden 100% this. There is already a full-featured, performant, scaleable solution for performing concurrent work on Windows. It's called Windows.
Jup. And in a C# process doing parallel operations, just make a single processing thread so that you're guaranteed that your code ONLY runs when no other code runs, even if there are async ops being done meanwhile.
Want work done twice as fast, start another process buy another computer.
Holy crap guys. Microsoft have announced that they're porting Windows to Linux.
April fools today already? lol
12:31 PM
totally legit vid guys
oh have we moved on from Rickrolling to Beccarolling?
<3 youtube
room topic changed to C#: Microsoft to announce they're inserting Panini into Linux | Home of Jicama JS! csharpchat.com | gist.github.com - For Easy Code Pasting [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [coreclr] [entity-framework] [java-hate] [jicama] [linq] [panini] [silverlight] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
@Squiggle I dislike you. Capiche?
i am well trained to first hover on any link posted on friday
12:38 PM
@Sippy But I like you, though. Thus, this makes you the bad person.
5 Internet points to the first person to name that TV show.
!!gif captain planet
he man
wtf @CapricaSix lol
also y'all are wrong
"Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors" ?
@Squiggle Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors
+5 Internet points to @MikeEdenfield
So just going back to thread-safety - have you chaps ever come up against bugs caused by threading? do they actually manifest themselves often?
can i cash these points in for internet rewards?
I have.
@Squiggle 10 Points for Gryffindor!
maybe not often though.
@RoelvanUden lol, was just about to write it
12:50 PM
@MikeEdenfield you can cash them in for "smug" at any point
good morning and happy friday ladies and gents
likewise @SteveG, how are you?
pretty good
i have a repair guy coming to look at my tv today
samsung products used to be awesome, now they're the worst
Apparently Samsung TVs are now susceptible to randsomware.
i wasn't aware of that
12:55 PM
a cellphone should only last a year, any longer is a waste
but I do know, that samsung can't make UI's user friendly, or even functional
they might just brought some sucessful experience from their mobile department
They have a button on my remote, to open my set top box Guide, like a universal remote
but they failed to put a button to close said guide
I've read yesterday that both Samsung and Philips are ditching ov TV's
how can you have a button to open the cable guide, but not a button to close it.
12:56 PM
@tweray hell no
a phone should last 5 years
don't argue with me
I'm not
argue with the fruit guys and the korean
don't argue with kendall, he's scary when he's mad
12:58 PM
argue with me instead
no, you spell your name with a v, you're not welcome
good, keep going
!!youtube white devil
12:59 PM
nah, not that one
@Squiggle You do not have permission to use the command undo
@CapricaSix but whyyyyy
1:03 PM
omfg vscode you are killing my hand
how do you push shift + alt + f
@Squiggle omg whyyyyyyyy would you trick me like this
it's like the new rickroll
@tweray: pinky + thumb + index?
@AdrianK. Omg best incantation ever
morning peepls
1:14 PM
@RoelvanUden or another one: PANINI LEVIOSA lol
@Failsafe howdy, how are you?
Glow in the dark panini
@RoelvanUden AVADA JICAMA - instakill
It actually sounds deadly and delicious :-D
kinda like "avocada" :D
good morning earthlings!
1:17 PM
my coffee is really good today
this friday is starting off really well
omg it's friday?
good :)
where did you get your coffee from?
crap, haven't noticed -.-
@SteveG some shoppe in the basement
friday friday! Got to go erm get down on friday
1:18 PM
they have green mountain coffee
its not amazing but its not instant
@Failsafe green mountian?
i didnt have enough time to make a thermos worth at home
@JABFreeware yea its meh
name just sounded weird. Coffee is not my scene
green mountain is the coffee every convenience shop has
pretty much
at least in the north east US
1:22 PM
To be fair 'green mountain' seems to be the most accurate and straightforward possible description of where coffee comes from
@Failsafe I just go for the energy drinks
probably more unhealthy but...
Maybe I should start ordering Pact again
I'm kind of disappointed that the S7 doesn't have IR
like, why take that out :(
@TomW Preferably somewhere in columbia
I should wait for the g5 but my phone is dead
1:24 PM
what was IR used for? remote controls?
@SteveG with impeccable timing I broke mine in Jan and got an S6
haha thats funny, i just had that impeccable timing too.... s4 broke yesterday, s7 released today
Hmm although it's well constructed, glass and metal, it's still picking up a lot of dings
And that's in a case
oh wow
1:26 PM
@TomW I had an S6
The aluminium top edge bit is full of little marks
i quickly replaced it with a nexus 6p
the bloatware is too much
i hate samsung now
i hate samsung now too
i really want that LG G5
Don't hate, just love. Spread the love. It's Friday. Monday is for hatin'
1:27 PM
maybe i should look at nexus phones too
Samsung can do hardware just fine, but their software is literally worse than Shitler.
the nexus is plain and not full of shit
just pure android
plus free updates and new android releases on day one
^ which means actual security patches
i like getting all the new tech though, like built in wireless charging and stuff
let's face the truth, all smartphones are just pain and full of shit
1:28 PM
most smartphones are just pain and full of shit
@Failsafe I <3 my Nexus 10. though, it's battery is finally going to pot and there's no (offiical) way to replace it.
Anyone else have experience with smartwatches?
you guys maybe know what kind of binding do I need to specify wcf service endpoint programatically? I get an error "Content Type application/soap+msbin1 was not supported by service"
@AdrianK. then what's your exception here? my phone is dying, and i should have changed like 6 months ago
1:31 PM
@Squiggle 1 guy at work has a smart watch.
@MikeEdenfield Yea I don't think I can buy a non nexus phone ever again
so far I have not seen him do anything useful with his smartwatch.
i can't go back to bloatware
@Dess what on earth is soap+msbin1?
@Failsafe I got the phone and the tablet
1:31 PM
has anybody here used an HTC One? Any complaints?
@TomW no idea, but that's the error I got:P
I believe that is WCF with binary encoding but over HTTP
@SteveG Had an M8, that was the one I broke
@SteveG Yes, had a first gen
Fragile, severe slowdown, poor battery longevity
1:32 PM
@tweray I've heard that Lenovo and Xiaomi phones' batteries last longer. I agree that those still are crap compared to good ol' Nokia 3310 and I hate that, but using power saving plans and apps can really help. Have you tried it?
oh, well, i guess i can cross that off the list
@MikeEdenfield yeah I've got a Samsung Gear S. It's a neat bit of technology, but I'm still scratching my head over how to make use of it properly :(
Don't ever ever buy direct, their resellers are total shit
I want to get a moto 360 2
my father has one and it looks awesome with a metal band
they're neat, for sure.
I was working on something using the audio APIs, so you could perform actions by clicking your fingers
1:34 PM
SecurityBindingElement securityElement = SecurityBindingElement.CreateUserNameOverTransportBindingElement();
                HttpsTransportBindingElement httpsTransport = new HttpsTransportBindingElement();
                httpsTransport.AuthenticationScheme = System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes.Ntlm;

                CustomBinding binding = new CustomBinding(securityElement, httpsTransport);
@SteveG in actual fact, I was never billed for my M8
Wow Ntlm
lol nice
now I got error that my URI http is incorrent, I need https
I called them and asked them twice to take payment, they never did it
1:34 PM
@Failsafe I got that code from msdn:P
Pretty soon we are going to be walking around like robots in full suits of gadgets, watches and wristbands and VR helmets
They won't be able to anymore, that CC has been replaced twice
@Dess that's because you're trying to bind a HTTPS endpoint right there.
@Michael I want hololens straight to my retinas
Actually I wonder if VR could fit in the work place? instead of needing to buy monitors you just sit at your desk and put on your headset lmao
1:35 PM
hololens contact lenses
you wouldnt be able to see your keyboard though.
@Failsafe I'd like that too.
@Michael HoloLens is AR not VR
@Squiggle I know it is, I never said it was VR
@Squiggle it was http, when I changed to https I got an error that I need to fill the username in ClientCredentials:P
@Michael so... with AR you can still see your keyboard
1:37 PM
I said VR
ah sorry
I was commenting to my own comment, not very clear
jquery.com down? or is it me only?
shit, it's still on for me
1:40 PM
just you
good for you, can we switch network? ;)
try use google page translate hit it
oh thats clever
or cleaver
or whichever one means smart, and not the tool used to hack people
english, hard
@AdrianK. Use the backup site: jqueery.com
1:42 PM
takes forever to load :O
@SteveG English. Not even once....
both of these sites
@Failsafe not even once what?
I have a html.textbox in one view. Is there a way I can access the value of the textbox in a different view?
@SteveG "Clever", FYI
1:43 PM
<-- reference

<-- you
@Squiggle thanks
@Failsafe you're not making any sense
1:45 PM
im a 30 year old who still enjoys eating lunchables quit often, i'll admit it
@SteveG Same
Ever make your own lunchables that aren't made from shitty food?
@TomW wat what?
HQ lunchables
Premium Lunchables?
1:47 PM
@mikeTheLiar oh, UTC
I was going to say no, GMT
@Squiggle Yea
@TomW yeah, I just didn't want to ping you at like 11 at night. Let you get your beauty sleep and whatnot.
ASP.NET 5 = MVC 5 or MVC 6 ?
Hey, is this a stupid EBNF notation?
<FieldList> ::= (<Field>";")*
should it be like <FieldList> ::= <Field>";" (<Field>";")*
@SteveHémond = ASP.Net Core 1.0 hanselman.com/blog/…
1:52 PM
WTF ASP.NET 5 is dead !? I spent like 1 hour upgrading VS 2015 to get that thing into it ?!
Lads, needed a help with regards to a basic question
@SteveHémond ASP.NET 5 = MVC 5, ASP.NET Core 1.0 = MVC 6
@SteveHémond It's not dead. We're all still using it. Heck, ASP.NET Core isn't even stable yet.
@The_Outsider just ask the question
1:53 PM
First rule of this chat room.
> Don't ask if you can ask, it is recursive
but can I ask if I can ask if I can ask
I have a html.Textbox control in which the user can enter a value. Is there a way of accessing the value of that textbox from another view?
Thanks for the clarifications. At least, if I ever start a project using ASP.NET 5, will it be easy to migrate it to ASP.NET Core ?
@The_Outsider well,
@Ggalla1779 No, you cannot ask if you can if you can ask if you can ask.
1:56 PM
do you mean partial view? because the web is stateless, so, accessing a textbox from a page t hat doesn't exist anymore doesnt make sense
pe wpew
@SteveHémond Oh wait, ASP.NET 5 == ASP.NET Core 1.0. I meant to say ASP.NET 4
@SteveG you forgot about the all mighty webforms, which tries to create state.
yeah but that doesn't have html.textbox
i also didn't include SPA's
because, i'm pretty sure he's not doing that
might not be mvc too
It's a fair assumption though
1:59 PM

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