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posted on February 29, 2016 by ericlippert

This is a large domed temple. A piece of rope descends from the railing of the dome, about 20 feet above, ending some five feet above your head. On the east wall is an ancient inscription, probably a prayer in … Continue reading →

How can I get a list of all DLLs registered on PC/ server?
hi guys, is anyone aware of how to use xcopy to copy only the matching files but directly dump in the destination without resembling the folder structure?
@Ggalla1779 'registered' in what sense? In the GAC?
all DLLs? or managed assemblies
gacutil /l
yuh fyad!
John Oliver's segment on Trump is pretty good
it's 2016 people!
@TomW as in Active X DLL
am looking to see if it says location of DLLs
@Amy cost on those hats is 17$ plush shipping.. umm someone want to tell him he was ripped off
@Amy I just watched it. It's a really good take-down.
@juanvan probably manufactured in the USA at short notice, plus shipping isn't as cheap as most people think.
Bankruptcy = trump
!!google get list of registered dlls
I tried
@CapricaSix thanks
True - would love to make sure before ordering it
@juanvan bankruptcy gets the value of Trump?
Trump.GetCurrent().GoBankrupt().Then(x=> x.Profit())
"Trump" is still an euphemism for "fart".
public class Trump
public void Stump()
throw new CantStumpTrumpException();
@BenChand False
Rubio stumped Trump
Trump : IStumpable error - invalid type, Trump cannot implement IStumpable
His latest gem is retweeting quotes from Mussolini, and when challenged on it, basically saying "What? They're good quotes"
Rubio is a cyborg
@BenChand RomneyBot 2.0
So he is literally a fascist, and still the Idiocracy don't care
It's amazing, really.
@CapricaSix The last 1 link was wrong but when I found it it was very good... managed to get location of registered DLL...even had target you move over anything that tells you what process its from...that will come in handy""
He has discovered the secret to winning an election.
it doesn't actually matter what you say as long as you say it angrily enough.
Trump is the right age bracket for Vietnam, isn't he? What does his service record look like?
@Ggalla1779 Caprica's a bot, she won't respond.
rich kid
yur kidding
i should have focused on javascript earlier
he's never served; his draft was deferred (I think more than once)
I proposed marriage last week!!
I love all the bernie sanders fans on reddit who are donating their life savings, and then he keeps losing to hilary
@Amy thanks amy for highlighting the bot feature...thats kool
@Ggalla1779 Good news, or bad?
@MikeEdenfield how convenient. And still they don't care
plus, a good chunk of the things he says he wants to do are blatently illegal and there's a decent chance the military would just flat out ignore him.
@KendallFrey 404 error
@Ggalla1779 how many goats did you get?
@MikeEdenfield he's literally running on a platform of war crimes
@mikeTheLiar what I was supposed to get goats...virtual
he is. he's recently come out in favor of outright torture -- and called it that -- as well as attacking and killing the family members of potential terrorists.
but I'm 100% convinced he doesn't mean any of that.
I'm 100% convinced that he's a buffoon.
that the minute he gets elected he's going to just pick out a bunch of people who know WTF they're really doing and do whatever they tell him.
@mikeTheLiar several GOP candidates have outright endorsed war crimes, such as bombing non-militant families
There are like two mass shootings a week in the US. Do none of them have the good grace to take him out? Priorities, people
I'm trying to find the tweet but the joke was something along the lines of "I hope Trump gets elected, I've never seen a president get assassinated before"
the modern GOP could use a solid dose of compassion.
haha murder
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy
My wife and I actually got in to a fight about whether or not we'd leave the country
She wants to wait and see if it really gets that bad
I don't think it will get that bad.
Other political blocs should be drawing up sanctions ready for all the treaties he's likely to tear up
by himself there's only so much damage he can really do.
as someone outside of the US, i hope he gets elected because it'll be a right laugh
and his own party hates him largely because he's not really a conservative, and he doesn't seem to care one bit about their support, so it's unlikely he'll sign the things they want.
I'm more of the position that it's a condemnation of the general populace of the US
we talkin trump
Even if it doesn't get that bad I don't particularly want to live in a country that would elect that man.
yuh fyad!
what a joke
the only good trump is doing is giving dems 8 more year
he's gonna win. we should get used to it.
lol, $3000 hololens dev kit, who's in?
lol not even close
he's the only candidate running right now that beats Hillary and Bernie
@SteveG implying anyone is going to vote for hillary
EU-BRIC economic sanctions against the US would be a beautiful thing to watch. I'm mainly thinking the Paris treaty here
especially if the Democrats force Hillary down everyone's throat despite her rapidly dwindling popularity
he has the support of 1/3 of the republican party, which is 1/3 of the total
I like Trump in tv shows..... as President errr not so sure
@SteveG his views are way closer to Sanders than Hillary is so if it's Trump v. Hillary a lot of independant/centrist dems are likely to jump
Is there anyway to create a this kind of an effect in UWP/C#?
@tweray while it does look Cool - its not that cool
> Data from Public Policy Polling show that a third of Mr. Trump’s backers in South Carolina support barring gays and lesbians from entering the country nytimes.com/2016/02/25/upshot/…

Hillary "pls print" Clinton
@MikeEdenfield idk what drugs you're on, but start sharing
Basically, make an area of the application completely see through transparent and then add a blur layer on top of that?
trump has views? lmao
@DemCodeLines there has to be UWP uses xaml
@juanvan yeah, i was expecting something around $1000-1500, 3k is way too crazy and going to block most individual developers
politics be gone
@SteveG he's getting tons of support from conservatives because he talks good talk. but historically his political views are way liberal. he supports single-payor health care, for example, and legalized abortions.
I don't know how to make it completely see through in XAML though.
@MikeEdenfield only 1/3 of republicans like him, and republicans only make up ~28% of the voting pop
@SteveG but lots of non conservatives like him too
but conservative turnout is typically much higher
@DemCodeLines in the brush - you using a resource? Opacity=""
Q: Transparent window with a border

Brian HvarregaardIm trying to make a small screenshot program, im making a small WPF window with a border. This should function as a "Viewport" so everything inside the window (within the border) should be screenshottet. How ever when i set the transparency of the window to 0 then i cant see my border. Any ideas ...

Is that what you mean?
who wants to put money on trump vs hillary
Ugh that is a nasty ticket
hillary's personal email was [email protected]
because 1 -> 16 were taken on clintonemail.com
Hillary's emails weren't that bad
it was only nuclear secrets and information on CIA operatives
nothing that bad imho
@mikeTheLiar I am trying to achieve this effect: i.imgur.com/27fUxtM.jpg
Notice how the left bar is transparent/blur and you can see behind the window through the blur.
trump is only doing good, because he tied into the anger of 1/3 of the republican party. With nothing but a message of hate. When he comes to the general election, he has nothing, no plans, other than build a wall, no ideas, just a bunch of "i'm top in the polls" shit
Hillary is connected to four separate FBI investigations. That should give any voter pause.
whoops how could I forget the really calm non critical information like the coverup of benghazi and censoring of youtube/google
how are you doing the coloring @DemCodeLines?
i'm split between hillary and sanders
totally not bad
@SteveG sanders has no chance
@SteveG he's going to be, just, so good. So good you won't even believe it. Just so, so good
@juanvan What do you mean by the coloring?
@mikeTheLiar lmao
the background fill
@BenChand we'll find out after tomorrow. no candidate who loses on Super Tuesday has ever won the party nomination.
For the rest of the window? Or the blur section?
@BenChand @SteveG On one hand you have a senator who committed literal treason and another who has no experience
@Amy tomorrow is going to be so entertaining
which is better?
for the blur section @DemCodeLines
@Failsafe who committed treason?
@Failsafe trump because he isn't the puppet of one of the major banks in the US
I dont think you all know what treason is
acts against the country
kind of, but not really, treason requires intent
treason isn't just acting against your country. it's actively aiding an enemy of your country.
@juanvan Not started yet, but doing Google research brought these two results: Option 1 and Option 2
what if you're the enemy?
just doing something stupid that puts your country at risk is not treason.
I don't know the name of the crime she should be convicted for
that's because it's a ridiculously minor and technical crime.
she's a liar. I'll admit that. Name which politician you support who isn't a liar?
failure to properly secure classified information, or something like that
he's just a lad
@MikeEdenfield How is that minor?
lol, if you think trump is honest
there were nuclear secrets in there
because there's no proof that anything bad happened
who cares
he was right about jeb
jeb is a nasty guy
and it's something that probably 80% of Congress does all the time
snowden did the same thing
@BenChand I think you mean Jeb!
you know, when you look at your bills, and think "why the fuck are they adding all these additional charges", thats trump and people like him
no. Snowden actively stole and published classified information.
I don't really think Jeb! even really wanted to be president
snowden should be executed
the people Snowden stole from did the same thing as Hillary and no one called them traitors
He was just running because "that's what Bushes do"
Jeb's mom pressured him into signing up for president tryouts
please clap
god, that video of him saying "please clap" was so fucking pathetic
if you're happy and you know it, gtfo because it's monday
Jeb was definitely the right candidate to fire this week, good job Trump
i honestly couldn't believe he said that.
@Amy it's so pathetic that I didn't think it was real at first... like, he must have meant something else.
there's no way a seasoned politician like him would ask for applause
but, apparently he did
> pause for applause -
oh shit no one is applauding
if i had to have a republican pres, i'd pick that ohio gov first, kasdfasdfich
Did you guys see the video of Cruz trying to kiss his daughter
Jeb Kerman > Jeb Bush
I didn't believe it was real until I saw the video. Even with the video, I can't help wonder if it was taking out of context. It's just so sad.
I was like, "did someone edit out the rest of that statement? was he asking us to clap for someone else?"
@Failsafe lmao yeah
@mikeTheLiar you're fired
@mikeTheLiar lol
@BenChand does that mean I can go home?
@mikeTheLiar yes you may leave the boardroom
Ted Cruz endorsed that "kill the gays" pastor. he scares me more than Trump
cruz is crazy too
thankfully he has no chance at the nomination
best pastor:
Trump loves everyone
!!youtube jesus christ is my nigger
rubio is just a child with big words
I'm not convinced that he's not a sociopath
oh gods the cringe plz make it stop
@SteveG you misspelled "robot"
lol yea
did you see him go at trump though?
Rubio is just a child with big robots?
rub rub rub
pulled out his cell phone and grammar policed trump
@SteveG Maybe the trick to stumping trump is to be a gigantic asshole in debates
@SteveG wait, what? Video or it didn't happen
Trump can dish it but can he take it
@Squiggle rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a oh god my childhood
@mikeTheLiar rubio, literally made me laugh out loud as he ripped on trump, let me find a video
a genie pops out of @KendallFrey
!!xkcd lamp
@mikeTheLiar ow. Don't make me laugh like that. I work in an open-plan office :-/
How do I make TFS stop being so utterly thick?
i.e. undo all files with no changes
@KendallFrey undo each one individually?
@Squiggle I'm a programmer, how dare you
I'm a pragmatist.
you know why trump can't spell? because he hasn't read a book in 30 years, he had his assistants doing it. He'll need somebody to read the bills to him before he signs them, lmao
Guys is anyone here familiar with Grunt?
Trump can't spell?
How is that man so rich
@Sippy Gulp > Grunt
@Sippy he inherited $200m
that's how
He's worth billions though
"If he didn't inherit $200M, he would be selling watches on a corner in NYC"
His net worth is entirely arbitrary. His businesses are mostly in debt.
-Rubio 2016
If he'd have just invested his inheritance in a spread of stocks rather than playing business he'd be way more cash-rich than he is right now.
the man is a buffoon
@Failsafe are you seriously republican?
if someone gave me 200mill I would be a baffoon too
If someone gave me $200m I'd fucking quit my job and go live on a beach and never speak to anyone again
and buy a jetski
and a yacht
@Sippy that right there, is the life
i need to do my taxes
i keep forgetting
if somebody gave me 200m, i'd just grab a backpack and drift around the country
maybe in a van, down by the river
who here knows fluent api
the fuck kind of question is that
I know what a fluent API is.
"fluent api", not A fluent api
33 secs ago, by Kendall Frey
the fuck kind of question is that
!!google fluent api
I'm assuming he's referring to EF
@SteveG I know a bit but I'm far from an expert
Then bye
@KendallFrey hi
w00t. Just ordered 2 Raspberry Pi 3s
hi whats up
i use data annotations :/
@KendallFrey nothing what are you doing
like usual
@Rusty if you keep your domain models and persistence stuff in different projects, this helps prevent you from having to install the EF nuget on your domain model project
+, your domain model isn't cluttered with a bunch of persistence annotations
now i am trying to avoid data annotations, it might take a while
@SteveG I always fancied owning a street of houses
I'm seeing cases where using sp_getapplock to get a lock within a stored procedure is allowing more throughput than when I use the default behavior of letting multiple instances of the stored procedure run concurrently.
@Ggalla1779 yeah, have you ever played monopoly?
@SteveG you use automapper with the EF DTO split?
if the space station has internet is it now the Universe Wide Web?
@juanvan what
i prefer attribute mapping for EF
hi kids
@Codeman hey dad
mom wants to know when you're coming home
it's been 10 years....
your EF to Domain models
@juanvan nah, i basically, create a domain model, and then afterwards, map it to the data with fluent api, not sure what you would need an auto-mapper for or the DTO split? we split the domain model data at the app layer into dto's?
@CharlieBrown Hi
Ya that is what I was wondering
oh okay
smoking is bad, m'kay
the breaks are nice
automapper can be nice for getting a splice of your models
@juanvan do you remember, I asked you last week whether using foreach for saving multiple items is a good idea or not? and you responded yes it is.
for saving? ya I think I remember - I use foreach to loop over xml files read them and then save the contents
@Codeman Sup grandpa
@NoMore_CodeMaster gave you that example
Why does restricting parallelization help my performance so much? Why does the query engine insist on making itself stumble? Does any human really understand SQL deadlocks?

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