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But in this case, where I can't add new values I need to examine line Nr7, right?
@TravisJ I'd imagine so, but it's not such a small group ;)
I'll definitely take the time to go at some point
I plan on being here for awhile :)
@Codeman - Hah :)
Currently, if I add anything new and hit save nothing happens, no new value added.

@NoMore_CodeMaster - Yeah, if you wish to communicate that no value was added that would be where to do it
So you could convey to the user "No record added. Duplicate information already present."
but what about the 3rd value that I'm trying to add?
Hi I'm on the way home from first day of new company.
It's been interesting
@TravisJ first 2 already exist, but if I select another value and hit save nothing happens
Some of it is rather different than old company, I have to get used to it
No requirements or documentaction to read is the biggest difference and the open floor plan
One big monitor but I prefer two
Cool thing is they pay for my lunch up to a certain amount
@KalaJ invest in a good pair of headphones, you won't regret it
circumaural - they cover your ears and are comfortable to wear all day
impossible to get work done in an open office plan otherwise for knowledge workers
It's hard to get used to, I feel exposed lol but yeah headphones are good
Also does a company on hired typically change salary after an interview? Lol
So I talked to other company today and they offered me less than they told me before
no - that'd be a giant red flag if I got that
Hmm thanks Reed
@KalaJ - How did you deal with the other offer?
@TravisJ it's still the same.
yeah that is a big red flag
They lowered it! Last week they told me they want to make me an offer and I wasn't able to talk to them on Friday
On hired.com and interview, they offered $90k
And what did they drop it to?
Two months later it's down to 80
and you are currently hired at 77? I would leave that other place alone at this point
They told me they weren't sure they had enough work
I'd ignore it for that, too
sounds like they don't have their act together
Hence the two months
@TravisJ I think "if (casetype == null)" is playing a big role...
@ReedCopsey agree
I'm going to make a pros and cons list
I'll post it when I get home
This is embarrassing to admit but most .net companies on nyc don't pay well
Js developers make more
@KalaJ - Have you heard of Stack Exchange?
They are a new york based asp.net mvc company.
yes, there are many .NET companies in NY area that pay very well
Especially with all the financial companies there. They do a lot of pattern analysis and automated trading.
I'm still young, so I'll just move up and work hard :)
Yeah I should have taken more time with this but just wanted to leave boring work at old company asap
Haha travis, SE in the future
I'm not smart enough for them now
It'll be like applying to Google
@TravisJ I tried every possible thing that crossed my mind but no luck.
@TravisJ could this be the problem?
@NoMore_CodeMaster It appears that Code or Code.**Id** is null. Try setting a breakpoint on that line (the if statement line) and step through...
Oh my bad. I just realised you already did that. lol
Ok then
@NoMore_CodeMaster where exactly are you setting the value of Code.Id? Is it a value coming from the database, or are you setting it in code somewhere? If in database - check the record manually. Make sure it's the right format your code is expecting and that the record isn't empty. Otherwise, set a breakpoint where you are setting the value of Code.Id (if you are setting it yourself).
The code.id is basically the the Id from parent table which is called CaseTypeDD. This table holds all of the definition and codes. Example:
Id: 1
Code: STA
Definition: Standard
In CaseType table, CaseTypeDD is FK, so I only save the Id here.
You can see here
but to be honest, I can't believe that I've spent almost 5 days on this
I need to change my strategy, I can't waste my time with this.
@ReedCopsey yeah, I had a company on Hired.com post their salary as $120k then offer me a contract gig for 12 weeks at ~$100k salary equivalent, lol
I uhh... turned that one down
@Codeman, ah I see.
I think whichever job I pick next will be really challenging and engaging (ideally anyway)
and that would help in my interview strengths for next time
Current company is using Unity for IoC (Never done IoC before :O), Akka and Elastic as well as Xamarin, so that's really exciting!
That includes sophisticated matching algorithms and large codebase
tons of web services
Really cool stuff I want more experience in
Hi Steve
How are you?
Thanks everyone for helping me. I need to sleep now. My brain is throwing exceptions...
Missed the chance to help but I'm glad you're welcome. Have a good night Codemaster
@KalaJ Thanks for calling my original name :D
haha np
@SteveG mayo
@juanvan Ever figured out how to do it?
1 hour later…
What the heck! You can't make the WPF Page transparent (so you see the desktop behind it)?
3 hours later…
guten morgen.
God morgen!
Morning @AvnerShahar-Kashtan @TomW
Still on the train @TomW?
Or are you done with the long commute?
Most days, yeah
Went to bed at like 9. Could happily sleep another three hours or so.
Thats early.
How long is your commute? 2 hours?
good morning folks, can anyone answer issue i am facing in asp mvc cache , here is the question. Any help would be great.
how do I create a function that accepts A2:A3 as functions?
vba example f(A2:A3)
Would that be considered an array?
@stom: You should cache static content (css, images) on the client.
Array of what strings or ints?
@William: I assume that it depends on what type the cells are.
@scheien There mixed.
AX:Ax is called Range.
Function MyFunc(rng As Range)
// some logic
End Function
Then you can use that in your spreadsheet like =MyFunc(A1:A10)
@scheien it can be on an unlucky day. Usually not quite that
Just got on an unscheduled train that's an hour late. Those people's day sucks
@TomW You're working with multiple clients each week? Or are you assigned to a client on given projects?
Just one client
> “No problem,” your developer says, “I can take care of that if you don’t mind some technical debt.” She then proceeds to rip a wormhole into the middle of a busy street, diverting all traffic into what looks like some kind of desert somewhere. Traffic problem solved. Ship it.
@scheien As soon as I add rng as Range it stops working.
Function Test2(r As Range)
    MsgBox "test"
    Test2 = "test"
End Function
no return or message box
I just found an example online.
@scheien yes thats what i did when i use httpExpires in chrome console it shows: 500 Internal Server Error for images and fonts
This works although another step is added
Function Cells2(ParamArray Args() As Variant)
    MsgBox "test"
    Cells2 = "test"
End Function
So I figured it out a had R1C1 mode on witch was evaluating my formulas but giving invalid results I think
@TomW That's a good read :-)
@RoelvanUden I agree. I've fallen into many of those traps myself over the years.
Indeed. I just realized how I tried to do the same metaphore bullshit just yesterday. It's never accurate. But the one I talked to might think so. Oh dear. :D
Great article indeed.
I usually end up using some car related metaphors.
and they're never any good
I'm waiting for the day that people will use software development-related metaphors when building something else.
Then we'll know that the discipline has matured.
@TomW I'm not sure I agree with that 100%. Also everytime the word 'agile' is written or said I get red spots...mostly because it's used by people that do not now what that means.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Until then, use <choose random name here> metaphor.
and I usually use the metaphor of building a house, instead of a skyscraper. Mostly because you can extend a house/it's known that houses can be extended which includes building a larger basement/extending the foundation of the house

does this url looks okay ?
It's not very user friendly if that's what you mean.
I have list of categories, then list of reports, then a single report preview

and I am confused how to show it
I only have control on this part... #/categories/2/reports
Do you have other reports than those tied to categories?
e.g. reports/categories/2

not sure what 2 represents though. Category id?
and yeah, you can use the setup you already have.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan It will be unlikely. It's very hard for someone to understand software that isn't a dev. Unless we're all devs at some point. But that'd be awkward really.
@Roel van Uden you're fired!
@BenChand You have no power here, Ben Chand the Gray.
Donald J Trump
Immune to reason.
Tap: Fire target creature.
Low health, should be taken care of easily
The one on the right has replaced his eyes with his mouth.
Truly didn't notice.
Oooo. Hololens dev kit is available for preorder! $3000.
it looks terrible
Really? of all the VR/AR kit, I think it looks the most elegant by far
@Squiggle I agree. It looks awesome. That price though, can't afford that :(
@BenChand Honestly? I think that looks frickin' awesome. Perhaps not the best demo, but the tech is magnificent.
@scheien yes, I have reports Ids
I will have standard reports and customized ones but that's it
aaaaand there's a Windows 10 build for the Raspberry Pi 3. Crikey.
can my dream of pocket cortanas finally come true!?
@Mathematics: I'd probably go for a title on the report. e.g. reporting on a given category 2 for sold products: /category/2/report/products-sold
either way, be consistent with the structure you choose.
the message for chat is wrong
needs updating
@BenChand Still true, still true.
1 message moved to Trash can
That's where he belongs.
@RoelvanUden You said what everyone was thinking. +1
room topic changed to C#: panini.ForEach(p => a.Insert(p)); | Home of JicamaJS! csharpchat.com [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [coreclr] [entity-framework] [java-hate] [jicama] [linq] [panini] [silverlight] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
Can anyone resolve my problem stackoverflow.com/questions/…
@Squiggle Woo!
Q: Error While binding wizard

vatsalBelow is the wizard code. <asp:Wizard ID="Wizard1" runat="server" DisplaySideBar="false" OnNextButtonClick="Wizard1_NextButtonClick" CssClass="" OnFinishButtonClick="Wizard1_FinishButtonClick" FinishCompleteButtonText="Publish" OnLoad="Wizard1_Load" OnInit="Wizard1_Init" OnPreviousButton...

Does anyone else have this same problem? Every time I'm really getting into the flow of building a great application I'm assigned to a different project. Like, at least once a week. Usually every few days.
@RoelvanUden yeah for me it's mostly a colleague needing some help with something entirely different or the telephone ringing.
@SteffenWinkler not sure you agree with what?
I mean that week A you're doing project A, week B project B, week C project C, then week D back to project A.
Like I still know what I was doing a few weeks ago.
@TomW the content of the article
@RoelvanUden I'm lucky if I know what I worked on before the weekend...
Same here. Great. So I'm not the only one with this problem. Every dev is just getting smacked around by the whims of business I guess
I now just write what I was working on in the .cs file so I get a compilation exception on monday morning and can read what I need to do past me didn't want to do on friday
In what respect? The general gist I think is that nontechnical managers still won't get it, even with the aid of colourful metaphors. If that hasn't been your experience you've had better managers than I.
@SteffenWinkler That's what I do too, but it's rarely enough to understand all the loose ends you still had hanging. In the progress of the week I'll just run across things I knew I had to do and now have trouble figuring out because fucking context switches make remembering details of x weeks ago quite impossible.
did you guys maybe encountered issue with bom characters in xml files?
@Squiggle ?
@TomW nah, that part is fine. I'm more irked by the 'construction metaphors are bad because agile is 1337 and we are 1337 and everyone should use agile because you don't need to know shit about how your database has to look because we're so agile we can redesign the database on the spot. Because agile.'
Agile Agile Agile agile Agile Agile Agile. Agile!
Yeah, I don't interpret it in that way.
Fuck Agile sideways seriously fuck it hard
Construction metaphors are bad because software isn't like construction.
I hate that word.
You know that Hodor guy? They should've put an Agile guy in IT Crowd.
Agile wasn't a thing then was it?
@Dess Sure. They're a pain.
@TomW but the metaphors work.
Plus they weren't a software team lol
@Sippy Then maybe they should introduce an Agile guy in TBBT?
That could work
No, they don't, for the reasons described.
@TomW but the reason is 'agile woooo'
No it's not. Read it again.
there is no solid (heh) reason given
Their reason is that a database is 'fluid'
which is bs
if your database scheme is fluid you did a shitty job designing it
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan do you know maybe why when I have file with bom character at the beginning of the file parsing xml app works on my computer, but it throws error when someone else is using it somewhere else?
there can be extensions to a database, like new fields or another table. But you never go and throw the entire thing around
That word does not appear anywhere in the article. So if there is BS anywhere...
Except if you're 'agile'. Because if you're 'agile' you don't need to do shit when designing and planing your application
@TomW what word?
Agile? Yeah that's in the article
The one you 'quoted'
That wasn't a quote, but more a descriptive word for what they wrote in the article
Agile methodologies are a reaction to the "software as buildings" methodologies. They're a step in the right direction in the sense that they're trying to build a set of principles that's designed for how software projects actually work, rather than trying to force software developement into the mold of construction.
That doesn't mean they're necessarily good.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan the problem is that people used the metaphors wrong or used the wrong idea of construction. A skyscraper metaphor wouldn't work as it's too far fetched. People have no idea what goes on when constructing a skyscraper
Keep it small, that's the entire idea of a metaphor. Construction of a house. Everyone has some idea what goes on there
You've people building a roof (UI), the house (business logic/framework) and the foundation (database). That can all happen in parallel or in sequence
@Codeman You work on team services amirite
Then you can change the interiors, some without effort (new fridge/bed/whatever) some with more effort (merging two rooms by removing a wall) and some will have serious consequences (removing a structural wall)
I'm proposing a solution: Everyone that manages software development team must have been a software developer for at least 2 years. There we go. Problem solved. Now everyone involved know how it works.
@RoelvanUden How else would that work?
@RoelvanUden can we up that criteria to "must have worked as a developer on at least one successful project"?
@SteffenWinkler No, they really can't. Too many things that are inherent to software development don't map to house construction.
@Squiggle I'd be happy to.
@SteffenWinkler the article talks about the above "can be parallel" idea as a misleading thing in the Component Assembly part.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan give an example please
@Squiggle Define successful :/
Can you build a roof using a mock framework without having foundations? Sure.
That last web forms project was deemed successful
I can tell you now I would gladly burn all their backups and go to prison for it
Can you define your house's skeleton blueprints, then send off to the Ukraine to have someone build a roof that fits your skeleton?
@ntohl The author doesn't understand that metaphor. The correct interpretation/variant would be that of course you re-use the idea (algorithm) to build a leg, but you need legs on some of your furniture (bed, table) just like you need the compiled assembly on your different programs/need to link it in
Reusability in software construction is completely different. If you build an application like you would a house, you would be racking up a lot of technical debt doing so.
@Sippy "Delivered in a timely manner and provided business value deemed beneficial for the cost."
@Squiggle Yeah they did that.
@Sippy there ya go. Even if it was a bodge job you've still got experience out of it. "I never want to do it that way ever again"
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan only if your team lead is micromanaging
The problem with metaphors is that they're always incomplete. You could be using a construction metaphor to explain real issues with software development, but your metaphor will carry over with it a lot of expectations that you wouldn't want to apply, but can't separate.
Business value means "Oh look a shiny website" to one person, and to another it means "A codebase with sound and maintainable structure."
@Squiggle Yeah I do xD
No regrets
I refuse to regret webforms.
Your team lead/manager tells you to do feature X now -> you explain what needs to be done (use metaphors if needed) -> time estimation -> done.
@Sippy Eh. Maintainability is a tough sell when trying to define business value.
if your team lead/manager goes as far down as saying that function X, Y and Z need to be in assembly A and B your team lead sucks
Is it?
Sometimes it's nice meeting your customers in person. Get a face of the person behind all those stupid emails
"100 hours now will save us 500 hours later."
and if you let him tell you that, you suck
It's just investment.
Any decent businessman should understand that.
Sure, but it's an unquantifiable investment.
@JakobMillah why would anyone want that? ;)
If your construction metaphor causes your project to be planned badly - first design infrastructure, then build the server, then build the UI, meaning you have no usable system until all three parts are completed - then the metaphor has failed.
Because that might get you to understand that person @SteffenWinkler :P
You can say that this is the sign of bad management - which is true - but if the sign of good management is to ignore parts of your metaphor, then your metaphor is harmful.
@Squiggle Someone should make a way to quantify maintainability.
It cannot be that hard...
@JakobMillah I totally agree. Most of the times you understand why and what they're writing later on. because you can imagine their body language.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan no the point is that you don't need certain metaphors at all, or shouldn't need them
People have written papers on why it is so hard. Shit.
@Sippy I'm sure academics have tried. It's difficult to get metrics that can be applied throughout different teams/technologies.
@JakobMillah yeah...right... ;)
@SteffenWinkler But of course... There are also the customers you'll NEVER understand. We got that kind as well ;)
That complains on every single issue, while they are the biggest
@SteffenWinkler But the "house construction" metaphor can be as problematic as the "skyscraper" metaphor. If you build software like you build a house, you'll have problems.
WRT maintainability, I love the anti-monolithic approaches people are taking now. Frameworks to do bits of things. Just look at the OWIN pipeline. It's lovely.
We nuget all the things
So we don't have to write anything twice if we don't need to
Not sure how I feel about that yet
Stretching metaphors is like pulling taffy. The further you stretch, the less consistency it has. Or something.
@Squiggle That image works. Probably because it's a simile, not a metaphor.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Your face is a simile.
Word of the day: Bloviate. v. To talk at length, especially in an inflated or empty way.
I finally bothered to look up that kappa thing all you kids are doing these days.
It's only @Sippy that does that.
Nah I've infected Squiggle and Tom as well
Tom doesn't know it yet
Who is that kappa guy, anyhow?
He worked for Twitch
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan what does it mean?
@SteffenWinkler Apparently "I'm kinda trolling you now". lazythunk.com/kappa
ah, thank you
anyone know any good resources on refactoring legacy code bases
have 4 websites hanging off 3 databases so much spaghetti
@AlexH Apply the strangler pattern and a lot of elbow-grease.
@Squiggle I wasn't aware of that pattern, cheers
some decent case studies there
@Squiggle I tried building a normalised data model and then created a repo which mapped the existing tables to it, but I didn't anticipate the levels of spaghetti
@AlexH chip away at it piece-by-piece. Stick in a facade that does nothing, then slowly componentise parts of the application.
One legacy project I worked on was almost entirely wrapped in UI integration tests before we even touched the back-end.
took a couple of years
@Squiggle that was my thought yesterday. Was thinking about wrapping most of the db functionality in a webservice
that's a good place to start
then moving the dependent sites to that webservice one by one
data access is often the ugliest part of any legacy app
Or you can map your system and draw a dependency tree, and slowly improve it bit-by-bit
That sounds like a good idea
If I have two database tables e.g. Tournament and PoulePhase, and PoulePhase has a FK to Tournament, is it (for performance maybe) better to also create a boolean in the Tournament table: hasPoulePhase?
@ErwinOkken No. Databases are good at inferring stuff like that.
Not necessary, assuming the FK is nullable.
If PouleHase exists, it always has a FK to Tournament.
(You can create tournaments with or without a PoulePhase, with or without a loser round and with or without a winners round)
in EF you can just say Tournament.PoulePhase != null, surely?
What's a Poule?
Isn't that a chicken?
In the domain of tournaments I'd recognise the term PoolPhase. Typo?
Oh, I assumed it would be Poule.. (Dutch word apparantly) PoolPhase then I guess :)
Just a general idea, not EF or something.
Anyone ever used Fast Report?
Aha. If your codebase is Francophone the meaning would be unchanged
@JakobMillah No, but a coworker once convinced an annoying project manager than he had improved performance by replacing his Repository class with a FastRepositoryclass.
It is now the Chicken Phase.
The Phase of the Chicken.
What is the Phase of the Chicken? It is waxing. A Waxing Chicken is on the horizon.
I'll stop now.
You are nuts man
Just hungry.
We ordered rotisserie chicken.
me too
I've home made pizza. Very nice
What the heck are superdelegates?
!!wiki superdelegate
In United States politics, a "superdelegate" is a delegate to the Democratic National Convention that is seated automatically and chooses who they want to vote for. These Democratic Party superdelegates include distinguished party leaders and elected officials, including all Democratic members of the House and Senate and sitting Democratic governors. Other superdelegates are chosen during the primary season. Democratic superdelegates are free to support any candidate for the nomination. This contrasts with convention "pledged" delegates that are selected based on the party primaries and caucuses...
!!wiki thanks
Thanks may refer to: {{TOC right} Benita Alberto 25 com and 2009 == Film and TV == Thanks (TV series), a 1999 American sitcomdawoodhAfeez786 Thanks (film), a 2011 American film == Music == === Albums === Thanks, an album by w-inds. Thanks, a 2013 album by Shelby Lynne Thanks, a 2004 album by Marty Grosz Thanks, a 2003 album by Ivan Neville === Songs === "Thanks", a song by Shelby Lynne from the album Thanks "Thanks", a song by Bing Crosby from the Too Much Harmony soundtrack "Thanks", a song by Jack Hammer 1966 "Thanks", a song by J. Vincent Edwards 1969 "Thanks", a song by Freedom ...
Superdelegates sound like the opposite of democracy lol
give a subset of people more voting power
Pretty much. Yep.
Clinton is destroying poor bernie through these superdelegates
Aye. They're good at maintaining politics-as-usual.
I have a MySQL database that contains about 5 millions rows of data that never changes. I've created a WCF service for request/responses. Would caching this data in system.runtime.caching improve any performance. Or would 5 million objects be too much
Or am I better off , just retrieving what I need from the database on each request
Does any region of that data get accessed more often?
If you can break it down by some key and only cache a subset that will be accessed often, you could maintain performance for most requests and not eat too much memory
At 1k per record you're talking about 5GB of data to cache.
That is the problem I'm encountering is the cache is using so much memory
Increasing memory on your server is a viable solution.
but @TomW's suggestion is good
What is the performance of system.runtime.caching like ? E.g searching lists of data
depends how these records are being accessed - e.g. if any are more popular than others
E.g. use the month as a cache key if you know that your LoB app mostly processes data from the most recent month
Never used that particular cache lib
Probably best to experiment :D
Yeah, I'm thinking that
Cheers for the input
I've used memorycache to cache data in wcf a couple of years ago. not nearly the same size you're talking about though
I didn't experience any particular performance issues.
Is there a particular project or feature in Visual Studio that would be good for mapping out the architecture of a bunch of loosely connected systems? I had a look but it seems mostly tailored to solutions where all projects are included.
you use string and post-it notes
+1 for analogue tools
there is a large freshly painted white wall behind me
might break out the marker pens
freshly painted with dry-wipe board paint?
unfortunately not!
hah. Well then you'll be creating a beautiful mural instead.
I wish ReSharper had a powershell interface
foreach ($issue in $solution.Issues) Quick-Fix $issue
!!youtube Everyday I'm Shuffling old men
!!wiki memes
A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem) is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture". A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate, and respond to selective pressures. The word meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme (from Ancient Greek μίμημα pronounced [míːmɛːma] mīmēma, "imitated thing",...
*sigh*. I'm perfectly OK with writing throwaway code because we need to get a demo up in three days. That's fine. But when you were writing 10 nearly identical classes (viewmodels providing data to small widgets on a dashboard), and you wrote the same exact code 10 times, did it not occur to you that extracting to a base class was the right solution? Not only in the long-run to avoid technical debt, but even in the extreme short run too?
/me is refactoring, refactoring like the wind.
I hear you

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