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@MikeAsdf I'm not sure if you're being serious or rhetorical here.
yes, you sent me Create and Update code, which is working perfectly. Now, I need to add multiple items to CaseType table where the value is coming for Multiselect list.
I admin I know nothing about optimizing sql queries. It seems very obfuscated to me.
SQL deadlocks are actually pretty simple - deadlock prevention, deadlock detection and algorithms that deal with concurrency in databases are pretty much DB 101 - any university course.
ordering some books online..
@NoMore_CodeMaster - You've been working on this for four days man. Did you try getting away from Telerik?
@SpencerRuport well, it's a coursera away. Also - you can get a pretty OK idea from the query analyzer just by "show execution plan".
the problem is I can save multiple items with that code, but it adds duplicate data as well. For example:

If I remove Standard and then hit save, it saves the other value again. So it's duplicated.
Enterprise estimates are approx equal to the square of actual developer costs.
Wow, I pity people who actually use telerik components in prod.
How is telerik compared to devexpress?
Same kind of crap?
why would you use either?
@NoMore_CodeMaster what is the data being saved, is it not checking the correct value?
@Codeman presumably to save development time - I used Telerik once - had to use reflection to get something they didn't expose in their component to work. 0/10 would not recommend.
@SpencerRuport Fortunately, that issue is fixed, it was for showing multiple items and my code was not specifically getting the Id.
@Codeman: I don't. I've used devexpress earlier, and that was.. challenging.
@juanvan It basically adds everything again as duplicate value.
I love it that they provide controls for MVC - I never got why anyone would use those.
@MikeAsdf sql execution engine decide parallelism above system defined constant and estimate execution plan which is not always the final execution plan, and each parallelism will introduce an extra merge step into execution plan, which means, there can be bad decisions above execution engine from case to case
devexpress.com/Products/NET/Controls/ASP 650k rows and almost half a second is actually pretty terrible performance.
Why they would tout that is beyond me
@NoMore_CodeMaster not checking for if it exists first?
@juanvan yes
Why are your table IDs guids?
but if you experiencing parallelism problem on the same server too many times, you need to consider to change server parallelism ratio
ya you are I am wrong
check the value of cid
@juanvan but cid is not unique, because cid can be repeated many times, since every Case will have multiple Case Types
@juanvan It should be the combination of CaseId and CaseType_Id
they are composite keys? 2 fields make up a PK
If Case(5555--994dbb-....) has already a value of 5 then don't add it again. But it can be deleted
I died. 😂 https://t.co/APZqtkHnSt
@KendallFrey is it true?
@NoMore_CodeMaster that is the check you want in the sql statment then
@juanvan is it logical what I'm trying to do?
@CharlieBrown I work with an American team, so I haven't seen that
it is logical to use 2 keys - it might be easier to one 1 key made up of both to do 1 check
@CharlieBrown lol i thought you were about to confirm with kendall if this guy really died
So, I should make CaseType_Id PK as well?
but, it should be unique for CaseIds not in general.
any value that is repeated is not a PK - you want one that is unique
exactly, so my Model structure can stay the same, right?
from the sounds of it - you are making the last field the PK
CaseId can't be unique because they will be repeated and same for CaseType_Id
then you want to add another field that is made of the First and the Second field
then you know it is unique
so unique for the row?
CaseTypeId is PK
then you can key off that? os that being pass back from the model?
Fk's can be repeated, thats how SQL works
exactly, I need to check if the same CaseId has the same CaseType_Id then it should not duplicate it.
@CharlieBrown I'm actually using your idea where you said I shouldn't use join, so here CaseType_Id is getting the Definition and Code from other table.
I'm really happy for this decision.
But this last part is killing me, because tomorrow evening I have to show a demo to my boss in NY
@SteveG no
@SteveG I was quoting rubio lol
the debate banter was pretty great imho
Jack Johnson: I say my opponent goes too far!
John Jackson: I say my opponent doesn't go too far enough!
@Failsafe i find it all really funny, because it is, but when you think about people around the world watching this shit and judging us, makes my heart sad
now i know how muslims felt when bin laden highjacked their shit
@SteveG Our government has pretty much become a reality show
@Failsafe it really has
@SteveG that's not what he hijacked
@KendallFrey wow, didn't even think about the wording there
gg no re
SQL questions? :D
sql questions
as a sidenote, they've upped the employee referral bonus here yet again, so if anybody wants a jerb...
@Codeman DROP Bass;
Hey, I got a "famous question" badge, go me
i know that feel
go you
@Codeman I'll split it with you 60/40 me with 60 you with 40
@mikeTheLiar this is a serious problem
@Failsafe I'll.. get you a job at MSFT? lol
@Codeman Ok you drive a hard bargain, how about 70/30
OKAY okay, 80/20
final offer
i'll work for MSFT for apples and friendship
@Codeman you are the only one with this username, I changed my username :D
the google banner image is cute today
"Can I have twenty dollars?"
"Fifteen dollars? What do you need ten dollars for? I'm not giving you five dollars!"
yes, it's cute... but.... why rabbits?
@tweray They are the only animals that can jump...
No other animals can do that
@Failsafe kangaroo?
kangaroos don't jump, they move into a highly eccentric orbit.
Also dogs can't look up.
@NoMore_CodeMaster hahahaha aww
the rabbits are taking over
wascally mofos
Is the new asp.net MVC at 1.0 yet? I don't even know what it's called asp.net 5 or asp.net core or whatever
RC1 I think
1.0? That reminds me of 2008
A video course I watched said that RC2 should be considered stable
2008? that reminds me of 1998
Apparently no one else was reminded of anything.
need to allocate more memory
Cheers: where everybody knows your name
and they're always glad you caaame
dude, their -> they're
you ruined it!
nah just joshing you, you're cool.
hey, life has been hard on me lately
I slept in til like 10 am, and I am working solid 6 hour days
sounds rough
shit, 6 hours. You'll be a wreck before friday
I know
how do you survive
holy shit
starts a GoFundMe for @TravisJ
it's a struggle every minute
at that rate you're going to need new pillows like, at least once a year.
Yeah, I might even buy a pair of socks too or something
Can't wear socks in sandals dude
Then you'd look like a norwegian on vacation (male) in a warm climate.
You mean with my slippas?
hm, that could be a problem
I think that 'is' would have been the right choice of word there.
Unless you have some awesome new hipster style.
Then it's ok.
@scheien It depends on what your definition of "is" is.
#define is
Is language also a factor?
Then I'd go for ice cream
Is = ice cream in norwegian
in space, no one can hear you eat ice cream
Nobody can hear your definition of "is" either.
The definition of Is, Eh?
hiding behind the language barrier
@TravisJ buy REI mid weight wool socks. I wear nothing else. It is like a hug for your feet. Sometimes I just toss them in the dryer for 10 minutes or put them on the vent, then put them on. so good. There's something primal about warm feet
stick your feet inside a waffle iron.
mmm cozy
@Codeman - Yeah, I guess that makes sense in a colder climate. When you have lows of 55 degrees at night though, any sock will do :D
I have one pair of merino cold weather walking socks, I think they were like £15
They are rather good.
@TravisJ they're mid weight so they're not super warm, they're just right
I only wear my super thick long wool socks when I'm camping or something
Yeah, I have some specialty socks for skiing, but other than that as long as they don't have holes in them I am content :)
I got some smartwool socks but they got holes in them pretty quickly
I tend to grind my toes into my socks/shoes, so I need tough stuff. REI ones have held up for a long time.
I never ever have cold feet :)
why in satans name do people always want to estimate software by the number of screens?
@CharlieBrown - I have never heard of that, what do you mean number of screens?
@CharlieBrown - Is that like that fourth wall break inside of a wall break? That's like... 16 walls!
I think
What if I made one view to rule them all?
It kills me
you wouldn't.
@CharlieBrown have you asked this person why they think that's a useful measure?
They are like, well, we have 10 complex screens and 5 easy ones. How long will that take?
'People' = project manager?
more like lay business person who knows nothing about SDLC
I have 162 views in this project.
view much
@TravisJ pics or it didn't happen.
My WAG estimate for the project: 200k
The analysts estimate: 1.3mil
Overhead in there estimate (non-dev time): 900k
WAG? Wed Amber Green?
wild ass guess
4devs*16wks, internal bill rate $75
Do you specify whether or not devs will also have to do business analysis?
of course we do analysis, but it would be un-politically correct to say we dont need SA's
@CharlieBrown it's verrrrry common in mobile dev to be like "this is only a 3 screen app, why is your estimate $30k?"
Because in my limited experience, if you say something to the effect of 'contingent on appropriately detailed requirements documentation being in place at the beginning of work' you will be ignored
"well, because one of the screens has social integration, user profiles, blah blah blah"
agile, we dont document up-front
which makes estimating real fun
@CharlieBrown you don't document, but you should have user stories
@CharlieBrown humour me here, but how do you know what you're supposed to be doing?
@Codeman too many black holes in those sort of estimates. They usually end up costing a hell of a lot more then expected.
otherwise, you're not doing agile, you're doing "fly by the ass of our pants" development
We have a couple of customers who tend to lean towards the "it's only x views and that it shouldn't be that hard.". Usually ends up costing 3-5 times as much as the customer expected.
in this case, we are replacing an existing site with new code (java -> nodejs)
All the previous func specs already exist, and no changes to html look/layout
That doesn't seem like a very effective use of dev time
But what the customer wants...
@scheien whenever somebody that is not involved in building software (the "type code in" bit), says "it's not that hard", I make a mental note to ignore that person :)
@TomW NodeJS is a lot cheaper on server costs than Java.EE I'd imagine
Oh yeah, there are compelling reasons to use Node (probably)
I'm questioning whether a rewrite with no new features is worth the (probably enormous) cost
Walmart is actually slowly switching everything over to Node
@TomW technical debt? idk
@Codeman I'm so disappointed now
I'd take it as an opportunity to learn new stuff
during this project I was forced to learn MVC and EF
Feature-rich web services support is not one of those compelling reasons
@Amy - Okay, so I lied.
i knew it!
Right @CharlieBrown?
@Amy - 162 was my rough estimate. There are only 158
Travis is a phony! A big fat phony!
@TomW /g
@Codeman I'm still learning but having an appointment tomorrow with your boss in order to show a demo brings more pressure. I didn't even calculated that adding multiple items to database will take so much time and yet after 4 days no result...
@TomW its my idea to rewrite ;)
@CharlieBrown Y....you're insane!
@NoMore_CodeMaster it shouldn't take long
but learning any new tech takes time, if you didn't include that in your estimate, well... you learned something
we are java 5 in some cases, not even html in these old projects
I've bugged every single user in here and I really apologize for doing that but I can't fix my current solution.
@CharlieBrown bonfire of the crap is satisfying though, isn't it
@Codeman I did calculate that moving from WebForms to MVC will take time and it's almost 11 months that the project is still in development.
hooray, I set up a carpool thing with one of my coworkers
no more awful bus :)
funny to watch my co-worker walk around with a gun tucked in the front of his pants
I'm totally blackout
One of my colleague's two compelling phrases: "Bonfire of the [x]" (x : some particular useless cruft artefact) AKA refactoring and "Friendly game of hunt the [x]" (x : bug or difficult-to-locate class)
@Codeman - Is the bus really that bad?
it is if it isn't magic.
it is a short bus
@TravisJ it's always late, it is pretty uncomfortable (suspension is made out of hockey pucks) and usually overcrowded
@Codeman - Sounds like it should have a keg on it.
@Codeman - Nudge, nudge. Wink wink.
mmm, curry
@TravisJ Nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat
@TomW it's all fun and games until someone decides to play hide the pickle on company time
@NoMore_CodeMaster having a rough go of it?
@juanvan Thanks for asking, I'm lost with this.
did I ever tell you guys about my job at the pickle factory?
are you getting back the expected data in the controller?
@Codeman were you programming dill?
@Codeman haven't told me
yeah, I got fired for putting my pecker in the pickle slicer
she got fired, too, of course
@juanvan no, I'm not really sure whether my controller is behaving correctly. As I told you I just used your code which was meant for something else and added few foreach in order to see if it works.
@Codeman is that why they only had wedges instead of sandwhich slices when I was at Walmart trying to buy pickles yesterday?
@juanvan I really don't want to push anyone, but I'm really stuck with this. I even don't know what to search and look for.
the form has the correct data?
@Codeman I agree. I find estimating tasks/projects to be one of the hardest things I do. I've had people laughing at me because I factored in X, e.g. multiplying the estimate by 2, or more.
@scheien i usually take how long I think it will take and multiply by three, and that's usually right
@juanvan I'm fully able to display data from db as I showed in my screenshot before. Adding new data and updating is the problem. Mostly, it needs to check with db and prevent duplication for CaseId with the same CaseType_Id
@NoMore_CodeMaster - Your database should be set to autoincrement the primary key in order to prevent duplication.
@Codeman that is somewhat what I've landed on too. I like to say multiply by PI
@TravisJ It's that way.
@NoMore_CodeMaster - Okay, then you should not be populating a primary key and let the db handle it on inserts. For editing, the id should be the same.
Please see this image:
which one is the auto inc
that looks like you are using a primary key which is a guid
can you auto inc a Guid?
@TravisJ CaseTypeId is Guid
guid is manual insert only (or trigger or something)
A working ECG in a credit card (allegedly)
@TravisJ CaseId can be repeated. But CaseType_Id is getting it's value from another model called CaseTypeDD
can you guarantee a Guid is unique in code?
@juanvan yes, it's unique
for the most part, you can
This is the model for CaseType:

public class CaseType

public Guid CaseTypeId { get; set; }

public virtual CaseTypeDD CaseTypeDD { get; set; }

public Boolean Deleted { get; set; }

[Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
public string CreatedBy { get; set; }

[Column(TypeName = "datetime")]
public DateTime? CreateDate { get; set; }

[Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
public string UpdatedBy { get; set; }
I think that the guidance for ensuring guid is unique is to make sure you don't use it with sets larger than like peta size.
CaseTypeDD is FK in this table and getting it's value from CaseTypeDD Id
@NoMore_CodeMaster - The database is generating the guid?
@TravisJ EF: [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)]
Yeah, does it though? I haven't used that option with guids before
yes, it does
@TravisJ The duplicate rate is extremely low. Not that I remember any numbers up front.
@NoMore_CodeMaster - The first 3 entries look like the same record
SQL server is the only place I've ever seen sequential GUIDs, btw
They even share the same millisecond
Which is practically impossible.
@TomW - No way! I am going to keep that information for later ;)
whats the best way to keep track of which constructor was used in a class with multiple constructors?
@TravisJ CaseTypeId (PK) is not the same
Needs an ID column
@NoMore_CodeMaster - It is for the second two
aa360eaf-e3de-e511-b086-e608286aedf5 has two entries
@TravisJ I honestly did wonder how it seeded them. Like, could I force an ID collision by resetting the system clock or something?
lol they are slightly different (I missed it)
@Michael why do you need to?
@NoMore_CodeMaster - Okay, sorry for the miss at first. So you are trying to insert into that set of records, and it says you cannot because of duplicate entry?
@TravisJ No, as you see I've got CaseId
@NoMore_CodeMaster - I don't understand what that image represents in the context of duplicate MSSQL records.
I will explain now
CaseId can be repeated since a Case can have multiple CaseTypes
If its many:many, there should be a 3rd table
CaseType_Id (which it has single number) is FK to CaseTypeDD table which I use to display Code and Definition like the screenshot above
or a composite key?
does composite key allow for a many to many in a single table?
example: Id=1 means Standard
I should prevent this where CaseId and CaseType_Id are repeated. If CaseId has a CaseType_Id 5, I should not be able to add the same CaseId with the same Id
But it does it now.
if you look here i.imgur.com/0ivW13k.jpg
That sounds like you need to do custom validation in your server side logic.
All there entries have the same CaseId
but 2 of them have the same CaseType_Id
and that's wrong
I see what you are saying. That needs to be prevented before insertion. The database is handling the insert by design at the moment in my opinion.
My issue started first that I wasn't able to perform Add and Update in Controller via list.
@TomW I guess I dont, I can just use generics instead
My method in controller is not correct.
@NoMore_CodeMaster - So is it wrong because of the validation logic you are using?
I know that I need to use foreach in order to read the List item but I don't know the rest. Please bare with me...
> Please bare with me...
I am baring with :) To be honest at least you are attentive. I will help as long as I get timely responses :P
You want us to get naked with you?
@mikeTheLiar firstworldproblems
shit man
this shit ain't working, it makes me sad
@mikeTheLiar That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@TravisJ I'm not even sure if my Controller is correct, it's able to add but it doesn't have any logic behind it... I used that code from somewhere else in my program which it was originally suggested by "juanvan".
Exactly, it's:
Before you told me few days ago it was:
Rest was joined
In your object oriented code, you only have 2 classes. But those 2 classes map to 3 tables
EF is not 1:1 mapping of class:table
in a meeting, brb
@TravisJ Thanks, I'll be here.
Is Kendall around?
Is @KendallFrey around**
Ohh, Ill be on my way then
He is round, however.
Have you ever come to the situation where you need a regex pattern that never matches anything?
@KDecker Not in programming, but yes
That seems like a very odd situation to be in
I've found this SO (stackoverflow.com/questions/1723182/…) that has a list of patterns that match nothing, I assume they would work under C#?

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