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@KendallFrey I am se;f-conscious of my word choice between when and while
@ton.yeung It is rude, you know.
You can't refer to Kendall as it
@ton.yeung hmm postman is also not finding this controller
but when I do a get
I hit the controller
Is the dog scaring him away?
@PseudoNym01 wired indeed o.O
this is a mvc controller calling a webapi controller
"webapi", as in it returns json
@kush He didn't...
@KendallFrey It's is a contraction for it is or it has.``Its indicates possessive.
with POST
but GET works fine
is it marked as [HttpPost]?
@TravisJ yes
2 mins ago, by ton.yeung
@kush sounds like its not kinky enough for him if its at home
Do you have duplicate action names?
@kush I think "it" means "the situation"

name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
As in, "It's raining"
I do now but I didn't
lemme see if that helps
@KendallFrey I overthought it and ruined the moment :(
I meant
public ActionResult name()

public ActionResult name(int id)
that type of duplication
@TravisJ I understood, answer remains the same
I am sorry, @ton.yeung
@kush Hah, sounds like sex
@KendallFrey I am pretty good at being oblivious and ruining the moment.
So there is duplication?
not anymore
then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like...
public static class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
@ton.yeung is why
I have a route and a webapi config file, sorry grabbed the wrong one
@ton.yeung {
"Message": "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:8085/MobileApproverAPI/api/Utility/AuthenticateUser'.",
"MessageDetail": "No action was found on the controller 'Utility' that matches the request."
is what postman returns
no, but I was hoping to execute this post from the controller
@ton - What is the symbol of that you use as a gravatar?
Or what does it translate to?
Man, it's been a while since I got a random Skype contact request.
@ton.yeung that is utterly ridiculous...
as in wtf was M$ thinking?
hey there!
@ton.yeung thanks for your help
definitely solved my issue
@ton.yeung but yours isnt recursive
you have nav-menus with trees
he has trees with trees
Hello. I need a help in WPF, because I am beginner in this framework. If you could help I'll be appreciate. Thank you for attention.
Q: Using x:key attribute with DataTemplate Element in XAML control definition

sgnsajgonI have WPF Application called Designer, where MainWindow (derived from Window) and GraphControl (derived from UserControl) classes are placed in Designer Assembly (which is set as startup project). Application uses a few other assemblies, amongst them GraphModel assembly, which contains view mode...

@drch I got trees
(noticed from sidebar, did this yesterday. niiice, already paying off)
@ton.yeung Yes, yes I do.
Ugh, horrible decision!
@ton.yeung [stupid is as stupid does](http://stupid-is-as-stupid-does.urbanup.com/1908754) It means that an intelligent person who does stupid things is still stupid. You are what you do.

Another variation is "beauty is as beauty does" or "ugly is as ugly does".
@ton.yeung Yeah, I'm sure outsourced labor to better contractors or companies would make sense. Unfortunately, my company doesn't feel that way.
Can anyone help me out with a mobile and desktop site and a bit of cookie detection to persist between one or the other? I am just confused about the order in which web.config fires vs. global.asax and such.
lol.... whew that all?
@ton.yeung Well, I was very detailed and provided extremely descriptive examples. With desired functionality and implementation; they chose the lateral and then copied incorrect code everywhere. So it makes the project spaghetti quickly.
Pizza Store: 1 slice 1$. Full pizza 15$ (pizza is 8 slices)
Ryan: Can I get 8 slices please?
everyone behind ryan wanting to get 1 slice for lunch: #@%#@%@#%#@%
ha, owned
does the web.config file get processed (specifically the system.webserver rewrite rules) on each page load before or after the global.asax file?
web.config file is cached
global runs, then web.config is processed - put into memory
IIRC the app pool gets recycled if you change the web.config
or maybe that's configurable as well
whenever you make a change to the web.config, IIS starts up a new process for yoru web app, processes all new requests on that process, and then shuts down the previous one once all messages are complete
ok so if i have a querystring check for a value that sets a cookie whether 'persistdesktop' or not then in my rewrite rules i can redirect acordingly?
@ton.yeung For one project yes, the other two no. One was completed and the other my boss manages.
just to keep the user on the 'desktop' version of the site or not.... lets say they have clicked the 'view full site' on their mobile. currently i have a rewrite rule in the web.config which bounces the user to mobile based on the user_agent.
Yeah, isn't it wonderful?
so on that link i sent a qs variable persist=1... then set a cookie in the global.asax
yeah :/
lolol i know
No means no
what other way is there besides altering every controller on the application?
I do not set cookies in global.asax
I don't set them on a roof
I don't set them with a boot
I don't set them here or there
I WILL NEVER SET THEM ANYWHERE (that's called global.asax)
hahaha i apprecaite your Seuss-logic
yes i do... but it only lasts for one page... the qs var disappears once they click anywhere else on the site
@ton.yeung should I be using httpresponsemessage to see if my user was validated or can I return a boolean ?
might as well do :
index.aspx?SQLQUery=SELECT * From Users
its a zero db site ;)
index.aspx?dosCommand=format c: /q
yeah okkkkk i get it - teach me the right way then please :)
yes mvc 4
define public?
as in can anyone submit values? sure, but the actual validation is done behind a proxy on a domain
it is a login function
login function for an external website
thats what Im doing
just trying to figure out if I should be return status.OK or status.UnAuthorized beased on result of validation check
noob: I could do [x]
old sage (represented by @RyanTernier): NO NO NO WRONG RANTY RANTY RAGE
noob: ok, how should I do it instead?
old sage: ....
returning those instead of just a true/false
funny bunch here at least
Honestly because I'm not sure how to alter all of the Routing to do that
@ton oh god, plz no
if the web.config is in fact cached shouldn't the reqwrite rule just get processed onces?
lets step back, what is the end user result you need?
huuuuge site - not all content is fit for handheld ;)
personal note: I hate when sites have a different version that they choose for me
agreed - however lots of 3rd party rebates are posted to the desktop site - where full details rather than just a brief can be found.
anyway, so you just want to check what they are using then redirect and keep them on the mobile version?
I prefer to zoom & shit and have it be exactly as familiar as the desktop site
most mobile devices handle it perfectly fine
I usually like the mobile formatted site, with a clearly marked option to switch to full desktop site
without losing any of my session info
@PseudoNym01 i can agree with that too
charlie... no - i have the redirect based on user_agent rule working perfectly. the issue occurs when the user would click the 'view fullsite' link on their mobile..... it just boiunces them right back to the mobile.
@CharlieBrown you can request desktop version in newer versions of Chrome
@kush this
mobile Chrome frw
@cardiac7 gotcha, yeah thats a common problem
but yeah, many managers and dumb users are going to want "zomg big easy buttons and summaries"
@Mike honestly nothing wrong with that
so i try to just pass a qs var and then have the desktop site create a cookie based on that - where IF it exists the redirect BACK to mobile never happens
even at loss of content
wasn't it Aristotle who said a product isn't finished not when you have nothing left to add, but nothing left to take away?
and the answer, imo is cookie
right - which is what i did - but the masses are largely against my global.asax placement :)
global.asax is bad place for that, and unneccessary
@TomW I'll just take that as a compliment :)
@CharlieBrown some companies have policy saying certain apps can't use cookies
generally, It has been my experience that if you have to use a global variable of any kinda, you're doing something less than correct
just saying what I see
ok, but without modifying every controller where else is an option?
@TomW I can't practice seagle management in SO Chat, so I just do what I can here
easy peezy
I guess that doesn't apply to session cookies
give me a sec to type it, lol
@kush I find Web Dev to be a slight exception to that rule
also session cookies aren't necessarily global level variables, they are stored information that gets accessed across a global scope
I know it sounds exactly the same but I see a difference
<a href="/desktopversionplease?ReturnUrl=THIS_PAGE_URL">Desktop Version</a>
stop distracting with interesting conversation I have work for another 40ish minutes to get done!
implement that route, in the handler set the cookie, then redirect back to the page
@ton.yeung I was going to do a basic approach though for content layout.
<div id="Infinity">
	<div class="page-style">


	<div class="page-style">
		<div id="Infinity-Content">

			<!-- Will Create Spans for Columns in here. -->


	<div class="page-style">

			<!-- Insert Footer Content Relate to Site Here -->
			<div id="Infinity-Subfooter">


@Greg page-style seems needlessly repetitive
Just a mockup, not sure if I'll implement it to create better style across the entire span of page.
I might rework it, so that it is basically a header-style, content-style, footer-style.
@ton.yeung Force company branding at bottom.
@CharlieBrown okI'll try that, I'll monkey around with the mvcsitemap and see if I can make it work. Thanks for your help everyone! .... and i appreciate the levity along the way.
@ton.yeung Create a partial view that contains a controller that can add any additional company branding I may want to add?
@ton.yeung yeah, that wont work
your not setting the scope until after the template is bound, so it wont iterate past the first element
oh, ok... im jumping ahead then
you can set scope: false
but it breaks the original binding, easiest way is to have the controller outside of the directive
it fixes the scope copy
why icky?
its not common to see controllers in directives
to stick with this solution, you really need 2 directives, one to bind the div and bring the scope in, then one to bind the tree
which might not be that bad now that i think about it
think of it like this
the page itself is really a directive, so normally you attach a controller to the page
then you define your tree directive and it gets the pages scope (from the controller)
you need to create a directive for 'tree-menu', and give that a controller. then define the 'tree' directive
if you get it working, it will be a neat way to package stuff
lol, no worries. ill blog it if you dont
So you built a dynamic menu @ton.yeung ?
i like ur idea of pulling in the menu items via web service; im not sure where to use that yet, but could be useful
@ton.yeung That is quite a feat, is it pure Javascript?
I'm not that familiar with angular.
Is that a service oriented approach with javascript?
similar to knockout
I know Angular is a form of Client-Side / Server-Side right?
@CharlieBrown Oh, that is kind of what I thought. Neat.
I'm not sure if I like KO or AJS better
I used AJS for my last blog post carbonatethis.com/…
I've used Knockout minimal, never used Angular so I'm not sure.
yeah, that would be an improvement :)</sarcasm font>
I started writing a whole explanation for that, then I was like fuck it... just dont do it
lol, yeah i dont have it installed
30min to go, what to work on...
Can you use ASP.NET SignalR with any old Windows Shared Hosting?
@ton.yeung :(
Ah ok. Good for me! :D
Have you used SignalR?
I've done the SignalR 'hello world' example
that's about it. It's cool though
@TomW oh cool. I really like SignalR, I've been watching videos about it all morning. I loved the //Build video on it
@ton.yeung hahaha.
@ton.yeung working jsfiddle.net/xUsCc/2
:# I'm confused lol
lol, thats your job
your idea, i just debugged, so go ahead
Someone implemented fizzbuzz in CSS codepen.io/anon/pen/FcKaL
@ton.yeung fizzbuzz verb, to do something, often in a hurry
i need to take better notes at work
[ ] no scan plot
tells me almost nothing, and I wrote last tuesday
"TODO: get the "
damn interruptions
I often don't remember conversations I had the day before
"You know you raised that defect...."
i mean, they see me writing stuff, but the keep on making requests
@ton.yeung :-/
@TomW can also be from the same day
most of the time there is a feeling of forgetting somethings but sometimes it is completely blank
HN Comment: The D in Github stands for decentralized.
@ton.yeung like shell shock vs PTSD?
items.Aggregate((i, j) => i + delimeter + j)
cant' believe there's not a Join(string delim) doing that?
posted on September 17, 2013 by Scott Hanselman

Do you remember the Turbo Button? I actually thought of it is the "be slow button" because we always kept it on Turbo. Why wouldn't you want a fast computer all the time? The Turbo Button was actually an "underclock" button. When it was off, you were setting your 286 or 386 to XT speeds so older DOS games would work at their designed speed. Power Management, both software and hardware, seems

Anyone know how easy it would be to implement a search feature similar to Microsoft's Windows Phone?
no idea
@Greg What type of search is that?
I had a PC with a turbo button
it did nothing
didn't even light up
@CC Inc think he's talking about a global search
jesus christ
just got 3 defects filed one after the other against a ticket I completed a month ago >.>
One with an alphabet.
Like that.
@Greg I think there is a method for that
So basically, that just returns all apps/movies/whatever that start with taht particular letter?
Yeah, basically.
What is your data stored as? A List?
but u want to implement it
mmm lets see....
I'll use Generics but I'm looking for a clean way to implement it.
But... it's stored as a List? Or some form of IEnumerable?
@cc You can use string.Join for that, if delimiter is a string
It depends on what kind of GUI you'd use, but it would be something like this:
void Button1Event(//blah
     var stuffToSearch = ...
     var startsWithA = stuffToSearch.Where( x => x.StartsWith("a")); // assuming you just have a list of strings

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