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That's assuming you have a button for each letter
Or you could assign all the buttons to the same buttonClicked event, and then check the sender of what button was pressed
void AllButtonEvent(object sender, ButtonClickedEventArgs e)
     var stuffToSearch = ...
     if( (Button)sender.Text == "a")
          var startsWithA = stuffToSearch.Where( x => x.StartsWith("a")); // assuming you just have a list of strings
Yeah, kind of what I was thinking.
I'd personally setup an attached prop or behavior to do that, but that's the basic approach, normally
if you're always going to break out by letter, though
it might make sense to just use List<XXX>[] with 24 entries
That's a good idea. You mean create like a custom Button object and have an extra property with soemthing like a Enum to represent the alphabet, and just check for that?
lol - local crime reporter "Scanner: Woman in evening dress & hiking boots stumbling into traffic. Eastbound on Lakeway." That's one you wouldn't see every day
@ton.yeung (if they're allowed, yes)
that was right after: "Scanner: Transient with "Hell" tattooed on forehead left "suspicious papers and ingredients" in a copy machine at Best Western on McLeod."
interesting day around here, I guess
@ReedCopsey o yes I think I thought of it very suickly thx
:) yes I know I've some neural problems
@ReedCopsey That is a nice thought actually.
@Greg If you're always going to separate out the values, I'd just do it in the data structure ;)
no reason to do it every usage
@ReedCopsey Yeah, I'm always going to filter the data out.
Really? A.D.H.D. counts as a neural problem? Well, if that is true do I get a handicapped card?
what' better living forever without brain, or only 50 years with a mega brain :) ?
btw I've a problem with:
List<object[]> l;
l.Aggregate((a, b) => string.Join(", ", a)+"<br>"+ string.Join(", ", b))
that refuses to compile
.NET 4?
what's the error?
cannot implicitely convert type 'string' to 'object[]'
any reason you don't just use: string.Join("<br>", l.Select(a => string.Join(", ", a))); ?
hm right, I thought of it trust me, and thx that's better indeed
posted on September 17, 2013 by Haacked

The first GitHub Data Challenge launched in 2012 and asked the following compelling question: what would you do with all this data about our coding habits? The GitHub public timeline is now easy to query and analyze. With hundreds of thousands of events in the timeline every day, there are countless stories to tell. Excited to play around with all this data? We'd love to see what you c

@cc Aggregate doesn't work because your selector is returning a string, but your items are each object[]
it needs to be Func<object[], object[], object[]>
I have a new quote, and I told it to one of our customers vendors... they didn't like it that much. I said this in response to them deploying code that didn't even compile:
"Hi. I don't always test my code. But when I do, I let other vendors do it in their production environmment"
there is in ESRI's crappy API
whcih makes using it really fun from C# :p
@RyanTernier are you Dos Equis Guy?
@ton.yeung @TomW Yea
@ReedCopsey you are dangerously close to @RyanTernier in the tab-menu
we have this pic already up on our wall
tab menu?
if I call you out for being a dick when you weren't, chances are I'm talking to him
press @, then a letter, then tab
oh, okay
(I, of course, never see me in there :p )
well for learning, I tried .Aggregate((a, b) => string.Join(", ", a)+""+string.Join(", ", b), new object[] {}) , still not compilingI've always failed to understand Func syntaxes :))
I just got into an argument with a manager at my office.
@Greg Just don't go driving a car through their office, too, okay?
@cc The return value from aggregate, if you're feeding it object[], needs to be object[] - in your case, you're returning a string
Func<object[], object[], object[]> basically says map to a function that takes two object[] and returns one object[] (the last specification is the return value), ie, a method like: object[] Foo(object[] arg1, object[] arg2)
oh I see, Aggr.. keeps type
They believe that the Android search feature, where you start typing is the fastest alternative to filter through data. I said, "What about the way Microsoft's Windows Phone does? It is simple, it has an alphabet to gauge it then you select it to quickly filter." She said "I don't think that is easier." I said, "If you find it before me you win." She lost but still didn't agree with me.
so she lost but she sitll though windows search was slower?
Alot of our customers don't want to be so reliant on the keyboard when being mobile
I came up with that implementation, but she refuses.
I'm having trouble programmatically selecting items in a listbox
what UI platform?
and I can't find any solutions on google that have worked
Where in lie your issue @ginkner ?
@Greg what?
We need to see your code, with a bit more detail.
We can't read your mind or code without it posted.
foreach (platform tracked in model.Manager.TrackedPlatforms)
Is the solution that i've found that looks closest do what I want to do, but it doesn't work.
what doesn't work?
It doesn't select the items
Well, is tracked an item on PlatformSelectionlist?
hmm probly need to set or refresh something, but never did WPF
do you have SelectionMode set to multiple?
Yes. it should be. But maybe it's not during construction
Does the "platform" class implement IEquatable<platform>?
@ReedCopsey Yeah, I do. Its actually trying to restore a selection that was serialzied
(note that I'd recommend using normal C# casing, too)
and...I think so.
and have you added the items before setting SelectedItems?
mmm - and, has the ListBox been fully populated and displayed at this point?
@ReedCopsey The classes were auto-generated from an XML Descriptor
@ReedCopsey that's what I'm thinking. I just tried adding it to the Loaded handler instead of the constructor, but it still doesn't seem to work.
The content IS bound to a list, so could it be that the binding isn't kicking in untill after the Loaded handler fires?
the items won't populate until WPF can process
@ReedCopsey well then, the question becomes either "How do I force WPF to update?" or "How do I wait till i know it's updated?"
just as a test
push this off into a Dispatcher.BeginInvoke with DispatcherPriority.Idle
because that won't run until everything's loaded
if that works, we can figure out a better approach (depends on what you're doing)
Oh, you mean the update thingy?
yo whats up guys
Not much
@ReedCopsey SystemIdle or ApplicationIdle?
isSyncing = true;
Task.Run(() => { Thread.Sleep(5000); isSyncing = false; });
isSyncing = true;
Timer timer = new Timer(5000);
timer.Elapsed += (source, e) => { isSyncing = false; };
timer.AutoReset = false;
I prefer #1 for shortness
The second is more efficient
I'd prefer, though
not using a timer ;)
is there a reason you're doing that, and not just fixing your flag when the "sync" operation is done?
isSyncing = true;
await Task.Delay(5000);
isSyncing = false;
good question, I'm sending a trade order
can't tell when it's complete?
because saying it takes 5 seconds is dangerous
the order is pending, and I can't know if it's really validated before some time
it'll be too long most of the time (hoepfully) but if it's too short, that could be bad
@ReedCopsey agreed
@cc Can't you tell based on the order status? (is there an order status)?
yeah - the right way to do it is to wait until the order request completes, then check it, then flag
rather than just doing delay 5000, have some sort or flag or method called at the end
like a complete event
@RyanTernier unfortunately I'm fightin with some bad technology called Metatrader, and with a soft tradeplatform.codeplex.com/SourceControl/… no easy way to get the order status like that
@RyanTernier impossibleto know the end, an order is processed or not in a different server
I don't receive any event except by checking the OrderTotal(), or iterating through orders
How are you communicating? Web service? TCP?
it's complicate this software is actually a tcp bridge communicating with the metatrader terminal
Can you register a callback port for this bridge?
in order to leave this terminal for doing stuff (like copying orders) between other accounts
When I wrote my last TCP server, GPS systems would send me their information, and in it, tell me how to get back in touch with them so I could push them data
A lot of systems are written that way, so it's not just a 1 way communication flow
tradeplatform.codeplex.com/SourceControl/… you can use multiple ports, it's well done, but those multiple ports are used for each metatrader terminal, not for registering a callback..
@RyanTernier thx, yes I know, but this technology is hacky, and pretty bad
just working for a client :)
@ReedCopsey I figured it out. I both herped and derped
@ginkner herped and derped?
that sounds like something you shouldn't tell people you're doing...
@ReedCopsey Yes. Indeed. Overwriting the xml file just before it's read is quite silly.
better than :
if(value = true)
//forever alone
I like languages that turn that into an error, or at least a warning

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