public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
@ton.yeung is why
I have a route and a webapi config file, sorry grabbed the wrong one
@ton.yeung { "Message": "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:8085/MobileApproverAPI/api/Utility/AuthenticateUser'.", "MessageDetail": "No action was found on the controller 'Utility' that matches the request." }
is what postman returns
no, but I was hoping to execute this post from the controller
I have WPF Application called Designer, where MainWindow (derived from Window) and GraphControl (derived from UserControl) classes are placed in Designer Assembly (which is set as startup project). Application uses a few other assemblies, amongst them GraphModel assembly, which contains view mode...
@ton.yeung [stupid is as stupid does]( It means that an intelligent person who does stupid things is still stupid. You are what you do.
Another variation is "beauty is as beauty does" or "ugly is as ugly does".
Can anyone help me out with a mobile and desktop site and a bit of cookie detection to persist between one or the other? I am just confused about the order in which web.config fires vs. global.asax and such.
@ton.yeung Well, I was very detailed and provided extremely descriptive examples. With desired functionality and implementation; they chose the lateral and then copied incorrect code everywhere. So it makes the project spaghetti quickly.
Pizza Store: 1 slice 1$. Full pizza 15$ (pizza is 8 slices) Ryan: Can I get 8 slices please? everyone behind ryan wanting to get 1 slice for lunch: #@%#@%@#%#@%
whenever you make a change to the web.config, IIS starts up a new process for yoru web app, processes all new requests on that process, and then shuts down the previous one once all messages are complete
just to keep the user on the 'desktop' version of the site or not.... lets say they have clicked the 'view full site' on their mobile. currently i have a rewrite rule in the web.config which bounces the user to mobile based on the user_agent.
I do not set cookies in global.asax I don't set them on a roof I don't set them with a boot I don't set them here or there I WILL NEVER SET THEM ANYWHERE (that's called global.asax)
noob: I could do [x] old sage (represented by @RyanTernier): NO NO NO WRONG RANTY RANTY RAGE noob: ok, how should I do it instead? old sage: .... *crickets*
charlie... no - i have the redirect based on user_agent rule working perfectly. the issue occurs when the user would click the 'view fullsite' link on their mobile..... it just boiunces them right back to the mobile.
so i try to just pass a qs var and then have the desktop site create a cookie based on that - where IF it exists the redirect BACK to mobile never happens
@CharlieBrown okI'll try that, I'll monkey around with the mvcsitemap and see if I can make it work. Thanks for your help everyone! .... and i appreciate the levity along the way.
Do you remember the Turbo Button? I actually thought of it is the "be slow button" because we always kept it on Turbo. Why wouldn't you want a fast computer all the time? The Turbo Button was actually an "underclock" button. When it was off, you were setting your 286 or 386 to XT speeds so older DOS games would work at their designed speed. Power Management, both software and hardware, seems …
It depends on what kind of GUI you'd use, but it would be something like this:
void Button1Event(//blah
var stuffToSearch = ...
var startsWithA = stuffToSearch.Where( x => x.StartsWith("a")); // assuming you just have a list of strings