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8:07 AM
Cbg folks, it's been ages
cbg :)
8:30 AM
The official chrony doc is down: chrony.tuxfamily.org/faq.html Any idea what I should do in that case?
3 hours later…
11:23 AM
@Hakaishin It's on the wayback machine in the meantime
@roganjosh Ah right, I keep forgetting about the wayback machine. Thanks
3 hours later…
2:48 PM
What is happening today? Now outlook is down, like what....
Nothing that I know of, but it's registered on microsoft service status
Another day, another DDoS?
@roganjosh Must be
The MS issue looks like it's a DB thing
5 hours later…
7:38 PM
I have installed virtualenv in my local machine and used it extensively. is there a way to create/activate and then deactivate virutal env programatically?
Just call create/activate/deactivate from your program?
Note that you can also directly invoke a venv's interpreter, which will then automatically use its environment even when you did not activate it before.
there's also venv.create so you don't have to call an external program to create the venv.
@MisterMiyagi -yes, to your question. I have several different scripts, i need to run in an ec2 instance in aws and i want to keep them in separate virtual environments. so i need to create one , activate it , install packages , run one script , deactivate. and do the same for other scripts. thanks.
7:54 PM
Well then just call create/activate/deactivate from your program.
8:15 PM
@MisterMiyagi - ok thanks. i didn't realize , i could do that with the venv library. sorry , should have checked documentation first

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