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hey guys, how can I take a 2D array of numbers (they represent a shifting value on pixels to be applied later) and mask it so I only change values in x-region, like a circle of some radius.
#example function which returns mask on pixel map
array([[False, False, False, False, False, False],
       [False, False, False,  True, False, False],
       [False, False,  True,  True,  True, False],
       [False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True],
       [False, False,  True,  True,  True, False],
       [False, False, False,  True, False, False],
       [False, False, False, False, False, False],
       [False, False, False, False, False, False],
       [False, False, False, False, False, False],
#assignment would maybe work something like
shift[cmask(height,width,center=(xs,ys),radius=r)] = ((R-r)/R)
I just get:
TypeError: NumPy boolean array indexing assignment requires a 0 or 1-dimensional input, input has 2 dimensions
2 hours later…
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні are you around?
in Trash can, 25 secs ago, by tripleee
room owner, could you please remove the stars from my starred messages here?
sorry for the off-topic request here
@Skyler To be clear: cmask is the function you're trying to write, and what you show underneath that is what the result should be?
@Skyler you get this from which code?
I can't see a problem with the actual masking:
>>> x
array([[0, 1, 2],
       [3, 4, 5],
       [6, 7, 8]])
>>> x[y] = 10
>>> y
array([[False, False, False],
       [False,  True, False],
       [False, False, False]])
>>> x
array([[ 0,  1,  2],
       [ 3, 10,  5],
       [ 6,  7,  8]])
if I try copying and pasting the error message into a search engine, the first thing I find is stackoverflow.com/questions/60079094
the problem is that the mask doesn't have a rectangular shape, so it doesn't make sense to assign to it from a multidimensional array. You can assign a constant value (propagated to each place in the mask), or you can assign sequential values from a 1-dimensional source (if the number of values matches). Otherwise, use putmask, after reading the documentation.
Can someone spot check this code to see if there is a more vectorized approach to what I'm doing here? I'm wanting to find the distance of a set of points to another set of points.
E.g., Given:
data_points = np.random.rand(10, 2)
center_points = np.random.rand(3, 2)
distances = np.zeros((center_points.shape[0], data_points.shape[-1]))
for i in range(center_points.shape[0]):
    distances[i] = np.linalg.norm(data_points-center_points[i])
It seems like there should be some way to vectorize linalg.norm for the distance calculations for each center_point, but i can't quite figure it out.
*vectorize the np.linalg.norm calculation for all of the center_points at once.
My attempted approach just feels ugly:
distances = np.linalg.norm(
        np.repeat([data_points], center_points.shape[0], axis=0)
        - np.expand_dims(center_points, axis=-1).swapaxes(1, 2)
Thanks for any thoughts!
To be clear: data_points and center_points represent points with 2-dimensional coordinates, and there are 10 and 3 of them, respectively? And you want to find.. what, exactly? The Pythagorean distance between each of the 30 pairs (Cartesian product) of points? Or something else?
Yes, and yes.
To answer second question more specifically, yes I want to find the Euclidean distance between the points.
Typo of the month:
> # Byte order indication: Little indian
hmm, ipython on anaconda (using cmd) is kind of broken with copy pasting and indentation. Or maybe it's just me
3 hours later…
I found this answer, and while I do know what it does, how does it work? I mean by that, how come the result is found in the tree variable, but the one that it modifies is t?
2 hours later…
nvm, If I'm right, this is probably related to immutability vs mutability. What made me understand this: stackoverflow.com/a/23852494/12349101
I feel like setdefault makes that code harder to understand than it needs to be
yep, I'm more used to using update instead
In this case you're updating one key&value at a time, so regular indexed assignment (i.e. x[y] = z) is sufficient
I recommend not using update to change one key/value, btw. Prefer x[y] = z rather than x.update({y:z})
any reasons why you wouldn't recommend it? I mean I agree the syntax x[y] = z is easier to type and understand, but just wondering
"Easier to type and understand" is 90% of the reason. There might also be a tiny difference in performance. Don't quote me on that.
That's understandable, yeah (and I wouldn't be surprised if there was at least a performance difference, even if slight)
In any case here is a version without setdefault. It might be easier to visualize what's happening, in this one.
Thanks! this is indeed much easier to visualize now
@JacobBumgarner That code returns 6 results. Since you want the distances between all 10×3 pairs it should return 30 results. So that code should have two for loops, one looping over the center points and one looping over the data points. I have a repaired version below, and a version that does it using broadcasting instead of for loops.
My code also use the modern random number generator, which has better statistical properties than the old one. It's also faster, especially when filling large arrays.
@NordineLotfi I'm sure there's a performance difference, but it might be hard to measure. The update version has to 1 make the new temporary {y:z} dict, 2 loop over it to extract its items, 3 insert those items into the old dict, 4 destroy the {y:z} dict.
As a pointless exercise, I wrote make_tree without mutating any objects. Or for that matter, without any assignment statements except for the two that initialize the input data. Naturally, the result is confusing and wordy. dpaste.org/DUkcL
Oh and it's less efficient too. aggregate is O(N^2), but it could be O(N) if you are allowed to mutate things.
def sane_aggregate(kv_pairs):
    d = {}
    for k,v in kv_pairs:
        if k not in d:
            d[k] = []
Like so
@PM2Ring that does sounds like it's less efficient, yeah
@Kevin interesting. I guess I'll go with using mutating even though it's kind of confusing to me (I stayed away from it just like I do with class, although I was kind of obliged to write classes for one or two project, so that doesn't really count)
If you spent more than one second deciding whether to go with the original approach or my most recent dpaste, then I didn't insult my most recent dpaste enough
well, I just like experimenting ;) enough to use less efficient ways until I decide to go with the better and most confusing one
2 hours later…
Hi everyone. I'm a begginer for using `scrapy-playwright` library.
I read the [documentation about actions on page](https://github.com/scrapy-plugins/scrapy-playwright#executing-actions-on-pages). Concretely I would like to click on a button (displaying "Plus") on this [page](https://www.france-galop.com/fr/cheval/WXZZaXQ2Umw3NjV5TjFiSkZMY2JlZz09) until it disapears (meaning the table is fully displayed).
I undestand I must use ` "playwright_page_methods": [ PageMethod("playwrightmethod", **arguments_of_method)]` in the `meta` argument of `scrapy.Request`.
Javascript is a programming language that is used on most websites. It is usually executed by your web browser. The argument for the evaluate method probably needs to be a string that contains a valid Javascript expression. For example, 'document.querySelector("#submitButton").click()' is a Python string representing a Javascript expression that searches for an element on the page with id "submitButton", and clicks it.
Web Developer Tools will be useful here. It is a tool that most web browsers already have installed. For example, I can access it in firefox by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I. I find that the JavaScript input interpreter is useful for writing JavaScript.
For these kinds of tasks, the first thing you usually need to do, is locate the element that you want to interact with, and find some way of uniquely identifying it from every other element on the page. You can look at the properties of an element using the Inspector tool. For example, on your france-galop page, I can see that the "Plus" button has attributes <button class="btn more" data-specialite="Plat" data-nbresult="20">.
I was hoping it would have an id attribute, because that is the best way to identify an element. But sometimes the class attribute is good enough. If I type document.querySelectorAll(".more") into the Javascript input interpreter, it shows me a NodeList containing two buttons. That makes sense, because there are two "Plus" buttons on the page. If you only want to click on the first one, then the code for that would be document.querySelectorAll(".more")[0].click()
Clicking the plus button once is fairly simple. But I'm not sure how to keep clicking the plus button until the table is fully displayed. JavaScript often behaves asynchronously. You can't be sure that new rows have appeared in the table right after document.querySelectorAll(".more")[0].click() executes. The new rows may take several seconds to load. There might not be an obvious way to tell whether the page is trying to load new rows, or if it already loaded them and is now idle.
There's a feature of JavaScript called "promises", which can be useful for handling asynchronous code. I don't know too much about them, though. It does look like Playwright's page.evaluate method has special logic for promises.
I'm not new to programming but I'm pretty new to python. I'm having trouble understanding the difference between a regular variable and a global variable in the "top-level" scope of a python script
For the most part, the top level scope of a python script behaves the same as every other scope.
So there wouldn't really be a difference?
I'm guessing there could be a difference if you're importing from other files though?
@Vap0r sure, you can only import names that are top-level in the other module.
generally, I avoid variables at the top level in my python, other than constants.
I'd say the primary difference is visibility. If you import a file, the variables in the top-level scope will be visible. But the variables in lower-down scopes probably won't be.
Yeah, I'm going through existing code that has some issues and there's some weird things I'm seeing, basically top-level has global and "regular" variables. Some functions also declare global variables which seems a little weird to me because normally I would probably assume that those should be placed top-level
Also I'm coming from a .NET and React/Angular background. Am I right in thinking that a lot of python documentation for more complex situations is a little sparse?
That's usually an antipattern from people that don't know how to pass arguments. Not always, but frequently
Not sure what you mean by "global and 'regular' variables". All top level variables are global.
The global statement is a bit peculiar compared to the way other languages handle globals. The statement global foobar doesn't tell the Python engine that foobar is a special top level variable compared to any of the other top level variables. It's really just telling the engine about what assignment statements in your current scope are supposed to do.
I'm only making the distinction since the developer before me (who no longer works here) made the distinction by creating both in top-level. I assumed there wasn't much difference but wanted to make sure
Since you're new to Python, here's some stuff that will help you understand how Python variables are a bit different to most other language's variables:
Oct 17, 2019 at 8:44, by PM 2Ring
@djsmiley2k Have you seen and Facts and myths about Python names and values by Ned Batchelder? Also see Other languages have "variables", Python has "names" for a briefer version of the same stuff, with cute diagrams.
@roganjosh that's basically exactly what I'm running into
@PM2Ring very useful resource, thanks.
global foobar; foobar = 2 means "in this scope, when I assign a value to the name foobar, I want you to assign the value to the foobar variable at the top-level scope". This is different from Python's typical behavior, which is to assign it to a local variable in the current scope
@Vap0r When you do global x, it doesn't necessarily create the variable x. Rather, it says "if you see this variable named x, don't create a local version, use the global one".
Ahhh ok that makes sense.
In the reverse scenario where I have something like: foobar = 2; def foo: global foobar what would be the purpose?
Thank you Kevin. I did not know JavaScript input interpreter. I will study the "promise" way.
As you said playwright manages the asynchronous "handling". Looking at the tutorial proposed by [ScrapeOps](https://scrapeops.io/python-scrapy-playbook/scrapy-playwright/#2-scroll-down-infinite-scroll-pages), it looks like I must click on button until the selector disapears: PageMethod("wait_for_selector", "button.btn.more") #wait for the button to appear
PageMethod("evaluate", "document.querySelectorAll(".more")[0].click() ")
just as I said, it tells the function foo() to refer to the global variable named foobar rather than creating a local variable with the same name.
Ah. Ok. Coming from a JS background without the global keyword that wasn't immediately apparent, as the global declaration in the function wouldn't be necessary, since foobar would already be in the global scope
And if you see code with global foo in the top-level scope, it's bogus. The global directive is only meaningful in a non-top-level scope.
foobar = 2
def foo():
  foobar = 42
run this script to get some insight into the behavior
So it's more of a declaration, rather than an "order". It doesn't mean: make this name global. Rather search for an instance of the same name at the top level and use that one.
Ah that's maybe this, the "promise" you were talking about: [await page.click("button") # click triggers navigation.
await page.wait_for_load_state() # the promise resolves after "load" event.](https://playwright.dev/python/docs/api/class-page#page-wait-for-load-state)
foobar = 2
def foo():
  global foobar
  foobar = 42
@Vap0r Compare with this ^
@Code-Apprentice that cleared things up, also added the changes you just posted cause I was curious. I see what they were doing. Seems the last developer was more confused than me lol
I never use global in my python scripts. Instead, I pass parameters to functions and return values from functions.
Me too. Since Python has this handy way of evaluating everything to a final object. That's what I call callable objects done right.
That definitely makes more sense. It's generally how I would do things anyway since the way this code is currently written with a "polluted" variable space makes unit testing real tricky
Does anyone here have experience with using Android virtual devices and VBox machines? If I have an AVD running, powering up a virtual machine fails. And vice versa.
@dhiaagr you might ask in the android channel
@AvyWam I often see the await keyword in code that uses promises. There's probably a connection.
I bet it's quite similar to Python's own asyncio features
@Code-Apprentice You're right, I should have*. Thank you.
@Kevin async and await in JS is just syntactic sugar for promises from what I understand.
Much like how Python's await is syntactical sugar for... Yield? Something like that
maybe? I'm less familiar with async await in Python than in JS.
@AvyWam a Promise in JavaScript is an object that represents some code that will be executed at some time in the future. We call this "asyncronous" because it doesn't execute immediately like a normal function call.
Doesn't JS immediately execute async functions? I think the Promise only represents the eventual result, not the code to be executed
Hello, I wanted to render a computational graph in textual user interface (TUI) using python, does anyone know how this can be done? Because I have been looking for libraries but I have not been able to fine anything significant.
@Aran-Fey async and Promise are similar I think, in that it actually (here only talking about js) execute in a "queue", where you can't always know in advance when it will finish, at least not when dealing with vanilla js on your run of the mill browser (maybe easier in typescript or whatnot)
I'm not sure of this but that's what I think based on me playing around for a bit with js some months ago.
@KarlKnechtel I actually have code that runs and generates that output for cmask with those parameters
right, so, see the rest of my replies
@KarlKnechtel I realized the issue was from the fact I was defining max(Y)=f(mat(X)) so I was basically masking Y without masking X
@Aran-Fey I don't think that can be true? I regularly batter a local OSRM server (I'm not upsetting their test server!) with requests async from python and at some point I can overwhelm it as it just flatly starts dropping requests entirely. They have callbacks associated, which is kinda similar. If your definition was strictly true, I'd just dump 1mil requests on the server "at once" if this was the case?
Which would be counter-productive if it were to to execute everything as fast as it can go... and this is the web world. That said, I have no idea what throttling mechanism could be in play there if I were to do it from JS instead
mat(Y) i mean, typo on that last comment
I'm confused. I was describing JS behavior, so why are we suddenly talking about python?
I'm saying what I have observed in Python and then trying to imagine what it would mean if your description of JS behaviour was true
Had I launched that task from JS instead of Python
Ok. So what exactly are you doing in python? Do you create a whole bunch of coroutines that you then slowly start executing?
I have 1.7 million queries piled up to process. Your suggestion would be that JS would just unleash that on some other server as fast as it possibly could. And they're HTTP requests, which would be common in JS. I just can't see that it executes as fast as it could, there has to be a throttle
Because that's really the only difference: In JS you can't create coroutines. Calling an async function immediately gives you an asyncio.Task
But there's still a pool that processes the requests. I set my workers at, say, 10, and I don't have more open requests that haven't been dealt with at any one time, and the rest are queued. You're saying "Doesn't JS immediately execute async functions" but that would mean it would be sending an unlimited number of requests to the server in one go, regardless of whether any of them had been responded to?
Right. There's a pool executing the async tasks, and I have absolutely no idea how that distributes the workload internally. That's not what I'm talking about; I'm talking about how new async tasks are submitted to the loop
I was just typing "I think we might be talking cross-purposes" and I think we are. Sorry, I think I extrapolated a bit from what you said and ran into the weeds
In python, you can do coro = some_async_function() and then later await coro or asyncio.create_task(coro) (or neither). In JS you can't do that; some_async_function() in JS would be equivalent to asyncio.create_task(some_async_function()) in python
im actually kind of curious at listening to this convo you two are having, I'm gonna have a python flask app that is making grpc calls and I have an idling routine I need to pad a queue of tasks with based on the load of requests I get
I don't know much about js either, but I do know it processes anything async inside a queue internally. On browsers, there some mechanisms or conditions that make a specific async event run before another, but I don't know which it is. I just know it's processed "as soon as possible", unless you make it do it in N time or something.
if you only use synchronous function/event, then on browsers, it will basically block the UI and whatnot, which is...bad design, but what do I know
at least on python, if I want to compute the distance between Mars and Earth, I can do that in another thread while the UI part (eg: tkinter) is on the main thread, and vise-versa.
@Aran-Fey yah, I'm being a little handwavy here.

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