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6 messages moved from broomba
room owner, could you please remove the stars from my starred messages here?
maybe also add an explanation to the room description about the invitation you get when a message of yours is moved here ... it seems to be a common FAQ
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
Q: GA4 Why numbers of event count and conversions of the same conversion-marked event are different?

LMMNI had created the 'submission_complete' event on GTM and push it to GA4 report, then marked the event as conversion by toggle the switch on the GA4 event configure page. I thought that after the event is marked as conversion, and the report is unsampled , the number of event count and conversion ...

1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@tripleee done
@tripleee meh
2 hours later…
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні many thanks!
Honestly, which of my questions are SO BAD that I deserve having my entire account shut down? Each question I ask has enough information, has code snippets, has everything this god damned site says it needs for a good question. This is honestly infuriating.
6 hours later…

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