@roganjosh If you're speed comparing JSON libs, it might be interesting to look at (mis)using YAML parsers/generators for the purpose, given JSON is a valid subset. ;^P
Hey all. Let's say my class has a variable, and I assign a value to it in a method. When I access the variable later it seems to retain the type it had earlier. Do I need to re-architect, or is there a way around this?
x = None
def updateX() #do something that ends in x = json.loads(someJson)
updateX() print(x['someproperty']) #NoneType object is not subscriptable
Either way you have scoping problems. In your example x = None refers to a global name, later updateX binds a new value to a local (to the function) name x
you could probably fix that with nonlocal or global but the class thing makes me careful about your design
If what you wrote is a representative example and x = None is at the top level of your module that makes x = None a global name. You could add global x to updateX before you assign to it, but you should consider returning a new value instead and x = updateX(x) (I'm told it's easier to test functions that don't mutate)
@Billdr also if the names are dicts you can initialize them to {} and call .update inside the function. Mutation will affect the objects in the global namespace. See also nedbatchelder.com/text/names.html
For this particular use case sloppiness is fine. I will keep it in mind when I'm doing something actually productive. Thanks for the help and guidance.
I have already read answer of this question Image.open() cannot identify image file - Python?, that question was solved by using from PIL import Image, but my situation is different. I am using image_slicer, and there I am getting these errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "image_slic...
@Billdr objects in Python don't really "have names". The same object can be bound to more than one name - consider the simplest case: a = b = 'some value'.
... and a low line count is not the best code quality metric ;-)
In the Python 2 case, it can't resolve functional closures (function within a function), but in Python 3 it can thanks to __qualname__ being added to the language.
There was additionally some recent development adding a protocol method to descriptors to let them know what attribute name they were attached to a class with, too, largely eliminating the need for my own declarative metaclass magic.
Well, yes but ... the __name__ attribute of a function, for example, tels you how it was defined rather than which names are currently bound to it. I can define a function, assign it, then delete the original name. What's its "name" then? Everything you say is correct, but somewhat tangential to my point.
I see this as less a disagreement of fact and more a disagreement of terminology
If we define "name" as "the identifier(s), if any, that an object has been bound to", then a function's qualname may not have anything to do with its "actual" name.
In the earlier version of the code, if you re-assigned it within the same module scope and cleaned up the prior reference, it'd end up exhaustively searching and finding the new name (using the older code). Under the modern code, yeah, you'd potentially have a problem; as this is not a case Python itself seems to handle: def foo(): pass; bar = foo; del foo; bar.__qualname__ == 'foo'
That's actually a very good rationale for keeping the exhaustive search around; if __qualname__ doesn't map to the same object, to heck with __qualname__.
I expect that most classes and functions don't ever get reassigned to new names, in which case qualname still contains useful and accurate data. On the other hand, if you find yourself needing to dynamically reconstruct object paths, you're probably off the beaten path already, which increases the chances that you're dependent on some too-clever-by-half class that rebound all its methods for a reason that seemed really good at the time
With a mild note that "good enough can be good enough"; the biggest use for my own canonical name lookup is for assignment of plugin references to database objects. This type of use can be highly effective, as "shenanigans" are unlikely on plugins you want to be discoverable (and may likely have registered via entry_points).
hi all, I am trying to export a .dat file into csv format but I am first converting it into .mdf format which is the original file format and after that i am converting it into csv but the csv file created is having empty rows after each record. how can I repair this code to ensure that is does not create these empty rows? Thanks
for fullfilename in onlyfilenames:
file_name, file_extension = splitext(fullfilename)
if file_extension == ".DAT":
input_file = dat_folder + fullfilename
Not enough information. We have no way of telling why the MDF object is doing what it's doing, because we don't know what the MDF class is or where it comes from.
stackoverflow.com/help/mcve — I have no idea what yop is beyond yoghurt. ;) Additionally, that code does not seem to concern itself with lines or records, so I doubt there's anything you can do to that code (in particular) to correct the apparent problem.
thanks.. i imported MDF from the assamdf library which is used to read CAN messages in automotive area.. i tried to create another loop to read the converted csv files and remove the blank rows but its causing too much preprocessing time. ill try these suggestions
Ok, I now believe it is a real library. I don't see anything obvious in the documentation that would make it output blank rows... I think I need an MCVE if I'm going to investigate any further.
Ugh. Diagnosing and correcting decoding errors during import is… un-easy. Though the longest stack trace in there does a brilliant job highlighting the reentrant generator approach. XD
@AmagicalFishy Depends on how the "package" is being imported and executed. I'm always a fan of explicit relative imports: from .foo import _bar, but this will only work if the package itself is being imported, not if a module within is being directly executed. The full path approach would be less fragile, though.
And yeah, the import machinery (let alone almost all of Python STDLIB) makes no distinction about leading underscores being "private" or anything. That's a soft-convention for human eyes.
C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>type test.py
def _qux():
return 23
Python 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct 3 2017, 17:26:49) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from test import *
>>> _qux
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name '_qux' is not defined
>>> from test import _qux
>>> _qux()
A shiny quatloo to anyone that can find a passage in the official documentation that mentions this. I can't find it anywhere in docs.python.org/3/tutorial/…
What show was it that had that gag that was like: Captain: a shiny doubloon for the first man to spot the white whale. Crewman: there she blows off the starboard! Captain [putting the doubloon in his own pocket]: ... I saw it first.
Small correction to what I said earlier: Imports can throw AttributeErrors, if you have an incorrect name in your __all__ list and you do an from module import *
So now that we know that, I expect everyone present in this chat room will henceforth stop writing except ImportError: and start writing except (ImportError, AttributeError):
Theory: everyone else does understand the import system, but they wisely don't advertise that fact because then they'd have to help me the next time I need to import thing from place.
Clearly you all have watched Monty Python's How Not To Be Seen. I am so proud.
Honestly, I don't think the import system is very complicated. At least not the stuff that you actually need. If you're talking about things like import hooks and finders and loaders, then yeah, that's an incomprehensible mess
All I know is that ever since I unflattened my KevinScript project directory, I have to pip install it every single time I make a change to any source file, which has contributed to my extreme delinquency. If I wanted a mandatory build process, I'd use a compiled language.
I needed to import a module from a directory that was up-and-over-and-down one and the only two evident solutions were 1) manually append to sys.path; 2) make the project into a package
If the import system let me import from sibling directories, I wouldn't have had to do either. Therefore, I blame the import system.
Now everyone is thinking "of course you need to packagify your project to import from sibling directories, and everyone knows this, and of course you need to use the -e flag to make dev changes quickly reflect, and everyone knows this. But how do I tell Kevin this without making him feel like a dolt?"
Well, honestly, I don't see a reason why importing from a sibling directory should be supported. You can do it if it's within the same parent package, and if it isn't, should you really be relying on the module being at that specific location on the file system? If you really want to, you can just hack sys.path or use importlib.
What I'm hearing is "a project that contains directories that depend on each other is already a package on the conceptual level. By not formalizing that status, you're unnecessarily tying one hand behind your back"
They didn't have an internet connection at home and I became pretty intent on getting this thing to work so they actually had something to do in the daytime, but my best efforts failed. Even the most basic games come from an online hub, just to play. In the end I had to go for Steam and start downloading stuff on the pub WiFi. Infuriating.
Yeah. There were a load of hoops you had to jump through to get it to work offline. I don't understand the Microsoft policy. I had to catch a train but I put a good 30 minutes into it before abandoning it.
I presume it's just one of the many big sacrifices that Windows 10 made to be more tablet-friendly. Less local storage... and who has a tablet that isn't on WiFi?
It's pretty nice that Microsoft is starting to acknowledge the existence of other operating systems. Maybe someday it'll stop rebooting into linux 3 times a day.
Back when I was still actively using Windows (2000) as a desktop environment (dual-booting Linux via ntldr.exe ;), I was the envy of my friends with access to UNIX tools. Wget from command.exe, etc. ;P
@Aran-Fey Windows' IP stack is BSD-derived; HyperTerm (and some of the other ancillary utilities) still mention the earlier copyright. ;)
I was going to link that website that emulates Windows 95 in the browser and say "here, point your pensioner at this site" but the first thing it does is throw a pop-up that says "by using this you agree that you are solely responsible for all copyright infringement involved in using this project. Really continue?" which is not the friendliest message if you're just trying to play cards
@amcgregor They are late to the party but thankfully there are clean VM solutions for the stuff I need Linux for, and bridge the port. Coming into the market with this feature when the main OS has started to veer horribly out of usable terrain for developers is a bit late. Now the "middle ground" I need will come versions down the line by which point I'll either have outgrown Windows 7 or, well, Windows.
I was hopeful for WPF. But they never ended up killing GDI, because compatibility, so the benefit is largely wasted. XD They have such good ideas. (The metadata filesystem idea was one I totally yoinked and ran with for my home data.)
… but then they pull things like trying to patent basic IP protocols like ping, traceroute, finger, and time.
@Kevin The problem is that they don't have the internet. They just had their laptop with them in pub, so I needed to get it set up for when they went home. Unless you're saying it's a local system that opens in a browser?
Otherwise they could have played Solitaire fine... but only in the pub on the free WiFi
If the description is to be believed, it's all emulated on the client side. So he should be able to open the page in the pub and continue using it at home as long as the window stays open.
Ah ok, that might be feasible. I will have a look into it. By the time I got to setting up their email address, setting up their Steam account, trying to explain their free "purchases" and how to open them.... sorry, no. Windows 10 has totally locked that generation out.
I'm 75% joking in suggesting this since it is self-admittedly a very sluggish emulation, and in fact I didn't even try running it because I got impatient waiting for the 100 MB download to finish
If I were seriously trying to solve this problem I'd probably look for an open source version of Solitaire. Surely this is a moderately popular project for aspiring game devs?
(But perhaps that only means that there are a million half-finished implementations, and zero finished ones)
@AndrasDeak As I was saying earlier, the old games that used to ship with Windows are now on some weird games portal that you have to access online. I had tried some of the guides I found online to get offline games but they weren't working. So the default position to play basic games is that you access your online portal account.
I'll do some more research and have another crack. I guess there'll be like a 101 freeware games bundle that I could download
I wrote a clunky implementation of FreeCell in C++ and I'm a rube, so it can't be too out of reach
Mind you, Freecell does not have the fancy drag-and-drop functionality that Solitaire does. That might be where the difficulty curve becomes a difficulty cliff
I interrupt this discussion to bring you news that, after all the ridicule I got about ManBearPig (half man, half bear and half pig) about 6 months ago, there are now official warning signs on research laboratory doors on HNQ: academia.stackexchange.com/questions/125718/…
Similarly, there is an image floating around reddit etc which warns the reader not to engage in certain acts with android girls, despite the fact that android girls do not (yet) exist.
At least that's the impression I'm getting from Wikipedia. Pliny the Elder mentions a "monoceros", which is a "very fierce animal". Cosmas Indicopleustes reports that "it is impossible to take this ferocious beast alive". Da Vinci says "for the love it bears to fair maidens forgets its ferocity and wildness"
@AndrasDeak if you package them correctly, the circular dependency shouldn't really matter
i.e. package a can depend on b and b can depend on a. pip install will just pull them both in, no problem.
multiple top-level packages in distribution is a code-smell to me - some modern packaging tools (e.g. flit) don't even support it, taking the opinion that you should have one top-level package per project.
I have yet to see any legitimate use-case for a "sibling" package import.
Given unicorns could be programmers in another reality, and given unicorns are mythical, and given one's occupation is representative of themselves, then programming is mythical
Unless I'm missing the points you're making, there's lateral and then there's lateral when the Titanic splits in half and everything that was originally moving on a horizontal plane goes flying into the ocean.
The opportunity to use them is rare ("I need a collection that can contain only limited-precision integers"), and having a motive to use them is rarer ("... And I need to use 12% as much memory as a list of long ints would take up")
That conversation was derailed by some bizarre responses; my other take-home was that the opportunity to use them isn't quite as ubiquitous as someone suggested
Yep. I could see that array.array would work without the added dependency, but I use np daily so arrays just don;t seem to fit into my work. That's why I was curious if they're actually used by others
There was a question on the difference between lists, sets and arrays, and the dupe I picked didn't cover arrays, but I also made an assertion that they're not really used
I remember that question. I think it's fine to be dismissive of arrays in that context. If the OP is at a skill level where they don't know when to use sets vs lists, then arrays will almost certainly not be useful for the kinds of projects they can handle
... Assuming you're the type of teacher that's fine with saying "you won't need this until later". I know that drives some people crazy.
I want a teacher to make me aware of what they're skipping, and I'm the type of person that will research it later. The fact that there is someone who knows of the existence of python arrays in the first place but doesn't know the difference between a list and a set seems... strange
Lots of newbies become vaguely aware of the existence of arrays because a million pedants like myself Well Actually them every time they say "I have an array, x = [1,2,3]..."
After the googolth correction they say "alright alright, so arrays and lists are different in Python. So... What is an array?"
@Kevin challenge: an innocent google query that brings up the python array module from the misuse of "array" instead of "list" (used by sites like W3Schools).
You know too much, but I'd put money on almost all searches either coming up with list methods or numpy arrays from a genuine noobie
I try to give people slack for not being able to compose a good Google query. It's really an acquired skill. Double slack should be given for Python related searches because v2.7 (or lower!) docs still have better page rankings than the most recent versions in many cases
On the other hand, I feel like in 60 years time our descendants will be working in Type Camps, cursing us for not fighting against the Type Oppressors.
If the challenge is "compose a query that might be made by a newbie that thinks lists are called arrays, and which turns up Python's array documentation as the first result", I don't think I can win that one
> Just like in PEP 484 and PEP 526, it should be emphasized that Python will remain a dynamically typed language, and the authors have no desire to ever make type hints mandatory, even by convention.
@AndrasDeak I figured it would be either super memory efficient, or super inefficient but very good at being quickly manipulated in ways that a big dumb block of data normally wouldn't
@Kevin That was the challenge. W3Schools really has made a hash of all this tbh. As I stumble around in the darkness for front-end features, that site has actually become more than a little irritating.
It is, in polite terms, complete and utter garbage.