I'm in desperate need of motivation today. After weeks of work on a web app, this morning I went into the factory and saw all the novel ways IE could explode the design into something entirely unusable, and none of the PCs are on the internet to get new browsers :/
@Sklivvz The problem with that is that in Python (ignoring annotations) you don't usually have a static set of attributes to reflect against. Unless you provide them somehow.
What's most frustrating is that I've been battling to make sure it works on IE on my PC as well as actual browsers, but I guess they have older versions on those PCs. I honestly don't know how someone could work on front-end design permanently, it really makes you question your sanity
SQLAlchemy for example solves it by having you write classes in a certain way (Declarative), or you map existing table metadata against a class (classical mapping). In the 1st option the attributes are reflected from the Declarative class, in the second from the provided table metadata.
@Sklivvz In case you absolutely have to solve this in python and have to write the target object yourself, I'd like to advocate for dataclasses, which are a python3.7 feature. I use them in this exact way (provide a stable definition against database queries) and am quite happy with the results
I have a team currently working against the driver, which slows them down. OTOH a whole ORM is actually a net negative since most of the queries we are supporting are highly complex.
I'm not saying you should use SQLA, but just mentioning that it is written with that in mind. It is built in layers. The ORM is just a higher abstraction on top of a Pythonic SQL DSL (the Core) that allows writing complex queries. The idea is that the ORM should not stop you from using the features of your database.
@IljaEverilä Depending on how the tuple was written, moving it to a dataclass is trivial. In our case we literally only needed to change class OurDataModel(NamedTuple) to @dataclass; class OurDataModel and delete a bunch of code that was no longer needed.
But I can imagine how it could also be hard. The cynic in me would probably say that the parts that are hard to rewrite are bugs in the former model, and moving to a proper dataclass is the fix
@Arne I know I could just read the PEP, but I meant that did the provided __init__ accept positional args so that it's easy to convert a result tuple from a query to instances?
I'm 99% sure you can just unpack the tuple into the constructor, provided that the dataclass's attributes were defined (annotated) in the correct order
@Simon In reviews, ideally stick to the review only (e.g. Close vote review should only check for close votes), else you might end spending a lot of time. And yeah, use skip very freely, even if you are tiny bit unsure.
@Skum I'm not that familiar with whatever library you are using, but I think this would have to do with the scaling of your X axis, not the spacing between bars.
hmm... I only have one gold from the review queue - suggested edits... the rest require way too much effort with no rewards, I find it better to stay away from the queue if you're not motivated enough to tackle it
but if filters improve your efficacy, then by all means go for it
Hi any data sci guys! I have a question regarding combining probabilities. If I have a patient which has 5 probabilities of experiencing some event where each probability corresponds to a year, is there a way I can somehow combine these probabilities into a single probability. I'm not sure if just taking the average of the 5 is the best way given that there is a time element? I may be wrong
The following packages will be REMOVED:
gdm3 gnome gnome-core gnome-session gnome-shell gnome-shell-extension-weather gnome-shell-extensions task-gnome-desktop
oops, let me reconsider that
@Sam you mean the 5 probabilities apply to 5 consecutive years?
Hi both. Sorry if I was unclear, what I mean is each probability value corresponds to the probability of contracting event x in a particular year. ie, prob_1 = .80 translates to an 80% probability of contracting event x in year 1
prob_2 corresponds to the probability of experiencing that event in year 2. My model only considers 12 months of data, therefore it is pivoted forward 12 month to generate these new predictions. My goal is to have a single probability (representing all years) and treat the actual_observed_output as "if the event actually happened in any year, True, else, False." The reason I want it patient level is so I can toggle the prediction threshold to some fixed sensitivity, for instance
in that case P(it happens in 5 years) = P(it happens in year 1) + P(it happens in year 2) + ... P(it happens in year 5) because these events on the right hand side are mutually exclusive
Let's say that I'm curious about how long does it take for people to learn specific things. Maybe I'm trying to unconsciously assert myself, who knows. ;D
Now that I think about it, the question is a bit dumb since someone who has been programming in python for several years (let's say 5 years) will learn pandas way faster than another who wouldn't have a good understanding of underlying libraries (such as matplotlib), things like that.
And you launch using : python manage.py runserver And you create the tree using... django-admin startproject myproject /Users/jezdez/Code/myproject_repo
You would normally set up the database credentials in the settings.py file, which is called by the wsgi applicaiton on startup - this has been true in cases where I've been directly accessing external systems through raw sql as well as Django managed dbs
Are you trying to do something that's not covered by that use case?
@Withnail Totally. But with where this is being deployed, there can be other services that share envvars, and we've already had an issue with them being overwritten by another process.
Example 1:
Someclass.a_method is an unbound method. These don't even exist in Python nowadays, so consider this a useless history lesson.
Does Python make a copy of the method each time it is referenced?
Yes, more or less. This is done via descriptor protocol.
>>> SomeClass.a_method ...
Possibly calling Python 2.7 useless, in a question tagged python 2.7 and therefore likely to be read by users that still use Python 2.7, may be not the most diplomatic phrasing
If you're thinking "I didn't call it useless, I called its history useless, a rational reader would understand the distinction", recall the kind of people that use the Internet
Hearing people's opinions about 2.7 was a factor in my decision to move to 3.X full time, so there's value there even though SO wants to optimize for purely objective data