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When is the EOL of Python 3?
There isn't one because there's no python 4, and GVR has said there won't be some huge transition from 3 to 4 like 2 to 3. So I wouldn't worry about it.
If you mean "3.0 through the next breaking change", the EOL is "when hell freezes over". If you mean 3.9, it's… I think when 4.2 comes out? I forget how far back support goes, but anyway, 4.2 is basically just "3.12".
And if they stick to the current release cycle plan, you could work out exactly when that is.
Phew. For all us modern Python devs :)
Actually, according to the April Fool's press release, Python 3 and Perl 6 will be merged once Parrot 1.0 and Perl 6 are complete. Which is probably farther in the future than hell freezing over.
Perl 6 has been out for a while now?
@KevinMGranger this came up recently and there will be a python 4
no, I don't think so ^
There will be a 4, but not in the same relationship to 3 that 3 had to 2, no?
I thought according to Larry, Perl 6 is still "in development", and he expects that there will never be an implementation that fulfills all of the apocalypses?
@KevinMGranger very much not, yes
on those lines*
I can't wait until we all look back to python 3 and make fun of how horrible it was (compared to py4)
"Can you believe we did dynamic typing at all?" sorry, I know that scares some of you
There was a proposal to use 3.10 instead of 4.0 to avoid confusing anyone, but Guido ruled that would be equally confusing in a different direction, and also confuse code as well as humans.
The last time a language broke a long-standing, well-implemented dynamic type system was Objective C 4.0. Not that my enthusiasm for the language wasn't already waning at that point, but after 4.0 came out, I began avoiding it whenever possible.
@AshishNitinPatil oh yeah, that was it
Great. I can't wait for the flying car. import antigravity (maybe) @AshishNitinPatil
Using antigravity to implement flying cars is missing the point. It's like using Python's first-class functions to implement Ruby's crappy two-kinded functions-and-closures-as-separate-things.
from __future__ import antigravity maybe?
Awww NotInplamentedYet: First expected stable release 2025
antigravity has been in the stdlib for years now, and it successfully increases the amount of levity in your coding session. What else would you need it to do?
@Simon you might want to pull down a few years from that. At least 10 will be a good start.
(since there are already flying car / vehicles)
@abarnert fly cars :-p
hmm, help(__future__) is nice and informative
@AshishNitinPatil Self flying, flying cars :D
Why do you want to fly cars if there's no gravity? I don't expect my personal submersible to sink cars. Unless I torpedo a bridge while there are cars on it, but you know what I mean.
because you'll want your car to be able to keep up with Earth's orbit (or lack thereof)
does anyone know how to get elasticsearch version?
most python modules have a .__version__ attribute
lemme check
If all else fails, pip list | grep elasticsearch
I don't want a car at all. That's why I don't live in LA anymore.
what he said :P
@abarnert So you use a boat now?
didnt work...but I got the directory..
@user5444075 pip list | grep elastic
Neither did? That's suspicious. Try using the pip you're using: python -m pip freeze |grep ... where "python" is the python you're using anyway
you changed the name, nevermind
@user5444075 Possibly related: stackoverflow.com/questions/30791431/…
@wim even if it gets more downvotes I'm enjoying your answer :D
@chrisz ahah, the minus question?
Initially he got downvoted twice for around a second each time before it was removed. I guess people's eyes kept scanning down and saw who posted :P
i got the version .. thanks
Question link for those interested
That is the second time that exact same question has been posted in the last day or two. Pretty sure it was the same user last time as well.
@Simon Nah, I just call a Lyft. And in the future, Uber and Lyft won't be using flying cars, nor self-flying cars. It'll be the exact opposite—friendly people with antigrav belts just swoop down and pick you up and carry you to your destination like eagles carrying hobbits.
So high-reps do have special treatments..?
there's massive cronyism for high-rep users
a short off-hand snippet by a 200k user will almost always shadow an elaborate answer by a low-rep
@AndrasDeak I feel like that cycle is continued by low rep users who don't understand the code but are more likely to upvote high rep users than low rep users.
@wim did you really just answer an elementary school math question?
High-rep users tend to get an easier time posting answers, but a harder time posting questions, because of the "you should know better" factor.
I'm sure I would get solidly downvoted if I was to import numpy to apply the minus operator
Which is why I ask all my questions on Quora, Yahoo Answers, or the random people at the corner of Market & 6th.
@abarnert unless the question looks complicated enough that the "I don't get it, I must be dumb" reflex kicks in
@user5444075 great. ;)
it's worth looking at where the 200k rep is coming from when assessing questions :P
@abarnert I rarely see users above a few hundred reps ask bad question though. That is a legitimate thing to ask from them
how does How to convert a negative number to positive? goes to +65/-3 though?
and an accepted answer on +134/-0
October 4, 2010, checks out
Olivier, yeah, the "you should know better" thing isn't usually a problem because usually they actually do know better…
stack is so hypocritical
I'm sure if we dig we will find some user who got a few thousand reps out of explaining what a return statement does
None of the answers actually tell you how to convert the negative number to a positive, they just tell you how to discard your negative number and rebind the name with its absolute value. To actually answer the question, you have to at least hack the PyLong, and possibly hack the Platonic realm of numbers.
@OlivierMelançon at least that's programming
What is an indent? @OlivierMelançon
@OlivierMelançon there are posts (questions / answers) that have 10k+ votes, so...
but most of those are git life savers ;)
And how to exit vim :-p
I mean, that's fine though. Somebody had to explain it to me at some time in the apst I guess
This question was caused by a problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error
now that's silly
The typographical error would be the missing '-'
But yea... duplicate would have been more appropriate
probably "brain fart" category, but I don't agree with that
this level of confusion is very much reproducible
remember, there are no stupid questions (only stupid people)
I won't open a debate about that :P
"would that be stupid?" :-p
There aren't even really any stupid questions, just stupid XY problems.
@wim are you saying we vote on people's intelligence?
If we do, I'm going to delete that stupid question I once asked at 2am ...
Because it would seem it was not the question that was stupid?
A more interesting question is: how many upvotes do you need to get back to positive rep after n downvotes?wim 55 secs ago
@Simon I vote for everyone to be smarter.
Seriously though, why would you answer that question? There's a 0% chance of it not having been asked a million times
def get_back_to_positive_rep_after_having_received_n_downvotes(n):
    return n // 5 + 1
@Aran-Fey shrugs If it's been asked a million times, why didn't you close it as dupe instead of "problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error"?
@wim 1 delete + 1 upvote
@wim If you would kindly direct your eyes to the comment section of that question...
Yeah, I'm also a bit lost over which question was closed as a typo?
the negative one
The typographical error was typing the question in the first place.
Ah, ok, but they only display the majority vote, no?
@Aran-Fey that's why we need you to get that badge quick quick :P
@roganjosh yes, and Aran has a dupe autocomment with an upvote there
Yeah, I saw that
@chrisz :)
that it got you guys riled up made it worth it ..
The question which explicitly asks "If possible, not using external modules would be great." but where wim still figured out a way to import numpy to apply a minus sign :p
I'm sure it will be deleted in short order
I did actually chuckle at the two quick downvote reversals
in case "riled up" includes just shaking my head, sure
i'll take it
After the other guy (I can't see deleted) got 4 in quick succession. After they were done hammering him clearly they moved on to yours and just downvoted blindly
cbg Mr. Zeus
Hey Ashish
@AndrasDeak the "get back to positive" is actually kinda interesting maths question
it's impossible with the real numbers
How so?
It's even more impossible with the complex numbers.
but there are more general number systems where such infinitesimals are defined
Not all number fields are ordered, after all, and "positive' doesn't mean much…
My huh was for wim, I'm perfectly fine with the complex number statement
Oh you mean "get to the smallest positive above 0"?
yes, well, suppose n is the smallest number you can add to k for which n + k > 0
then sure
then you can halve the delta and arrive at a contradiction
this is just the usual story with open sets
Well ordering principle, just throw that one the table when people ask that
my sleepy brain can't wrap around any of this
Infinitesimals don't make much difference. In hyperreals or even surreals, you can negate infinitesimals just as easily as finite numbers, and it's just as impossible to get the smallest positive infinitesimal as the smallest positive real.
@AshishNitinPatil same problem: the series 1/n tends to 0 and has a lower bound of 0, but you can't tell me the smallest value in the series, since 0 is not included in the series and any larger (i.e. positive) real number has a smaller one in between itself and 0
@Aran-Fey ahhh I keep forgetting you don't have the badge. my bad.
I suppose you could define something akin to the projective reals, adding two points adjacent to zero rather than one point at infinity, and you could probably come up with a sensible way to do metrics on that number system, in which case the problem would be answerable… but I can't imagine any use for that number system or that metric space.
(and 1/n will eventually be smaller than any arbitrarily small positive number you choose)
@abarnert "probably come up with a sensible way" seems a bit shaky
of course "sensible to whom?", I guess. Number theorists will take anything
It's more a matter of topology than number theory at that point
I expect abarnert to add a remark that will put me off this conversation :D
has anyone seen a website which visualizes the distribution of floats in the reals?
you mean a black empty webpage?
I'm told they are...dense
What resolution does your screen have, wim?
it would be something zoomable obvs
I've never seen one but this could make an interesting visualization
They are not dense, since there are finitely many
Nope, they are dense at any zoom. Are you even serious?
But yes wim, I had that somewhere for a numerical analysis course, let me try to find it back
Deak smoking crack again
oh, "floats"
They're certainly not dense at 1e4000 zoom, where you'll only have 0 or 1 pixels on the page even for denormals.
you and your silly computer ways
yeah, I promptly read that as "irrationals in reals", sorry about that
Don't zoom, just go up in sufficiently large numbers
Also, how do you map NaN to the screen? Does it have to show up in another window on your computer, but never the one you have selected?
let's pretend nan doesn't exist, since I never go to the nursing home and visit her anyway
So you have a quiet nan?
this is not what I had in mind, but cool nonetheless
I want something reactive CSI style
That says "enhance" every time you zoom.
p = e − 1023 means someone read the standard back in the 80s, spent hours puzzling through the what the p means when the standard carefully defined a whole bunch of pieces and then used completely different never-defined ones instead, and will never forget what they figured out.
I don't even really know what p = e - 1023 is about. I think I used to know, but I forgot now.
the number underneath it, you can click and drag on.
I had a - 127 offset here
it's something like that, but 2^10 - 1 instead of 2^7 - 1 .....???
64bits vs 32bits
Yeah, p = e - 1023 makes sense once you understand it: there's an 11-bit exponent field; you interpret those bits as an unsigned int 11 called e, then subtract 2^10-1 from it to get the actual exponent called p. The only problem is that they define e as a bias-1023 int, not an unsigned int, and don't define p, and that definition of e isn't part of the interchange formats anyway.
So even after you've figured it out through experimentation, you still can't understand how the spec is trying to define it.
Of course if you real the IBM or Intel docs instead of the standard, it makes a lot more sense. And probably even more so if you read something like the Wikipedia article, but that didn't exist in the 80s.
^[citation needed]
The official page for the standard is ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/30711 but you can't download it for free there.
I was referring specifically to "[the Wikipedia article] didn't exist in the 80s"
My citation for that is the memory of everyone who was alive in the 80s. When we wanted an encyclopedia, we had to use one that was 50 years out of date and printed in Middle English, and we had to walk to the library to get it, through the snow, and it was uphill, in both directions, and we had shoes made of cardboard, and when you got there you couldn't actually touch the books, you had to file a request for the librarian to turn to the page you wanted and wait three weeks.
That's if you were lucky and lived in a town with a library. Where I came from, we didn't have libraries. Or towns. We just lived in a hole in middle of the desert. And we were happy to have that hole. Not like spoiled kids today.
ah, the dark "when slopes went uphill both ways" age
@abarnert I'm sure it's available on on "IEEE's greatest hits" CD somewhere
I'll refrain from commenting on that
If you don't INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX, the COMMONCONTROL will never initiate it either, and you'll both end up disappointed.
@wim It readily turns up in a search for IEEE-754 pdf on dozens of sites, many of them owned by people who worked on the committee or companies that were part of it, but I've still been chastised on multiple cites for linking to them because it's a "pirate link".
I wonder if 754 is there biggest seller actually, or not really because it's easy to find freely avail
Every university CS department has to buy one copy. And probably every FPU manufacturer. But I can't imagine who else would.
I remember a digital encyclopedia on CD-ROM ("encarta") but I think that was 90's
how old are you, abarnert? (403 is a valid answer)
The Encarta website is gone, and searching for it on microsoft.com turns up nothing, even via Wayback… but according to Wikipedia, Encarta existed from 1993 to 2009.
I'm 47.
were you always in SF ?
it must have been interesting seeing it transform from hippies to tech heads
Nah, I moved here in the early 2000s, so I watched it transform from wannabe tech heads panicking over the .com bust to tech heads who don'
t remember the bust and thing the current boom days are guaranteed to last forever.
well they are, right?
Of course. But the next startup you work for is sure to go public and make you a zillionaire so you can retire, so why do you even care if the boom lasts?
how much is a coffee in the bay area (milky one, latte)
Actually, most places here are $4-$6 for espresso drinks, not much different than I've seen anywhere else in the US.
What actually is Worldbuilding all about? How do I explain a unicorn discharging powerful electricity at a distance?. I just have a weird image of someone throwing the book down shouting "Preposterous!" until you explain that it is, in fact, electricity being conducted down the webs of trained jumping spiders.
@roganjosh unrestrained fantasy musing
Or scifi without sci. So...fiction?
The biggest change isn't the expensive stuff getting more expensive, it's the cheap stuff and cheap neighborhoods no longer being cheap. North Beach and the Marina still look like North Beach and the Marina, but in the Mission, when I cross Capp St., nobody tries to sell me crack anymore. Not that I want any crack, but it was nice to be asked.
Did they use to offer free samples?
Your first comment has actually explained it to me really succinctly. I've just been getting more and more confused at what its purpose is on the network, but I guess it just allows some people to get distracted
I never understood why fantasy writers want to call it "electricity". Not only does that invite readers to ask for a scientific explanation you don't want to provide, it also makes no sense for a medieval or classical world, where they didn't even have the concept of electricity, and would probably interpret the word as something to do with throwing amber gems at you.
People nowadays expect to give some sort of sciencey-sounding handwave explanations to basic workings in the universe, which in my opinion usually makes it worse
but less-scientific people might have different mileage
I do kind of like Gary Gygax's solution: if there's electrical magic, there must be a (quasi-)elemental plane of electricity. That's just so bonkers that you can suspend disbelief and just roll the dice and have fun.
And then of course he had to fill in the whole grid: lightning is actually the combination of… air and positive energy, I think? I forget.
I can see your point. The unicorn next door is pretty mundane and bound by the same, dumb and boring, laws of physics as I am
sounds like an explanatory rabbit hole
Some great Gygax physics about the lightning plane: invisibility doesn't work there, because an electrical halo forms around any material object or creature not native to the plane. Because of course it does.
The solution is Lasers

Simply, much like a Narwhal* the Unicorn can shoot lasers out of it's horn.
well a sufficiently powerful laser could turn the air into plasma I guess
I'd probably rather be hit by lightning than by plasma
Are you serious?
because lightning is plasma :)
mmm, I need to go for a cigarette to contemplate that one
Short story: lightning is a spark, and sparks are plasma
Maybe plasma comes in good and bad kinds, like cholesterol, and lightning is mostly good plasma for his species?
Oh, that explains all the "donate plasma" ads I've been seeing
Yeah, your plasma is especially good if you have lots of HDLs, both the lipoproteins and the lightning.
My musings don't leave me satisfied that lightning is plasma
It ionises gas around it, fine, but it is not itself plasma, surely
Longer story: plasma is just a soup of charged ions and electrons, once an electrically neutral gas has been ionized (i.e. some or all of the electrons has been torn off the nucleus)
Dad died last year when my family couldn't remember his blood type in time for paramedics to save him. As he died, he kept insisting for us to "be positive," but it's hard without him.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Sparks are a soup of charged ions and electrons, when something creates a high enough electric field that breaks down the molecules in air, creating a plasma. The ensuing soup of charged particles conduct electricity well, which is why a lightning bolt can carry its huge charge from the cloud to the ground or vice versa
That joke gets a B-
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ the blatant pun pj dad joke doesn't imply that it's not rooted in real events, but it's a possibility
so lightning is the ionized gas, along with huge amount of charge zapping to and fro along that ionized channel
I concede
it's pretty cool actually
when I first heard about a fourth state of matter and I asked what a plasma was, I was told it's what's inside a fluorescent lamp, and I found that example somewhat unsatisfying, considering how it's always sealed behind opaque glass
Well, yeah, how are the narwhals suspended in the sky to be able to blast it down to us?
no, I said sealed, not narwhaled
Well that re-frames everything
I really have to go to bed, and on a point like this (this might be even more powerful at keeping me awake than the likes I no longer get on my FB posts)
if that helps I'm out of subject matter :D
also bedtime here too
rbrb :)
wait that was a joke?
if yes, then it was in poor taste :|
but maybe that's just because I'm not used to that kind of humour :p
Rhubarb all :)
I'm not sure it's poor taste. Maybe a little coppery, but I think it would go well with dim sum.

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