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Also didn't you post the question this morning, did you just delete it and re asked it with more details on the same question? (you know you can edit questions right?) IIRC you had an answer in there too... ( I don't remember much details about it ). My point is generally one should not delete their questions and re ask the same question.
this with ignored(Exception): thing this guy is talking about doesn't actually exist, does it? (as a replacement for try: ... except Exception: pass)
There's contextlib.suppress.
ah, so that's what they renamed it to. Thanks!
that makes deleting files a little bit nicer.
someone actually upvoted that
I don't get it.
"it has code"
i feel so unproductive today.... Can't find a stupid bug.... :(
Let the bug find you.
Be one with the bug, eh?
the tao of bug
"Make Monday hate you," as keeps popping up on the sidebar.
As an aside, did you know that github automatically invalidates your secret key if you accidentally commit it? That was some good thinking on their part.
What do you mean if you commit your secret key ?
sounds awesome
hmm, do they have access to your secret key?
or do they check every key committed and can tell if it belongs to your public one?
@MooingRawr: you can make a command-line access token, which (as I discovered!) you can accidentally commit.
<-- knows as much as Jon Snow
@DSM super neat... too bad I've been corrupted into using a GUI for git stuff :\
I heard that the best way to muck up a repo is to use a GUI. Clearly who claims this hasn't seen me do anything in the git command line
GUI for git stuff? ew.
then again I might be even more efficient with a GUI (efficient at breaking things, I mean)
github is just a GUI for git stuff..
it took me two iterations of fork-edit-commit-push(->request pull) to do a trivial edit the last time I tried
then again the only other thing I've done in git was advent of code, where I only had to push
I use a GUI for 95% of my git usage.
I'm also on the Windows stack and don't normally have a command line open already.
Why can't I format links. My chat skills are deteriorating. :/
Too much RL. Probably a good sign.
Agreed. The less you know about chat shortcuts, the better.
welcome back @Morgan
It means you're making better life choices
Thanks. :)
@idjaw I mean, I don't know if I'd go that far.
@idjaw :(
Oh that doesn't mean we actually accept this.
I'm just telling you what it means.
Come here Bhargav...My yellow lego hands will give you a nice plasticky hug.
/me hugs idjaw
someone should open a waffle place called "Batter life choices"
That kind of creativity makes me miss a certain someone in room 6 who used to make up store names.
I was about to pour some out in respect.
Instructions unclear: Poured coffee on keyboard.
that got a loud laugh out of me
@MorganThrapp I didn't learn git until I started only using command line... the GUI abstracted too much of it
@enderland That's fair. We only use the very basics of git at work, so I haven't run into an issue with the GUI yet.
I didn't really run into iss,es but I just conceptually didn't grok it
something something the git parable
Yeah, I could see that. It makes about as much sense to me as I need it to, if that makes sense. :P
Eveyrbody except one intern just vanished from my work slack. Unnerving.
I work from home for ONE DAY and the rebels take over. (smh) I'm of a loyalist and counterrevolutionary bent, so I guess it falls to me to fight back.
This isn't the stack you were looking for ?
Oh god. My next project I have to work with JavaScript on top of C#.... What did I do to deserve such a fate, I treated the snakes well enough why am I being punished. :(
any specific framework?
Also, C# isn't too bad
Inspectlet and some other private 'framework'
I don't want to touch JavaScript... There's a Python team in my company doing Machine learning, I would rather pull my hair out trying to teach a machine how to learn, rather than deal with Javascripts :(
welp I guess it's time to go read the JS docs or something... Great way to start a week off :D
I feel your pain (I say as I read through a pile of PHP "code")
btw if you have any questions you can ask me @MooingRawr, will actually probably be able to help
:D see you in the JS room if i do...
Wasn't paying attention to a typo I had in my code...and hidden away was this beautiful exception, and eventually realized why
>>> d = {'a':1},
>>> d.get('a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'get'
And, TIL - bson was not a json typo in some code I was reading....it was actually something real
they missed a chance for byson
Mongo db webscale h4xor developers know BSON
my top voted SO answer is about a package called bison
oh, huh. not the top voted anymore apparently
bison is in the same vague place in my head as flex (?)
something about compiling compilers
@AndrasDeak I have no idea what it's used for. it's just a dependency of another tool I've used
right, I wanted to say "yacc"
which indeed stands for "yet another compiler compiler", for what it's worth
Nothing better than old school black on white websites dinosaur.compilertools.net/yacc
with no CSS
the previous two messages go well together
@khajvah looks perfect with my chrome extension swapping black/white :)
I did it, guys. I got one of my comments flagged for being rude. Behold the terrible things I said:
Have an upvote for being the voice of reason in this swamp of terrible code. — Rawing 4 mins ago
I've never been one to drink alcohol, but today seems like a good time to start.
how do you know if was flagged as rude?
non-constructive/too chatty is much more likely
the guy told me about having flagged it
oh....real intimidating
flag their comment for being non-constructive
@AndrasDeak it's absolutely a "non-constructive" comment worthy flag :v
I'm not so petty that I'd waste a moderator's time over something like that
But it did make me lose faith in humanity once again
comment flags are trivial normally to process
that ^
both those comments are immediate "yup delete for the flag"
An additional aspect to consider is that the third-class-citizen status of comments implies that some mods delete whatever gets flagged, without invoking higher-level cognitive processes (at least this is my impression). A mistaken flag on a comment might lead to its unmerited deletion, which could've been prevented by a retracted flag. — Andras Deak Jul 4 at 15:13
don't get attached to comments
Also, mods will take a quick look to see if there are any comments in general that don't contribute to the discussion around the question itself and will probably delete it too.
no ^
as far as I know they don't see much context
I've seen cleanups like that happen.
yeah, but I don't think that's the default
@Rawing you have faith in humanity? Where did that come from?
@AndrasDeak Oh yes. Agree. Definitely not the default.
@idjaw not often unless there is a custom flag or if it's likely given how comments are flagged (ie 5 of one user are flagged with @otheruser mentions)
@Code-Apprentice That's a good question. I have no idea.
I often will just because.. well on the Workplace, nearly every comment flag represents 10+ comments >.>
at least here on SO we're all calm professionals
@AndrasDeak something like that
@Rawing wait wait wait, not even beer? Is that not hard where you live?
keep in mind most serial killers are calm professionals
the convergence of professional and serial killer is getting too close to figuring all this out. I think we need to diverge attention from the truth.....
@AndrasDeak You must be thinking of Germany. They're more well-known for their drinking habits than us Austrians. We're mostly known for the kangaroos we (don't) have.
I think I have something
ah yes
look at that cute kitty eating a watermelon
@Rawing well sure, no Oktoberfest, but still I thought that Austrians are a beer-liking people
But to answer the question, no, I really don't drink. Can't stand the smell of alcohol or coffee.
Coffee? Dude. :|
How do you code? Is it possible without either?
I hear you though, I don't like most forms of alcohol, and if I went socializing among typical humans I'd have to keep explaining that no, I don't drink, no, I'm not a dry alcoholic, no, I'm not pregnant either
Well, unlike most of you guys I'm not a programmer by trade (yet). Still in uni atm. And if it's uni homework assignments, I can code those without drinking, while doing a handstand, while asleep.
"uni" sounds exactly like drinking
"uni" was when I did my best drinking
uni serves one purpose. Critical thinking while under the influence of mind altering substances. Performing that successfully qualifies you to join the requirements for the job market.
uni was when I.....I forgot
@idjaw I've been purging my body of caffeine recently. the first months were awful but I've adapted to being free of the coffee overloard
^^ I've been there. It's REALLY hard
Now when I have an art show, to not get sloppy, I'll have one gin and tonic, and then switch to just tonic-and-lime. Looks like I'm still drinking, but I'm actually diluting the first drink, and good to drive home.
@enderland how's crack working for you?
@Rawing I don't like the smell of coffee, either.
@AndrasDeak how do you think I know most serial killers are calm professionals... wait, this is a public chat :v
@Code-Apprentice that's the best thing ever. I mean, ground coffee beans! Mmhmmmmm I could smell that forever
I think I've seen you in the SO SerialKillers chat, now that you mention it
I love the smell of coffee because I'm addicted to coffee. When I smell coffee I want coffee and I can't think of anything else...
@idjaw interesting, I never looked at it that way. That certainly ups the difficulty a bit. By the way, I'll hold you responsible if I end up an alcoholic.
Please note that room 6 is not responsible for any experimental activity based on the suggestions of its room owners.
If you do happen to experiment with any of our suggestions, please come back here and post an MCVE, and we will be happy to troubleshoot.
binge drink responsibly
>>> import coffee
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named coffee
@AndrasDeak On the other hand, hot chocolate is the best thing in the world! Yes, I like my drinks sweet, not bitter.
@enderland coffy?
@Code-Apprentice when I say coffee I mean coffee drowned in milk and sugar
It has been too hot this week for hot cocoa, though. Makes it awkward when I go to a coffee shop to use the wifi and I don't feel like the usual. Since I don't do coffee, the choices on the menu are severely limited.
@AndrasDeak that is still coffee. You can fancy it all up and as long as there is any hint of coffee odor or flavor, I can't do it.
You don't have to:) I'm just saying that it doesn't have to be bitter at all.
okay, it isn't just the bitterness then ;-)
But one does need a good coffee machine...I can't stand coffee flavoured things. Coffee-flavoured chocolate, instant coffee, etc.
or maybe there is still just enough bitterness left that I still can't drink it.
perhaps you just don't like its taste
Has anyone seen Denis Leary's coffee rant?
it's a very old skit
I won't link it in here, because it is pretty NSFW for language.
that guy looks as if he's constantly being given an enema
but very easy to find with those right keywords
1 hour later…
@davidism now's your chance ;)
@davidism do it do it do it
hmmm. I'm only missing convention.
I have all other badges.
I'm also really close to gold badge....I think about 70 away.
but that only makes me useful for Python :P
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