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Yup, looks like that was the entire problem. I just needed to install cuDNN.
I've got a weird one!
I have a NameError, albeit the variable IS defined, shows up in dir() and vars().
Any clues what I should try to Google? No positive results so far.
def minify(ouput):
	return htmlmin.minify(output)`
those errors are usually solved by taking a very close look at the variable name and the output of dir(). If you look closely enough, you'll probably find a difference.
it's so simple, i was sure I would have cought it
I'm a genius uurh
I tought maybe i did some black magic with my decorator but nope :) thx @Rawing
don't worry, everyone's wasted at least an hour of their life on a bug like that
saved my day!
Melon :)
and rhubarb
is sad there isn't a way to wish a good day in Salad
5 hours later…
@JeromeJ you can always propose an amendment :D
cbg all
& rbrb got some meetings with clients today..
This is a test of the bot reacting to incorrectly formatted code:
# this is not how you format
def foo():
That looks like improperly formatted code. You should check the Illustrated Guide To Formatting Code In Chat‌​, and make sure you've read the room rules since it's mentioned there.
1 hour later…
@KevinMGranger you should definitely make that a directed reply
cbg everyone, potato
Morning cbg
Has been a while, Room 6.
I have new job! Escaping MadCo, and going back to startupland.
6 weeks and counting.
Congrats! :)
Words can't quite describe the relief. :D
I bet.
@Withnail Try using code. Python, if you fancy, but we'll take anything, really.
I've got an interview for a job this week. It is for front end development with JavaScript and React and has the potential to pivot to backend development with SciPy.
Hah! :D
I actually started writing a reliefGenerator, but decided I should probably do some actual work
@Withnail wowser
or at least make some coffee.
At the reliefGenerator, or the job? :D
@Withnail the job
You sound surprised :P
@Withnail I remembered that you got the job a few months ago. The surprise was more because you did not take long to move to new pasture. In the same time, if they are "loco", it is always time to move on. No one has to cope with poor management.
is there a way to get a comparison always return true . example ( a > somevalue) which will always be true similarly (a< somevalue2) which will always be true
class AlwaysTrue:
    def __gt__(self, other):
        return True
    def __lt__(self, other):
        return True

a= AlwaysTrue()
:) It'll have been 10.5 months (of a 12 month contract) when I move.
Time flies when you're infuriatingly frustrated.
@Withnail I agree
I had fun doing the technical tests, this time round, as well, rather than them being a terrifying hurdle.
@Rawing how can I put AlwaysTrue as a default value if key is not found ? example ConfigSectionMap(line[1]).get('min', 0) rather than 0 i need to put a= AlwaysTrue()
ConfigSectionMap(line[1]).get('min', AlwaysTrue())
@Withnail were you working for a big comp?
but then I compare it with a number say 5>ConfigSectionMap(line[1]).get('min', AlwaysTrue()) or 5<ConfigSectionMap(line[1]).get('min', AlwaysTrue())
ohh.. great it return true in both case !!
how does it do that ? It has solved my problem though
by overriding the magic comparison methods. You may have to implement more than 2 of them, for example __eq__ to support 5==AlwaysTrue()
@AndyK bigger than I'd like, about 300. Was sole engineer for 5 months too.
@Withnail that sucks big time. Very cool you were able to find a new position
ah, SO is a good place to get motivation from. I'm in the middle of refactoring my project and all the code looks horrible. But it's still less horrible than the things people post on SO.
Realizing it's horrible is more than half the battle, ime.
@Withnail agreed. too bad for your soon to be ex-employer.
I leave behind a legacy of some CI stuff, a testing framework, code that mostly works now, and a very talented junior developer who knows how it works. I'm sure they'll muddle through.
It's summer here and i want to be productive. I want to develop my skills about python flask etc. money is not the first priority. An internship could be good. Do you have any recommendation?
@Rawing Implement __le__ and __eq__ and then decorate the class with functools.total_ordering
i am not sure but i guess i am not a total beginner, because it says ...for total beginners. and i am especially intersted in internships or little jobs.
cbg and monday commiserations
@Code-Apprentice backend with scipy...wat :D
anybody interested in writing a database?
something based on this
I get rejected from every company I apply to, so I guess I should do something interesting like writing a db
HI all,
I am creating created_at and updated_at as auto_now in django model but when inserting a row it is throwing error "null value in column "created_at" violates not-null constraint"
@khajvah if you had asked a couple of months ago...
@Rawing that's incorrect though
you need to always override all 6 of them if you override only some...
why implement all 6 if you're not going to use them? As far as I can tell, __lt__ and __gt__ are the only ones used
least surprise perhaps?
I mean, is it not possible to get any of the others to be called?
@Rawing because "you're not going to use them" might not be what you expect
also, in Python 2, if one overrides __eq__ then __ne__ must be explicitly overridden too
I did say that he may have to implement more of them depending on his use case
no, always
there is no such thing as: "your program will crash" if you don't implement all the methods but it most certainly will work incorrectly under random circumstances.
especially on Python 2
I don't get it. If the class is only ever used once in some_number < AlwaysTrue(), what could possibly go wrong?
Why not just write True there instead?
That's a simplified form of some_number < some_dict.get(some_key, AlwaysTrue()). I don't think the dict lookup is relevant.
@Rawing so, in that case, why did you implement the __lt__ method at all, just __gt__ is needed :D
I did that because you said I always have to implement all 6, but I got too lazy after the 2nd one :p
@Rawing nice, we've got a time loop here :D
Point is, I'm not sure why we're having this discussion. You implement the methods you need. Duh. __lt__ and __gt__ work fine without __eq__ or __neq__ or whatever.
I can see why you'd protect your butt against delayed events of bite-related injury
Has anyone used smtplib?
I would like some help with it
@Jake no, too low level
Oh :(
I just can't make it work and I would like to implement it into my project
yeah that's why
you'd need to know way too much about SMTP.
what are you attempting to do with it?
Just make it send an email first. It gives this smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected: Connection unexpectedly closed
Can you not use some different library? Some external libraries are easier to deal with.
return np.einsum('nab,a,b->',Jij,orient,orient)... I love einsum
Hello world
Doesn't Matter I got it to work
@Rawing Sorry, I was intermittent there for a bit, did you reply to my note about functools.total_ordering?
It seems like that would take care of this whole question about 2 methods vs. 6 methods, etc.
that seemed to me to be the case, indeed
@PaulMcG I did not reply to that, sorry. That's certainly a good alternative, though if you only need __lt__ and __gt__ then I think it's a lot more readable if you just implement those two.
the result would be wrong if you used that, wouldn't it
Yeah, that'd make a SometimesTrue.
Yes, I guess, since this is such an odd logic. Maybe something like this would make it easy:
class AlwaysTrue:
    def __lt__(self, other):
        return True
    __eq__ = __lt__
    __ne__ = __lt__
    __gt__ = __lt__
    __le__ = __lt__
    __ge__ = __lt__
Or even __lt__ = lambda self, other: True
@PaulMcG What’s the point of such a type?
Not my idea, was from some prior discussion here
I see
3 hours ago, by pythonRcpp
is there a way to get a comparison always return true . example ( a > somevalue) which will always be true similarly (a< somevalue2) which will always be true
@poke It's related to this question. The OP wanted to use it as a default value in case there's nothing in the config file, i.e. line[4] < ConfigSectionMap(line[1]).get('min', AlwaysTrue())
What if they just used True as the default value?
line[4] < config.get(key, True)?
nm, not for ordered comparisons...
Just getting my first coffee
morning everyone
anyone here use zapier for slack integrations?
@corvid nope
I've done it directly, if that's useful?
what do you mean by "directly"?
It looks like slack integrations just work by POSTing to some endpoint?
cbg \o
o/ @MooingRawr
Apols, was away to a meeting
Yeah, we use slack for our fabfile / deploy bot and integrate it into slack, and it posts a variety of messages to slack, yes, using endpoints.
I suppose if you want Zapier it's to do an IFTTT style thing?
those of you who've gone to pycon, worth it?
Anyone who has worked with Python output to Excel?
yes, but there are different libraries for reading/writing excel files
I need some help
I am new to Python
what have you found and what questions do you have about it
Morning cabbage for all.
cbg, DSM
Is it possible that the copy keyword argument of pandas.merge is mostly for show and doesn't do anything in the vast majority of real use cases? This was my assessment after some investigation for an old question, but I'm still unsure...
If by that you mean that most of the time it has to copy anyway, yeah.
I traced the keyword across the source, and it only does something many layers deep in a concatenation method, only in the case where there's no actual concatenation involved
In a similar vein, pd2 probably won't even have an inplace option, it barely does anything most of the time anyhow.
that would've been my guess but the current one seems to be 0.20. Is the next one 2.?:)
pandas2 is the name they've been using to talk about the intended successor core code.
oh, interesting, thanks
even googling I couldn't find anything (not that it's easy to google pandas2)
interesting stuff in the pandas roadmap
> view numpy as a necessary evil and only compatibility reasons and where that doesn’t work we don’t bend over backwards to make it work
you either die a hero or live long enough to become a necessary evil
numpy is still my hero
@enderland went to "PyCan" (PyCon for The Great North). I would say it's worth the ticket fee. Got to learn A LOT. Met some people was rather interesting. Waiting for it to come back again.
I want to write output list to my excel file. I have headers and subheaders. I am searching headers using selenium and and writing output of that under the subheaders. So for each header(column) there are three subheaders(subcolumns). I want to write python out of all headers in a row in every subheader column by appending it everytime. What should use for that? Any help is much appreciated
Excel is my requirement
Does excel not read comma-separated values? I know you can save files as CSV
CSV has limitation of saving multiple sheets and I need that feature
I am a complete newbie. I am sorry if I am wring
there are plenty of excel libraries, it's just a matter of googling and picking one you like
openpyxl; xlwt; xlsxwriter, etc. Each of them has lots of examples.
Yeah. I tried using openpyxl and pandas but I am having hard time with the logic for my problem statement
I'm getting the impression we could talk for half an hour before we'd actually find out what the problem is.
Hi, i can import matplotlib, sympy, numpy, within python interactive shell. but my web app gives this error. dpaste.de/m5Jq
it's hard to tell what exactly your problem is and what you want the result to be like (for example, what on earth is a "subcolumn"?). Some code showing how you scrape the data and a detailed description of the resulting excel workbook would go a long way here.
@Rawing Umm.. yeah!I will post a question will post a link. Thanks!
There's another me. I now understand the Kevin problem.
@AbdullahUYU what are those IPs doing there?
oh, you error is interleaved with some garbage :S
> raise ImportError(msg)
Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed. Most
likely you are trying to import a failed build of numpy.
If you're working with a numpy git repo, try `git clean -xdf` (removes all
files not under version control). Otherwise reinstall numpy.
Original error was: cannot import name multiarray
I removed the gibberish ^
Iterate appending Python List output to rows in excel

I had posted the question. I want to add new entries to that existing database. for both randy and shaw. I am getting those entries as the output of my python program
@corvid Can you please take a look at this ?
I've only ever used the CSV module, so wouldn't be of huge help (also I am mostly a javascript dev unfortunately)
Okay. Thanks!
rb folks
Rhubarb for @AndyK.
@AndrasDeak Yeah, i am aware of that but sorry i didn't think it's convoluted. so any thoughts?
that error looks as if numpy wasn't installed properly on your server
i don't know the mechanism of import too much, but it starts importing numpy at dpaste.de/m5Jq#L17.
As you can see above, i can import it in interactive python shell.
when you're getting that error, are you still in that venv?
@AndrasDeak The company makes software for pharmaceutical companies. Lots of data science. Maybe even some ML.
@Code-Apprentice I used to work for a company like that!
i get this error from apache's log file: error.log . So this error occurs in a flask web app. And i am sure app uses that venv's python
@LangeHaare what part of the world?
@Code-Apprentice That was in switzerland (UK based now)
I mean, I am in the UK now -that company is still in switzerland
where's the job you're going for?
Cool, good luck with the application! I had a great time on that job
thanks. I very likely have the job.
I met someone from the company at a meetup I am organizing. He more or less offered the job to me, but wanted me to come in for an interview with the lead engineer.
Maybe it's just my natural pessimism, but until I have a signed contract in my hand I always assume they're going to Lucy me at the last second.
yeah until that final piece of paper is signed...anything can happen
and I've seen many things happen before that point
I've even seen things happen with that paper signed
Hey people. I might be getting a job with Python soon, but I haven't spent enough time with it to know "the pythonic way." Could somebody please link me to an example of what you would call "beautiful" python code?
@idjaw cbg \o
@MooingRawr: so yesterday could have gone better..
@SephReed There are tons of sources out there on how to write beautiful, clean code. Not necessarily Python specific, but these would be general software design guidelines that are adaptable to any object oriented design and fits easy in to writing software with Python.
On that note, let Uncle Bob guide you: cleancoders.com
@DSM I'm actually pretty okie with giving up 30+ runs and still splitting a 4 game series. Of course yesterday was a... yeah.... at least the taste of different food helps override the memory of what happen yesterday.
@idjaw Thank you. I feel pretty comfortable on the abstract level with my code cleanliness. But I'm sure if I did thinks in Python the c++ or js way, it would probably stink like onions.
Put it this way, I rather have one big blow out and hopefully get it all out of the system and start winning, than to only slowly release the faults... I remember the Babcock leaving Anderson out to dry just so he could get it all out :P. Hopefully the second half would be a turn around point for us, we generally play better on the second half anyways.
ah man. Just clicked the link. Looks like the long way out.
Then read The Style Guide
and branch out from there.
Just imagine writing a very clever piece of code that would impress all your coder friends with its hax0r wizardry, and then do the complete opposite of that.
But but are you telling me that one liners that does EVERYTHING won't impress my fellow co workers and it won't get me a raise faster? /s
Or anything else by Raymond Hettinger (or David Beazley or Alex Martelli)
Or just take the 1337 h4x0r route and shove everything in as many lambdas and list comprehensions, push your code and let everyone bask in your obfuscated glory.
@idjaw Yeah dude! This Yes/No stuff boils it down really saucy.

And thank you for those videos too.
@Code-Apprentice neat!
lol, just make a shtick out of my bad code.
@SephReed ? I don't get it
and use spaces, not tabs
@MooingRawr it's not unreasonable to make the jump from "python has added these expressive features for a reason" to "using more of them means my code is more pythonic"
@idjaw The Style Guide link you sent has a bunch of examples with "Yes" and "No"
@PaulMcG dangerous territory you are treading.
Whenever someone starts saying "more idio-" I half expect to hear "idiotic" instead of "idiomatic" :/
I keep sublime on spaces
Not in python-land. In every other lang I'm a tab advocate unless there's an existing defacto style, but I acknowledge the python community has settled on spaces.
I've switched over to them purely because they make posting code online easier
I refuse to believe that someone should hit the space bar 4 times instead of tab once. IF anything have your IDLE convert your 'tabs' key hit to 4 spaces (this is acceptable to me, the prior is not).
embrace the space
Sorry, didn't mean to drag us down this rathole again, was just citing that hard clinical evidence from last week about space-users earning more than tab-users
too late
this one's on you, Paul
sublime replaces tabs with any number of spaces, and then deletes them as one too
if(tab) add four spaces, if (delete and four spaces) remove four spaces
I have never ever ever met a space advocate that didn't use the tab key
I'm okie with hitting the tab key to generate 4 spaces, I'm not okie with manually entering 4 spaces .... but I think I will yield as it's lunch time and Paul doesn't wanna go down a bunny 'rat' hole.
or maybe it's shift tab... in any case, never bothered me
If only we all had elastic tabstops though :(
@KevinMGranger I use the tab key. For auto-complete.
And if you start writing "for i in range(len(list_var)):" you will brand yourself as a noob-among-noobs
Thank you guys so much for the pythonic links. This will make a great primer for not making any goofing looking code.
ehhhhh, if you really are just looping over indexes and don't need the list members themselves, it's fine
I've seen somebody enumerate over a list and then throw away the values, just to get the indices. That seemed.. extreme.
I just switch my tabs to spaces, and use the tab key.
and I use four spaces
problem solved.
I don't want to see any ----> in my white space areas in my code
I want dots
or nothing
What have I done?
While we've gone down unreturnable rabbit holes, are tacos a type of sandwich?
@PaulMcG What if I write for i in list(range(len(list_var))):?
No. A taco should never be in the sandwich domain
Hearkening back to Python 2 days, when range was a list and we had to type an extra letter to get xrange?
@Rawing you forgot an iter()
Or zip(itertools.count() if enumerate is too easy
Use two just to be safe
i= 0
for _ in itertools.islice(iter(list(range(len(list_var)))[::]), 0, None):
    i += 1
undisputably the best version
I have a bit of a nit, and wondering what you folks think about this. If you had a log statement that wanted to show the contents of a list, would you "prettify" it by doing some kind of ','.join(whatever)?
or even "casting" it in an expression like ','.join(str(s) for s in whatever)
If the intended reader of the log is a developer, no. Trailing spaces matter.
We have an email that goes out daily with the output of a python process. The business users see the pretty version, but our log is as ugly-informative as we can make it.
yeah...I feel like we shouldn't care about that much beautification
and, even though repr still shows the "square brackets", it should be enough
and if you do a "{}".format(the_list) doesn't it use the repr (or maybe str?) on the list anyway, implicitly?
worst case, you could run a script on a log to beautify the lists in it - very hard to go the other way if there's a chance any information is lost
str(lst) uses repr(content_of_lst)
I've also started using repr in format strings, as in "Affected objects: {!r}".format(list_of_object_ids)
so I'd expect '{}'.format(lst) to use the repr of the contents
"{}" will use str(), I'm fairly sure
>>> print('{}'.format([np.array([1,2,3])]))
[array([1, 2, 3])]
array() is the repr() of an array
What's nice about "{!r}" is that you can omit the quotes on string values, the repr will put them in - "Invalid object name: {!r}".format(input_name) -> "Invalid object name: 'blah'"
What happens if take off the brackets in that print statement?
it will print the str() of the array, of course
but that's not what I was talking about
neat. I haven't used {!r}. That's interesting. Thanks for the share Paul
>>> print('{}'.format(np.array([1,2,3])))
[1 2 3]
Oh yes, str() of a list will do repr on each element in the list
I misread/willfully-misinterpreted your post
I did edit some of them afterwards to clarify
wow that was a weird "typo"
@davidism out of all of the issues open on rabbit, are there any you'd like to see prioritized?
Yeah, the one that reminds me that a user has a rap sheet a mile long already. To avoid exactly the situation that just happened.
It shall(ot) be done
@AbdullahUYU you're right, I didn't. Then again, I can't help much now that I read it either, sorry
@KevinMGranger I guess this is the most specific one github.com/sopython/rabbit/issues/7
no problem thank you
It's probably a bit involved since we need to have a User model that can persist this data.
There already is one, just need to see how hooked up it is, etc.
@KevinMGranger you should have push access to rabbit now, check your email
I don't have time to review the PRs, sorry. Go ahead and merge them, this is all in the experimental stage still.
That's okay. Kevin's the one who's been running the prototype anyway, so my main concern is not breaking their workflow
unleash the rabbit of caerbannog
And thanks!
Wow, strings don't have a .sort.
They're immutable, and a sort would be in-place.
oooooh, great point
Darn it DSM... Kevin'd by not Kevin... :\
I figured there'd be a good design reason, I just didn't expect it to be this obvious
feature-request: str.tosorted()
Use sorted:
s = "sldkfjsdlkjfdslkfj"; print(sorted(s))
['d', 'd', 'd', 'f', 'f', 'f', 'j', 'j', 'j', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'l', 'l', 'l', 's', 's', 's']
I know what to do instead, I was just mildly surprised by the lack of the method. Thanks.
Come over to c#, you can add arbitrary extension methods to anything.
and my mild surprise was exactly because when I sort a string, I want to have a string
so ''.join(sorted(string)) which is a bit more verbose than I'd like
You're right, it is a bit verbose. Make the string variable name shorter, that'll help.
@MorganThrapp: which is both awesome and terrible.
Like str
@KevinMGranger I was going to write str, but...
@DSM I love them and I feel bad for whoever eventually ends up taking over this code base.
hehe :D
sng is a perfectly valid abbrev. for string, no?
@MorganThrapp Working at my company makes me HATE c#.... The amount of 'why?' is not high enough trying to read past people's code....
In [120]: class Str(str):
     ...:     def tosorted(self):
     ...:         return ''.join(sorted(self))

In [121]: Str('asdgf').tosorted()
Out[121]: 'adfgs'
phew, much better
I should add that to my only-use-it-this-once postprocessing code
public static string ToSorted(this string value) => string.Concat(value.OrderBy(x => x))
Boom. ;)
Doesn't C# have a string join method that's more efficient than... well I'm not sure since I thought Concat took a string argument and OrderBy should be an IEnumerable
And the point of the Str class? Instead of just a module-level function?
@KevinMGranger I'm honestly not sure, I've never sorted a string in C# before. That was just the first result on SO for "Sort String C#".
If we keep talking about C# eventually John Skeet will come in here and we'll all end up switching
@PaulMcG it puts order back into this world filled with chaos
I need this functionality because even if I pass "zx" as a function parameter to my postproc/plotting function, I want "xz" to be in the title.
@MorganThrapp please no.... :(
Can anyone please take a look at my question related to python and excel and help me with the further syntax "Append python output as a block/row in existing Excel file"
@Programmer please see the room rules, specifically the part about asking for help with recent questions
Sorry! I was not aware of it!
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