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12:25 AM
@Jonathan you don't have to ask for permission to ask a question, just ask.
1:12 AM
cbg friends
hello @idjaw I took your advice yesterday. I'm trying to automate a facebook login and add some other basic features
Cool. What are you using?
webbrowser, autopy, time modules
don't ask me how the idea popped in my head. lol
whatever gets your motivation going...it's all good :)
how's it going?
I hit a wall maybe an hour ago but somehow I figured my prob out
using autopy it kept giving me 2 instead of the @ symbol
the documentation wasn't as clearly written as I thought it could be.
1:27 AM
I never actually used autopy
I saw some other modules like win32 and some other gui but I picked that one because I saw it had a function that moves the mouse smoothly across the screen as oppose to it just appearing on the opposite side of screen
hi guys
funny this chat room like in the old days with altavista
is there actually someone here?
or only bots
cbg noobie
oh dear, that sounded like a taunt or something
what means cbg?
sprouts, should have guessed by the name ;)
1:40 AM
haha ok
I have actually a question
what is the best way to visualize a super mega large network with gazillions of nodes?
networkx seems clunky
by starting
there is some stuff in R
network like tree structure?
1:42 AM
do you really mean "gazillions" or is it actually just thousands?
I mean gazillions
more seriously
200k nodes
2 million edges
200k is 200 thousand, so yes it is only thousands
okay, and you've used some existing solution in python and you've found it limiting in what ways
i'm tapping out, too much up-front investment to give out free help
well dude
i am just discussing stuff
you dont need to write any line of code for me
1:47 AM
why am i banned?
@Noobie sopython.com/chatroom give these a read
okay... which rule I did not respect?
just give them a read. they're good for you
I did. I am too old for these chat rooms I guess... Have a nice evening guys!
1:51 AM
laters :)
cabbage @tristan
cbg @Jonathan, how are you doing?
I'm good and yourself?
1:56 AM
eh, pretty good. apartment hunting and sorting out my build workflow for a personal project -- sorting out a git hook/jenkins build/debian-package flow
I wouldn't call myself a complete noob but lets just say what I'm doing isn't as complicated as what you are doing lol
eh, it's not complicated -- just a few moving parts. if i come up with anything worth sharing, i will
what are you hacking on?
I just made a basic automation script. I use webbrowser, autopy and time and I login to facebook
I'm gonna add some more features so that I can log into all the common websites and then make a basic gui
so I can login everywhere from one place
haha this is gold
2:03 AM
@Jonathan oh, like a one-button login/logout?
yes something like that
the hardest thing for me at this point is just getting ideas that I can actually work thru.
that's amazing ... the OP of stackoverflow.com/questions/36168508/… just doesn't get his code sorted out :/ even though he had 2 edits and the working code in the comments
cbg Signal
@signal read the rules of group. it means hello
2:10 AM
cabbage (see sopython.com/salad)
:29508065 sopython.com/salad optional slang for the room
Thanks :)
btw @tristan Seattle pizza was pretty bad. The kids wanted pizza...I tried it. Thumbs down.
Yeah. I think it's the flat water.
the dough was just wrong
it was like having airplane pizza
2:13 AM
rbrb everyone :)
take care mseifert
and yeah, seattle pizza is just off, each subtly not right
tristan, are you pretty much setting up these git hooks so that pushing to git triggers jenkins, jenkins then back to git and then make a deb?
@idjaw yeah, basically. pre-commit to run quick tests, push goes to github, github fires an event to jenkins, jenkins runs full suite of tests, makes a .deb
yeah....that's more or less how we run our CI as well.
2:19 AM
eventually, i'm going to hook it to my apt repo, then fire an event for a test server to dpkg install, then fire another event for a test server to run synthetic transactions against it
slowly building up to the point that i can green/blue deploy to containers on the existing nodes
Nice. How many boxes run your stack right now?
only a handful, but one of them is an i3 laptop with a terabyte of storage
2:42 AM
alright, later all
3:08 AM
Hello, I'm wondering if anyone knows how to use scipy odeint function to solve for higher order differential equation, in particular 3rd order ode
I have the basic skeleton but not too sure of how to get it working the right way
I don't think anyone is really here
1 hour later…
4:18 AM
hello @sandeep
3 hours later…
6:57 AM
1 hour later…
8:11 AM
cabbage, all
Hello @BhargavRao
Hi :)
Cabbage :)
8:18 AM
cabbage :)
i stayed away from SO for a day...now i missed the chance to get my gold badge :(
You not a fanatic then :|
i'm a fanat....i dont have the ic yet :)
but i'm working on it
Good luck for the nest 100 days.
1 hour later…
9:29 AM
9:44 AM
cabbage, @poke
Got the build done last night, and deployed to staging. One more component to integrate and we're heading for production!
Congrats and best of luck :)
10:06 AM
fatigued cabbage
10:19 AM
Anyone can help me on a Django issue? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36158505/the-avatar-attribute-has-no-file-associated-with-it-error-on-login-django-ap

(Is it ok to post links here?)
Technically you shouldn't link your recent (newer than < 1-2 days) questions here (from sopython.com/chatroom)
Uh, I won't do it again, sorry
But I think linking 18 hours old question with 22 views is fine
10:34 AM
@StefanoDeRosso: I'll take a look. You might also try #django on freenode (IRC)
@StefanoDeRosso: the full traceback would be useful to know what line actually causes the error
11:07 AM
A patent lawyer contacts NPM because of a package using EvilCorp's trademark as its name. NPM decides to turn package ownership to them.
@AnttiHaapala This already confuses terms in the first sentence, since patents have almost zero relationship to trademarks
@Carpetsmoker of course
And unlike patents, trademarks are a good thing IMHO
@RainerKoirikivi Ok, thank you! Actually, I can't do it right now, but as soon as I get home I'm going to post the full traceback!
@Carpetsmoker so go read that
11:10 AM
"corporate is more powerful than the people, and I do open source because, Power To The People." is nonsense in this context
I once had someone create a tool similar to a tool I've had for years with exactly the same name, and it's annoying and confusing. I couldn't do anything about it since I didn't have a trademark (other than friendly ask)
the other person refused to change the name, and I eventually changed the name of my tool :-/
I don't see how this is different ... The brands are less related here, so one can argue from that, but you can't just handwave away all trademark concerns
11:24 AM
Title of job listing: "Passionate Code Monkey" ... Yeah, that's going to attract people :-/
@StefanoDeRosso: I also really recommend the irc channel #django on freenode. Much more django focused than this channel.
@RainerKoirikivi I'll give it a look, thank you very much :)
How does running: "heroku run python manage.py shell" run the shell of the project I want it to. How does heroku know which manage.py to run if I have a few heroku apps?
@clickhere I would guess either by a "hidden" .heroku file/dir, or the git repository id
oh, heroku is online, nevermind
11:39 AM
hmm ok
how does cloning repos work? I don't think I was logged in and it let me clone the repo. Is it just kind of like an 'unlisted' youtube video, you have to know the link to get the code?
@clickhere anyone can clone a public Github repo. It's all down to the security the git server imposes on requests
11:55 AM
ah ty
12:08 PM
12:26 PM
cbg ... I thought I had seen a canonical for "list index out of range" but now I can't seem to find it. There's a metric oceanful of individual questions with low vote counts, but I can't find one with canonical and/or highly upvoted, general-case answers. Is my memory playing tricks, or are my search skills inadequate?
@tripleee Did you search here? sopython.com/canon
@BhargavRao I just have and can't find anything
@BhargavRao no hits for "list index out of range"
of course it's worth checking by multiple people
12:31 PM
@AndrasDeak yeah, nice find, but not really canonical material for the general case
@AndrasDeak ha ha
you need something spoon feeding, right?
"the error tells you that the index is out of range. Find where that happens and fix it" kind of thing?
not necessarily, but I really thought I saw an answer like last week which was "this is a canonical for whenever you get this error message" and then a decently detailed yet reasonably condensed exposition
@tripleee Do you have a dupe question handy? It'll be easy to search.
12:34 PM
@BhargavRao this is the one that got me started searching for a suitable duplicate: stackoverflow.com/questions/36177776/…
I can find a number of questions about the general topic but they are all so far very specific
well there was a similar one
just a sec
so if I understand your question correctly, no, the handy suitable dupe is what I'm missing
Looks like we need to make one. :/
@BhargavRao yup, was looking for that one
@BhargavRao the hits are not very promising, but unsure if "answer:1" is the correct thing to look for
12:37 PM
@tripleee answer:1 implies it has at least one answer.
Or wait, is that wrong?
@tripleee for the time being use this for your specific question
it's the exact same
@AndrasDeak thanks!
Oh this has 12 hits stackoverflow.com/…
@BhargavRao from the advanced help: answers:3 (3+)
suggests that it's a lower bound
with score too
actually, that might not be too bad canonicalizing
people coming from matlab or something might not realize that you can't just overindex a list
yeah, a proper canonical should deal with both attempting to loop past the end and trying to assign past the end
this is getting a bit more complex than I anticipated
12:40 PM
This looks kinda good stackoverflow.com/questions/5653533/… But it is quite specific
@tripleee people usually have either in their posts, it can make sense to have two different posts solving it
@BhargavRao yeah I've found that, but it would need some abstraction from OP's side to make use of it
which they are missing in the first place, hence their question on SO:P
so this is a suitable canonical for the assignment case, and has a suitable title already: stackoverflow.com/questions/5653533/…
morning everyone
@tripleee yeah, I guess
Morning \o
12:44 PM
stackoverflow.com/questions/15714215/… has another twist which is very common -- randomstring.split(sep)[1] when randomstring somehow didn't contain the separator you assumed would be there
that might be way too special
as in "test your result before you operate on it"
TBH, 90% of new questions are dupes.
I'm sure there a bunch where variables are mutated in-place so [1] doesn't apply
@BhargavRao or off-topic crap?:)
Dupes in particular. Not any other close category. :/
maybe it's tag related
12:49 PM
@tripleee That reminds me to inform someone to add those in the sopy/canon.
TIL; Editors can edit only wiki pages on sopython.
Many birthdays are nearing ... sopython.com/wiki/Birthdays
hey, SoPyCon for tristan's birthday!
Yeah :D
12:55 PM
Starting to feel like banging heads together. Going out for a short walk
Production issues? :P
@Jonathan cabbage
lol no its running smooth just trying to give it more features lmao
care to view the messy code?
I was telling that to holden, he's pushing out a build to production. :)
ohh nice
Morning all
1:07 PM
Sorry holden
Morning tristan \o
morning :)
@BhargavRao Yeah, and people a) failing to communicate with each other and b) not maintaining bloody documentation, Feeling better now
banging heads together helps with that, actually...
1:27 PM
Is there a way to 'gracefully' close a thread before it's finished?
Documentation maintenance is a good newbie task. I like reST for in-code documentation, repo README.md for "this repo does X,Y", and good old fashioned wiki + inline "run this code" for connecting repo documentations
@Programmer Yeah, multiple ways. Check out "poison pill" approaches for a starter
Guys, anyone here good at async? I ran into a weird situation.
I've tried looking for ways to kill a thread without its cooperation, but I never found anything that worked for my circumstances.
@Kevin ahh, well I was thinking about your GUI recommendations the other day and just now realized: what if a user exits out of the GUI, how do I kill the thread?
1:31 PM
@Programmer Not unless it monitors some flag variable. There is no thread equivalent of signals and hte like
If the main thread exits all non-daemon sub-threads are automatically terminated
What do you mean by 'the thread'?
@holdenweb Walks are always the key. :-)
When you have a worker thread processing GUI elements, it probably looks something like.... while not MessageQueue.empty():. To make it handle shutdown gracefully just change that to while not shutdown_flag and not MessageQueue.empty()
Well in the specific case of the code I wrote, you could add a second queue that the Tkinter thread can use to talk to the work-doing thread. then when Tkinter closes, it can send a message like "please exit at the next earliest convenience". The work-doing thread would occasionally check for incoming messages and sys.exit as appropriate.
The simplest approach would be: every time the work-doing thread goes to send a message to the tkinter thread, first check the inbox for "please die" requests.
You could even write a little method for it. def sendMessageUnlessIShouldDie(data)
while not shutdown and not MessageQueue.empty():
   msg = MessageQueue.get()
   if msg != "stop": ....
1:38 PM
Actually now that I think about it, message passing isn't necessary for my particular code. You can just mark the work-doing thread as a daemon, and then it will terminate automatically when the main thread finishes.
This may or may not be a good idea, depending on what kind of work the thread is doing. The shutdown is abrupt.
*should terminate automatically
Thanks everyone, I sometimes get lost and I don't really have anyone to ask for best practices. I think probably modifying the queue would probably give me the functionality I want
For worker threads that used a Queue.Queue to receive work packets I have in the past used putting None to the Queue as a signal to terminate operations.
yeah, exactly, then checking is None. I also like using -1 if that's not the kind of data the queue normally handles
morning cbg
1:53 PM
@tristan Not really worth arguing about choice of sentinel values. As long as it's outside the standard domain of the thread's data, anything will do
But None is easier to test for than most things
@holdenweb Oh, sorry, wasn't arguing with you, just stating "I agree, and also I like..."
oh man having my deathly strong coffee was definitely missed over the past week. Feels so good.
s/arguing about/discussing/
s/argue/hugs and unicorn sprinkles/g
2:13 PM
I know this question is really off topic but is there a way I can help the guy?
I can't post an answer because it isn't really a question, could I invite him to a chat room or something?
Unicorn cabbage for all! (?)
@TadhgMcDonald-Jensen They can't chat because they have less than 20 rep
@DSM unicorn cabbage to you too! :)
@DSM Waiting for you. :-) ...
2:16 PM
right, so other then chat or posting a non SO answer is there a way I can help them?
Hi, Can anyone have a look at this document. The R community has decided to take care of the and issue. They need the input of our community as [pandas] is involved.
i thought i had figured it out...but i'm getting an exception when i run pycharm from the command line after switching to the user in question
and i don't want to give my default user write access
@TadhgMcDonald-Jensen just add a comment
you can invite them to a room and, if you are a room owner for that room, give them permission to talk even without them having the rep
or you could encourage them to post answers to help others first and then they'll have the rep :)
2:23 PM
@tristan is that really a thing??
I thought the chat rep limit was a hard one:)
huh when was this implemented
@AndrasDeak no, it's a hilarious joke for a wednesday morning
[yes it's a thing]
This room is for Python-related questions, especially for new users. If you have a general programming question, ask on the main site.
was just about to link ^ and note ---------^
are you sure you're not a mod, tristan?
2:27 PM
lol i think the site would notice if i was a mod
Look, one dev could spend an afternoon on a popular feature. Or an entire group could spend months on Teams. Which do you think is more likely?
:) well, gotta give those PMs and POs something to do. if SO just let their insanely smart engineers build features that the community tests/employs-for-free, there wouldn't be enough things to business about
@tristan I imagine they'd be a hell of a lot less users around :p
"enough things to business about" haha
2:31 PM
@idjaw aye aye mon capiton - how goes the day?
@JonClements same number, just fewer getting their attention-seeking behaviors validated
@JonClements Your next target 9gag.com/gag/a2mbzzE
@JonClements Ninja pup! things are great! Back to the grind today. Got locked out of my account because password reset expired while I was on vacation. Happy Wednesday! :) How about you?
Same old same old :)
Just digging up paperwork/docs for annual return crap... what fun
2:33 PM
I'm suffering culture shock in the Javascript room because they don't have one -- and preferably only one -- obvious way to do things.
first I thought that they didn't have a culture
@Kevin use jquery and i heard react was good
How am I supposed to get anything done when the community can't agree on a single authoritative idiomatic way to do myList.sort(key=lamdba x: x.blah)
On the other hand, they do speak their mind freely there
Hey - let's face it - not every room can be as brilliant as this one (although I may be biased cough)
2:36 PM
this room is terrible. that's why i spend almost no time here
No other room has ninja-puppy managers :P
@Bhargav well - that could possibly be for the best... :p
Do JS sorts allow key functions or only comparison functions? #thingsidontknow
@JonClements Yep :D
@BhargavRao I'm going to take that as a response to @DSM yeah? :p
2:38 PM
@JonClements When did you become Troll Puppy :(
/me sulks off into the corner... nobody loves me...
yeah, this room is awful. That's why I've been hanging around here a lot...just in denial hoping it would get better. Still waiting.
@DSM As far as I can tell from the docs, just comparison functions.
@JonClements Come to me small puppy, hands a scooby snack
Who's a good boy?
And stability isn't guaranteed? Blek.
2:41 PM
@DSM iirc - C++ still has sort and stable_sort in the std
I am double-rankled because there doesn't appear to be an already-existing compare function that I can wrap in a lambda. Ex. If I wanted to do
function keySort(seq, key){
... I'd have to create compare from scratch
@Kevin use bubblesort - the users will love you!
I am my user so I already know that's not true
They don't even have a cmp? .. does jQuery have one?
Python doesn't have a cmp
2:43 PM
At the end of the day - key= is just decorate-undecorate - hardly algorithmic wizardy
I won't claim that js doesn't have a built-in cmp. I will claim that the js room didn't mention it when I said "I'm annoyed that I have to write compare manually"
@tristan Not in 3.x - in 2.x - it does
2.x is in the rear view mirror. ;)
Yeah but it's closer than it appears.
I can live with key and no cmp (although I'd have kept it in functools, TBH), but neither seems awkward.
2:45 PM
There should be one-- and preferably only one --way to do it until someone deprecates the commonly used built-in.
@Kevin oblique Jurassic Park reference?
Now that I have complained, the healing can begin. I will live with a seven line keySort implementation, somehow.
@JonClements Maybe. My jokes bubble up out of my lizard hindbrain so I can never be sure where their principal components came from.
♫ objects in the rear view mirror ♫ may appear closer than they are ♫
@holdenweb: Oh, so close! Just 3 more for a shiny golden badge.
For that counter intuitive one? Congrats in advance holden :-)
2:55 PM
@JonClements heeey! I love like you as a friend loose acquaintance
@AndrasDeak aww thanks - I don't despise you that much either :p
nailed it:D
What's the best way to save representations of money in a database? Smallest denomination (as in, penny) and the currency type (as in, 'USD')?
cbg @RainerKoirikivi
2:59 PM
cbg @AnttiHaapala
@corvid store it as a wingdings font - size 36pt
having beer with @RainerKoirikivi sitting opposite each other, so decided we could chat with each other here.

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