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let's encrypt rocks
Good idea, there, then no one will be able to decipher the rocks...
How much entropy can one cram into a rock, by the way?
I didn't know Python issues Syntax warnings. stackoverflow.com/q/34846013/1903116
@AnttiHaapala Python issues warnings?
@thefourtheye it does
Hmmm, I have never seen it before. Let me try to get it.
def foo():
    bar = 5
    global bar
python global is like var in javascript, it doesn't matter where you put it
Oh yeah. I have never tried writing code like that. :(
in javascript, you'd want to have a warning (though nothing gives, I think), about
function foo() {
     bar = 5


     var bar
But the difference is, unless assigned inside the function, the value will be undefined :-)
@AnttiHaapala Thanks for this snippet. I was thinking that OP was getting SyntaxError only and I was asking questions to confirm the same.
Hmm thinking of using meta-meta-classes in python, good idea?
Sounds wackadoo to me.
@paul23 do you know how to use the __new__ method and decorators on classes?
>>> class TypesType(type):
...     def __repr__(cls): return cls.__name__
>>> class Type(type):
...     __metaclass__ = TypesType
...     def __repr__(cls): return cls.__name__
>>> class Foo(object):
...     __metaclass__ = Type
...     def __repr__(self): return 'Foo(), type(Foo()) == {}, type(type(Foo())) == {}, type(type(type(Foo())))) == {}'.format(type(self), type(type(self)), type(type(type(self))))
>>> Foo()
Foo(), type(Foo()) == Foo, type(type(Foo())) == Type, type(type(type(Foo())))) == <class '__main__.TypesType'>
Don't let that type-typing fool you, it's objects all the way down.
2 hours later…
@AnttiHaapala I agree. I was almost going to post a general solution using .replace on the whole file contents, but decided that I'm sick of the OP. :) And I guess your Perl solution is probably faster than the equivalent Python anyway.
Cbg all.
good mornings
Good morning all
i have a question regarding python-pptx
is there a way that i can give the text style ?
Cbg :)
@AnttiHaapala because JabbaScript, that's why
yeah you can format
ZOHOD can you tell me how i can add a shadow to text ?
Yes, I did both and python setup.py build before them. I uploaded the code at github.com/krichter722/python-import-issue. It'd be great if you could have a look and try to reproduce. Thanks for your support so far. — Karl Richter 6 hours ago
again one bug that is caused by Python 2 being stupid and silly, and one that can be fixed by switching to Python 3 or enabling absolute_import
quick question: how do I create a variable that presistently stores data that can be accessed acrossed modules
for example if I assigne module1.a =1 in module1, how do I access that in module2 and still have it be 1?
query:i've a text file of 25 mb. it's a data set I've like 100-200 such text files ...what is the best module to use for data analysis
@Ajay for data analysis in python people normal tend to use pandas. Could you explain a little more about your condition?.
this is the data set i've
Q: Reorganizing a unique (NYC MTA turnstile) dataset in R

Sho OhataI have a unique looking dataset (NYC MTA turnstile data) that I need to re-organize in a certain way to perform some analyses. I have written code that works but is not very efficient as it is a very large dataset. I'm hoping someone can suggest a better way. The dataset in question has 43 colu...

From looking at your data I feel that pandas will suite you. But what are you trying to do from the data?
This dataset shows entry & exit counter values for each turnstile device in each station in the NYC Subway System.
Note these aren’t counts per interval, but equivalent to an “odometer” reading for each device.

Data Analysis
What is the total number of entries & exits across the subway system for August 1, 2013?
a sample question
any heads up where i could get pandas 101
pandas provides similar structure like R's data frame. You could do almost everything that you do in R using python panda. So my vote would be pandas but don't know about others opinion.
@Ajay you can find plenty of pandas tutorials via a google search.
Pretty much.
i was waiting somebody would post a lmgfy link so that i could save few of my keyboard strokes
javascript 2016: like javascript 2013, but now the libraries obfuscate writing html
@Ajay well maybe you should do your own research rather than wasting other peoples time with your laziness?
That's a good idea
@Ajay you should make a new SO account and post a question like every respected SO member.
That's a less good idea
Some might even say a bad idea
@khajvah I don't see how that's appropriate advice?
Or even something worth joking about?
@Ffisegydd It was sarcasm
And yet, over the internet, a lot of people could take you as serious.
ha ha sweet conversation guys this is great
well i wouldn't take him serious
1 min ago, by Robert Grant
That's a good idea
it would be a fallacy asking a lazy guy who is looking for a lmgfy link to create yet another acc
i was being sarcastic when i suggested this is a good conversation
just in case that was confusing to anyone
@Ajay Saying stuff like that here is tantamount to saying "I'm a help vampire".
@PM2Ring it's been a while ...
@tristan I don't see how that's worth joking about
@RobertGrant Ok thank you!
@RobertGrant It was sarcasm
> inb4: 50 messages were moved to bin
Yeah, exactly shifts uncomfortably
Tristan's the Doug Piranha of SOPython.
>"Doug was born in February 1929 and Dinsdale two weeks later; and again a week after that"
monty python is brilliant. oh sorry, it's the dog's testicles. i'm trying to practice my british slang just in case
@tristan that was a classic British reference you'll need to know
Good morning my sarcastic electronic friends. And cabbage to one and all.
Does anyone know of a tool to quickly make geomtrical sketches (to show which angle is denotated by which symbol, what are right angles etc etc)?
@JRichardSnape Hey JRS!
@tristan look at you, in a right two-and-eight. Clap your mince pies on this, it will be expected at interview, particularly in London Village ;)
Ipe extensible drawing editor is a free vector graphics editor for creating figures in PDF or EPS format. It can be used for making small figures for inclusion into LaTeX documents as well as making multi-page PDF presentations. It is developed by Otfried Cheong since 1993 and initially worked on SGI workstations only. Ipe 6 was released in 2003 which changed the file format into XML code embedded into PDF and EPS files. Ipe 7 was released in 2009. Ipe 7 (see below) can be compiled under Windows, Mac OS X and Unix but binaries are available for many distributions. Ipe graphics can be stored using...
Oooh - that looks interesting...
Not sarcastic, for those highly attuned Brit sarcasm monitors lurking
@JRichardSnape wow, "right two and eight" is nonsense to me. even when translated to "uncountable." how could uncountable mean upset? why does no one in england speak english
@tristan two-and-eight == state. You're in a right state == confused (and or drunk)
haha, where "right" means "bad"
Like a magnifier - "absolute" or something is the nearest. Being in a state is implicitly being in a bad state - yeah.
are there rules to rhyming slang or is it mostly just around popularity of the phrase?
e.g. "kettle and hob" somehow meaning a watch
I see your point about the English. However, just count yourself lucky you're not applying for a job in Scotland glances round to see if Intrepid is around
@tristan They often have two levels of indirection. kettle and hob == fob == fob watch
fob watch? oh man. yeah, it's like **briticism
Good for practising pointers in C (*ducks from @antti's wrath)
@JRichardSnape came back without results
Sorry to disturb antti - it's not really a discussion of pointers...
@tristan Ah - it doesn't exist then (and I should test my links not type them direct)
Antti didn't like trying to dereference "ducks from @antti's wrath"
must have detected that you were trying to infect an american with your nonsense
Right - I'm off to supervise a lab on forces - temp rbrb
Once more, I am starting to hate my code, I may not survive one more refactoring week, though.
I'm liking my code lately, but I'm working on a front end, so I'm just sort of stomping along in JS libraries
@tristan you're like "omg... this is almost 25 % the fun of python"
@tristan Mine is a front-end too. At first, I didn't care about it but then understood that it's kinda important.
@AnttiHaapala ?____?
@khajvah Yeah, if the beauty of your code is not consumable by your audience...
I'm on vacation, so I'm hacking along on my systems/infrastructure all-in-one management system
this code is supposed to be read by other in future, unfortunately.
@tristan you're on vacation again?
I know it's not related but I just wanted to share with you this uglyness: UserModel.prototype.fetch.apply
Just to call parent's function from overrided method
Because you can't get the parent easily? (half remembered js)
there is no super
how stupid can a person be to live in Oulu... :d
@AnttiHaapala ? I think "still." I've been off since Wednesday
@tristan 99,9966 % of world population lives on a latitude south of me :D
I was up at your latitude last week
Hence your nickname, Antti Freeze
actually that cannot be right :D
I found a map that says 250k ppl north of 65
but murmansk alone has 300k :P
100% of the world's population lives to the east of me
@MitchPomery I also pondered saying that :)
so :P
I guess we can do 1 million
Now I'm trying to figure out what percentage live north of me
iso let's say 99.986 %
@MitchPomery world.andersen.im
All my exes live east of Texas.
Conservative estimate: 98.6% live north of me
@MitchPomery Does it rain in Australia?
It sprinkled this morning
Conservative estimate: 99.999999% of the world's population lives further than half a meter away from me.
Ground was damp when I went outside, light rain on my drive to uni
I've read that one before
@khajvah thanks
I just love when JS doesn't work and doesn't throw any errors.
Hello , have a question i have this code that generate Horizontal bars but the problem is that when there just one or 2 bars the bars are huge ??
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from Processesing import dataProcess
def chartmak (dic) :
z = 0

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
n = len(D)
ax.barh(range(n), D.values(), align='center', fc='#80d0f1', ec='w')

#this need more work to put the GB or the TB
ax.set_yticklabels(['{:3d} GB'.format(e) for e in D.values()], color='gray')
for i, (label, val) in enumerate(D.items()):
ax.annotate(label.title(), xy=(10, i), fontsize=12, va='center')
Can any one help me to make the bar size always the same ?
@Djalillounis Please, don't post dump the code here.
Ok sorry
@Djalillounis Please take note of the rules linked in the side bar
I think the problem that I have (if I have one) with JavaScript is that it seems like the community is perfectly okay with including dozens of libraries to do simple things. "I want to format a custom date" -"you should use blahblah.js"
Even if there's a built-in available, it seems like it's customary to include a library. It's like library name bingo or pokemon.js
Or faff around with Date.getMonth() etc.
I'm not feeling it, TBH
I'd say that formatting a date isn't simple, it's just normally built into a language
But in principle I agree, and like this site
Sure, and with JS, which is meant to be a simple toy language and the only standard for displaying things in browsers, you'd think that the stdlib would be optimized for not including more libraries
Possibly, as long as they got the stdlib right first time and thus supporting older versions isn't something you need a library for
I'm fine with jquery -- that level of abstraction I'm cool with if the base language is that...disjointed in different browsers
ES6 will have breaking changes, so why not do it then?
Even the important thing like module support is done by a library(require.js)
Agreed; it should do it.
I'm not sure it does though, which is ridiculous if true
It seems like the community is afraid of fixing broken parts of the language because of ~~backwards compatibility~~, but claim that you need futures and class extensions, and all of a sudden they're cool with it.
Yeah I 100% agree
Just do ANSI C compatible base things like strings, dates, other common functions, then build off of that.
Even moment.js makes some stuff hard still (can't remember what I found, but it'd be very simple in Java/Python etc)
With huge libraries, such as with React, part of the issue is that it's no longer just "learning how to get stuff done in a language," it's "learning how to get stuff done in a library that was written by people with opinions on how to get stuff done in a language"
Which is to say, that can be fine, as I'm using jQuery and React to get stuff done, but it's learning libraries and developing muscle memory, which distinctly doesn't feel like learning or solving problems.
I've been talking to my friends about how I should do this project, and they all suggest that I learn massive frameworks first just to be able to then build my MVP
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah I've always shied away from js frameworks
This is part of why I want to get out of technology, especially web.
Only ever used d3 and jquery
(And little helper libs)
I want to get out of technology too
Into management
@tristan I used to like server side stuff but since node.js is slowly growing, I stopped liking it.
Once even things like HTTP headers become compressed so google/facebook/other megacorps can save 300bytes per req, it puts technology out of the realm of hacking and into the flow of "library + library + language"
Optimized for corporate productivity, not for hacking and making
*Optimized for profits
I think I have another 5 years in me working near the web, then I definitely need to switch over to only writing infrastructure code or prototyping.
In web, I like problems with scaling. Sometimes, there are interesting solutions to be made.
Sure, yeah, that can be fun I guess. The project I'm working on right now is Javascript that eventually uses a UDP client written in C
Prototyping sounds like fun
Infrastructure sounds like money and fun
Infrastructure automation and coding is where I've worked most of my career. It's okay.
I'll be happy when the whole "devops omg new tech all the things" blows over.
You wish. The next thing'll be "Digital Ops" or something
Which will be the same, but will unlock the next round of cash
I'll be happy when the devops thing actually happens. I'm building build pipelines that can only go up to staging, and have very limited access to production
Just so much marketing now, so tedious.
Speaking of Web scale... For those who haven't seen it before: Node.js Is Bad Ass Rock Star Tech. Slightly NSFW.
Yeah, basically. ^
I do like the fact that clever automation is recognised as a thing, rather than just "techie stuff we shouldn't pay much for because my nephew does PHP and he thinks it's easy"
@RobertGrant Looking at UK salaries, there's still a lot of room to go there.
See here for a written transcript of that video.
@tristan true
Managers are generally content with complaining that they can't get talent, though
@RobertGrant Yeah, that's what happened ~5 years ago in the US, NYC in particular, then salaries shot up.
Perhaps I should write an opinionated article on it on LinkedIn and see if I can start a wave of salaries increases
Even if I don't get this job I want, I think I'm going to try to spend as much time as possible writing C++ for web development this year. I think in a few years, projects that used Go will be crushed by tech debt, PHP7 will show to be pretty awesome, and Python will become the platform for hacking out a backend prototypes
@RobertGrant Good idea. Let me know when you need a referral to FizzyCorp after you're fired instantly from BobCorp.
That was 100% in earnest BTW.
Mornin' folks
Hey brit
@tristan I have a friend who genuinely did think C++ is the best possible platform for doing CGI.
Sup Brit.
I think C++ is a fine choice for backend services. Well established platform for "serious" software.
I don't like C++. I think Java is better.
@JRichardSnape Don't think I missed that comment
'As you might expect, once the clock strikes 5:00pm, people head home to prepare and/or eat dinner.'
Cool graphics, but questionable data.
Yeah I have never heard that about Americans
I more hear "Come in really early and leave late in a show of bravado but also stop to do non-work stuff in the day a lot"
Most of the people sleep before 10.30. wierd
Most people are working when they're "at work" besides facebook/social network use
In the US, especially in tech, you can tell who your good employees are based on who's in early or still there late.
for a typical 8 hour workday that starts in the morning, your good employees will either be in before 10 or will be there after 630. most of the not great employees wander in before 1030 and are gone by 6
I'm normally here 8:30-5:30
With about 55mins travelling time each way
I mean, there's some outliers but most of your skilled or hardworking employees are working one of the tails
And almost no lunch
I typically do 845->730
Dunno why I'm sharing this
Eh, chat.
I guess if you have actual deliverables then you're going to have to do that
There's definitely a culture of people that aren't working pretending to be busy until 530.
My deliverables are kind of "fix things. is everything fixed? no? keep fixing things"
Did someone else promise that we'd do a thing? Do that thing.
Which is cool, but also is "make someone else look good" (at least here)
Yeah, that's definitely the case for me too. It doesn't bother me anymore, but I am open with my employer and in here that I'm open to taking a new job.
Yeah good idea. I was the same in my last place, just mentioned to my line manager whenever I got a job offer
With my job, the company isn't doing anything innovative, so my bargaining powers are pretty limited. It doesn't really seem like anyone cares if talented people wander away.
I hope you get the UK job then :) My place did value innovation, but they had such strict salary guidelines that they couldn't keep people
Cheers :) Yeah, I really hope I get it. I did my research on the company and there's definitely strong engineers and cool things to work on.
It does look cool
Biggest problem I've found from working in the UK tech industry is that few British companies actually hold their own purse strings any more :/
I'd love to write a little game engine (I know your future place doesn't do that), just to understand the concepts, but I don't even have the skills needed to draw stuff on a screen
Also, a nice little adventure for me as well -- I've never worked abroad as a non-remote employee
@IntrepidBrit yeah my company is the same. The UK section is doing really well though, so there seems to be slightly more latitude there, but still. We'll see when payrise time comes.
Well, if/when you do, hit some of us up. Might be able to partake in some pintage
Oh, I definitely will be hitting people up. First rounds are on me
Awesome :)
Any of our python regulars reside in Florida by the way?
@IntrepidBrit Yeah, one of them, why?
@tristan Got a conference near Miami later on this year and the way flights have worked out, I might have some time before/after the conferences
@RobertGrant Cheeky bugger :P
Feel free to order it Bobby, but keep in mind that as an American, I have the ability to turn into an eagle and maul people with my beak
@IntrepidBrit Ah, JGreenwell is in Florida
Could have just told you that, but was curious in case there was something in the news that I missed
Q: Which syntax rule matches the def foo(a, *, b=10) compound statement?

JimThe formal syntax for parameters in function definitions is as follows: parameter_list ::= (defparameter ",")* #[1] | "*" [parameter] ("," defparameter)* ["," "**" parameter] #[2] | "**" parameter ...

Any takers?
@thefourtheye got your T-shirt ?
Nope, not yet
Did they contact you to get your details ?
I mailed Tim actually
Bold move.
"Where's my god-damn t-shirt, Post!?"
Looks like you are pretty curious to get your T-shirt :).
@tristan well as a Brit I can turn into a bulldog and wheeze at you until I collapse
@Ffisegydd he he he, he was actually very nice.
can any tell me how to add shadows in python text
@ZOHOD You wot m8?
@khajvah what
@ZOHOD what python text? what shadow?
Assuming the right method is already there, just myString.add_shadow()
But that only works in my head at the moment
And now, possibly, your head.
@RobertGrant ah yes, a wrinkweiler
yeah that python text and shadow
great one
@ZOHOD we're not mind readers, and you can't expect that someone will have read all the way back up to when you last asked.
lol am I being trolled?
certainly not sorry for that
What exactly do you want? In detail? What have you tried? Why didn't it succeed? What errors do you have? What research have you done?
i will more specific next time
i'm newbie to python and done nothing serious os for
Can you at least try to explain what you mean by text and shadow? I'm intrigued.
@bereal Robert Grant fixed it.
Pretty sure they're using some kind of powerpoint python library.
So are trying to add ppt shadow to their text.
Anyway, it's highly recommended that the text does not see its shadow. Otherwise, six more weeks of winter.
@KishorPawar this is not the appropriate room for that.
Yeah, I know @Ffisegydd
Maybe Core Python and Architecture is the right room for that
So why would you post it?
Knowing that it's not appropriate for the room?
@tristan :D
When's the next Python room meeting?
@IntrepidBrit Do you have topics that you want to discuss? We were planning on having one soon-ish, but there was a lack of interest
@Intrepid soonish. We meant to have one last week but never got round to it. Will probably be February by now.
Just a few things that have come to mind over the last few days
Incidentally there was talk of meeting in Birmingham sometime lateish April @Intrepid if that is doable for you.
JRS, BobbyG, myself and possibly Jon would be attending.
SoPyCon 2016?
Tristan might be able to attend as well.
(But haven't sat down and thought out whether it would be sensible or not)
There is a pycon!!
As a regular, if you have something on your mind, please feel free to either express it here or via the RO contact address
Birmingham meetup - in theory I could do it. My only concern is that I may have my nose to the grindstone preparing for aforementioned Florida conference
What do you usually do during those meetings? Discuss Python-related stuff or just chill ?
We discuss the room, the community, the future, animated gifs, my super-special gavel, etc.
oh I see
What text editors are people using these days for python?
@falconuser Vim
We describe the correct use of sarcasm and job offers in the room
Vim, i will have to check that out
We discuss how sarcasm is always funny, but how it can sometimes be misconstrued as really bad advice :P
@falconuser oh boy
Having said that, the way SO is going perhaps all this room should be is job postings, documentation corrections and LinkedIn support
M-x M-c butterflies
Let me guess, vim is bad
@Bobby if you could just put all that on one message then I'd pin it.
You forgot the handwavey set of things that we're not allowed to say
@falconuser No, it's great but you won't like it from the first sight.
Ta love.
I'd bet that SO Corp knows that the masses are growing restless, but without an alternative site, they know we won't leave.
@tristan And the ENTHUSIASM at every new feature! I really think you're going to like the enthusiasm guys, we've been working on it so hard and we love you so much that we really need you to accept it unconditionally!
Any inspiration for python projects?
Arduino py??
Do whatever you want.
@RobertGrant Yeah basically. Also we're changing the licensing terms on answers submitted here so that we can sue anyone that moves answers off the site
I bet there's a whole bunch of features coming down the pipeline that we'll "LOVE"
@falconuser Just read two lines above. You may get a hint ;-)
@falconuser SOrry, can't help you with that. I have never made a seriously useful project.
@khajvah me too really...
Now I just wonder if the guy who played him is dead
Perfect, just perfect
Nah, he's still in "The Good Wife"
(I think)
Just how good of a wife are we talking about here
Yeah how good can she be? Unless he's her husband
@IntrepidBrit Phrasing
He knew what he was doing.
That guy is a hero
As that gif came up I was sat here spinning my pen in my hand -_-
I don't type while doing it, but I do it all the f---ing time, especially when thinking.
I just realized that I wrote a botnet controller dashboard
I like how this is supposed to be a technical python forum, what can I expect from the internet...
@tristan Are you Google?
@falconuser This room is very technical.
It's also not a forum.
@khajvah Demonstrably no?
Love the memes btw
sick memes bro
I imagine an awkward silence
That's cool - if you go back 15 years you could make The Office
That guy from "Golden Eye" was a hero of my childhood. I began spinning pens after that.
That annoys others a lot, I guess, but I can't help it.
Coding and spinning pens!! You must be in paradise
Q: Python "from * import *"

CESCOGoal I want to be able to import (on the init.py) all function from every single file inside my package. Usage For example in this folder structure. manage.py -scripts/ --__init__.py --tests.py --deploy.py I am currently doing, the following: manage.py from scripts import * script/init....

I like the title
Right now I could use some React and JSX
Did you guys use a framework for sopython.com?
Yeah. It's called Davidism.
he's an &quotweb developer&quot
Although it's less of a framework and more of a one-man webapp army
(Apologies for webapp)
May 1 '15 at 12:31, by Ffisegydd
@Bhargav Bootstrap.
(For CSS) :D
It's rumored that the source code is linked on the page.
ok ok, found the GH repo

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