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9:00 PM
You can find the implementation for CPython here: hg.python.org/cpython/file/edf669b13482/Modules/arraymodule.c
O(1) fast.
or setting or retrieval?
Yeah, it's O(1), but it's a much faster O(1) than, say, dict lookup.
Dict lookup isn't O(1)
Er, is it?
Oh yes it is :)
9:01 PM
hashes yo
So is list lookup, for that matter.
Everything's O(1) today!
Act now!
Cabbage, fellow hat-wearer.
9:03 PM
Nobody likes football anymore... :(
Aye, tis my only one.
@iCodez My questions aren't getting the love
@iCodez: the problem is that nobody likes my answers enough. ;-(
But you have a hat!
9:06 PM
I really thought this would get me a +7
I wouldn't have my hat if someone would like my answer.
I got +5 for spotting an indentation error. There's not much consistency to voting..
I got +5 for changing =+ to +=. Weird.
People upvote because your answer is correct. More people can say that for easier answers.
Ironically, that =+ question got shot down (as it should for a typo) but a Java question that did the same thing got a +26.
9:08 PM
True. That's the issue with a 2 hour matplotlib epic. Not many people understand/care.
Java people are more easily impressed by someone being able to achieve something.
@Fizzy: I got +84 for numpoints=1.
does anyone here has any experience with pygit2?
I sometimes wish we could redistribute the votes we get, so that my best answers would have the most votes.
Yeah. My top answer is a str.translate answer for Caesar cyphering.
9:12 PM
is prepared to downvote some answers and upvote others for, say, a 20% commission.
@Zero you're a true friend.
Hey, I've got overheads.
> They're turning kids into slaves
Just to make cheaper sneakers
But what's the real cost?
'Cause the sneakers don't seem that much cheaper

Why are we still paying so much for sneakers?
When you got them made by little slave kids
What are your overheads?
The song plays in my head whenever anyone says "overhead". Can cause a problem at meetings.
All my vote monkeys valued associates are unionised, with 401Ks and other acronyms I don't actually know the definition of.
Do you know the wizardry of the triple dash triple hyphen?
9:18 PM
I do now :-)
How do you do a block quote in here?
> like this.
> see?
But if I wanted to have the "Zero Piraeus said at TI:ME"
18 secs ago, by tristan
But if I wanted to have the "Zero Piraeus said at TI:ME"
One box their permalink
9:21 PM
Just paste the permalink.
Oh neat, thanks
Took me a second to realize Fizzy was using "One box" as a verb.
yesterday, by Martijn Pieters
18 mins ago, by Persijn
18 mins ago, by matsjoyce
20 secs ago, by Kevin
14 secs ago, by Ffisegydd
20 secs ago, by davidism
> Just profile it.
9:50 PM
Weee! I got an accept on an answer I thought was wrong :D.
Hooray! Now I have to go watch five armies battle.
Rhubarb for all!
rbrb dude
I liked it, enjoy :D
I hated it, but I hope you enjoy it if you can.
Hey, aside from Bloom getting guaranteed in his contract to being the biggest ninja it wasn't bad!
9:58 PM
I'm afraid to go see it based on the downhill trend of the first two.
Visiting family for Christmas means that there will be people who are willing and able to babysit so that the wife and I can go see a movie for once. But the one I actually want to see (Interstellar) isn't playing where we are going.
Shame, Interstellar is incredible.
So our choices are two third installments of increasingly disappointing adaptations of good books we've both read... or Big Hero 6
I haaaated interstellar.
10:02 PM
Explaining why would require spoiling that terrible swill, so I'll hold off.
If I import a module and use a function that uses sys.exit() why don't i need to import sys again on the main program.
@lramos15 Because sys is already imported in the module's namespace, where the sys.exit() call lives
Because sys is already in the namespace of your module's function
Interstellar was great if you ignore the plot holes.
The visuals, soundtrack, and sound design, were very good, especially in IMAX
@davidism Yeah, that's how I felt about Gravity, and that's why I want to see Interstellar in the theaters
10:16 PM
Never saw Gravity, but I've heard that of the two, Interstellar was much better.
If I know ahead of time the movie's main strength is visuals, I don't want to see it at home and be disappointed
The answer is, of course, to build a private IMAX theater at home.
There's a small "pub theater" a few hundred yards from my front door that I could reserve for a private showing for a tiny fraction of that cost.
And I wouldn't have to clean up afterward.
It's not IMAX, but it's got beer, so I think it comes out ahead.
Well, I'd prefer a VR visor and awesome headphones for the fully immersive experience
I can't wait to buy a Oculus rift.
10:23 PM
I'm really looking forward to Obduction, they're supporting the Oculus Rift. A Myst-like that I can actually look around in will be awesome.
I would like to hack together a UI for the Oculus Rift that "inserts" me into my code. I can see the code being executed line by line, and monitor multiple threads as they happen in different quadrants of my visual field, etc
Yeah that would be amazing. I'd like to have multiple monitors that I could look around and when you focus on one, will become bigger.
It would be like programming the matrix and then entering it. zOMG! That should totally be a thing
Imagine being able to do that with Spore - you become the creature you build - you really could become the human centipede if you truly wished it
Oh, my. A new Cyan game? Don't tempt me, Frodo!
how about a Nyan game instead? DDR with nyancat, anyone?
10:38 PM
It could work, there's a ton of remixes: nyan.cat/gb, click "Pick a Flavor" at the bottom.
Coroutines are cool.
I can figure out which one is better os.system or subprocess
On phone so can't see or type the custom reason. Gone for unclear.
subprocess is better AFAIK.
I did too broad.
@lramos15 always use subprocess
10:47 PM
os.system could become very dangerous
subprocess also allows one to extract the output
11:27 PM
multiple inheritance hell.

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