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(provided the corners are approximately round due to rough handling)
guys, I already asked this question in the last few days, but here it go
I'm building a hosting company, I want your opinion on the name
I own:


what do you think?
None of them.
none of those are real words
def log_error(message):
    app.logger.error('%s\n\n%s' %
      (message, traceback.format_exc())

# other file
except IOError as e:
Yahoo will sue the third one
and it doesn't matter if they have a substantial case, only that they have more lawyer money than you
@Crow you might want to use the logger.exception instead
formats the exception for you there
also, "IOError" is hardly useful as a log message, as logger.exception would probably say IOError OR subclass thereof in the message anw already
@MartijnPieters Better keep it ready, it already got 4 reopen votes ;-)
anyone else use gandi? i'm seeing delays on mail forwarding
Standing by.
swings the hammer up to speed
LOL I just saw that last night
Introducing my wife to the Marvel series.
@AnttiHaapala yep I was just using an example
anyonnne good with inspect module?
@Crow: you, after reading the docs and playing around with it a bit!
Can someone please reopen this, so that we can dup-close that with this, which has got better answers?
I kinda have... just wondering, can you pass the frame to a function?
@thefourtheye done
I'm going to go with "yes, you can"
@JonClements Thanks Puppy :-)
@MartijnPieters I have beaten you to that ;-)
@thefourtheye Then why ask me to stand by when you had your own?
I was only waiting to use this:
Sigh, stupid site using a header guard..
@MartijnPieters My bad... :D I thought I cannot close a question after reopening it. Then I thought somebody else can do it. And then I realized you also reopen voted it. You told about our gold hammer, then I thought we have that power because of the gold badge... Phew
You can reopen once and you can close once.
It doesn't matter if you closed first then reopened, or the other way around.
@MartijnPieters Thanks :-) That makes it clear.
I'm failing pretty hard at basic math here
@Crow let's hear it then
Math class is tough.
math is hard, let's go shopping
... for a calculator? :p
Who needs a calculator when you've got a Python interpreter on your tablet?
which tablet is that?
I've got a lump of rock and a chisel... not sure that has a calculator app builtin though....
i've got this funny animated gif that i can't wait to use that even has a weird URL
(Yes, I did just google "dog using calculator".)
Lies my teacher told me: "you're not going to be carrying a calculator in your pocket all your life"
@Kevin technically correct though... I've left the phone indoors, or in a different pair of trousers, or even on the desk and not in a pocket...
Hah, I love that line. Yes, because I will have to do calculus while fighting bears or something.
"in a different pair of trousers" would imply pockets
Hey... don't nitpick my nitpicking! :)
'avg': self.average({val: list(iterable)
for val,iterable in groupby(v, lambda x: x.ACCOUNT)})
was just decoding your coded sarcasm ;)
@Ffisegydd I want the INVERSE of that... eg, if it was 30%, I instead want 70%
@Crow 100%-30% makes 70%
@tristan Word problem: A bear is approaching you from 90 meters away at a rate of 3 meters/second. five meters in front of you and ten meters up, there is a beehive. In your pocket is a five kilogram rock. Your only chance of survival is to throw the rock at the hive so it falls on the bear's head, incapacitating him. Calculate the time you should throw the rock, at what angle, and with how much force.
@Kevin I run at the bear barking....
oh, so i don't have a calculator, but i have perfect knowledge of distance and rate?
@tristan you also have time to calculate it and will be marked on your working out.
Of course. You are a champion distance and rate measurer.
i guess in this scenario, i use my omnipotence to speak bear-language to convince him to relax
@Kevin large pocket to hold a 5 kg rock.
@ypercube it's a small but very dense rock
To be honest I don't think he's be able to throw a 5kg rock 10m up so the point is moot (not doubting @tristan's strength here or anything :P)
Is 5 kg a lot? I only use pounds here in 'Murica.
i could throw a rock 10m up.
perhaps ypou should aim the rock towards the bear then. Much more area to hit than a hive 10 meters high.
@Kevin 5kg is the weight of 5 liter water
@WalleCyril like they use liters ...
Is a liter a lot? How much is that in nanoFootballStadiums?
It's 11lb.
My ability to throw the rock would really depend on the shape of the rock.
We do use liters for soda bottles, actually
What species of bear is it?
0.33 cl a can ?
The rock is magic and is whatever shape is most convenient for throwing. It also ignores wind resistance.
sounds like a magic bear fightin' rock to me
And errr, why am I in this position with the beehive, bear and rock anyway?
The bear is a shapeshifter and takes the form of whatever bear you fear the most. Unless it's something ridiculous like a care bear, in which case it shapeshifts into two grizzly bears.
because you forgot your calculator @JonClements.
Not having a calculator doesn't mean you don't have a transit, a theodolite, and a level at hand.
pocket calculators are literally our last line of defense against bears and bees
Why not climb the tree?
oh wait, i forgot i'm american. i'd get on my mobility scooter and aim a gun at the bear
@DSM I'm obviously calm enough to setup and calibrate the theodolite...
There is no tree in the problem. The beehive is flying under its own power.
Are we sure that a rock is going to be enough to get down a magical flying beehive?
@JonClements Poor life choices.
"i see the bear approaching and realize that i'm late to go back to my shift stocking shelves at walmart. i put out my cigarette and come back from break, avoiding the issue of the bear entirely"
So it's space bees that have incorporated anti-gravity for their hives? Are we sure they haven't got shielding that'll deflect the rock?
@Ffisegydd Yes, although the beehive is advanced as far as bees go, they haven't perfected rock-repelling force shields yet.
@Kevin I suppose the plan is also to move away afterwards, being 5 meters away from a bear charging you with angry bees on it's head is not a good place to be.
Jon's a step ahead of me! :-)
@Kevin I'd rather not be... you might satiate the bear's appetite while I back away from this rather poorly thought through plan :)
from antibear import rock

bear = Bear(state='charging')
It's a fine plan as long as you have your calculator with you!
@JonClements They're obviously cyberbees, and if you've got a throwable 5kg rock it's probably made of gold.
In that case - the bee's are now more of a concern than using a lump of gold to attempt to disrupt the operation of their vessel is going not going to end well... the bear could be less dangerous
I'd use my magical rock to dig down into the ground and then cover above me with dirt á la Minecraft.
Escaping from the bees is in the next question. It's a graph problem.
multiply the bees by -1, you just bought yourself twice the distance
You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. To your left you hear buzzing. Your lamp is going out.
90 meteres at 3 meters a second is only 30 seconds. assuming you would have to have a few seconds to aim and a buffer for the last 5 meters... you have 20 seconds to do your calculation. Of that, you need to pull the calculator out of your pocket.. assuming this takes no more than 4 seconds you have now 16 seconds to calculate all this. assuming you don't need to search any calculations/algorithms on your phone (you really have no time for that). Each button press is .5 seconds.....
Simply... the time it takes to enter the numbers is too long :P
So, we're all agreed... while @Kevin is standing there doing the calculations, we'll head away from the bear?
godspeed @Kevin, we won't forget your sacrifice
@JonClements Who will record and upload it in youtube?
Why not just throw the rock at the hive instantly, knocking it to the ground. Everyone knows bears love honey.
A man beating a bear in a close-fight
The bear will stop chasing you, it probably just thought you were going to steal it's honey in the first place.
How tall are we? The rock is in our pocket.
(Weird to use the plural there, but whatever.)
@InbarRose, that's worth 2/3rds credit.
@DSM yeah, talk about hivemind
66 is a passing grade!
And we didn't get eaten by a bear.... I can live with that
But if the hive got stuck on the bear's head, you'd get way more Youtube hits.
(for all)3671
The average bear can eat at a rate of 0.1kg/s for the average Kevin. Given Kevin's mass in your formula booklet, calculate how fast you'd have to run to put yourself safely out of the bear's reach when he has finished.
@Kevin Erm... how large is this hive? The average hive is not so large as to be able to encase a bears head.
The loss of potential t-shirt sales, capitalizing on the video's viral success, is substantial, so it's in your best interest to aim for full credit
Also.. It would need to fall with enough force to not simply hit the top of the head and roll off.
It would need to be very high up to pick up enough kinetic potential.
I once had a wasp infestation whose nest was the size of a fridge.
nice to see you around here @InbarRose it has been a while :)
Work Work Work
And storium.com took all my work free time.
It's good to see you've had the time to brush up on bear evasion techniques though
that's actually good news, isn't that?
Way too much.
I avoid bears everyday.
I haven't had a bear mauling incident in years. This is testament to my wonderful technique.
@InbarRose are you the founder?
I don't walk around places where bears are with rocks.
Lisa, I want to buy your rock
@PeterVaro No, but I backed it, so now I have access!
(playing in 4 games, and narrating 3)
So, why didn't we just pack a gun instead of a rock and distance/angle measuring equipment?
seems pretty interesting
that's a very unbritish question @JonClements
or should i say...impostor jon
Well, not really - I'd make sure I had a pot of tea available
@JonClements and a nice cup 'o tea for the end of the hunt?
@JonClements You only have a +1 to small firearms proficiency, and bears have a high natural armor rating.
question: does the bear like tea
@JonClements There's no way a pocketable handgun is heavy enough to dislodge a beehive.
everybody roll for initiative...
(I don't know if you've seen the latest family guy episode)
@PeterVaro no spoilers!
In [1]: import random;random.choice(range(1,21))
Out[1]: 19
That's good right?
@tristan Who doesn't like tea?
all righty, I keep my mouth shut
@Ffisegydd It's not PEP8.
It's possible they may prefer marmalade sandwiches...
@InbarRose That's just how I roll.
And if you want a random number you can do randint()
But err, I don't think it was mentioned the bear had a suitcase and a dufflecoat
The RPG Chat Room has a dice rolling service. you just do like "1d20" and it rolls for you.
Well, if you're using Python 3, it won't materialize the range, so there's not much overhead.
@DSM what? of course there is.
I was more referring to a roll of 19 rather than the Python code :P
@InbarRose awesome - do they often do role playing regarding avoiding bears?
@InbarRose: ?
Anyway - I gotta go.
@Inbar rbrb :)
@Terfin you're lucky - you just missed being eaten by a bear
And that's why arriving fashionably late is always the best approach.
Already wasted my vote on 'Unclear'.
but it is a dupe.
@DSM as long as it's not to a buffet or something... then fashionably late == hungry
@JonClements: given the choice between me being uneaten and the food being uneaten, I'll take the former every time.
@JonClements @DSM I think my fiancee won't appreciate that very much. She would kill me if I got eaten by a bear.
@DSM So... last in for the meeting the bear, first in to the bar afterwards?
Now, it's somewhat easy to get those two confused "bear" and "bar"...
Maybe still fourth or fifth, just in case. Bears can get thirsty.
So you're implying it will be in the bar ahead of us: possibly moaning to the staff that they won't believe the day it's having... someone dropped a bee hive on it's head... it's wife has just left him... it couldn't get any worse....
@JonClements Kevin was salty
"and I forgot to go to the cash machine ... can you change a 5kg lump of gold?"
@JonClements Sounds interesting, it reminds me a vid about D&D players who go on a great adventure. During the adventure they happen to get to an inn, where one of the adventurers backstabs a barbarian with a ballista. Don't ask me how is that possible, he got 20 on the d20.
Reminds me of a character an acquaintance of mine used to play. The Chaotic Stupid "Killf*ck Soulshredder"
The very first session: "you all enter the inn. The barkeeper is standing at the end of the room in front of the cozy fireplace." "I PUSH HIM INTO THE FIRE!!!" "why?" "BECAUSE I AM KILLF*CK SOULSHREDDER!!!"
He sure would be useful to have around when you're fighting a bear, though...
I finally read back the log :P
sorry if I'm too late for this ^
Did I mention the bear-rock-hive encounter takes place on the moon, so a 5 kg rock would be a more reasonable 0.8 kg?
@Peter well... there's less of Kevin then there use to be... so hope you feel guilty about that :)
@Kevin that would explain the cyberbees and lack of a tree! :)
How did the bear get there though?
In fact - how did we get there?
I see the the titles of the new horror movies after the zombies: space bears
@JonClements "how did we get there?" we didn't have our pocket calculator
stop asking silly questions
That's it.... I'm going to sew a calculator into all my pockets... It's just too dangerous otherwise...
@JonClements : @Kevin did not mention if that bear is actually a water bear:
which can live in the space ofc
sure, if you call that living. </zoidberg>
I miss Futurama very much..
@Kevin I think you'll find that a 5kg rock on the moon is 5kg ...
Pardon my imprecise language. It has a mass of 5 kg, but it weighs 0.8.
This moon's made of a strange type of cheese that affects space-time in weird ways relating to rocks
@Kevin and what if...
will it hear the sound of the rock?
Well, we did establish that the bear can shapeshift, so the above picture is certainly possible.
It dosen't look too happy now that it's seen the beehive, does it?
Oh... is that what it's looking upwards towards?
Does kind of look like it's just going to swallow it though...
That picture is from yesterday. He's looking at the moon, thinking "How am I going to get up there so I can eat the members of the Python room?"
"You dumb moon!" he shouts
Have we considered that maybe the bear just wants to borrow our pocket calculator?
He can't - we haven't got any
If you want to investigate the motives of the bear, that's in Bear Philosophy, next door. This is Bear Calculus.
one can find amazing stuffs searching for bears...
Still can't find a way to work this into the conversation, but damn this is one cute bear:
Maybe that bear's like the rabbit in the Holy Grail.... that's the most vicious angry bear ever!
Aargh. I hate system configuration glitches; they quickly eat up time and the end result is modest improvement at best.
wow.. bears can be super scary.. keyword="vicious bear"
anyway, best one of the best soundtrack for today's work/rest:
I'm six minutes in and it's very interesting.
don't tell me @Kevin you haven't played the game while you were a kid...
probably the most innovative PC games back at the time
No, although I've heard of it
It's on my list right behind Grim Fandango
Little Big Adventure?
I loved Grim Fandango :)
Also liked Day of the tentacle and Sam and Max before that :)
@PeterVaro I don't know either of those
LBA was good... I don't remember toonstruct
Toonstruct was with Cristopher Lloyd
(Back to The Future's professor)
I've watched a Let's Play of Day of the Tentacle, and I played some of the more modern Sam & Max es with my college roommate
Do you remember Simon The Sorceror?
I don't.. (if you addressed that question to me)
Sam and Max had excellent writing, although I was frustrated by the puzzles. My point and click adventure prowess is weak.
Me and the roommate took turns being the GameFaqs guy, so only one of us would get spoiled at a time
A reasonable approach to it
Benenath a Steel Sky... I enjoyed that one
Toonstruck ^
My early game collection included Duke Nukem (the side scrolling platformer), Myst, gorillas.bas, and King's Quest (which I was terrible at)
back then there were amazing ideas -- since that was the only one matter, the graphics and performance were terrible
I never was a real gamer, or anything, I always loved to work on my computer
Myst's engine is effectively a powerpoint presentation
hehehe.. I remember I created RPG games with PowerPoint..
for my brother.. but I never finished those
I created RPGs with RPG maker. They were all terrible.
I think I heard of RPG maker
It was pretty limited at the time. It's apparently a respectable piece of software these days, though.
One of my favourite games
My fav was this hungarian sweety, called Terep 2 (Terrain)
Sound effects are awesome
and guess what, the whole terrain was loaded from a bump map bmp
I'm impressed by the non-rigid character model
so you could draw your own roads, even you could draw the textures of the cars
@Kevin you could actually smashed the cars
Sounds a bit like Car N Driver
stereo sound, particle effects, level customization... I'd be proud if I made a game of that quality :-)
requirements for Terep 2:
    486DX 4/100
    2 MB RAM
    VGA card
    400kb free space
    MS-DOS 5.00
Ooo... a DX4 hey.... :)
Problem with some games is, sometimes it checks for minimal requirements in a bad way.
Like not being able to install them on disks larger than 2gb as there's not enough space for the 3/4 mb they need etc... :)
"This game requires 1024 bytes of memory to run. Your machine only has %INTEGER OVERFLOW% bytes"
"This game requires Windows 98 to run, but you only have Windows 7"
Some websites do that, too. if (useragent.startswith("Firefox 1")){alert("please upgrade to Firefox 2");}
promptly breaking when Firefox reached version 10
String containment bugs. I thought they were only for beginning Python programmers experimenting with in..
Does anyone play hearstone ?
Not me
Starcraft ?
Magic ?
No, and yes, respectively
Last weekend I totally gutted my Zedruu deck, replacing roughly 90% of its nonland cards. Previously, it was something of a turbofog/prison build, but being immune to combat is increasingly less useful as the meta moves towards combo.
So in response, I'm trying a two-pronged strategy: 1. Globally affecting "hoser" cards like Blood Moon and Rest In Peace, which can be donated without changing their potency; and 2. cheap but powerful one-to-one removal.
Normally I would never play this amount of one-shot effects in the Commander format, but with Zedruu I can afford it as long as my general stays alive and I'm drawing 3+ cards a turn.
The reason I'm talking about it here is because I want to keep it a secret from my friends, so I have no one else to tell :-(
B... bu.... but cries
in logging, is there an easy way to log traceback every time?
@JonClements Er, not to say you guys aren't my friends ;;>_>
I mean my meatspace friends
@Crow Didn't Antti mention something about nicely logging exceptions?
As a last resort, you can catch all uncaught exceptions by wrapping main in a try-catch-log-reraise block
You play commander format ? With 100+ cards and 3+ players ?
I always played 1v1
I was really strong at Magic
@Kevin okay... I think I can forgive you - when I stop crying and all that :)
I guess you have to play defensiv in 3+ players ? How does it play out ?
3+ is a much less rational format, since people can take it personally if you choose to attack them instead of your other opponent.
So sometimes you have to go after the less threatening player in order to preserve the friendship :-D
Hmm ...
A: Accents in Python

Zero PiraeusThe declared encoding of your plugin is irrelevant to the problem you're having: the only purpose of the declaration is to tell the Python interpreter the encoding of the program itself, and your program contains no character outside the ASCII range, so is impossible to misinterpret. If the prob...

Or - hope the other opps are too busy p*ssing each other off so you can just sit back...
That will be Zedruu's main weakness, I think, because playing highly targeted hoser cards will make enemies real fast.
@PeterVaro This is brilliant.
umm @JonClements have you played these card games too?
Technically triplee is right of course; had that in mind as I wrote the answer ... but a comment would really have been constraining.
In my city there is no place to play Magic snif
Play is definitely much more defensive even not taking this into account. Even if opponent A is completely defenseless, you don't want to attack them with all your strength, because then you're defenseless to opponent B.
@MartijnPieters :):) actually I'm surprised you are the one who appreciates it :):)
@Peter not as much as Kevin :)
This may explain the migration towards combo; you can quietly set up your win condition without making anyone mad
Then you go "fireball you all for a million" and no one feels singled out
really..? hmm..
I only bought a pack of cards, and then that's all.. I never even played it once..
@JonClements Yes, my primary strength in multiplayer is that my friends are annoyed by each other much more than they're annoyed by me XD
(I just loved the detailed illustrations, and the overall mood of the cards)
Magic has whole departments working on art and mood and theme and all that :-)
They're good. There's been maybe one typo on a card in the last decade.
Much attention to detail there.
@PeterVaro Why's that? I have a very eclectic music taste.
This is right up my street.
yeah, but I always think about you as a really serious man
I don't know why, btw, don't ask
Are we talking about the same ninja? :-)
In commander combo for infinite mana are allowed ?
^ probably the black uniform makes it :)
@WalleCyril Yeah.
What are the cards you need for that ?
There are many many many, but one of my favorites is Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek + Krark-Clan Ironworks
Hello All
Giving you infinite mana, health, and attack power
cbg @abhi
If I substitute a variable in place of a constant, I get an error.
I am slicing a string.
"hardcodedstring"[0:5) works
but "hardcodedstring"[0:x] does not work.
where x is an integer
with a value of 5.
Most unusual. (I'm assuming that round bracket is supposed to be square in the first example)
@PeterVaro Clearly, I need to bring my funny side along more often. :-P
Works on my machine:
yes. that's correct
>>> x = 5
>>> "hardcodedstring"[0:5]
>>> "hardcodedstring"[0:x]
funnily enough it is working in my python shell as well.
but not in my code file.
Are you certain x is an integer? Maybe it's some other type that merely looks like an integer when you print it.
printing type(x) would verify
Ok. I will check for priNting the type
length = sys.argv[1]
Hmm, the contents of argv is all strings, isn't it?
ok. got it.
sys.argv needs to be converted.
the type is a string.
@Kevin So you can play with old cards in Commander and do strong combos
Now for the actual hardcoding removal.
@WalleCyril Certainly. One of my friends plays with powerhouses like Gaea's Cradle, Survival of the Fittest, and Force of Will, all in the same deck.
how deep can you search cards
can you include black lotus ?
No, not black lotus. There's a short ban list that includes most of the Power Nine, among other things
mtgcommander.net maintains this list, IIRC
You can search as deep as you want (provided your opponent doesn't have an Aven Mindcensor out ;-) )
I don't like Commander then, because unless I gather good cards for 15 years and buy a lot , I can t win against a solid commander deck
Yeah, that's a common complaint
I only played with the Theme(last edition + extension) format and modern format(last 9 edition)
kitchen table groups will attempt to self-police using only social pressure. "You're playing Emrakul the Aeons Torn? really, dude?"
Or whatever. Bad example, since Emrakul is banned anyway.
@PeterVaro, I finished the soundtrack. Nice listen. Thanks for sharing :-)
I'm glad you liked it :)
I always dreamed making a card game where the best possible deck is only 20 % stronger of a basic deck, with no broken combos, no rare cards that must get in your deck, and card making with the idea in mind to focus on nice gameplay

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