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Morning folks
Wanna ask something here
I just read the lambda closures problem, and feeling like i'm getting the hang of it. Except for the cause...
Can someone explain this?
>>> def f(x): return x**4

>>> id(f)
>>> def f(x): return x**5

>>> id(f)
>>> def f(x): return x**6

>>> id(f)
>>> def f(x): return x**8

>>> id(f)
What's with the sequence?
So what you're talking about isn't exactly lambda closures; the code you've pasted is just describing a function expressed on one line that takes a number and is returning the result of putting the specified number to the power of 4, 5, 6, or 8
the ** as an operator is for "power of" in Python
@MikeRixWolfe No, hahaha. That's not what i meant. Look at the object ids
>>> id(lambda x: x**2)
>>> id(lambda x: x**2)
>>> id(lambda x: x**2)
>>> id(lambda x: x**3)
>>> id(lambda x: x**4)
In a same case with lambda, here it is:
I need your opinion. I have two logos for an enterprise. The mascot is a porcupine. Which one do you prefer and which do you think that looks like a porcupine? oi62.tinypic.com/17a2pi.jpg
The one on the right in both cases
the critter on the left looks like the enemies from mario world
4 hours later…
is there a way to add exceptions to Nan in python? Just as we do for None like:
if string is None:
   return something else
@EricCartman if number is np.nan:...?
You'd have to check that np.nan is a Singleton like object that works with is though
will it work for strings too? or Nan is just a replacement for "None" when it comes to numbers?
NaN is Not A Number and is generally used as the replacement for strings.
You could set your strings to np.nan if you wanted
I think if you're using pandas they're both effectively the same
if i have this dictionary
{nan: 'hsr sector 1', 'fortis hospital': 'cunningham road', 'pavitra paradise': 'kaggadasa pura', 'nagarjuna premier': 'jp nagar 6th phase', 'house natraja': 'basavangudi', 'abhimani vasathi hotel': 'rajaji nagar 6th block', 'kundalahalli': 'kundalahalli', 'bus stop': 'kogilu cross'}
So if you used the isnull method for example you would hit both nans and Nones
and want to remove the nan key
I can't help at the moment sorry, about to head off for work. But I'll be back on in 45 minutes or so if you haven't worked it out
ohk . thanks
{k:v for k in d if k is not nan} try that
google t the rescue :D
thanks . catch u later
cabbage kids
Problem with BeautifulSoup: everyone's an expert suddenly.
Yup, but its not very hard to use tbh.
Yeah, but who upvoted stackoverflow.com/a/23731749 then.
Hmm, I see your point.
@Eric did you work it out in the end?
@Ffisegydd dict.pop("key",None) is a better option
which removes the key you want.
and "nan" isn't a string so something like dict.pop("nan",None) doesn't seem to work .
No that wouldn't work.
Hmm ok. I thought you wanted something different but if you've worked it out all the same then cool :D
whose profile is that?
Dunno, but his post looks amazing
collaborative IPython notebooks
looks like i'll have to throw away opera browser
this also deserves a look
Cbg All
still cant figure out how to remove nan :|
@Eric What does your dictionary look like?
{nan: 'hsr sector 1', 'fortis hospital': 'cunningham road', 'pavitra paradise': 'kaggadasa pura', 'nagarjuna premier': 'jp nagar 6th phase', 'house natraja': 'basavangudi', 'abhimani vasathi hotel': 'rajaji nagar 6th block', 'kundalahalli': 'kundalahalli', 'bus stop': 'kogilu cross'}
this nan here isn't a string
So nan is one of the keys?
it is an empty space getting mapped to a value
And you simply want a dictionary that doesn't include any of these nan?
i tried pop
yours dint work too
dint work
Mine didn't work because I assumed nan was a value, not a key
d2 = {k:d[k] for k in d if k is not nan}
NameError: global name 'nan' is not defined
Have you imported nan from numpy?
from numpy import nan

d = {nan: 'hsr sector 1', 'fortis hospital': 'cunningham road', 'pavitra paradise': 'kaggadasa pura',
     'nagarjuna premier': 'jp nagar 6th phase', 'house natraja': 'basavangudi',
    'abhimani vasathi hotel': 'rajaji nagar 6th block', 'kundalahalli': 'kundalahalli', 'bus stop': 'kogilu cross'}

d2 = {k:d[k] for k in d if k is not nan}
Or use np.nan
yeah , worked
Whichever is more convenient for you.
could i use pop too?
You could if you wanted to, my solution is neater though.
Actually no you could use pop and that would stop you from making a new dictionary in memory
cbg again
yes but i could create a copy before modifying it
Hmm @Eric I'm not sure you should use my code actually as I'm not sure of the behaviour of nan
I'm not sure whether you can use is nan to check identity in the same way you can use is None
I'm not sure if nan is always guaranteed to be the same object
float("nan") is not always the same object, not sure how numpy.nan behaves.
@Eric one thing to consider is that if you are using nan as a key then you can only ever have one nan in your dictionary
(as a key)
In [17]: d3 = {nan:2, nan:3}

In [18]: d3
Out[18]: {nan: 3}
the blank observations are being used as keys
and i dont need them at all
Ok, just so you were aware in case it mattered
yeah , that could have cause problems hence wanted to remove all nan's
and these small case nan's have something evil to them :(
which i wasn't able to figure out :(
It may be better if you can just never add them to the dictionary in the first place.
Rather than adding them and then having to remove them
that brings in pandas
dict1 = {k:list(f1.ix[k].index) for k in f1.index.levels[0]}
so there'll be a condition "if not nan"
Hello all.
Hello @ypercube
Anyone familiar with the random module?
hi @ypercube
I am, though please just ask your question and if someone can help, they will.
@ypercube Many of us are, but you'll just need to post your question and see if anyone can answer that.
I want to write my own random class. I ended up with a very simple thing, only overriding the getrandbits() and having the random() as:
def random(self):
    x = self.getrandbits(53)
    return x * (2**-53)
I wonder if I'm doing anything wrong.
If needed, I can ask at the site of course.
@ypercube why
certainly the real python random
is guaranteed to perform numerically correctly, unlike yours
@ypercube if you want to do it right, look into random.SystemRandom
your code is not right
python 3.4:
class SystemRandom(Random):
    """Alternate random number generator using sources provided
    by the operating system (such as /dev/urandom on Unix or
    CryptGenRandom on Windows).

     Not available on all systems (see os.urandom() for details).

    def random(self):
        """Get the next random number in the range [0.0, 1.0)."""
        return (int.from_bytes(_urandom(7), 'big') >> 3) * RECIP_BPF

    def getrandbits(self, k):
        """getrandbits(k) -> x.  Generates an int with k random bits."""
BPF = 53 # Number of bits in a float
but yes, it seems to use the same here too
just coz you have 112k rep, doesn't mean you sometimes miss a typo.
Q: If A is false, and B is false, how can "A or B" be true?

AndomarIn this Python 2.6 script, I'm writing blocks to a binary file and then verifying them. The verification works in separate if statements, but not if I combine the tests in one if statement: with open("blocktest.bin", "wb") as f: for i in range(0,1024): f.write(b'\x0D\x0E\x0A\x0D\x0B...

@AnttiHaapala That's what I was looking (at 2.7, not 3.4 but I think they are the same)
and its gone.
@ypercube so I believe you did make it right after all :P
though I would constant fold that 2**-53 ;)
just to be sure...
ah no need
works on py 2.7
I need to find a good excuse why I did not return the 8 calls of my client in the last 4 days
dis.dis(lambda: a * 2 ** -53)
1 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (a)
3 LOAD_CONST 3 (1.1102230246251565e-16)
btw cbg
@PeterVaro you've been busy in python chat
that's the one, thanks :)
3671 btw
I know, this is kind of a jerk thing to do -- but I just really wasn't in the mood to negotiate with them..
@AnttiHaapala Thank you.
Cabbage, tomatoes!
I just receipt a job offer from bloomberg, where the recruiter is telling me (sic) "It was really interesting to read your thoughts adding widgets inside others. ."
that's true there's a whole philosophy in the recursive addition of widgets, and that begun with Socrate and Platon ;-)
@AnttiHaapala We are going to use SystemRandom probably, as it is. But I needed a "failover" class in case we did not pass the regulation requirements for the RNG.
This user appears to be copying random bits of code to try and make something work.
Their i() function for example contains struct and file I/O copied from another question without any clue what role those lines played in the other post.
I voted to close it as unclear.
from the "intro to python homework" or "interview question" category: stackoverflow.com/questions/23734501/…
@ypercube regulation requirements for the RNG
yesterday I watched a video on libressl, "if you cannot trust the operating system to give good entropy, then you cannot trust anything"
ofc it uses urandom which can have a bad implementation
of prng
Random downvotes without comments make me sad.
case in point: somewhat vague question asked several months ago. I tried to address the different interpretations in my answer. The OP hit and ran; no accepts, no feedback.
Code in answer is tested. Yet received an unexplained downvote just now.
always slightly harder to shrug that of.
@MartijnPieters Sorry, I didnt read the last part of your answer... :( My bad.
Shall we clean the comments?
it's an unupvote. Ah!
Still random.
@thefourtheye: sure!
Hmm, this existing question is very close to my proposed CW question. It only mentions closures off hand in the comments, though. I wonder if it would be inappropriate to edit in a little "introduction to lambdas"?
I need a guide on edit etiquette. Editquette.
> Common reasons for edits include: ... To include additional information only found in comments, so all of the information relevant to the post is contained in one place
I guess that's the clearest "go ahead" signal I could ask for
you guys ready for another exciting day of porgamming?
What are the words you should put at the end of an English letter to a stranger to be polite/correct/amical ?
@WalleCyril "with love, <3 <3 <3"
Do you mean, "what words specifically should I put?" or "What is the name of the kind of words that go at the end of a letter?"
Surprised that post isn't getting more close votes, frankly.
Did I miss something that makes that question worthy or remaining open?
I'm trying to puzzle out what that question is even asking, @MartijnPieters. Is Ohloh a website of some kind?
It would have been nice if the OP linked the page he's talking about
@WalleCyril see english.stackexchange.com/questions/13586/… it may possibly help you
so yes, it's a 3rd party website that isn't behaving the OP was expecting it to behave.
Some projects have a policy of "just ask on StackOverflow if you need support". I wonder if this is one of them.
Never seen Ohloh questions before.
They have their own forums.
Well, voted in any case
I'd be very surprised if Ohloh would ever point to SO for support issues.
already four coffees in this morning :|
vBx has approved 160 edit suggestions and rejected 0 edit suggestions hemmm...
Is Regards ok ?
The only way this question could be answerable, is if the aggregate whatever is calculated unobfuscated and client-side. Then you could hypothetically explain the algorithm to the OP.
@WalleCyril, yeah
Warm, toasty, butter-covered regards
@Walle yeah probably.
The only thing to watch out for, is the prank where "regards" is autocorrected to "retards". Only really applicable if you have immature friends with physical access to your device :-)
does anyone know why flask's stream_with_context raises a runtime error?
Smartass literal answer: yes, someone knows why. (that someone is not me)
@JonClements Is that you?
vBx has approved 160 edit suggestions and rejected 0 edit suggestions I see why you bothered to look at his history :P
Perhaps he only ever approves or chooses "Skip". Do skips show up in the activity tab?
In which case it's not malicious, merely weird
What the heck is cimport
I dunno
but certainly it's been shown that that guy just sees the approve button
that 1 edit is so obvious vandalism, adds 4 exclamation points to the title :?
or is it the op with new account
ah no
OP typoed that too however.
is there any way in linux to see where a process was run from?
@Crow please elaborate
there is 10 different things I can think of that answer the question "run from"
I am now almost free
my second semester is ending
This week I only have 12 hour of lectures
@Kevin It's from the cython project‌​.
Hmm, doesn't make much sense in the context of that Java question, though
@Kevin if you look in the edit history, that is the original wording there...
@AnttiHaapala The suggestion was probably made during the 6-minute grace period but approved later, after other edits had been made.
and thus the regression on the title
@AnttiHaapala like I do ps -ax | grep cherrypy. I see two results; my grep and something that looks like cherryd -c cherrypy.conf -p cherrypy.pid -i run >> cherry.log &... but how do I see where that lives?
it could be in one of three locations
Ah, no.
I guess that whomever hit 'improve' on that edit forgot to uncheck the 'helpful' box.
@ypercube No, the edit was 'improved', which is an accept plus new edit.
But the improver really should have unchecked the 'helpful edit' checkbox so it'd have been declined.
@MartijnPieters I agree - I was talking about the "Final project!!" on the title of that suggestion.
Ah, yes, that was from the suggested edit author having an earlier revision open still, submitted after another edit.
okay so here's something weird... I followed the documentation but still getting an error they said should be handled. gist.github.com/DarkCrowz/898084ddc23c90a8db6d
Hovercraft Full Of Eels cleaned that up, then the suggested edit reverted that again. Makes the suggested editor look silly, I agree.
@Crow I think you are calling stream_template outside the context still.
not certain, checking.
I love when you google your problem and the first SO post is exactly what you need. My day is made :-)
YOU get an upvote! And YOU get an upvote! everybody on that page is getting an upvoooooote
I love it when I google my problem and the first SO post is exactly what I was asking, but I'm the first and accepted answer.
"Oh yeah, thanks...me!"
That situation's evil twin is: you google your problem and find a post with the exact same problem! The poster is you from a year ago, and nobody responded since then.
You have a problem. You Google it and find your post from last year, which received no replies. Now you have two problems. (the original one, plus deep existential despair)
@MartijnPieters not entirely sure what you mean. I am using a template which inherits, though
I've never asked a question on SO that received a valid answer
I'm about 50/50. It's always the dumb/typo questions that get acceptable answers, unfortunately.
I've had good experiences with SO answers
if there is a god and a hell, i hope that god is a mid-tier SO user that acknowledges my selflessness
My abstract high level design questions never get satisfactory answers.
i usually find it less time-expensive to just hill-crawl on my own
@Crow sorry, other things took priority.
Lunch now
bbl, rbrb
Perhaps because anyone with a tutorial can tell you what lambda does, but you can only explain how to arrange files for your Facebook clone, if you've already written a Facebook clone and learned the painful lessons.
yeah. i mostly use SO because of this room and to practice my FGITW skills
I need a wizened mentor figure to tell me stories of his multi-year million dollar projects
Damn you, CSS. Move over, "PC LOAD LETTER"; "failed to load the given url" is the hot new mysterious error message.
@Kevin I need a mentor like that too. I have one that everyone in here would know by name, but I don't want to ask him questions and burn out his offer to help me by asking stupid things.
@Kevin adblock or ghostery blocking your image?
I do have adblock, but I don't think that's the cause. The div with background-image:url("images/my_image.gif") doesn't render, but the img with src="images/my_image.gif" does.
If adblock was to blame, I would expect both images to be blocked.
one super easy way to find out
Disable adblock? Yes, I'd better try that
oh, take out the quotes
from background-image
ok, adblock disabled, quotes removed. No change. I wonder if background-image has different path-searching behavior than src? Maybe it can't find the images directory.
the syntax is different
hard refresh in case the css is cached
It works if I supply the absolute path, url(http://localhost/my_project/images/my_image.gif), but I doubt that will still be valid once the project is deployed.
is the css in a different place than where you're calling it from the html tag?
Yeah. The page is at http://localhost/my_project/details.aspx. The css is at http://localhost/my_project/CSS/panel.css
e.g. image is '/static/img/hello.jpg'; /static/my_page.html will have <img src="./img/hello.jpg">; for css in /static/css/main.css, image would be background-image:url(../img/hello.jpg);
Hey, the "../" fixed it! Thanks for your help :-)
And image is where? localhost/my_project/images/my_image.gif? If so, you have to go back a directory in your css background-image:url(../images/my_image.gif)
No problem @Kevin
I probably would have figured it out... In an hour or two >_>
Ha, it's what happens when you stare at a simple problem for too long
What is pip an acronym for? python install package?
pip install packages?
It might be a self-referential acronym, yeah. I don't quite recall
pip installs packages IIRC
Maybe it's not an acronym, but rather a reference to Charles Dickens
Because I have Great Expectations when I download a Python module B-)
From guide.python-distribute.org/glossary.html - '... the python installation tool pip is an acronym for “pip installs packages” ...'.
I still believe it's because it was authored by a hobbit.
is it common to log errors in json or xml?
awesome, thanks @ZeroPiraeus, i skimmed over that when looking
@Crow i log errors in json sometimes
They should have named it zip for "zip installs packages", just to make things as unnecessarily confusing as possible
Package Handling Program
or PHP
Or something more exotic. qip. ©ip. λip.
ia! ia!
:| quit it.
Ok, I'm done :-)
I wonder why Firefox doesn't do spell check on the Title field for SO questions.
is there a tag that says "spellcheck=false" ?
No. Maybe it only works on textarea and not input type="text"
textarea has spellcheck on by default, input has it off. You can indeed add spellcheck="true" etc.
it's an input though
back, cbg.
hey @MartijnPieters
But yeah, otherwise what @ZeroPiraeus said.
Cabbage, all.
For reasons I haven't figured out yet, sometimes Firefox doesn't show me the right side bar. Don't know if it's some plugin (although I turned off the obvious ones which might affect it) or if I'm being served a different page for some reason. (It thinks I'm mobile or something?)
anyone good with web sockets, by chance?
Ah ha. I was looking for an article I had read previously, denouncing the "now you have two problems" saying as useless. found it. "There is more wisdom in the barking of dogs" sounds about right.
@Crow Smartass answer: yes, many people are good with web sockets. (I am not any of those people)
Alternative smartass answer: I can get good at them if you pay me?
I've never had a disappearing side bar. Maybe your browser is giving a weird/mobile user agent?
I'm just wondering if they can be used to make a connection with a database to make persistently updating real-time data... that definitely seems like it's possible, right?
you want a web socket directly to a database?
Sounds possible to me, yes. (disclaimer: I have about a week's worth of experience with web sockets)
Like a socket that runs some function async and does operation() to read data?
I want to basically update any time the database updates
update a user's view?
eg, if a change in the database is found, do something like csv.writerow(data_you_just_got)
What's the trigger to check for changes in the database?
User action, just hammering it with polls?
therein lies the problem
s/problem/design decision/
I don't want to hit the database too much and want it to be not taxing on the db
What's too much?
How many users? Does this need to scale
the data updates... maybe every hour?
Perhaps instead of "the database should update the csv when a change is made", it should be "the program making the changes to the database should update the csv"
And if worst case, data was out of sync for 59 minutes, so what?
@Kevin he might not control the program making changes to the DB
it's perfectly valid to poll on $interval
This is just a "not enough information to solve" thing right now.
@Kevin I don't think that that is feasible... unlessss... well it'd be complicated at least
Do it!
@Crow Postgres has a NOTIFY feature, if you don't want to do polling.
@ypercube that sounds like what I want, except I'm using (sigh) oracle...
@ypercube that's amazing
i really need to read the docs
@tristan I haven't used it. I don't think it solves any problem, except maybe simplify a polling solution.
With changes once per hour, I can't see why a request to the db, once per minute for example, would not solve the issue.
Even once per second.
Oh yeah, his can totally be solved by selecting the most recent update and seeing if it's different than what his thread has in memory
oh, crow, make sure that you're not single threading that. it sounds like you're lining yourself up for a deadlock situation
@tristan single threading what?
your "listen to requests, check the database, write to csv" code
@Crow What is the need for writing to csvs in the first place?
@ypercube Iunno to be quite honest, they just tell me to
Just don't tell us that the CSV is an exact copy of the table you're modifying
@Crow Then ask for requirements. What does "real-time" mean, can it be off by a few minutes, seconds or milli-seconds, etc.
probably even so much as an hour
@Kevin pretty close to it

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